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Table Of Contents

1. Program Overview

2. Mission Statement

3. Vision Statement

4. Core Values

5. Anthem

6. Concord Connection

7. FLAC Global Ambassadors Anthem

8. Goals

9. Membership Progression and Recognition

10. Leadership Structure and Organogram

11. Incentive Structures for Members and Leaders

12. Code of Conduct

13. Rules, Regulations and Responsibilities

14. Rules and Regulations for Meetings

15. Conflict Resolution Process

16. Discipline Process for Members and Leaders

17. Prospective Year Calendar

18. Ongoing Activities Throughout the Year

19. A Guide to Fundraising

Program Overview

Congratulations on becoming ambassadors for FLAC Institute! We are thrilled to have you join this
program designed to empower individuals who are passionate about language learning. As ambassadors,
you play a vital role in advocating for FLAC Institute, engaging with fellow learners, and contributing to
the growth and vibrancy of our language learning community.

Your journey as an ambassador will involve active participation in diverse events and activities, adding to
the vibrant tapestry of language exploration. Whether it's community initiatives, events, or contributing
to the overall experience of learners, your role is crucial in fostering a vibrant and inclusive language
learning environment.

Your enthusiasm for language learning is key, it will not only fuel your own linguistic journey but also
inspire and guide others in their pursuit of mastering new languages.

This handbook is your comprehensive guide to navigating your role as a FLAC ambassador. It contains
essential information about your responsibilities, policies, and procedures. Familiarizing yourself with
this resource ensures a smooth and impactful experience throughout your ambassadorial journey.

We look forward to a collaborative and rewarding journey with you as we collectively foster a community
passionate about languages.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to unite diverse voices for global harmony, celebrating languages, fostering cultural
understanding, and promoting peace through dialogue and mutual respect.

Vision Statement

To be a catalyst for global unity, breaking down language barriers, promoting cultural appreciation, and
fostering an environment where everyone's voice is heard and valued.

Concord Connection: Members of FLAC Global Ambassadors are uniquely referred to as "Concords."
This term symbolizes the harmonious unity and shared commitment of our members to the goals and
values of our association.
Core Values:

1. Linguistic Harmony:

• We believe in the power of languages to connect, inspire, and break down barriers. Our
commitment to linguistic harmony is at the core of our mission.

2. Cultural Appreciation:

• We value and celebrate the diversity of cultures worldwide, recognizing that each culture brings
a unique and valuable perspective to our global community.

3. Peaceful Dialogue:

• We are dedicated to promoting peaceful dialogue to resolve conflicts, foster understanding, and
build bridges between individuals and communities.

4. Inclusivity:

• We embrace individuals from all walks of life, regardless of their linguistic background, cultural
heritage, or beliefs, fostering an inclusive and welcoming community.

5. Continuous Learning:

• We believe in the power of lifelong learning and encourage every Concord to continuously
enrich their linguistic and cultural knowledge.

6. Global Citizenship:

• We strive to cultivate a sense of global citizenship, encouraging our members to actively engage
with global issues, contribute positively to society, and become agents of positive change.

7. Respect and Tolerance:

• We uphold the values of respect and tolerance, recognizing the diversity of perspectives and
backgrounds within our community.

8. Community Engagement:

• We encourage active participation and engagement within our community, fostering a sense of
belonging and shared responsibility among our members.

By adhering to these core values, FLAC Global Ambassadors aims to create an environment where every
Concord feels empowered to contribute to our shared mission of promoting cultural understanding,
breaking language barriers, and fostering global peace.


In a world diverse, our voices unite,

FLAC Ambassadors, breaking barriers with might.

Cultures entwined, unique stories unfold,

With respect in every tongue, our unity told.


Voices strong, harmony's song,

Building bridges where we all belong.

Through languages, connections built,

FLAC Ambassadors, our mission fulfilled.


At FLAC Global Ambassadors, our goals are the pillars of our mission, guiding us in creating a world
where diversity is celebrated, languages are bridges, and peace prevails. As Concords, each of you is
instrumental in achieving these aspirations:

1. Promote Cultural Diversity and Relativism:

• Objective: Actively champion the beauty of cultural diversity, fostering an environment where
various cultural perspectives are not only acknowledged but embraced. Encourage the
understanding that each culture is unique and contributes to the rich tapestry of our global

2. Promote Multi-Linguicism and Breaking Language Barriers:

• Objective: Advocate for the importance of multi-lingualism as a tool for breaking down language
barriers. Work towards creating a community where linguistic diversity is celebrated and where
language is a bridge, not a barrier, to understanding.

