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Heredity & Evolution

Very Short Answer
Q. 1. A Mendelian experiment consisted of breeding pea (c) Potato and tomato
plants bearing violet flowers with pea plant bearing white (d) Lady finger and potato
flowers. What will be the result in F1 progeny? [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
[CBSE, 2018] Ans. (a) Carrot and radish
Ans. All the progeny of F1 generation will have Q. 6. Which of the following is a correct set of
violet flowers because violet colour is homologous organs?
dominant over the recessive white colour.
(a) Forelimbs of frog, bird and lizard
Q. 2. The following vegetables are kept in a basket:
(b) Spine of cactus and thorn of
Potato, Tomato, Radish, Brinjal, Carrot,Bottle- bougainvillea
gourd (c) Wings of bat and wings of butterfly
Which two of these vegetables correctly (d) Wings of a bird and wings of a bat

represent the homologous structures? [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]Ans.
(a) Forelimbs of frog, bird and lizard
(a) Carrot and Tomato
(b) Potato and Brinjal Q. 7. What is DNA?
(c) Radish and Carrot
(d) Radish and Bottle-gourd [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 2, 2016]
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2017]
Ans. DNA is the carrier of hereditary information
Ans. (c) Radish and Carrot from parents to the next generation.
Q. 8. Given below is the list of vegetablesavailable in the
Q. 3. Select the set of homologous organsfrom the market. Select from these the two vegetables
following: having homologous structures:
(a) Wings of pigeon and a butterfly Potato, sweet potato, ginger, radish,tomato,
(b) Wings of bat and a pigeon carrot, okra (Lady’s finger)
(c) Forelimbs of cow, a duck and a lizard

(a) Potato and sweet potato

(d) Wings of butterfly and a bat
(b) Radish and carrot
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2017] (c) Okra and sweet potato
Ans. (c) Forelimbs of cow, a duck and a lizard. (d) Potato and tomato

[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2015]

Q. 4. Why is variation important for a species?
Ans. (b) Radish and carrot
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 3, 2017]
Q. 9. Four students A, B, C and D reported thefollowing
Ans. Variation is necessary for the survival of set of organs to be homologous. Who is correct?
species as variation makes species more
adapted to survive with the changing (a) Wings of a bat and a butterfly
environmental conditions. The variant (b) Wings of a pigeon and a bat
species are more adapted to changing (c) Wings of a pigeon and a butterfly
environment. Therefore, they can survive (d) Forelimbs of cow, a duck and a lizard
better and reproduce to pass the genes to [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2015]Ans.
the offsprings. (d) Forelimbs of cow, a duck and a lizard
Q. 5. If you are asked to select a group of twovegetables,
out of the following, having homologous Q. 10. What is speciation?
structures which one would you select?
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 3, 2015]
(a) Carrot and radish
(b) Potato and sweet potato Ans. Speciation is the formation of new species
from the pre-existing population.

Short Answer
Q. 1. (a) Classify the following as homologousor analogous have evolved similar (analogous)
pairs : organs.
Q. 2 A green stemmed rose plant denoted by GG and a
(i) Broccoli and Cabbage brown stemmed rose plant denoted by gg are
(ii) Ginger and Raddish allowed to undergo a cross with each other.
(iii)Forelimbs of birds and lizard
(iv) Wings of a bat and Wings of a bird.
(a) List your observations regarding
(i) Colour of stem in their F1 progeny
(b) State the main feature that categorisesa given (ii) Percentage of brown stemmed plants
pair of organs as homologousor analogous. in F2 progeny if F1 plants are self
[CBSE OD, Set 1, 2020] pollinated.
Ans. (a) (i) Broccoli and cabbage are (iii) Ratio of GG and Gg in the F2
analogous pairs. (b) Based on the findings of this cross, what
(ii) Ginger and raddish are analogous conclusion can be drawn?

