Pathway To Becoming A SOC Analyst

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A Not-for-Profit Support Group for

CyberSecurity and Data Privacy Professionals

Pathway to Becoming a
SOC Analyst

May 2024
Pathway to becoming a SOC Analyst – May 2024 A Not-for-Profit Support Group for Aspiring and Young
CyberSecurity and Data Privacy Professionals


• Meet and Greet - Soji

• A Day in the life of a SOC Analyst (page 4 onward) – Bavan

• How SIEM Empowers SOC (online material) – Lakshmanan

• What Recruiters and Employers look for in a SOC Analyst (online material) – Cameron

• SOC Analyst Useful Hints/Materials (Slide 3) – Soji

• Q and A and Closing Remarks- Soji

Pathway to becoming a SOC Analyst – May 2024 A Not-for-Profit Support Group for Aspiring and Young
CyberSecurity and Data Privacy Professionals

Useful Hints/Materials
 Free SIEM Lab -

 Build-Your-Own-SIEM Youtube –

 Other Free SIEM Tools –

 SOC Analyst Jobs Analysis –

 Sample SOC Analyst CVs –



A Day in the Life of a SOC Analyst
The Digital Detectives Protecting Our Cyber World
1. Role and Importance: SOC analysts are crucial in detecting,
analysing, and responding to cybersecurity threats, acting as the
frontline defenders of our digital world.
2. Daily Responsibilities: This presentation will explore the daily
tasks of SOC analysts, including the tools they use and the
challenges they face in their investigative work.
3. Impact on Security: By understanding the work of SOC analysts,
we can appreciate their vital role in enhancing and maintaining
organisational cybersecurity.
Introduction: The Cyber Detective - To investigate or not to

● Detective Analogy: SOC analysts are like digital detectives,

investigating anomalies, analysing security alerts, and piecing
● together
Role andevidence to protect
Tools: They an organisation's
use sophisticated digital
tools and assets. to
trace the origins of cyber attacks, understand their impact, and

● develop
Real-Lifestrategies to prevent
Story: A SOC analystfuture threats.
uncovered a sophisticated phishing
campaign targeting a financial institution, quickly containing the
attack and securing compromised accounts, thereby preventing a

major security breach.

What is a SOC
High level SOC

Organisational Minimised,Identified
Data and remediated

Threat intel

The SOC functions and Challenges

Collection Detection Threat hunting

Investigation Triage Communication
Tools for the Trade


… etc
Behind the Scenes: My SOC Routine

● Starting the Day: Briefing, system login, review emails and alerts
● Monitoring and Analysis: Monitor network traffic, identify and investigate
● Incident Response: Prioritise and investigate alerts, contain and mitigate
● Collaboration and Communication: Coordinate with team, communicate with
stakeholders, document actions
● Continuous Improvement: Threat hunting, update playbooks, participate in
● End-of-Day: Prepare handover reports, summarise daily activities, perform
system maintenance
● Learning and Adaptation: Review threat intelligence, optimise tools, provide
Investigative Action: A Day in the Life - Suspicious Login Attempt

The Alert:
It's a typical Tuesday morning in the SOC. I'm reviewing the SIEM console when a
high-priority alert pops up. It flags a suspicious login attempt on a critical server
used for storing financial data.

Identifying the Threat:

The alert details show a login attempt originating from an unfamiliar IP address
located in a country where our company has no known operations. Additionally,
the attempt occurred outside of our usual business hours.
Research and Initial Investigation:

1. Geolocation: I use a geolocation tool to pinpoint the origin of the IP address. It confirms the
location as suspicious, further raising concerns.
2. User Account: I investigate the targeted user account. It belongs to a senior finance manager
who rarely logs in remotely.
3. Login Time: The login attempt occurred at 2:30 AM, far outside the manager's usual working

Utilising Investigation Tools:

1. User Activity: I use a User Entity and Behavior Analytics (UEBA) tool to analyze the manager's
past login activity. This confirms the login attempt deviates significantly from the manager's
typical access patterns.
2. IP Reputation: I check the IP address against threat intelligence feeds. The address is not
currently blacklisted, but it shows suspicious activity associated with known botnets.
Escalation and Containment:
Based on the accumulated evidence, the situation appears increasingly likely to be
a malicious attempt. Here's what I do next:
1. Immediate Action: I initiate a temporary account lockout for the targeted user
account to prevent further access attempts.
2. Communication: I immediately contact the finance manager via a secure
channel to confirm or deny the login attempt.
3. Teamwork: I escalate the incident to the security response team for further
investigation. This includes analyzing server logs for any signs of intrusion
and notifying relevant stakeholders.
The Human Side of SOC

● Thought Process and Pressure: Constant vigilance and quick decision-making,

sifting through data under tight time constraints. High pressure to avoid missing
critical alerts, staying calm, focused, and methodical in high-stress situations.
● Personal Anecdote: Received a high-risk alert for a suspicious login attempt.
Methodically reviewed login history and patterns, discovered and blocked a
coordinated attack.
● Satisfaction of Stopping an Attack: Immense satisfaction in successful
interventions. Example: Detected and isolated a sophisticated phishing attempt,
protected sensitive information, and reinforced the importance of cybersecurity.
● Emotional Resilience and Team Support: Handling constant stress and high
stakes, relying on the team for advice and collaborative problem-solving. Regular
debriefs and team-building activities to maintain morale.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

● Why Collaboration Matters: Effective security requires teamwork across IT,

Network, and Dev departments.
● Working Together: SOC analysts collaborate on threat identification, incident
response, and remediation efforts.
● Collaborative Incident Example: SOC detects suspicious activity; SOC and Network
team trace and contain threat; IT patches vulnerabilities and restores systems.
Result: Swift isolation, minimal downtime.
● Communication is Key: Use secure chat platforms for real-time updates, ticketing
systems for tracking investigations, and regular meetings and debriefs for
knowledge sharing.
The Bigger Picture: Why SOC Matters
● Value of SOC Analysts:
● SOC analysts are the immune system of an organisation, constantly
patrolling for cyber threats.
● Impact on Organisation’s Cybersecurity:
● A skilled SOC team fortifies cybersecurity, preventing threats from
escalating into major breaches.
● Contribution to Security Posture:
● SOC analysts enhance resilience against evolving threats and improve
security policies and practices.
● Overall Security Benefits:
● Ensures regulatory compliance, maintains customer trust, and protects
organisational assets, leading to a secure and stable environment.
Conclusion: Lessons Learned and Takeaways

● Key Insights:
● SOC analysts are the digital detectives of cybersecurity.
● Effective security requires teamwork and advanced tools.
● Surprising Threats:
● Unexpected and evolving cyber threats demand constant vigilance.
● Real-life incidents reveal the diverse challenges faced daily.
● Value of SOC Analysts:
● SOC analysts play a crucial role in protecting organisations.
● Their work enhances the overall security posture and prevents
significant breaches.

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