3. Promote World Peace and Conflict Resolution:

• Objective: Dedicate ourselves to initiatives that promote global peace and conflict resolution.
Through active engagement, dialogue, and understanding, strive to contribute to a world where
conflicts are resolved through peaceful means.
4. Foster Religious Tolerance:

• Objective: Cultivate an environment of genuine religious tolerance. Understand that religious

diversity is an asset, not a threat. Encourage dialogue and respect between different religious
beliefs, transcending any notions of superiority or inferiority.

5. Promote Other Elements of Culture like Art, Music, etc.:

• Objective: Showcase the richness of cultural elements beyond language. Promote and celebrate
art, music, and other cultural expressions as powerful avenues for cross-cultural understanding,
appreciation, and connection.

6. Educational Outreach:

• Objective: Engage in educational outreach initiatives, collaborating with institutions and

communities to promote language learning, cultural appreciation, and global citizenship. Inspire
a commitment to lifelong learning among Concords.

7. Community Impact:

• Objective: Inspire Concords to actively engage in projects and initiatives that positively impact
local and global communities, embodying the values of global citizenship. Make a tangible
difference through collective action.

8. Sustainable Growth:

• Objective: Ensure the sustainable growth of FLAC Global Ambassadors, expanding our
community reach and influence to create an even more significant positive impact on the world.
Foster a community that continues to thrive and contribute meaningfully over time.

As Concords, you are the driving force behind these goals. Your dedication to promoting cultural
diversity, linguistic harmony, and global understanding is what propels FLAC Global Ambassadors toward
its vision of a more interconnected, harmonious world. Together, we embrace the diversity that defines
us, celebrate the unity that binds us, and work towards a future where our shared humanity shines

Membership Progression and Recognition

At FLAC Global Ambassadors, we highly value the dedication and contributions of our members. To
provide a structured path that recognizes your commitment and celebrates your growth within our
community, we have designed intuitive membership tiers.

1. Ambassador:

• Requirements:
• Active participation in at least three community events or language sessions.

• Completion of the orientation program.

• Recognition:

• The Apprentice Ambassador tier marks your initiation into our community. By engaging in events
and embracing the orientation program, you lay the foundation for a deeper involvement with
FLAC Global Ambassadors.

• White shirt.

2. Catalyst:

• Requirements:

• Demonstrated involvement in community projects or initiatives.

• Mentorship of at least one Apprentice Ambassador.

• Recognition:

• As a Cultural Catalyst, your commitment extends to actively contributing to community projects

and sharing your experiences with newer members. You embody the role of a mentor, guiding
others on their journey within FLAC Global Ambassadors.

• Black Shirt.

3. Advocate:

• Requirements:

• Leadership in organizing and executing a community event or project.

• Mentorship of at least two Cultural Catalysts.

• Recognition:

• The Harmony Advocate tier signifies your leadership within our community. By taking charge of
events or projects and mentoring others, you contribute significantly to the growth and vibrancy
of FLAC Global Ambassadors.

• Green shirt.

4. Visionary:

• Requirements:

• Leadership in executing a major community project or initiative.

• Mentorship of at least three Harmony Advocates.

• Consistent engagement in international cultural exchange programs.

• Recognition:
• The Global Visionary designation is reserved for those who have demonstrated exceptional
leadership. Your contributions, both locally and globally, greatly impact fostering cultural
understanding and linguistic unity within FLAC Global Ambassadors.

• Purple shirt.
Recognition and Benefits:

• Distinctive badges or designations for each tier, reflecting your growth.

• Exclusive access to advanced language workshops and leadership training.

• Consideration for leadership roles and active participation in decision-making processes.

• Priority involvement in international cultural exchange programs and flagship projects.

Your progression through these intuitive tires reflects your evolving role within the community. FLAC
Global Ambassadors celebrates your journey and anticipates the continued positive impact you'll make
as a valued member. Thank you for your dedication to our shared mission!

Leadership Structure and Organogram

At FLAC Global Ambassadors, our leadership structure aligns with the essential functions of operations,
marketing, human resource management, research and development, and finance and accounting. This
ensures that our community operates smoothly, grows strategically, and fosters a vibrant and inclusive
environment. The following organogram outlines the hierarchy and key roles within our community:

1. Operations:

• Global Director (Operations):

• Responsibilities: Overseeing day-to-day operations, ensuring the efficient functioning of FLAC

Global Ambassadors.

• Requirements: Proven experience in community operations, a comprehensive understanding of

the community's dynamics, and effective problem-solving skills.

• Tenure: One year, with the possibility of reappointment based on performance.