[CBSE OD, Set 1, 2020]
(iii) Four limbs of birds and lizard are
homologous pairs. Ans. (a) (i) Colour of stems in F1 progeny
(iv) Wings of bat and wings of a bird
are analogous pairs. will be all green.
(b) Homologous organs are defined asthe (ii) The percentage of brown stem will be
organs of different animals thatare 25% i.e., one-fourth of the total
having a similar structure butdiffer in number of progeny.
their functions. Example of
homologous organs are the forelimbsof
frog, man and the flippers of thewhale.
The structure of these animalsare the
same but the functions are different.
The flippers are used for swimming,

the forelimbs of frogs are usedfor

jumping and propping, and the
(iii) GG: Gg is 1: 2
forelimbs of man are used for writing,
(b) Based on the findings of this cross this
eating, holding things, etc. Having a
can be concluded that green stemmed
similar structure shows that all these

plants are dominant whereas brown

animals have a common ancestor.
stemmed plants are recessive.
Analogous organs are defined asthe
organs of different animals thatare Q. 3. List three factors that could lead to speciation.
Which of these cannot be a major factor in the
having different structure butperform
speciation of a self- pollinating plant species and
the same functions. Exampleof why?
analogous organ are the wings of
insects and the wings of the birds.The [CBSE OD, Set 2, 2020]
structure of wings of a bird hasbones
covered by flesh, skin andfeathers Ans. Speciation is an evolutionary processof the
whereas the wings of insectsare formation of new and distinct species. The
extension of integument. But inboth species evolve by genetic modification. The
new species are reproductively isolated
the cases the wings are used forflying.
from the previousspecies i.e., the new
These organisms would haveto adapt
species cannot mate with the old species.
to the same ecological nicheas other
There are several factors which lead to
organisms. Hence, they may speciation.

(i) Due to some geographical changes, few

members of a species get isolated

from other members. Later, this isolated group was obtained by Mendel in F1 and F2
grows in a different land and eventually generations when he crossed the tall and
evolves as a new species with new adaptations short plants? Write the ratio he obtainedin
according to its environment. F2 generation plants.
(ii) Natural selection will have a major [CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019
role to play in the speciation of the
species since it leads to variations in Ans. Mendel used pea plant (Pisum sativum).
the species. When he crossed tall and short plants
(iii) Genetic drift is an evolutionary theprogeny obtained in F1 generation
change in allelic frequencies of a were tall. When the F1 plants were
populationas a matter of chance and selfed theF2 generations showed three
it leads to the speciation and tall and one dwarf plant. The genotypic
separates the population. ratio of F2generation is 1 : 2 : 1
Geographical isolation will not be a (TT : Tt : Tt : tt)
majorfactor in the speciation of self- The phenotypic ratio is 3 : 1 (Tall :
pollinatingplant species.

Dwarf)T T t t
Geographical isolationcreates the
separation of the population.It is
because in self-pollinating species, Tt Tt F1
new variants are not formed and they generationTt ×
donot show any variation in the
population.After self-pollination,
homozygous line T t
evolve. In contrast, after cross-pollination, T TT Tt F2 generation
heterozygous line evolve and it results in t
the variation of traits in the population. Tt tt
Q. 4. What are homologous structures? Give an example. Is it Q. 6. List two differences between acquired traits and inherited traits by
necessary that homologous structures always have a giving an example of each.
common ancestor? Justify your answer.
[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019]

[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020]

Ans. Homologous structures are those structures which have
same basic structurebut different functions.
For example; forelimbs of humans are forgrabbing 1. These are somatic
things but forelimbs of otheranimals are for various S. No. Acquired
variationsTraits These areTraits
Inherited genetic

and do not
functions. Yes, it is necessary that homologous bring anychange in
structures must have common ancestors because DNA. variations and bring about
everything has its own origin and base and homology changein the DNA.
indicates commonancestry. Homologous structures
gets their origin from their common ancestors.
2. These traits develop These traits are
Homologous organs follow the same basic plan of throughoutthe life time transferred by or
organisation during their development but in the of (inherited) by
adult condition these organs are modified to perform an individual. Example:
learning of dance and the parents to the offspring.
different functions as an adaptation todifferent music. Example:Eye colour, Hair
environments. colour.
Q. 5. Name the plant Mendel used for hisexperiment. What type of

Q. 7. How does the creation of variations in a

species promote survival? Explain with the
help of an example. [CBSE, 2019]


Q. 8. How did Mendel explain that it is possible that

a trait is inherited but not expressed in an
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2017]

