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Subject: ECONOMICS Class: XII
Sl. Month No. of working Name of the Chapter/Units/Topics/ Practical work, Suggested test Suggested
No days and No. of Sub- topics project work to be and methodology or
periods in the assigned assessments pedagogy like
month (suggestive) PBL/AIL/CCT/
learning etc.
1 APRIL/ MAY Working days 22 National Income and Related Slip test Experiential
Aggregates: What is Macro learning
Periods - 26 economics?
Some basic concepts in macro Numerical
economics: consumption goods, capital practice
goods, final goods, intermediate goods;
stocks and flows; gross investment and
Circular flow of income (two sector
model); Methods of calculating
National Income - Value Added or
Product method, Expenditure method,
Income method.
Aggregates related to National
Gross National Product (GNP), Net
National Product (NNP), Gross and Net
Domestic Product (GDP and NDP) - at
market price, at factor cost
2 JUNE Working days – 08 National Income and Related Monthly test Assertion and
Periods - 12 Aggregates: reasoning type
Real and Nominal GDP. GDP and question
3 JULY Working days – 24 Development Experience (1947- Monthly test Experiential
1990): learning ,
Periods - 35 A brief introduction of the state of
Indian Economy on the eve of CCT based
independence. Indian economic teaching
system and common goals of Five-
Year Plans.
Main features, problems and policies
of agriculture (institutional aspects
and new agricultural strategy), Quiz on latest
industry (IPR 1956; SSI- role and information
importance) and foreign trade. regarding
Money and Banking: Money- banking system
meaning and supply of money-
Currency held by the public and
net demand deposits held by
commercial banks
Money creation by commercial banking
Central Bank and its functions
(example of Reserve Bank of India);
Bank of issue, Govt bank, Banker’s
Bank, Control of credit through Bank
Rate, CRR, SLR, Repo Rate and
Reverse Repo Rate, Open Market
Operations, Margin requirement.
4 AUGUST Working days – 24 Current Challenges facing Indian Guidelines for Monthly test Experiential
Economy: preparation of learning ,
Human Capital Formation: How project.
Periods - 40 people become resource; Role of human CCT based
capital in economic development; teaching,AIL,PBL
Growth ofEducation Sector in India
Rural development: Key issues-credit
and marketing-role of cooperatives;
agricultural diversification; alternative
farming-organic farming Numerical
Determination of Income & practice
Aggregate Demand and its components.
Propensity to consume and
propensity to save (average and
Short run equilibrium output;
Investment multiplier and its
Meaning of full employment &
involuntary unemployment. Problem
of Excess and Deficient demand:
measures to correct them – change in
govt spending, taxes and money
5 SEPTEMBER Working days- 22 Current Challenges facing Indian Assigning project Monthly test Experiential
Economy: on any one topic learning
Employment: Growth and changes prescribed by
Periods - 33 in work force participation rate in CBSE CCT based
formal and informal sectors; teaching
problems and policies.
Sustainable Economic
Development: Meaning, Effects of
Economic development on Resources Quiz on latest
and Environment, including global information
warming regarding general
Government Budget and budget.
the Economy:
Government budget:
Meaning, objectives and
Classification of Receipts –
Revenue receipts and capital
Classification of expenditure -
Revenue expenditure and Capital
Balanced, Surplus and Deficit budget
– measures of government deficit.

6 OCTOBER Working days – 15 Balance of Payments: Follow-up the Experiential

Balance of payments account - project work. learning ,AIL
Periods - 22 Meaning & components. Balance of
payments- surplus and deficit
Foreign Exchange Rate:
Meaning of Fixed, Flexible
and Managed Floating
exchange rate.
Determination of exchange in
free market. Merits and demerits
of flexible and fixed exchange
Managed floating exchange rate system.

7 NOVEMBER Working days -08 Development Experience of India: A Pre Board 1 CCT based
comparison with neighbors- India and
Pakistan, India and China Issues: teaching
upto 10th Nov. Periods - 12 growth, population, sectoral
development and other Human
Development Indicators.
Monthly Test
8 DECEMBER Working days -18 REVISION Submission of final
1st Pre-Board Examination: project.
Periods - 20 Project Work: (may be given to
complete in winter break)

9 JANUARY Working days -22 REVISION Pre Board 2

2nd Pre-Board Examination:

10 FEBRUARY Working days -08 CBSE Practical Examination Special Pre

School level If
AIL: Art Integrated Learning
PBL: Project Based Learning
CCT: Creative and Critical Thinking

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