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What are some qualities that you value in a friend?

Most of my ‘friends’ are not really friends. They are people who I play with, people
whom happen to be in my class, or people who are the kids of my parents’ friends. I know
these people, they know me, and we do things together in a sociable manner that most would
describe as ‘friendly’. However, they don’t really care about me, think of me as special, or are
loyal to me, hence we are not really friends.

I care whether my friends care for me. My family care for me. They are concerned for
my welfare and my feelings. Besides my family, I need friends who feel the same way for me.
I am a caring person and I care for my friends, and it would be awful if my ‘friends’ did not
reciprocate my affections for them. I often read about unfortunate incidents in the news
about how mishaps happen to others. However, I would only spare these victims little to no
attention, or they would only get fleeting pity from me. This is because they are not my family
or my friends, and I do not care for them. If something unfortunate happened to me, I hope
to have friends who would get upset, cry, miss me, or at least remember me for a long time.
Like most people, I want to matter to more people. I do not want ‘friends’ who just give a
“hmpf” when they hear something bad happened to me and just send their ‘thoughts and
prayers’. I do not want to be just another person on their ‘friends list’ on Facebook, I want to
be someone that my friends actually care for.

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