Ans. Some traits that are inherited may not

express themselves. Such hidden traits So, dwarfness traits of plants (pea
plant) were not lost but are suppressed
are known as recessive traits. Mendel
in theF1 generation and thus
explained this phenomenon with the
reappeares in F2 generation.
helpof monohybrid cross. In a
monohybrid cross performed by Q. 9. ‘‘Evolution and classification of organ- isms are
interlinked’’. Give reasons to justify this
Mendel, tall plant was crossed with a
dwarf plant which produced all tall
plants in F1 progeny. [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2017]
However, when these F1 tall plants Ans. Classification refers to the grouping
were crossed with each other, both tall and naming of organisms based onthe
anddwarf pea plants were obtained in similarities and difference in their
F2 generation. Reappearance of the characters. Classification is done on the
dwarfpea plants in F2 generation basis of ancestral characteristics and
proves that the dwarf trait was derived characteristics. So as we move
inherited but not ex- pressed in F1

from simple life forms to the complex generation of diversity. One species does
organisms, we are actually tracing thepath not necessarily get eliminated to give riseto
of evolution. All life forms on earth have a new ones in prevailing environments.
progressively changed during evolution. So Also, the newly formed species may have
the hierarchy developsduring classification complex organisation because of evolution
which throws the light on the evolutionary but it cannot be considered better than the
relationship among organisms. Common earlier species. Many older and simpler
ancestors can also be predicted with the designs still survive inthe nature. For
help of classification. example, bacteria are one of the simplest
Q. 10. With the help of two suitable examples, explain life forms on earth and still they can
why certain experiences and traits earned by survive in the most adverseconditions,
people during their lifetime are not passed on to such as hot springs, deep sea thermal vents
their next generations. When can such traits be etc. Therefore, having morecomplex body
passed on? designs does not make anyspecies superior
to others.
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 2, 2017]
Q. 12. Distinguish between the acquired traits and the
Ans. The experiences and qualifications thata inherited traits in tabular form, giving one
person earns during their lifetime are example for each.

examples of acquired traits. These traits are [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2017]
not inherited, they do not affect the genetic
makeup. They are developed dueto direct Ans.
affect of the environment. Thus they are not
passed to the next generation.Piercing of
ears or large sized muscles of the wrestler S. No. Acquired traits Inherited traits
are not carried by the next generation.
Traits can only be passed on to the next 1. Acquired traits are Inherited traits are
generation only when they have some those that are the qualities or
direct effect on the genes. For example, developed by an characteristics
mutation is caused in the germ cells of a individual during present in an
person due to exposureto some harmful his/her life time. individual since birth.
radiations, it is likely that the mutation will
2. They are the result They are the result
be passed on to thesubsequent
generations. of changes in of changes in the

non-reproductive DNA.
Q. 11. What is an organic evolution? It cannot be equated tissues.
with progress. Explain with the help of a suitable
example. 3. They cannot be They are transmitted
passed on to the to the progeny. e.g.,
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 3, 2017]

progeny, e.g., Colourof eyes, skin

Ans. Organic evolution refers to the gradual Pierced ear, large or hair colour etc.
changes that occur in living organisms over muscle size etc.
time. It is the result of change in thegenetic
makeup of the organism due to mutation Q. 13. Explain with the help of an example each, how the
and other sources of variations.The following provide evidences in favour of
favourable mutations are acceptedby evolution:
nature and provide the organism an
adaptive advantage, leading to its
(a) Homologous organs
evolution. (b) Analogous organs
(c) Fossils
Evolution cannot always be equatedto
progress because it does not always lead to [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2017]
the formation of a new species.In fact,
Ans. (a) Homologous organs: These organs are
most of the times, it leads to the
similar in form but perform different
functions in differentorganisms. These
organs provide strong evidences in
favour of evolution. For example: the
bonestructure observed in the fore
limbs of birds and bats, flippers of

