Unit 11 - Emergency

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John, where are you? It's Mary. I've been trying to call you all evening. Listen, John. There's been an
accident. We were crossing that bridge on Route 6, when this big truck came speeding towards us. It
crossed over onto the wrong side of the road, and there was nowhere for us to go. It was awful! I've
never been so scared in my life. An ambulance was called, and we were rushed to the emergency
room at Parker General Hospital. I'm OK, but Mike's being kept in the hospital. Nothing serious; he's
just hurt his leg. We've been waiting to find out whether it's broken. Please call me as soon as you
can. Bye.

Listen to Mary's voice mail message. Then describe what happened by putting the sentences
into the right order.

Mary and Mike were driving on Route 6.
A big truck came speeding towards them.
The truck crossed over to the wrong side of the road.
The truck crashed into Mary and Mike's car.
Mary and Mike were taken to the hospital.
The doctor will tell them if Mike's leg is broken.

Which of the following sentences are true?

John is not at home.

There was an accident under the bridge.
Mary and Mike were driving across the bridge.
Two people were hurt in the accident.
A truck crashed into Mary and Mike at high speed.
Mary and Mike are at Parker General hospital.
They crashed into a truck.

Which of the following best describes the word "emergency"?

A situation that always needs an ambulance.
A serious or dangerous situation that needs quick action.
A situation in which a person gets hurt.
An accident between two vehicles.
Were Mike and Mary injured?
Mike needs emergency treatment.
Yes, they were seriously injured.
Mike needs to stay in the hospital to have surgery.
Mike might have a broken leg.

A bystander sees the accident and calls an ambulance. Below is the conversation to the
Emergency Services. Choose the best answers to fill the gaps.

- Hello, Emergency Services. How may I help you?

- There's been an accident. I think people are hurt. We need an ambulance right away.
- Sir, where did the accident happen?
- On Route 6. Two people were crossing the bridge, and a big truck was speeding towards them. They
had nowhere to go. I think they need to go to the emergency room quickly!
- Sending an ambulance right away, sir.

Type your answer in the text box and click submit.

John's girlfriend hears the message and writes John a note. Write the note to John. Say what's
happened; how the accident happened; what's happened to Mike and where he is. Send the note to
your teacher.

Hi Juan, how are you? I need to get in touch with you.

There was an accident involving Mary and Mike, fortunately it was not fatal. Both were driving on
Route 6, they were crossing a bridge and collided with a truck.
Mike has a fractured leg and is the emergency room at Parker General Hospital. Hopefully he will be
okay, he is a strong person and will pull through.


Which word in the text means "frightened"?


This could be made into a story called

"John Hurts His Leg."
"The Emergency Room At Parker General Hospital."
"Driving On The Wrong Side Of The Road."
"Mike And Mary Get Hit By A Truck."
The accident happened on the ___ .

Mary called John in order to ___ .

tell him about the accident
get him to call an ambulance
tell him that a truck was speeding
tell him that they crossed the bridge

How did the truck hit them?

It crossed the bridge.
There was nowhere for it to go.
It crossed onto the wrong side of the road.
It was rushed to the emergency room.

Marge Has a Baby:

"Alex, you've been waiting in the house with me for three days already. I can take care of myself. If
there's an emergency, I'll call you at work." Marge tried to calm her husband, who was very worried
about leaving her alone when she was so close to having their baby. "I'd rather go somewhere nice
today, perhaps for a walk in the park. It hasn't been that cold outside. Don't worry," she said, as she
was putting on her coat.

"Isn't that dangerous, Marge?" asked Alex, still worried. But his wife was already going out the door.
"Why don't I take you for a nice drive through the park? I know a very pretty route," Alex said. Marge
agreed, and they set out.

However, on the way to the park, Marge felt a pain in her stomach. "You've been very quiet these past
few minutes, dear. Is everything all right?"

Marge looked at Alex, her face white. "Quick! We must get to the hospital. The baby is coming.
Forget about asking for directions. I know the way. No! Take the road on the left. You didn't signal
left!" she shouted at him.

"I hope that we get there in time," Alex said. "We must rush."

