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Mark the letter A , B , C , or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. machine B. chemistry C. mechanic D. headache
Question 2: A. compete B. devote C. release D. deduce

Mark the letter A , B , C , or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. contact B. listen C. offer D. provide
Question 4: A. industrious B. dangerous C. serious D. obvious

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions
Question 5: Hoang Vuong Lam Bach is one of a few examinees worldwide ______ a perfect SAT score.
A. getting B. to get C. got D. which got
Question 6_______________ early for his appointment, Peter spent some time looking at the magazines.
A. Arrived B. To arrive C. Having arrived D. Being arrived
Question 7: _________________, Quattrone had spent 17 years at Morgan Stanley.
A. Before he had taken Netscape public B. By the time he took Netscape public
C. After he took Netscape public D. As he was taking Netscape public
Question 8: Each of the eight defendants received 10-16 years behind bars for the charge _____ “trading
human body parts.”
A. in B. on C. at D. of
Question 9: Let’s go to the library this Saturday, _________?
A. don’t we B. may we C. shall we D. haven’t we
Question 10: The device has ____ SOS button that alerts a central hub when needed, state TV reports.
A. Ø (no article) B. an C. the D. a
Question 11: Rachel took an instant liking to her secretary ______.
A. before she had saw him B. after she has seen him
C. as soon as she will see him D. when she first saw him
Question 12: Make-up artist Namrata encourages women to _______ the best in them.
A. call out B. work out C. bring out D. put out
Question 13: According to a report by Dân Việt newspaper, the elephants have caused damage _____
numerous trees in gardens and farming fields at Thạch Màng Hamlet
A. to B. in C. at D. on
Question 14: Nobody likes being criticised in public, _________?
A. don’t we B. do they C. don’t they D. do we
Question 15 : ________ the boat leaves on time, we should reach France by morning.
A. If only B. Despite C. Provided that D. Whenever
Question 16: This can’t guarantee that someone will _______ the deadline, but it minimizes the role of
forgetfulness or poor planning.
A. met B. take C. make D. have
Question 17: It was Heinrich Schliemann’s ambition ________ the buried city of Troy, so he taught
himself to speak ancient Greek and Ottoman Turkish.
A. to uncover B. which uncovered C. had uncovered D. uncovered
Question 18: On the four corners of the two bell towers, there are hundreds of Pierre de Paris limestone
blocks, which are _________ sculpted, but have been eroded and damaged by rainwater.
A. beauty B. beautifully C. beautician D. beautiful
Question 19: Unions and head-teachers have hit out at school leaders who have “thrown colleagues under
the ________”.
A. car B. train C. bus D. plane
Mark the letter A , B , C , or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each
of the following exchanges
Question 20: Monica is talking to Rachel about school.
- Rachel: “What are you majoring in?” - Monica: “__________”
A. I’m majoring in Sociology. B. I really find the major very interesting.
C. You are so annoying! Stop asking! D. I’m busy.
Question 21 : Janice is making a reservation at a hotel.
- Janice: “Hi, good morning. I’d like to make a reservation for the third weekend in September. Do you
have any vacancies?”
- Receptionist: “ Yes madam, __________.”
A. we have several rooms available B. we are out of rooms
C. you are fired D. have a nice day

Mark the letter A , B , C , or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word ( s ) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word ( s ) in each of the following questions.
Question 22: The rain is then set to ease off to make way for sunny spells before more persistent rain
during the evening.
A. weaken B. intensify C. increase D. extend
Question 23: After being revitalised and reopened to the public at the end of 2021, the Bach Dang Wharf
Park has attracted a high number of visitors.
A. modernised B. replenished C. destroyed D. attached

Mark the letter A , B , C , or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word in each of the following questions
Question 24: FC Barcelona need to choose between Lionel Messi and Robert Lewandowski, who
reportedly don’t see eye to eye.
A. disagree B. protest C. agree D. allow
Question 25: It’s the great TikTok panic – and it could accelerate the end of the internet as we know it.
A. slow down B. keep up with C. speed up D. bring out