and arms of human beings are similar we can say that both natural selectionand
and have same pentadactyl plan but speciation lead to the evolution of species
they perform different functions. on earth.
(b) Analogous organs: These organs have
Q. 15. How do Mendel’s experiment show that traits are
different origin and different basic
inherited independently?
structure but perform same functions. For
example, wings ofbirds and wings of bat [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
have different structures but perform
same function of flying. Thus, these Ans. Mendel performed an experiment in which he
organs provide evidences for evolution took a tall plant with roundseeds and short
that they are different in origin but
plant with wrinkled seeds.In F1 progeny all
evolved to per- form same function to
survive in hos- tile environmental tall with round seeds were produced.
conditions. Tallness and roundness were thus
(c) Fossils: Fossils are the preservedremains dominant traits. When he usedthese F1
or traces of animals, plants and other progeny to generate F2 progeny by self-
organisms from the remote past. For pollination, he found that someF2 progeny
example, Archaeopteryx is a connecting were tall plants with round seeds, while
link between birds and reptiles and it others were short, but had round seeds.
suggests that the present animals have

Thus Mendel’s experiment shows that tall
evolved from the existing ones through or short traits and round or wrinkled seed
the processof continuous evolution. traits are independentlyinherited.
Q. 14. ‘‘Natural selection and speciation leads to Q. 16. ‘’Two areas of study namely ‘evolution’ and
evolution.’’ Justify this statement. ‘classification’ are interlinked’’. Jus tify this
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 2, 2017]
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
Ans. Natural selection is the phenomenon by
which the nature selects those species Ans. Modern classification system is based on the
which possess survival advantage over the phylogenetic resemblances and
other species. According to theory of evolutionary relationships between the
natural selection, there is ‘‘Struggle for species. Systematic deals with the
existence’’ within the species of a classification of living beings on the basis
population for the environmental resources of evolution. Thus, evolution of organisms
and this struggle leads to survival of certain gives a hint about its position in

organisms and elimination of the less classification system and vice versa. Hence,
competent species. Thus, in this we can say that evolution and classification
competition, some organisms might are two interlinked areas of study.
undergo genetic changes which help them
Q. 17. With the help of an example justify the following
in their survival. The better adapted

organism would, thus, survive and passon
their traits to next generations, grad- ually ‘’A trait may be inherited, but may not be
leading to evolution. Speciation isa process expressed.’’
of formation of new speciesfrom the
existing one due to reproductive isolation [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 2, 2016]
of a part of its population. This Ans. Characters are inherited by parents. But not
reproduction and isolation can occur due to all the characters are expressed. Some
geographical isolation of a part of characters are recessive and they are sup-
population with time, the genetic drift will pressed by dominant genes.
accumulate different variationsin each of
the geographically separated, sub- E.g., In one of the Mendel’s experiments
population, ultimately, all the individuals when pure tall pea plants are crossed with
of these two groups will isolate pure dwarf pea plants in F1 generation all
reproductively thus, leading to formation tall pea plants are obtained. On selfing F1
and evolution of new species. Thus, generation pea plants both tall and dwarf
pea plants were obtained in F2generation.

Q. 18. How do organisms, whether reproducedasexually Ans.

or sexually maintain a constant chromosome
number through several generations? Explain
with the help of suitable example. S. No. Acquired traits Inherited traits
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2016] 1. Do not bring Bring changes in
changes in the the DNA of germ
Ans. During asexual reproduction organisms
undergo only mitotic divisions. The DNA DNA of germ cells. cells.
of the cells involved are copied and then 2. Cannot bring direct Can bring direct
equally divided among the two daughter evolution. evolution.
cells formed. Thus, chromosome number
3. Cannot be passed on Can be passed on
remains unchanged. In sexual reproduction,
organisms produce gametes through to the progeny. to the progeny.
meiosis, in which the original number of
Q. 21. How did Mendel interpret his result to show that
chromosomes becomes half. These two
traits may be dominant or recessive? Describe
gametes combine to form the zygote and briefly.
the original number of chromosome is
restored. [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 2, 2016]