"You've just gone over the speed limit!" shouted Marge. "And you're having a baby!" Alex shouted

Suddenly, the car stopped.

Marge turned to Alex. "Why have you stopped?" she said. "Go on!"

"I can't. We don't have any more gas. I'll have to call an ambulance from the cell phone. You know, I
knew a woman who had a baby in an ambulance." "Really?" laughed Marge, in-between pains.

Soon, an ambulance came speeding towards them. The driver helped Marge into the ambulance, and
they rushed to the hospital. But Marge couldn't wait. The baby was born on the way.
Read the story about Marge. Marge wrote a letter to a friend about having her baby. Which of
these sentences might you find in Marge's letter?

Alex quickly called an ambulance, and the baby was born on the way.
On the way to the park, I began to feel the baby coming.
We were both worried because neither of us knew the way to the hospital.
Then we couldn't drive because the car got a flat tire.
I wanted to get out of the house, so I told Alex I was going to the shopping mall.
We agreed that Alex would take me for a drive through the park.
Alex was very worried about me before the baby was born.
Alex stayed home with me for a week before the baby arrived.

Read the story about Marge and Alex. Then find the answers to the questions.

Question → Answer
Why did Alex stay at home for three days? → He didn't want Marge to have the baby on her own.
What did Marge do instead of taking a walk? → She went for a drive with her husband.
Why was Marge very quiet on the way to the park? → She began to feel the baby coming.
Why did Alex drive fast? → He wanted to get to the hospital quickly.
Why did Alex stop the car? → They didn't have any more gas.
What happened in the ambulance? → The baby was born.

"Marge Has a Baby" is...

a funny birth story.
advice about giving birth.
an ad for ambulance services.
a murder and suspense story.

At the beginning of the story...

Marge tells Alex she can cope on her own.
Marge asks Alex to stay with her.
Alex wants Marge to go out.
Alex wants to take Marge to the hospital.

Why did Alex have to call an ambulance?

Marge needed emergency treatment.
Marge wanted to give birth in the ambulance.
Their car ran out of gas.
He thought it would be safer for Marge.
Marge didn't need to ask for directions because...
she didn't want to know the way.
she knew how to get to the hospital.
Alex knew the way.
there was no time.

After the birth, Marge writes to her friend to tell her what happened. Fill in the gaps to
complete the letter.

Dear Jenny, Our baby was born yesterday! You won't believe what happened. Alex decided to take
me for a drive through the park. Not long after we'd set out, I started having pains and told Alex to
drive to the hospital. He was going the wrong way, and I was shouting at him! He even went over the
speed limit! Alex rushed, but it was no use. We ran out of gas and Alex had to ring for an ambulance.
In the end our little boy was born in the ambulance.


We know that Alex has not left the house in three days. What does this tell us about him?
He doesn't like going to work.
He is scared to go outdoors because it's cold.
He is a caring husband.
He's waiting to have the baby in the house.

Marge has her baby on the way to the hospital.


What is funny about Alex's story about the woman who had a baby in an ambulance?
Marge has the baby in the park.
Marge has her baby at home.
Alex helps Marge deliver the baby.
Marge has her baby in the ambulance, too.

Which word in the story means "hurry"?

Which word in the story means "make a sign"?
go on

- Oh, no! It's three o'clock. I have to go.

- What? Why so early?
- I'm supposed to babysit for my brother at four o'clock.
- Can't you stay until at least four?
- No, really. I can't. I'm supposed to be home at 3:30.
- Well, OK. See you later.

Choose the correct answer.

Where does this conversation most likely take place?

During a test
In a library
At the girl's house
On the school bus

Why does the girl have to leave?

She has to babysit for her brother.
She doesn't want to talk to the boy.
She has to go home for dinner.
She has to go to class.

What time does the girl need to be home?

Three o'clock
Three thirty
Four o'clock
After 6 pm

What does the boy suggest the girl does?

Help him find a book
Go home now
Stay until four
Study for a test

What will most likely happen next?

The girl will call her parents.
The girl will go home.
The girl will stay.
The boy with go with the girl.

- Do you know who that boy is?

- No, but he's really cute. I wonder if he has a date.
- I'm sure he's not alone.

