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Number 1

#1: It’s done

#2: really? you sure?
#3: absolutely
#1: I mean. It was touch and go there for a minute.
#3: Half a minute
#1: they were testing a smoke machine , so they couldn’t see us too good at first
Number 2
#1: this may be a little weird, but I’ve got a date here
#2: say no more
#3: we’ll just grab some food take it with us upstairs and be right out of your hair
#1:Oh,that’d be great
Number 3
#1: we’re waiting , fiancée
#2: yeah , we’re waiting best friend
#3:: yeah , we’re waiting , neighbor who needed a battery and totally got one from me no strings
Number 4
#1: stella is not suicidal , she’s just stupid
#2: Well, that might be part of your problem , she senses you don’t like her
#3:you have no idea , this one’s been against this little angel from the very beginning
#2:yeah, well dogs pick up on that you know , they’re very sensitive
Number 5
#1: Articles , interviews
#2: Oh,you want us to do interviews ?
#3: well, we’re thinking a divide and conquer approach here. Where you do the interviews, and
Sheldon stays here and holds down the fort , you know
Number 6
#1: the two of you need to get your women in line!
#2: what ?
#1:your gal pals penny and bernadett went out shopping for some wedding nonsense without Amy
#3: What do you want us to do about it ?
#1:you clearly weren’t listening to my topic sentence: get your women in line!
Number 7
#1: he’s lying I can tell from the way he’s playing with his hair
#2: No,I think you really got to it
#1: Say it
#3: Oky, fine , cam! Cam’s the one all right …Cam’s the one I’m worried about He’s the one who’s
gonna be left behind
#1:I rest my case

Se supone que azul es mujer

Verde solo para diferenciar

Number 1

Number 2
Number 3

Number 4
Number 5

Number 6
Number 7

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