For example, in humans, the parents each
have 46 or 23 pairs of chromosomes. In the Ans. Mendel conducted breeding experimentson
gametes, the sperm has half the num-ber of pea plants:
chromosomes, i.e., 23 and the egg also has He selected pure breed tall and dwarf
23 chromosomes. When the sperm and the plants. He cross pollinated these plants. In
egg fuse, the zygote has 46or 23 pairs of the F1 generation obtained only tallplants,
tallness is the dominant trait.
Q. 19. In one of his experiments with pea plants Mendel Then, he produced F2 generation by selfing
observed that when a pure tall pea plant is of hybrids of F1 generation. He found that
crossed with a puredwarf pea plant, in the first 3/4th of the plants were tall and 1/4th were
generation, F1 only tall plants appear. dwarf. The trait which remains hidden in F1
generation plants isthe recessive trait.
(a) What happens to the traits of thedwarf
Q. 22. In a monohybrid cross between tall pea plants (TT)
plants in this case?
and short pea plants (tt) a scientist obtained only
(b) When the F1 generation plants were self- tall pea plants (Tt)in the F1 generation. However,

fertilised, he observed that inthe plants on selfing the F1 generation pea plants, he
of second generation, F2 both tall plants obtained both tall and short plants in F2
and dwarf plants were present. Why it generation. On the basis of above observations
happened? Explain briefly. with other angiosperms also, can the scientist
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2016] arrive at a law? If yes, explain the law. Ifnot, give

justification for your answer.

Ans. (a) The dwarf traits of the plants is not
expressed in the presence of the [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 3, 2016]
dominant tall traits. dominant trait,may
(b) Ans. Yes, the scientist arriveboth the
at the lawdominant
In F2 generation all tall and dwarftraits and recessive traits are present in theF1
Q. 20. List three distinguishing features, in dominance according to which the trait that
are present in the ratio of 3:1, this favour of evolution
generation. in organisms:
In F2 generation recessive trait is
showed that both tallness and is expressed in the F 1 generation is the
expressed along with dominant trait.
tabular form, between
dwarfness acquired
traits were traitsin
present and
F1 the (a) Homologous organs
inherited traits. Q. 23. Explain with an example for each, how the
generation but only tallness trait (b) Analogous
following organs
provides evidences in
appeared beingTerm
[CBSE Delhi, dominant
2, Set trait.
1, 2016] (c) Fossils
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2015]
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 3, 2015]

Ans. (a) Study of homologous organs sug- gests (b) On self pollination in F2 generation white
that the organs having same structures flowers will be 25%.
but performing different functions (c) Ratio of blue and white in F2 progenywill
have evolved from a common ancestor. be 1 : 2.
e.g., Forelimbs of a frog, lizard, birds Q. 26. What is DNA copying? State its importance. [CBSE
and man. Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2015]
(b) Analogous organs shows adoption of
Ans. A process where a DNA molecule produces
organs for common use.
two similar copies of itselfin a reproducing
e.g., Wings of butterfly and wings of bat. cell is known as DNA copying.
(c) Fossils–Provides the missing links Importance of DNA copying are:
between two species.
e.g., Archeopteryx (i) It makes possible the transmission of
characters from parents to the next
Q. 24. Explain the following: generation.
(ii) It causes variation in the population.
(a) Speciation
(b) Natural Selection Q. 27. “We cannot pass on to our progeny the

experiences and qualifications earnedduring
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2015] our life time”. Justify the
statement giving reason and examples.[CBSE
Ans. (a) Speciation: Speciation is the evolution of Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2015]
new species from pre-existingspecies.
It occurs due to accumulationof Ans. Acquired knowledge or skills like dancing,
variations. By the processess like music etc. do not bring any change in the
genetic drift, barriers like mountains, DNA of the reproducing cell or germ cell.
rivers etc. leading to incapability to Only germ cells are responsible for passing
reproduce amongst themselves in on the characters from the parents to the
population. progeny. Thus due to this fact the
(b) Natural selection: Change in frequency characters which we inherit during our life
of some genes in a population. It gives time are not passedto our progeny.
survival advantages to aspecies from
Q. 28. (i) “Planaria, insects, octopus and vertebrates all
elimination. have eyes. Can we group eyes of these

Example: In a population of beetles,a animals together to establish a common

new variation (green colour)get evolutionaryorigin?” Justify your answer.
survival benefit and this is the
(ii) “Birds have evolved from reptiles.”State
advantage to green beetles whereas evidence to prove the statement.[CBSE

other one red perishes. Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2015]