- Can you tell me where there is a bank near here?

- I think that there's one on Twenty-first Street.

- I don't understand why they can't fix the highway.

- I agree that it's in terrible condition. Maybe there's no money.

- Is Terry going to come to the party?

- I think so. At least she said that she was going to come.
if she is
what she was
what she is
if she was

Do you see what I see? I know that there must be an explanation.

then - if - which

- Why didn't Frank marry Judy?

- I don't know. What I don't understand is why he is marrying Sylvia.

- Did you know that Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity?

- Yes. Do you remember what year it was?
what - discovers

The idea that Martin is a thief is unbelievable!


I know who you are, but I don't remember where we met.

did we meet
we did meet
who are you
- I'm sorry that I had to cancel my appointment Dr. Brown.
- It was helpful that you called so far ahead of time.

- Do you have any idea what I can give Tom for his birthday?
- That's difficult. Everyone knows that he is hard to shop for.


The doctor asked me ___ ___ ___ ___ a lot of headaches.

if - having - what - I - was
The doctor asked me if I was having a lot of headaches.

I don't understand how they can dance like that.

I think that they're great, don't you?
that - they - can - how - what

Betty couldn't decide ___ to wear to the dance. She tried on four different blouses.
that she wanted
what she did want
what did she want
what she wanted

Could you please tell me ___ .

how long ago the train from Milan arrives
the train from Milan arrived how long ago
how long ago did the train from Milan arrive
how long ago the train from Milan arrived

Most people thought that the play, "The Standing," was fantastic.
is - that - what - of - was

- Do you want to go in and look at that sweater?

- No, I can't buy anything until I get paid.
- Why don't you use your credit card?

David bought a French/English dictionary, so that he could look up the meanings of words.
because - until - when - although

Mary and George didn't go home until the party was over.
while - is - because

- Why is Tom working so much? We never see him.

- He's saving money so that he can buy a car.
because - after - if - before

- Dinner's ready. Can we eat?

- Let's wait until Robert gets here.
is going to get here - got here - will get here

If I find you sleeping one more time, you won't have a job anymore!
don't have - saw - will find

Jim and Betty had dinner at Emilio's before they went to the concert.
if - until - go

The Blue Sox team has good players, although they didn't play well at all last Sunday.
if - until - after - because

I'm not good at math; however, I'll keep trying.

even - so that - because - if

Hi, Tracy.
Hi. Listen, I can't talk because Marcy is here. Bye.
before - although - during - so that

We didn't call to confirm our flight reservations; therefore, they canceled them.
after - because - so that - although

- Are you going to order rolls for the party?

- Yes, and meat, so that people can make their own sandwiches.
if - however - after - because

- I hope the weather is nice tomorrow.

- I know. We won't be able to go swimming if it rains.
will rain - aren't - can't

How do you think she feels after she stops?

I have no idea!
she's stopping
she stopped
she'll stop

- Did you like living in a big city?

- Yes, I did. I really missed it at first when I moved here.
so that I moved
when I move
therefore I moved
after I move

- Did Ray get into the university he wanted?

- No. Although he had pretty good test scores, there were many people with higher ones.

- Do you know what time Karl is coming?

- Not exactly, but I know that he's going to be late. He's only coming after he finishes his homework.
- Oh. Then he's going to be very late.

- Are you sure you want to work and study at the same time?
then you want - you want - what you want
- Yes. If I find a job, I will have enough money to go to university.
Until - Since - Because

- Do you know if Ed still lives in this neighborhood? I never see him anymore.
if Ed lived still - if still Ed lives
- No. He moved because his father got a different job.
although - so that
- I think it's strange that he didn't say good-bye.
it's strange what - it is strange that

I married you because I love you.

I know that will never change.
until - if - unless
what - where - for

- Did you have a nice vacation?

- Yes, we enjoyed it, although we had a lot of rain. We didn't see the sun until the third day we were
because - if - that

- Anna called after you went out.

- Do you know what she wanted?
- Yes. She wanted to know what time you were leaving for the game tonight.
before - until - when
did she want - was she wanting - what she did
do you leave - were you leaving - did you leave

- Can I borrow this book when you finish reading it?