• Programs Manager:

• Responsibilities: Coordinating and executing community programs, events, and initiatives.

• Requirements: Demonstrated leadership in program management, excellent organizational skills,

and a passion for fostering community engagement.

• Tenure: Six months, with the possibility of reappointment based on performance.

2. Marketing:
• Marketing Director:

• Responsibilities: Developing and implementing marketing strategies for FLAC Global


• Requirements: Proven experience in community marketing, a deep understanding of our target

audience, and creative marketing skills.

• Tenure: One year, with the possibility of reappointment based on performance.

• Community Engagement Specialist:

• Responsibilities: Fostering member engagement and promoting community initiatives.

• Requirements: Strong interpersonal skills, experience in community engagement, and a passion

for promoting our mission.

• Tenure: Six months, with the possibility of reappointment based on performance.

3. Human Resource Management:

• Membership Director:

• Responsibilities: Managing membership processes, progression, and ensuring a positive member


• Requirements: Proven experience in community management, a commitment to member well-

being, and an understanding of the community's dynamics.

• Tenure: Six months, with the possibility of reappointment based on performance.

• Mentorship Coordinator:

• Responsibilities: Overseeing mentorship programs and ensuring a supportive environment for all

• Requirements: Effective mentoring skills, a commitment to community well-being, and a positive

influence on fellow Concords.

• Tenure: Three months, with the possibility of reappointment based on performance.

4. Research and Development:

• Language Advocacy Coordinator:

• Responsibilities: Promoting language diversity and advocacy initiatives within the community.

• Requirements: A strong passion for linguistic advocacy, experience in language-related projects,

and effective communication skills.

• Tenure: Three months, with the possibility of reappointment based on performance.

• Innovation Specialist:
• Responsibilities: Identifying and implementing innovative initiatives to enhance the community

• Requirements: Creative thinking, a proactive approach to problem-solving, and a commitment to

community growth.

• Tenure: Three months, with the possibility of reappointment based on performance.

5. Finance and Accounting:

• Financial Manager:

• Responsibilities: Overseeing the financial aspects of FLAC Global Ambassadors.

• Requirements: Experience in financial management, a strong understanding of budgeting, and

effective financial planning skills.

• Tenure: One year, with the possibility of reappointment based on performance.

• Budget Coordinator:

• Responsibilities: Managing the budget and financial resources for community projects.

• Requirements: Strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and experience in budget


• Tenure: Six months, with the possibility of reappointment based on performance.

This organogram reflects our commitment to operational excellence, strategic growth, and community
well-being. The shorter tenures allow for more frequent rotations, ensuring a dynamic and inclusive
leadership structure within FLAC Global Ambassadors.

Leadership Selection Process

At FLAC Global Ambassadors, our leader selection process is designed to be transparent, inclusive, and
democratic, incorporating elements of appointment, nomination, and election. Here's how it works:

1. Appointment of Leadership Committee:

• A Leadership Committee is formed, comprising current leaders, experienced members, and

community representatives.

• The Committee is responsible for overseeing the leader selection process and ensuring its

2. Nomination Period:

• Members are invited to nominate themselves or others for leadership positions.

• Nominations are submitted through an online platform to ensure accessibility.

3. Application and Qualification Review:

• Nominees submit applications outlining their experience, vision, and commitment to the FLAC

• The Leadership Committee reviews applications to ensure nominees meet the necessary

4. Open Forum and Introduction:

• Nominees participate in an open forum or virtual meeting to introduce themselves to the


• Members have the opportunity to ask questions and engage with nominees.

5. Appointment of Interim Leaders:

• To ensure continuity, the Leadership Committee may appoint interim leaders to fill immediate
needs while the election process unfolds.

• Interim leaders are selected based on experience and commitment.

6. Voting Period:

• A transparent online voting platform is opened for members to cast their votes.

• Members can vote for nominees they believe align with the vision of FLAC Global Ambassadors.

7. Results Announcement:

• The Leadership Committee announces the results of the election, showcasing the newly elected

• Transparency is maintained throughout the counting and verification process.

8. Transition and Onboarding:

• Elected leaders undergo an onboarding process facilitated by the outgoing leadership and the
Leadership Committee.

• This ensures a smooth transition and continuity of leadership.

9. Feedback and Continuous Improvement:

• Members are encouraged to provide feedback on the leader selection process.