Q. 25. A pea plant with blue colour flower denoted by BB
Ans. (i) The eyes seen in each of these organisms
is cross-breed with a peaplant with white flower
denoted by ww. vary differently in their structure but
all of them perform the same function
(a) What is the expected colour of the of vision. Thus a common evolutionary
flowers in their F1 progeny? origin can be established on the basis
(b) What will be the percentage of plants of eyes.
bearing white flower in F2 generation, (ii) ‘‘Birds have evolved from reptile,’’ this
when the flowers of F1 plants were can be justified as follows:
selfed? (a) Fossils of certain dinosaurs or
(c) State the expected ratio of the geno-type reptiles show imprints of feather
BB and BW in the F2 progeny. along with their bones but they
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 2, 2015]

Ans. (a) F1 progeny will have blue coloured flowers

as blue is dominant.

could not fly presumably using the Ans. Speciation: Formation of new speciesfrom the
feathers for insulation. pre-existing population.
(b) Later, they developed and adapted
Four factors responsible for speciation are:
feathers for flight, thus becoming the
ancestors of presentday birds. (i) Genetic drift
Q. 29. What is speciation? List four factors re- sponsible (ii) Natural selection
for speciation. (iii) Geographical isolation
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 2, 2015] (iv) Change in genes.

Long Answer

Q. 1. (a) What is the law of dominance of traits? Explain his life time are practiced by him dueto
with an example. the situation and the environment in
which he/she lives after birth. As the
(b) Why are the traits acquired during the life
time of an individual notinherited? Explain. traits acquired during life time of an
individual does not interfere with the

[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020] genetic makeup of the DNA of thegerm
cells, they are not inherited.
Ans. (a) The law of dominance states that the allele
expressed in the heterozygous Q. 2. (a) What is genetics?
condition is termed as dominantand
the allele which cannot express itself in
(b) What are genes? Where are the genes
the heterozygous conditionis called as
recessive. Recessive traits are expressed (c) State and define three factors responsible
only in homozygousrecessive for the rise of a new species.
conditions. Let us take an example of [CBSE Delhi, Set 2, 2020]
tall and dwarf in pea plant. When pure
Ans. (a) Genetics is the branch of biology which
line tall (TT) plant were crossed with
deals with the study of genes, heredity
pure line dwarf (tt)plants, offspring
and variations of inherited characters.
were all heterozy-gous tall (Tt). Hence,
(b) Genes are short regions of DNA which

allele tall (T) is dominant over allele

dwarf (t) which is recessive in nature. code for either a protein or RNA
(b) The traits acquired during life timeof an molecule. It is the fundamental unit of
individual are not inherited because heredity. Genes are made up of DNA
strands and are found in almost every
the traits acquired during life time of

cell’s nucleus.
an individual include his unique hair
styles, different type of dressing, (c) The factors responsible for rise of new
consumption of different types of species are :
foods, etc. Such traits are not inherited (i) Natural selection: All populations
by their progeny it is because these are respond to changes in their
the changes which do not have any environment. Individuals will respond
effect on DNA of thegerm cells. Any in different ways depending on their
change which affectsthe DNA genes. Those individuals whose genes
arrangement of the germ cellmay lead are best suited to the environment are
to transfer of the mutation to the more likely to survive and pass on
progeny cells. The traits acquired by their genes to the next generation. This
the individual during is natural selection. Gradually,
favourable genes will start to
predominate in

the population and less favourable

genes will decline.
(ii) Genetic drift: It is caused due to
drastic changes in the frequencies of
particular genes by chance alone.
Genetic drift with changes in the gene
flow imposed by isolation mechanism
acts as an agent of speciation which The above presentation clearly shows that
ultimately results in evolution. it is matter of chance whether the newborn
(iii) Geographical isolation: It is a major will be a boy or a girl and none of the
factor in speciation since it interrupts parents may be considered responsible for
with gene flow. Geographical it.
isolation is caused by various types of
Q. 4. (a) What are dominant and recessive traits?
barriers such as mountain ranges,
rivers and seas. It leads to (b) ‘‘Is it possible that a trait is inheritedbut may
reproductive isolation due to which not be expressed in the next generation?”
there is no flow of genes between Give a suitable example to justify this