Mark the letter A , B , C , or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to each of the following questions .
Question 26: It’s possible that she doesn’t know about our secret.
A. She may not know about our secret. B. She should not know about our secret.
C. She must not know about our secret. D. She cannot know about our secret.
Question 27: After being revitalised and reopened to the public at the end of 2021, the Bach Dang Wharf
Park has attracted a high number of visitors.
A. modernised B. replenished C. destroyed D. attached
Mark the letter A , B , C , or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 28: Joey deeply regrets having spent 3 million dollars on a jacket. He is flat broke now.
A. If only Joey wouldn’t spend 3 million dollars on a jacket.
B. Joey wishes he hadn’t spent 3 million dollars on a jacket.
C. Joey must have been flat broke because he had spent 3 million dollars on a jacket.
D. If Joey hadn’t spent 3 million dollars on a jacket, he wouldn’t have been flat broke.
Question 29: She didn’t have enough money to pay the rent. She was kicked out of the house.
A. If she had enough money to pay the rent, she wouldn’t be kicked out of the house
B. Because she didn’t have enough money to pay the rent, so she was kicked out of the house.
C. Although she didn’t have enough money to pay the rent, she was kicked out of the house .
D. Had she had some money to pay the rent, she wouldn’t have been kicked out of the house.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions
Question 31: Yesterday afternoon, my father returns home late after a long tiring day at work.
A. afternoon B. returns C. late D. tiring day
Question 32: My students are very hard working and they always finish her homework before going to
A. My B. hard-working C. her D. before
Question 33: After the social science lecture, all students were invited to take part in a discussion on the
issues which were risen in the talk.
A. risen B. to take part in C. on the issues D. social science lecture

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Writer’s Block
Ever found yourself staring at a blank page for long periods of time, trying to write but being
unable to find the right words? You’re not alone. This is writer’s block, and (34) ___________ writers,
even accomplished and well-known ones, struggle with it. Writer’s block is a phenomenon (35)
___________ by writers, from journalists to novelists, (36) ___________ is best described as an
overwhelming feeling of being stuck in the writing process without the ability to move forward and write
anything new.
Writer’s block is triggered by a number of things, depending on the individual. Some people
believe that writer’s block stems from a lack of ideas or even talent, (37) __________ that’s usually not
the case. A study (38) ___________ by researchers at Yale University in the 1970s revealed that the main
triggers of writer’s block include anxiety and anger.
(Adapted from masterclass.com)
Question 34: A. all B. every C. all of D. any
Question 35: A. endured B. tolerated C. suffered D. experienced
Question 36: A. which B. whom C. who D. that
Question 37: A. so B. but C. or D. and
Question 38: A. conducted B. organized C. arranged D. regulated