• The Leadership Committee evaluates the process, making improvements based on community

10. Regular Leadership Assessments: - Elected leaders undergo periodic assessments to ensure they
continue to meet the expectations of the community. - If needed, the community may initiate a recall
process through a transparent and democratic vote.
This combined approach aims to balance the need for experienced and committed leaders while
ensuring a democratic process where the community has a say in who represents them. Transparency
and openness are paramount throughout the process.

Code of Conduct

At FLAC Global Ambassadors, we are committed to fostering a positive and inclusive community where
every member feels valued and respected. Our Code of Conduct serves as a guide to ensure a
harmonious and supportive environment for all. By being a part of FLAC Global Ambassadors, you agree
to abide by the following principles:

1. Respect and Inclusivity:

• Guideline: Treat every member with respect, regardless of their background, language, or

• Expectation: Embrace diversity and foster an inclusive environment where everyone feels

2. Positive Communication:

• Guideline: Communicate with courtesy and positivity, both in written and verbal interactions.

• Expectation: Encourage constructive dialogue and refrain from engaging in disrespectful or

harmful language.

3. Collaboration and Support:

• Guideline: Collaborate with fellow members and provide support when needed.

• Expectation: Foster a sense of community by helping others achieve their language learning and
cultural exchange goals.

4. Integrity and Honesty:

• Guideline: Act with honesty and integrity in all community interactions.

• Expectation: Be truthful in your communications and uphold the values of transparency and
5. Responsible Engagement:

• Guideline: Engage responsibly in community activities, respecting the time and efforts of fellow

• Expectation: Contribute positively to community events, projects, and initiatives, and fulfill any
commitments made.

6. Confidentiality and Privacy:

• Guideline: Respect the confidentiality and privacy of fellow members.

• Expectation: Do not share personal information without consent and uphold the privacy of
community discussions.

7. Anti-Discrimination:

• Guideline: Refrain from any form of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or
any other characteristic.

• Expectation: Treat all members fairly and with equal respect.

8. Conflict Resolution:

• Guideline: Address conflicts in a constructive and respectful manner.

• Expectation: If conflicts arise, seek resolution through open communication and, if necessary,
involve community leaders.

9. Compliance with Community Guidelines:

• Guideline: Adhere to all community guidelines, rules, and policies.

• Expectation: Familiarize yourself with and follow the guidelines to maintain a positive
community atmosphere.

10. Continuous Learning and Growth:

• Guideline: Embrace a mindset of continuous learning and growth.

• Expectation: Actively seek opportunities for language learning, cultural enrichment, and
personal development.
Failure to adhere to this Code of Conduct may result in appropriate actions, including warnings,
temporary suspension, or, in severe cases, permanent expulsion from FLAC Global Ambassadors. By
being a member, you contribute to shaping a community that thrives on respect, positivity, and shared

Rules, Regulations, and Responsibilities

To ensure a smooth and effective functioning of FLAC Global Ambassadors, all members are expected to
adhere to the following rules, regulations, and responsibilities. By being a part of our community, you
agree to comply with the guidelines outlined below:

1. Membership Eligibility:

• Rule: Membership is open to individuals of all backgrounds, ages, and nationalities.

• Responsibility: Ensure your eligibility and provide accurate information during the membership
application process.

2. Community Participation:

• Rule: Active participation in community events, language sessions, and cultural initiatives is

• Responsibility: Contribute positively to the community by attending events, sharing experiences,

and engaging with fellow members.

3. Compliance with Code of Conduct:

• Rule: All members must adhere to the Code of Conduct outlined in the handbook.

• Responsibility: Familiarize yourself with the Code of Conduct and uphold its principles in all
community interactions.

4. Language Learning Commitment:

• Rule: Members are encouraged to actively engage in language learning and cultural exchange

• Responsibility: Demonstrate a commitment to language learning and actively participate in

language-related initiatives.

5. Project and Event Participation:

• Rule: Members are welcome to propose and lead community projects and events.

• Responsibility: Take initiative in organizing or participating in projects and events that align with
the community's goals.

6. Leadership Roles:
• Rule: Leadership roles are open to members who meet specific criteria and demonstrate

• Responsibility: Leaders must fulfill their responsibilities effectively, uphold community values,
and actively contribute to community growth.

7. Confidentiality and Privacy:

• Rule: Respect the confidentiality and privacy of fellow members.

• Responsibility: Safeguard personal information, avoid unauthorized sharing, and respect the
privacy of community discussions.

8. Financial Contributions:

• Rule: FLAC Global Ambassadors may request financial contributions for specific initiatives.

• Responsibility: Members are encouraged to contribute voluntarily, and any financial

contributions are used transparently for the benefit of the community.

9. Compliance with Organizational Structure:

• Rule: Members must comply with the organizational structure, including leadership roles and
reporting hierarchies.