separated groups of population which statement.
ultimately resultsin speciation. [CBSE OD, Set 2, 2019]
Q. 3. (a) What are homologous structures? Give an
example. Ans. (a) The trait which can express its effect over
contrasting trait is called dominant trait
(b) ‘’The sex of a newborn child is a matter of
chance and none of the parents may be whereas the trait which can-not express
considered responsible for it.’’ Justify this its effect over contrastingtrait or which
statement with the help of a flow chart gets suppressed by the contrasting trait
showing sex- determination in human is called recessive trait. The inherited
beings. trait which is not expressed will be a
[CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019] recessive trait.
(b) Yes; In Mendel’s experiment, when pure
Ans. (a) The structures which have the same basic tall pea plants were crossed with pure
design or origin but differentfunctions dwarf pea plants, only tall pea plants

are called homologous structures or were obtained inF1 generation. On

homologous organs. selfing the pea plants of F1 generation
Example: Forelimbs of a man, a lizard, a both tall and dwarf pea plants were
frog they have same basic design of bones obtained inF2 generation.

but perform different functions. Reappearance of the dwarf pea plants

in F2 generation proves that the dwarf
(b) The sex of a newborn depends on what
trait was inherited but not expressed in
happens at the time of fertilization.
F1 generation. The recessive trait does
1. If a sperm carrying X chromosome
not express itself in the presence of the
fertilizes the ovum carrying X chro-
dominant trait. So, it is possible that
mosome, then the girl child will be
one trait may be inherited but may not
born and the child will have XX
combination of sex chromosomes. be expressed in an organism.
Tall Dwarf
2. If a sperm carrying Y chromosome
fertilizes the ovum carrying X TT × tt
chromosome, then the child born will F1  All Tall (Tt)
be a boy and the child will have XY TT × Tt
combination of sex chromosome. F2  TT Tt Tt tt
Tall Tall Tall Dwarf

Q. 5. (a) How do the following provide evidences in favour of evolution in organisms? Explainwith an example for
(i) Homologous organs
(ii) Analogous organs
(iii) Fossils
(b) Explain two methods to determine the age of fossils. [CBSE, 2019]


3. They cannot be They are
passed on to the transmitted in

Q. 6. With the help of one example for each, distinguish progeny, e.g., the progeny, e.g.,
between the acquired traits and the inherited pierced ear, large colour of eyes,
traits. Why are the traits/experiences acquired muscle size etc. skin or hair.
during the entire lifetime of an individual not
inherited in the next generation? Explain the

reason of this fact with an example. Traits can be passed on to the next
generation only when they have some
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2017] direct effect on the genes. The traits
acquired during the lifetime of an
individual cannot beinherited as they do
not affect the geneticmake up of an
organism. In fact, these traits develop due
S. No. Acquired traits Inherited traits to use and disuse of organs or due to direct
effect of environment.Thus, they are not
1. Those traits that are Those traits which
passed on to the next generation. For
developed by the are presentin an
example, a wrestler develops large muscles
individual during his individual since
because of his training programme, it does
lifetime. birth.
not mean that hisoffspring will necessarily
2. They are a result of They are a result of have large muscles. Similarly, if a lady
changes in non- changes in the pierces her nose, the children produced to
reproductive issues. DNA. her will not havepierced nose by birth.

Q. 7. How do Mendel’s experiments show that Mendel observed that the F2 progeny of
dihybrid cross had a phenotypic ratio of
(a) Traits may be dominant or recessive? 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 and produces 9 plants with roundyellow
(b) Inheritance of two traits is independent seeds, three plants with round green seed, 3 plants
of each other? with wrinkled yellowand one plant with wrinkled
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2017] green seeds.
In this experiment, he found that round
Ans. (a) Mendel demonstrated that traitscan be
yellow and wrinkled green are parental
either dominant or recessive through
his monohybrid cross. He crossed true combination whereas round green and
breeding, tall (TT) and dwarf (tt) pea wrinkled yellow are new combination.In a
plants. dihybrid cross between two plants having

round yellow (RRYY) and wrinkled green

seeds (rryy), four types of gametes are
produced (RY, Ry, ry, rY). Each ofthese
gametes segregates independently of each

other and each has a frequency of25% of

the total gametes produced.

