(s29) - An Optimal Mechanism of LEACH Protocol For Wireless Sensor Networks

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2009 ISECS International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management

An Optimal Mechanism of LEACH Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

Zhiming Yang Junyi Liu Xuhui Chen

School of Computer and Communication Xi’an Heavy Machinery Institute School of Computer and Communication
Lanzhou University of Technology Xi’an, China Lanzhou University of Technology
Lanzhou, China Email: ryu_2466@yahoo.com.cn Lanzhou, China
Email: try_no.1@163.com Email: xhchen@lut.cn

Abstract—Cluster-based LEACH routing protocol has the good The main idea in the proposed method is that the number
adaptability for large-scale wireless sensor network, but the of cluster-heads can be determined, due to more cluster-
existing algorithms may improve the network lifetime through heads could be leading to unnecessary data fusion, while less
adjusting the threshold, which could make the number of cluster-heads will prolong the distance between the cluster-
cluster-heads in one certain area more or less, due to ignoring heads and the ordinary sensor nodes. In next section, section
the number of cluster-heads in the process of cluster-heads II gives a brief description of LEACH, additionally present
decision. An optimal cluster-heads algorithm in this paper is the problems of LEACH and radio model for calculating
proposed to improve the network performance. The simulation
energy consumption. In section III, an optimal cluster-heads
results show that our protocol improves the performance, and
mechanism is proposed. Simulation results are presented in
thus prolong the network lifetime.
section IV, before concluding the paper in section V.
Keywords-LEACH algorithm;Wireless Sensor Networks;
Optimal cluster-heads algorithm; Network lifetime
Several cluster-based protocols have been proposed in
I. INTRODUCTION the literature, with the objective of maximizing the sensor
network lifetime. The LEACH protocol presented is a
The Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) consist of a large distributed cluster-based protocol in which the cluster heads
number of small, relatively inexpensive and low-power are selected with some probability.
sensors, which are equipped with a sensor module capable of
sensing some quantity about the environment, a digital A. Overview of LEACH
processor for processing the signal from the sensor and LEACH, which was presented by Heinzelman in 2000
performing network protocol functions, a radio module for [2],[7],[9], is a low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy for
communication, and a battery to provide energy for WSN. The operation of LEACH can be divided into rounds.
operation. So WSN represent a new paradigm for extracting Each round begins with a set-up phase when the clusters are
data from the environment, and enable the reliable organized, followed by a steady-state phase where several
monitoring of a variety of environments for applications that frames of data are transferred form the nodes to the cluster
include home security, machine failure diagnosis, head and on to the base station.
surveillance [2],[3],[5],[9]. However, when WSN in the During the set-up phase, each sensor node tries to select
scenario where the sensors are operating in remote or
itself as a cluster head according to probability model. For
dangerous territory, it may be impossible to retrieve the
nodes in order to recharge batteries, thus energy optimization selecting a cluster head, each sensor node generates a
should be considered as the key objective when designing a random number  between 0 and 1. If the  is less than the
good performance routing protocol. Clustering is one of threshold T(n), the sensor node selects itself as a cluster
methods used to manage network energy consumption head for current round, the threshold is presented as follows:
efficiently [2],[5]. In this case, each group of sensors has a ­ k
cluster head node that data from its respective cluster and °° LIn  G
T n ® N  k ªr mod N k º (1)
sends it towards the base station (BS) as a representative ¬ ¼
sample of its cluster. °
In [4], the authors equalize the number of nodes and °̄ 0 otherwise
candidate cluster heads in each cluster in order to minimize where N as the total number of sensor nodes in the network,
the energy consumption. In [7], the algorithm uses a Timer to k as the number of cluster head nodes for each round, r as
select cluster heads to maximum the network lifetime. Due to the number of the current round, and G is the set of nodes
ignoring the number of cluster-heads in whole network, it that have not been selected as cluster heads in the last N/k
could reduce the network lifetime. An optimal mechanism of rounds.
LEACH protocol is proposed in this paper to extend the The nodes shall transmit broadcast information after
whole network lifetime. being selected as cluster heads. Each non-cluster head node
determines to which cluster it belongs by choosing the

978-1-4244-4246-1/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE CCCM 2009

cluster head that requires minimum communication energy. Therefore, an optimal mechanism will be presented in
After this, it must inform the cluster head node that it will be the next section.
a member of the cluster. Each node transmits a join-request
message (Join-REQ) back to the chosen cluster head using a
non-persistent CSMA MAC protocol. The optimal number of cluster-heads can be achieved
During the steady-phase, the cluster head keeps its based on analyzing the network energy consumption [6].
receiver on to receive all the data from the nodes in the First, the total energy consumption for data communication
cluster. Once the cluster head receives all the data, it can can be reduced to minimum in each round. Second, it is
operate on the data, and then resultant data are sent from the necessary to make sure the network energy can be
cluster head to the base station. distributed to each sensor node, thus effectively extending
Through the above-mentioned ways, after a period of the network lifetime.
time, the network will enter into the next clustering process To simplify the algorithm, here are some assumptions in
till not meeting the network requirements. In order to this paper.
minimize the set-up overhead, the steady-state phase is long x Each cluster has the equal number of sensor nodes,
compared to the set-up phase. and a total of M nodes are deployed in a field of
size N u N . If the WSN consists of k clusters, M/k
B. Radio Model for Energy Calculation nodes can be achieved in each cluster, including one
In this paper, we use the same radio model as discussed cluster-head and M/k-1 non-cluster head sensor
in [3], which is the first order radio model. Here are some nodes.
assumptions for our mechanism. x The WSN is covered by a circular area. The radius
x The WSN consists of the homogeneous sensor nodes. is proposed as follows:
x The distance can be measured based on the wireless R N S (4)
radio signal power.
x The sensor nodes in the network were uniformly
x All sensor nodes have the same initial energy.
distribution, so the probability density function (PDF)
x The base station is located outside of the WSN. is shown below:
Therefore, the equations used to calculate transmission
costs and receiving costs for a -bit message and a distance U 1 N2 (5)
d are respectively shown below: According to the first order radio model and the process
Esend Z * Eelec  Z * H amp * d E (2) of LEACH protocol, the energy consumption of each cluster
Ereceive Z * Eelec (3) head consists of receiving data from the non-cluster head
where H amp as the transmitter amplifier, Eelec as the radio nodes, data fusion, transmitting the resultant data to base
station. Additionally, the cluster heads are far away from the
dissipates to run the transmitter or receiver circuitry.
base station, so they use the multi-path model to calculate the
Receiving data is also a high cost operation, therefore,
transmission energy consumption.
the number of receptions and transmissions should be
Therefore, the energy consumption of one cluster-head in
minimal to reduce the energy cost of an application. When
a frame can be calculated using (2) and (3) as follows:
the distance between two sensor nodes is not far,  is 2 called
the free space model. On the contrary, this paper uses the §M · M
multi-path model (=4).
ECH lEelec ¨  1¸  lEDA
© k ¹ k
C. Problems Formulation l
LEACH protocol uses the distributed clustering  Eelec  H amp dtoBS