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Having teenagers confined to home during the coronavirus crisis may not be as difficult as being
holed up with small children, but it definitely has its challenges. While younger children may be excited
about having parental attention 24/7, adolescents are likely to feel differently.
The first challenge with teens and young adults may be getting them to comply with the guidelines
for social distancing. Teenagers tend to feel invincible and they may think that the new coronavirus is not
as problematic for their age range as it is for older people. Parents are reporting a lot of pushback when
teens are told they cannot go out and get together with friends because they simply do not see why social
distancing should apply to them.
Another problem that may put parents under pressure is how to help kids with remote learning.
With younger children, it’s mostly a matter of finding fun activities that can be educational. But with
older students, keeping up with expectations from school from home can be challenging, especially for
those with ADHD, learning disorders or organization issues. “I’m completely overwhelmed by trying to
figure out how to structure a school day,” said a mother. “I was never planning on home-schooling my
kids. I don’t have training in this.”
One more issue that parents may have to resolve is helping adolescents cope with
disappointments. For many, the most painful part of the coronavirus crisis will be losing important
experiences like extra-curricular events and ceremonies in school. Some will also be worried about
missing activities expected to help them with college applications and scholarships. And while we’re all
missing out on very valued activities, it’s especially problematic for teenagers who are always seeking
new frontiers to be limited in this way.
(Adapted from childmind.org)
Question 39: What is the best title for this passage?
A. Raising Teens’ Awareness Of COVID-19
B. Helping Teens During COVID-19
C. Teen Issues In COVID-19 Times
D. Educating Teens As COVID-19 Continues
Question 40: Getting teens to follow social distancing guidelines can be difficult because __________.
A. they know that the coronavirus does not affect them
B. they do not properly understand how social distancing works
C. they believe the coronavirus only infects old people
D. they think the coronavirus is not such a big problem for them
Question 41: The word “pushback” in paragraph 2 can be best replaced by ___________.
A. resistance B. criticism C. nervousness D. influence
Question 42: The word “those” in paragraph 3 refers to __________.
A. activities B. students C. expectations D. disorders
Question 43: Which of the following is NOT TRUE, according to the passage?
A. Unlike teens, children are actually happy to be confined at home.
B. Teens do not think they need to stay home but still practice social distancing.
C. For teens with learning disorders, learning from home is not easy.
D. Some teens worry about missing activities that affect their higher education.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
When you’re sleepy, stressed or have had a few drinks, you’re not in the best position to drive – or
even make that decision. But automated cars could soon determine whether or not you can drive for you.
In Europe, more than 25,000 people lose their lives on the road every year, while another 135,000 are
seriously injured. And the main culprits are speed, alcohol or drug driving, non-use of seat belts,
distraction, and fatigue.
The type of automated cars on the road today provide steering, brake and acceleration support
while the driver is still at the wheel and constantly monitors the driving. These are known as level two on
the car autonomy scale, but cars could reach up to level five on the six-level scale in the future —
becoming a completely driverless car. However, there is still a long way to go and we have to take it step-
by-step, says Dr Anna Anund from the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute.
She and her team are developing a sensor-based system as part of a project to move towards level
three, in which the driver can rest and would only be expected to drive when the car requests it. The
system would also automatically transfer control between vehicle and driver to ensure road safety,
especially when the driver is sleepy, stressed, distracted or anxious. It also uses many types of sensors to
keep tabs on the drivers’ state, such as eye trackers and sensors to measure heart rate and changes in
voice or face images, most of which are on the vehicle’s dashboard, wheel or seat.
But all of this is still not enough. Dr Anund also notes that each person varies and reacts
differently in both normal and impairment states, such as sleepiness, and therefore the system should
work on an individual level. To measure heart rate variability accurately, for example, information such
as age and gender should be included or the initial state of the driver should be used as a reference. ‘It’s
important to develop systems where your individual preferences and behaviours are incorporated, so we
will also focus on human-computer interaction”, she said.
(Adapted from horizon-magazine.eu)
Question 44: What does the passage mostly concern?
A. The main causes of fatal traffic accidents in Europe
B. The development of a new self-driving car system
C. The reasons why more people prefer driverless cars
D. The biological factors that self-driving cars measure
Question 45: The word “culprits” in paragraph 1 can be best replaced by ___________.
A. wrongdoers B. contributors C. donors D. accomplices
Question 46: At level two of the car autonomy scale, cars can __________.
A. automatically steer, brake and accelerate without drivers
B. become completely automatic and operate with no driver
C. provide drivers with assistance while they are in control
D. determine whether or not a person is capable of driving
Question 47: Which of the following is TRUE about the system developed by Dr. Anund’s team?
A. It detects when a driver is sleepy and help them stay awake.
B. It helps driverless cars reach level six on the autonomy scale.
C. It makes use of many sensors to monitor drivers’ conditions.
D. It requests to take control if a driver is distracted or stressed.
Question 48: The phrase “keep tabs on” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to __________.
A. moderate B. command C. dominate D. monitor
Question 49: The word “It” in paragraph 3 refers to ___________.
A. vehicle B. system C. driver D. control
Question 50: What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Many cars will reach the fifth level of the car autonomy scale soon.
B. The final aim of Dr. Anund’s project is to create level-six driverless cars.
C. Dr. Anund’s team will focus on adding more sensors to their system.
D. Human-computer interaction can further improve Dr. Anund’s system.

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