- Sure. I know that you'll enjoy it.
until you finish - when finished - you will finish
than - if - what
- I don't have any idea whose scarf that is.
- Let's leave it on the table so that the owner can find it.
that scarf is whose - whose scarf is that - whose scarf what is
before - however - because

Wait here until I get back. I want to see where Ed went.

I will get - I'll get - I'm getting
went Ed - Ed did go Ed goes

Mary wasn't sure what she wanted to study.

Therefore, she decided to work for a while before starting college.
what she wants - she wants what to - what did she want to
Until - Although - Because

- If we leave now, what time will we get to the airport?

- Around 2:30. But it might take longer if there's a lot of traffic.
leaving - left - leaves
are we getting - we do get - did we get
although - after - when

- Did you watch the game until it ended?

- No. I knew who would win, so I turned it off.
is ended - it's going to end - it ends
who will win - who wins - who won

I wish that it were this calm every day. I love it when there's no wind.
why - then - so
why - then - so
there's a storm - it's windy - it rains

- Where's Karla? I thought I heard her voice.

- She was here, but she left. She said she had to be home by 5:00.
can hear - hear - am hearing
has to - is having to - have to

Although Bob likes animals, he doesn't have any pets. What he really wants is to own a horse.
If - That - Because
- Can you tell me where the train to Prague leaves from?
- It leaves from Track Four. But it might not leave on time, because it's not here yet.
until - does leave from - leaving from

I'm sure you're excited about the new TV.

If you aren't happy, we'll return it.
you - what you're - we return

- What are you doing?

- What I'm doing is taking these books to the attic.
- Can I look through them before you put them away?
- Of course.
I am going that - What am I doing - That's what I am doing
so - after - when

A month ago Mr. Adams said I was doing fine in his class. Now he says I'm doing badly. I don't know
what I can do!
be - am - will be
what can I do - can I do that - that I can do

- Do you know if Maria bought decorations for the party?

- I think she did. I gave her some money, so that she would have enough.
because - what

I don't know what you think, but I think women are stronger than men.
but - that - so that - after

- I can't remember where I put my car keys.

what - that - where - if
We can't leave until I find them.
I will find - I find - I am finding - find
- I think I saw them in the kitchen earlier.
see - can see - will see - saw

- That's a pretty sweater. Was it expensive?

- I don't know how much it was. It was a birthday present.
it is - is it - it was - was it
- The style is nice, but what I really love is the color.
why - which - that - what

I missed a lot of school because I was sick; however, the teacher sent work home for me with my
because - until - so that - however - if

- Here. I told you that I would pay you back.

- I knew you would. Thanks.
if - that - would - what - will

Bill always changes his clothes when he gets home from school.
changed - changes - will change
Then he does homework until it’s time for dinner.
it's - was - it will be
After he finishes his work, he usually watches TV.
watches - watched - will watch

- Where did Susan go?

- I think that she went home.
if - what - that - then
- Oh, no! I wanted to tell her something important before she left.
before she left - before she leaves - until she left - until she leaves
The judge believed that the woman was telling the truth.
I'm not sure if her lawyer believed her, though.
that - if - what - who - than

- You remember that Frank and I are leaving on our camping trip today, don't you?
what - why - that - if
- I forgot about it! Have a great time.
- Thanks. I’ll call you when we get back.
I'll call - I call - I called - I'm calling
we're getting - we'll get - we get - we got

You can't drive until you get your license!

But how can I get a license if. I don’t know how to drive?
don't - until - if - although - won't

- Do you have any idea who that girl was?

- I don't know, although she looked familiar.
- Maybe she's John's sister.
although - that - was - girl - who


Something sudden, usually bad, that is unplanned, such as cars hitting each other.
There was a traffic accident outside my house.

A special car with a siren that takes people to hospitals quickly
Quick! Can someone please call an ambulance?

Broken leg
When the bone in the leg is in two or more pieces
Paul fell, and now he has a broken leg.

Likely to cause harm or some kind of injury
It's dangerous to ride a bike in the middle of the road.