technology. The cluster head nodes are responsible for

where l as the length of data packet, dtoBS is the distance from
broadcasting the message to all sensor nodes. After cluster cluster-head to the base station, EDA as the energy
formation, the cluster head keeps its receiver on to receive all consumption of data fusion for each signal, K as the data
the data from the nodes in the cluster. Once the cluster head fusion ratings.
receives all the data, it can operate on the data, and then Considering the distance between the cluster-head and its
resultant data are sent from the cluster head to the base clustering members is not far, so the energy consumption for
station. Due to the cluster-heads plays an important role in transmitting data can be calculated using the free space
whole network, so the number of the cluster-heads must be model, which can be presented below:
x Less cluster-heads in the network would reduce the Enon CH lEelec  lH amf dtoCH
network lifetime, due to prolonging the data with dtoCH as the distance from the non-cluster head nodes to
transmission distance from non-cluster head nodes to their cluster-head.
the cluster-heads. All the sensor nodes are deployed in the field of
x An excess number of cluster-heads may reduce the size N u N , so the area of N2/k can be achieved for each
efficiency, resulting in too much unnecessary data cluster. We assumed that U x , y as the probability density

function for arbitrary region, so the mathematical expectation 23 K d k opt d 47 K (14)
of distance square from the non-cluster head nodes to their
cluster-head can be calculated as follows: IV. SIMULATION RESULTS
E ª¬ d toC
º ³³ x 2  y 2 U x , y dxdy
H ¼
  In this section, we use Matlab to draw the picture of
nodes deployment randomly, which set 100-node sensor
³³ U T T
r r , rdrd
network in a field of size 50m×50m
According to (4) and (5), the (8) can be further calculated

The average energy consumption for each round(J)

below: 6
2S N Sk U N4
E ª¬ d toCH
º¼ ku³ ³ U r 3 drd T 5.5
T 0 r 0 2S k
1 N2 5
E ª¬ d toC
H ¼
2S k
Equation (7) using (9) can be modified as follows: 4.5
1 N
E non  CH lE elec  l H amf (10) 4
2S k
So the energy consumption of each cluster can be 3.5
calculated as follows:
§M ·
E cluster ECH  ¨  1 ¸ E non  CH (11)
© k ¹ 2.5
Therefore, the energy consumption of whole network can
be shown below: 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Etotal kEcluster 2MlEelec  2klEelec  MlEDA  The number of cluster-heads˄ ×10˅ 
N 2 kl MN 2 l H amf (12) Figure 1. The average energy consumption of LEACH for different
lH amf  Eelec  H amp dtoBS
2S K 2S k
Now, we can calculate the optimal number of cluster- From Fig. 1, we can found that when the number of
heads according to (12), which can be presented as follows: cluster-heads is 30, 40, or 50, the network consumed less
dEtotal dEcluster energy. The results are similar to (14). Additionally,
Ecluster  k u 0 simulation data are shown in Tab. II.
dk dk
M H amf
k opt N K 2
(13) FND HNA
2S Eelec  H amp d toBS
4 Numbers of Cluster-heads
(rounds) (rounds)
Simulation parameters can be set below as discussed in 20 167 663
[10]. 30 202 786


Network Parameters Values 50 203 761

The size of network ˄0ˈ0˅to˄50ˈ50˅ 60 196 753

Numbers of sensor nodes 100 In order to further measure the network lifetime, we
compare optimal cluster-heads algorithm with the original
Location of BS ˄25ˈ150˅ LEACH protocol in different number of cluster-heads, using
Eelec 50nJ/bit the metrics FND (First Node Dies) and HNA (Half of the
Nodes Alive).
amf 10nJ/bit/m2 From Tab. II, when kopt is 40, a 34.1% (FND) and 38.5%
amp 0.0013pJ/bit/m4 improvement is accomplished than kopt=20, and about 14.3%
(FND) and 21.9% (HNA) is respectively accomplished than
EDA 50nJ/bit/signal kopt is 60. Additionally, when kopt is 30 or 50, the network
Initial energy 0.25J lifetime can also be prolonged efficiently.
Simulation results show that when the number of cluster-
According to the date presented in Tab. I, 100m˘dtoBS˘
heads is meeting the (14) in a 100-node sensor network for
152m, so the optimal number of cluster-heads must meet the the field of size 50m×50m, the energy of the whole network
requirement as follows: can be distributed to each sensor nodes, thus extend the

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