• Responsibility: Recognize and respect the roles and responsibilities of community leaders and
contribute positively to the organizational structure.

10. Reporting Violations:

• Rule: Members are encouraged to report any violations of the Code of Conduct or community

• Responsibility: Act responsibly by reporting any observed violations to community leaders for
appropriate action.

Failure to comply with these rules, regulations, and responsibilities may result in consequences,
including warnings, temporary suspension, or permanent expulsion from FLAC Global Ambassadors.
Members are responsible for staying informed about community updates and adhering to the guidelines
to maintain a positive and collaborative environment.

Rules and Regulations for Meetings

To ensure effective and organized meetings within FLAC Global Ambassadors, the following rules and
regulations are established. All members are expected to adhere to these guidelines for a productive and
respectful meeting environment:

1. Meeting Attendance:
• Rule: All members are encouraged to attend scheduled meetings.

• Regulation: Notify the meeting organizer in advance if unable to attend, and ensure timely
arrival for the meeting.

2. Respectful Communication:

• Rule: Maintain a respectful and positive tone during meetings.

• Regulation: Avoid interrupting others, use constructive language, and adhere to the principles of
the Code of Conduct.

3. Agenda Adherence:

• Rule: Meetings will follow a predefined agenda.

• Regulation: Stick to the agenda items, contribute relevant information, and avoid discussing
unrelated topics.

4. Speaking Turns:

• Rule: Members will take turns speaking during discussions.

• Regulation: Raise your hand or use a designated system to indicate your desire to speak,
allowing for a structured and inclusive conversation.

5. Time Management:

• Rule: Meetings will adhere to specified timeframes.

• Regulation: Respect the allocated time for each agenda item, facilitating efficient discussions
and decision-making.

6. Participation Guidelines:

• Rule: All members are encouraged to actively participate in discussions.

• Regulation: Contribute ideas, provide feedback, and engage in a constructive manner to

enhance the quality of discussions.

7. Decision-making Process:

• Rule: Decisions will be made through a collaborative process.

• Regulation: Follow the established decision-making procedures, respect the opinions of others,
and work towards consensus when possible.

8. Reporting and Updates:

• Rule: Leaders will provide reports and updates as part of the meeting agenda.

• Regulation: Leaders should come prepared with relevant reports, and members should actively
listen and ask questions for clarification.
9. Documented Minutes:

• Rule: Meeting minutes will be documented for reference.

• Regulation: A designated individual will record minutes, capturing key points, decisions, and
action items during the meeting.

10. Conflict Resolution:

• Rule: Address conflicts or disagreements respectfully.

• Regulation: If conflicts arise during the meeting, follow the conflict resolution process outlined
in the Code of Conduct or seek mediation from community leaders.

Adherence to these rules and regulations ensures that FLAC Global Ambassadors' meetings are efficient,
respectful, and conducive to productive discussions. Members are responsible for familiarizing
themselves with these guidelines and contributing to a positive meeting atmosphere.

A guide to Fundraising

Fundraising is a valuable avenue for supporting community initiatives. To maintain transparency and
align fundraising efforts with our community goals, we've established an approval process for all
fundraising activities. Here's a step-by-step guide:

• Proposal Submission: Ambassadors interested in fundraising must submit a detailed proposal

outlining their fundraising idea. This should include the purpose, target amount, proposed
activities, and any associated costs.

• Review and Approval: The FLAC Institute team will carefully review each proposal to ensure it
aligns with our community values and objectives. We will assess the feasibility, relevance, and
ethical considerations of the fundraising initiative.

• Feedback and Revisions: If necessary, ambassadors will receive feedback on their proposal. This
might include suggestions for improvement, clarification, or adjustments to enhance the
fundraising activity.

• Final Approval: Once the proposal meets our criteria, it will receive final approval. Ambassadors
will be notified of the approval, and they can proceed with implementing their fundraising plan.

• Implementation: Ambassadors are then authorized to execute their approved fundraising

activities. It's essential to adhere to the agreed-upon plan and maintain open communication
with the Flac Institute team throughout the process.

• Reporting: After completing the fundraising activity, ambassadors are required to submit a
comprehensive report. This should include details on funds raised, expenses incurred, and any
challenges faced. Transparency is crucial for accountability.
• Recognition: Ambassadors who successfully execute approved fundraising initiatives will be
recognized and celebrated within the community. Recognition may include mentions in
newsletters, social media, or community events.

By following this guide, we ensure that all fundraising activities align with our community's values and
contribute positively to our shared goals.

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