From this experiment, he concluded that
when two pairs of traits are combined
together in a hybrid, one pair of character
In this experiment Mendel concluded segregates independent of the other pairsof
that the F1 tall plants were not true character. This is known as the law of
breeding, they were carrying both short independent assortment.
and tall height traits. They appeared Q. 8. Define evolution. How does it occur? Describe how
tall only because the tall traits were fossils provide us evidences in support of
dominant over the dwarf trait. This evolution.
shows that traits may be dominant or

recessive. [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]

(b) Mendel demonstrated that traits are
inherited independently through his Ans. Evolution is change in the heritable traitsof
dihybrid cross. He considered two traits biological populations over successive
at a time, seed colour and seed shape in generation. It occurs due to continued

which yellow colour (YY) andround mutation of natural selection.

shape (RR) are dominant over green
colour (yy) and wrinkled (rr). They provide gradual change in phenotype
with respect to shape and size of organism

which also indicates adaptation with respect

to changing environmental conditions.
RYRY RYry RYRy Ryry Fossils are the remains or impressions of
Round Round Round Round prehistoric plants or animals embedded in
yellow yellow yellow yellow rock and preserved in petrified form.
Fossils provide the evidence that present
ry RYry rrYY RrYr rrYy animals and plants have originated from
wrinkled previously existed ones through the process
RyRY RyrY RyRy Ryry of continous evolution.
For example: Fossils of Archaeopteryx
ry ryRy ryry Ryry ryry
shows characteristics of both reptiles and
wrinkled wrinkled birds. It shows that aves have evolved from

Q. 9. What is meant by speciation? List four fac-tors that
could lead to speciation. Which of these
cannot be a major factor in the speciation of a
self-pollinating plant species. Give reason to
justify your answer.
[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]


Ans. Speciation is the process of formation ofa getting accumulated for over hundreds of
new species from a pre-existing one. years and when that land gets eroded, the
Factors leading to speciation are: fossils can be seen. The age of the fossils
(i) Genetic drift can be determined by the following ways.
(ii) Mutation (i) Radiometric dating: The age of fossil can
(iii) Natural selection be determined by tracing the radio- active
(iv) Geographical isolation elements present in the rocks and
examining its traces.
Q. 10. How do Mendel’s experiments showthat the (ii) Relative dating: The fossils found in the
(a) traits may be dominant or recessive, sedimentary rocks in the form of layers
accumulated over large span of time. So
(b) traits are inherited independently? using this fact, age of the fossils can be
[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2015] found by knowing where the fossils were
Ans. (a) When Mendel cross pollinated pure tall present in the layer. Fossil found at the
pea plants with pure dwarf pea plants, bottom is older than found above them.
only tall plants were obtainedin F1 Q. 12. How many pairs of chromosomes are present in
generation in 3:1 ratio. Thus appearence human beings? Out of these how many types of
of tall character in bothF1 and F2 shows sex chromosomesare found in human beings?
that it is a dominant character. The

absence of dwarf inF1 generation “The sex of a newborn child is a matterof chance
reappears in F2 shows dwarfness in the and none of the parents maybe considered
recessive character. reponsible for it.” Draw aflow chart showing
(b) When Mendel conducted a dihybrid determination of sexof a newborn to justify this
cross having two sets of characters, he statement.[CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2015]
obtained only one set of parental
characters in F1 generation whereas in Ans. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in hu-man
F2 generation he obtained both the set beings, out of these one pair of sex
of parental characters as 9:3:3:1 ratio. chromosome is there.
Thus appearance of new generation or
recombinants in the F2 generation along
with parental type shows that traits are
inherited independently.
Q. 11. What are fossils? How are they formed? Describe Femal Mal
in brief two methods of determining the age of e e
fossils. State anyone role of fossils in the study

of the process of evolution. XX XY

[CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 2, 2015]

Ans. Fossils may be defined as the remains of the organisms which have been preservedin the form of

moulds or casts in rocks etc. since pre-historic ages. When a plantor an animals dies, their remains
X covered by sediments
fall on the ground. Over a period of time their body gets X X
brought by riversY
winds. These sediments keep on
CLASS 9th & 10th

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