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Alex Saucedo

Prof. Moore

HED 044

Project 2 Reflection

On this project I record my calorie intake for the week. It was a challenge since it was the

first time I have ever tracked my food. Especially having to calculate the food I ate that did not

have information on it like the homemade food. Much of that information I had to look up from

the packages and calculate it to get my intake for those certain foods. I also realized my calorie

intake for the first time and the pattern of it from a day to day basis. With only breaking the 3000

calorie mark once I realized that my intake really depended on how my day was. The days I did

least on meaning I didn’t go school, had practice, or went out were the days my intake tended to

be lower. On the days I was the busiest I usually had more to eat than other days. What I did

learn from this project is that I should try to have a balance in my calorie intake. Not just let my

intake be determined by how hungry I feel during a single day. I should be eating enough to get

all my nutrites. As well as limiting myself on the foods that have the most calories in them so I

don’t overeat and also to limit the food I shouldn’t eat as much.

I feel that I could have added more detail to my work but I had a hard time calculating

everything I just wanted to get it done. There were some foods I should have added to get an

understanding of what was in it so the intake number could make sense. I know I could have

done better on this project but this was something new to me. It was a challenge making this

chart because I have never done this before. Especially being from a mexican family it isn’t a

normal thing to take notes on the food. I know there were some things that I missed like what I

drank but I decided to focus on what I ate since that is pretty much what a lot of people focus on
when they measure their food. Although I didn’t do too well on this project. I am happy with

what I learned from this. I learned how to chart my food intake and how to understand how

calories work and with what foods it plays a different role. I will continue to use what I learned

in my day to day life. In order to live a healthier, longer and happier life.

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