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Toyota Production System

Goal: Highest Quality, Lowest Cost, Shortest lead time
High Quality
Just In Time Jidoka
Mudi Muri Mura
Operate with the Process
minimum resource
required to consistently • Detect
Min Ma abnormalities
• Just what is needed I/P xI/P • Stop and respond
• In just the required 5S, 5why • Harmonise humans
amount and machines
• Just where is needed
• Just when it is needed

Heijunka Standardised Work Kaizen

Jidoka refers to modifying the equipment and training the personnel to identify any abnormal
activity and stop them immediately. This empowers the processes to run with built in quality
system and ensures quality and efficiency at every step of the process. Jidoka also allows
detecting root cause of a problem as process stops immediately as a problem occurs. For
example, loom machinery is programmed that it stops immediately as the thread breaks; it
ensures that the product is high quality without any defects.

How it works?
Jidoka lean manufacturing authorize the
machinery smart enough to:
1. Detect the abnormality or defect
2. Stop on its own
3. Warn the operator
The operator then finds out the root cause and
rectifies the problem.
Jidoka and Andon System
Jidoka and andon system are closely related in lean manufacturing. Jidoka is a built in
quality control system whereas andon alerts the floor personnel about occurrence of an
obstacle. Andon display boards, button and cords are installed at each floor of the factory
so that it is visible to all the personnel. If any of the operators detect any issue in the
manufacturing process, he pulls the cord or press the button to stop the process right
away. The problem detected is then resolved and process is resumed.
However, for better and continuous improvement, the problems are analyzed intensely to
find out any weak points in the equipment and machinery being used. This way machine
efficiency and accuracy is enhanced to avoid future problems.
As jidoka is considered as the most important building block of lean manufacturing it has
many advantages. Some of them are:
• Jidoka lean manufacturing enhances the overall productivity of the manufacturing process
as it allows short and less gaps in production.
• It greatly reduces number of defective and faulty products to a level that is negligible.
• It largely reduces the overall production cost, time and energy as well as eliminates
waste production.
• It enhances quality of products due to it’s built in quality control system and ultimately
results in higher customer satisfaction.
• The problems are identified earlier in the production process and are resolved
immediately to avoid delays in manufacturing process.
• It minimizes the need for all-time inspectors because the system itself is highly capable
to detect problems.
• Due to lesser breakdown of equipments, the costs for equipment repair and replacement
are greatly reduced and can be utilized in other areas for further enhancing the process
• It reduces the need of extra employees as one person can efficiently supervise more
machines together.
• Employees are authorized to stop the production process in case of any problem which
greatly enhance their morale.
• As problem recurrence is prevented it contributes to consistent operation and quality.
Poka-yoke is a Japanese word, the meaning of poka-
yoke is error proofing or mistake proofing. In
worldwide industries using poka-yoke to minimize
error during the production process & safety
perspectives. In short, Poka-yoke helps to produce Facilitation Replacement
defect-free products & improve more reliability of
products as well as processes.

Error Proofing
• Pen drive & USB socket on laptop or desktop.
• Mobile charger & socket – directly fitted without error.
• Water bottle with its cap design.
• Pen with its refill design. Detection Prevention

approaches of poka-yoke?
• Control Approach: – In the control approach when
an error occurs in the system, immediately
processes stop at that point in time. Qualified staff
checks what is the error & they start the process
again after the clear error.
For example – in the food manufacturing industry
food products pass on a conveyor belt & metal
detector is attached for indication purpose, when
metal detect on the conveyor belt of the food
products line immediately stop.
• Warning Approach: – In the warning approach when
an error occurs in the system Poka yoke gives a
warning but they didn’t stop any activity, basically,
poka-yoke gives a signal to passing errors & qualified
staff immediately take action.
Example: – In the food industry, measure oil
temperature periodically based on the temperature
measuring instrument. It is attached to an oil tank so
this instrument is a poka-yoke they give a warning of
the temperature rising but could not stop the burner
– that is warning poka-yoke.
Heijunka is leveling the type and quantity of production over a fixed period of time. This enables
production to efficiently meet customer demands while avoiding batching and results in minimum
inventories, capital costs, manpower, and production lead time through the whole value stream. In
Japanese, the word heijunka means, roughly, “levelization.”
With regard to leveling production by quantity of items, suppose that a producer routinely received
orders for 500 items per week, but with significant variation by day: 200 arrive on Monday, 100 on
Tuesday, 50 on Wednesday, 100 on Thursday, and 50 on Friday. To level production, the producer might
place a small buffer of finished goods near shipping, to respond to Monday’s high level of demand, and
level production at 100 units per day through the week. By keeping a small stock of finished goods at the
very end of the value stream, this producer can level demand to its plant and to its suppliers, making for
more efficient utilization of assets along the entire value stream while meeting customer requirements.
With regard to leveling production by type of item, suppose that a shirt company offers Models A, B, C,
and D to the public and that weekly demand for shirts is five of Model A, three of Model B, and two each
of Models C and D. A mass producer, seeking economies of scale and wishing to minimize changeovers
between products, would probably build these products in the weekly sequence A A A A A B B B C C D D.
A lean producer, mindful—in addition to the benefits outlined above—of the effect of sending large,
infrequent batches of orders upstream to suppliers, would strive to build in the repeating sequence A A
B C D A A B C D A B, making appropriate production system improvements, such as reducing
changeover times. This sequence would be adjusted periodically according to changing customer orders.
Waste analysis is one of the key techniques of the Toyota Production System (TPS)
developed by Taiichi Ohno and colleagues in the 1970s. This technique tries to reduce the
muda. Muda is a Japanese term for waste. Ohno and his colleagues came up with a
classification of waste into seven types, which we group into three higher-level categories
to make them easier to remember:

Over do
Move Hold Wastes arising from doing
Wastes that are related to Wastes arising from holding more than is necessary in
movement. something. order to deliver value to the
customer or the business.

Motion Inventory Waiting Defects Over processing Over production

5S Program
• Seiri
• segregate and discard
• get rid of what is not needed
• Seiton
• arrange and identify for ease of use
• a place for everything and everything in its place
• Seiso
• Clean Daily
• clean work place enhances quality
• Seiketsu
• Revisit frequently
• revisit the first 3 steps to maintain workplace
safety and effectiveness

• Shitsuki
• Motivate to sustain
• promote adherence through visual
performance measurement tools
No mass production system can be continuously responsive to gyrating orders without suffering
from muri (overburden of machines, managers, and production associates), and mura (unevenness in
productivity and quality). And mura and muri together create muda (waste).

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