Emergency room
A part of a hospital that deals with people who need immediate medical help
The ambulance came and took Susie to the emergency room.

To injure or damage in some way
Did you hurt your head when you fell?

Over the speed limit

Faster than is allowed on a particular road
You should never go over the speed limit.

Run out of gas

To use up all the gas in the car
Please go to the gas station before you run out of gas.

To hurry, do something quickly
I rushed home so I wouldn't be late for dinner.
Something that could be dangerous and/or make you worry
Dan was in a serious car accident, but luckily, he's fine.

To use lights to show that you will turn left or right while driving
Signal before you turn left or right.

Wrong side of the road

The side of the street (or lane) where cars are coming from the opposite direction
He was so tired, he almost drove on the wrong side of the road.

Match the words to the correct definitions. There are more words than you need.

Definitions → Words
The side of the street (or lane) where cars are coming from the opposite direction → wrong side of
the road
to use up all the gas in the car → run out of gas
something sudden, usually bad, that is unplanned, such as cars hitting each other → accident
a part of a hospital that deals with people who need immediate medical help → emergency room
to hurry, do something quickly → rush
likely to cause harm or some kind of injury → dangerous
a special car with a siren that takes people to hospitals quickly → ambulance
when the bone in the leg is in two or more pieces → broken leg
to injure or damage in some way → hurt
faster than is allowed on a particular road → over the speed limit
something that could be dangerous and/or make you worry → serious
to use lights to show that you will turn left or right while driving → signal

There was a traffic accident outside my house.

Quick! Can someone please call an ambulance?
Paul fell, and now he has a broken leg.
It's dangerous to ride a bike in the middle of the road.
The ambulance came and took Susie to the emergency room.
Did you hurt your head when you fell?

You should never go over the speed limit.

Please go to the gas station before you run out of gas.
I rushed home so I wouldn't be late for dinner.
Dan was in a serious car accident, but luckily, he's fine.
Signal before you turn left or right.
He was so tired, he almost drove on the wrong side of the road.

Fill in the blank/s with the correct answer/s.

Jim: Pamela. Where are you? You should have been here two hours ago.
Pamela: I was in a car accident.
Jim: Are you okay?
Pamela: I'll be fine. I just have a broken leg.
Jim: Where are you now?
Pamela: I'm in the emergency room at Mount Pleasant Hospital. The doctor will let me go home in a
few minutes.
Jim: How did you get to the hospital? Did someone take you?
Pamela: I got here in an ambulance. Someone saw that I had hurt my leg, so he called one for me.
Jim: How did the accident happen?
Pamela: I ran into a tree. I was trying to avoid a man driving on the wrong side of the road.

rush - signal
an accident - hurt
ambulance - wrong side of the road
over the speed limit - accident
serious - rushed
signal - emergency room
Drag the correct answer/s into place. There are more words than you need.

Before you let your teenage children use your car, you must make sure they know how to avoid
dangerous situations.
For instance, many young drivers drive over the speed limit.
This can get them into trouble. Young drivers have more accidents than experienced drivers, and if
they are driving very quickly, they can cause a serious accident.
It's important to explain to young drivers that they have to signal whenever they want to turn left or
The other drivers on the road should know what they plan to do.
Also, experienced drivers rarely run out of gas, but young drivers sometimes forget to get gas,
especially if they are rushing to get somewhere.

emergency room - hurt


I didn't mean to break the glass; it was __ .

an accident

The ____ arrived in five minutes.

emergency room

Jenny's ___ has healed nicely.

broken leg

Gary didn't go mountain climbing with us, because he said it was too ___ .
over the speed limit
wrong side of the road

The doctors in the ___ were very busy.

wrong side of the road
emergency room

Tim ___ his arm in the accident.

broken leg

The police stopped her for driving ___ .

over the speed limit
running out of gas

Be careful not to ___ during a long trip.

broken leg
run out of gas

Take your time; there's no need to ___ .

run out of gas

The principal wants to see you, but I don't think it's anything ___ .
over the speed limit
____ before you turn left or right.
Run out of gas

Since I'm used to driving in America, when I was in England, I drove on the ____ !
broken leg
emergency room
wrong side of the road

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