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The Ancient Traveler 1st Edition

Rockford Hill
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The Ancient Traveler: Volume 1
Author: Rockford Hill
Illustrations by: Night Café & Rockford Hill

The year is 3247 B.C.E. In ancient Egypt. We see a robed

traveler walking miles through a desert. Thirsty and
confused he sees a water fountain in the middle of a dune.
Immediately the traveler runs to the fountain and starts
drinking copious amounts of aqua. After regaining his
equilibrium from being severely dehydrated, the traveler
then sees what he believes to be a mirage. The traveler
can see a building resembling a temple in the distance. It
was nothing like he had seen before. In any case, he
thinks to himself, “This must be a dream.” Curious and
fascinated, he decides to further investigate what this
building was in the distance. As he gets closer, he can see
4 large statues in front of the building. Statues like nothing
he had to see even in Cairo depictions of almost monster-
like creatures. The traveler debated to himself if he was
even still in Egypt, and wondered what country he may
have stumbled into it. Either way, it was getting dark so
the traveler decides to try to find an entryway to this
temple. The traveler now standing in-between the
ginormous statue feet hope in the back of his mind that he
can find an entryway, so he starts feeling the nearby wall
of the temple, he couldn't feel anything like a door, but he
did then run his fingers across a substance that was indeed
familiar to him. It was suet! Excited, he then searches for a
nearby torch; and to his astonishment, he finds a flint and
a torch. He then strikes the torch and illuminates his
location. After searching a bit with his torch, he sees a
door made of wood placed directly behind one of the
statues’ legs. He then proceeds to attempt to open the
door. After a period of trying to pry, bang, and break the
door, the traveler gives up and sits down on the ground.
He stares at the door and notices a strange symbol.
Unknown to the traveler what these symbols were, he
could only guess that they were some type of royal
insignias. There were 3 symbols total. So after some time
of contemplating their meaning, the traveler knocks 3
times on each symbol. He then stands back and shockingly
the door opens. The traveler unsure of what was behind
the door, the traveler peeks inside with torch in hand and
takes a gander. The contents behind the door could be
described as a partial staircase leading underneath the
temple complex. He then descends into the darkness
unaware of waiting for him. After carefully walking down
the small staircase he finally reaches dirt. Happy to at least
see the ground again, then the traveler raises his torch and
discovers that he was standing in front of a crossroads or
intersection. He thought to himself which way to go, there
were 3 tunnels. The first tunnel had several bugs, spiders,
centipedes, and other creepy crawling depictions inside. He
gazed down the second tunnel and could see numerous
eyes, which glowed red, yellow, and green in the reflection
of his light. He could also hear hissing and whispers. He
then takes a look down the third tunnel and sees swirling
mists and gases that were pultruding from the ground.
After some time of deliberation, the traveler concludes that
his best bet was to go into the first tunnel since he knew
what the creatures were inside the first tunnel he figured
that was his best to move forward. So, he gets down on
his knees and starts his coral through the bug-infested
tunnel. Numerous spiders and bugs were crawling all over
him, it was a feeling which could drive the most
arachnophobic person to insanity, not to mention
claustrophobic crawling through the small crawlspace never
felt more dangerous, either way, the traveler was
determined to get through this tunnel. After a while the
traveler hears in front of him a loud hissing noise, he takes
his torch which is starting to dim out and sees a large
venomous snake. The traveler unsure what to do in such
confined spaces takes his torch and uses the flame to
strike the snake with flames, the snake out of fear slithers
back into his hole never to be seen again. So now the
traveler continues forward and is no longer covered in bugs
and turns a corner and sees an opening. Finally, “I reached
the end of this tunnel” he thought. He then exits the
tunnel into a large chamber-like room. With his torch
almost torch, going out he gazes upon 2 statues and in-
between those 2 statues a large mirror. Desperately
seeking a way out of this room he searches everywhere for
a lever or key or something that might show the way out.
Subsequently, a great deal of time had passed the
traveler’s torch dims out. He is now in the dark. So, he
decides to sit down and ponder what his next move should
be, he knew he wasn't going to go back into the tunnel, so
he thinks, well, I know there are 2 statues if I can find one
of them, I will just continue to search. So he does find one
of the feet of the statue and proceed to feel for the mirror.
To his shock, there was nothing there, confused and
overwhelmed, he thought “where did the mirror go?” At
this point, the traveler didn't care too much but instead
decided to explore the space that was previously blocked
bay mirror, In complete darkness, the travel in a large
tunnel, tall enough for him to walk in comfortably uses the
side of the tunnel walls as a guide through the darkness.
After walking through multiple turns and corners, the
traveler finally sees emerging light. It was yet again
another chamber room. This seemed to be a large bricked
torch-lit room with a table made of shiny metal.
Remarkably, a door from the east side of the chair swung
open and a beautiful woman walks through. It was almost
like she was waiting there for him to arrive at this chamber.
At first glance, she had the features of an elegant
Goddess. The traveler then Introduced himself. The woman
startled replied, “How did you get in, here?” The traveler
then stated his story and how he found his way into the
chamber dumbfounded, the woman then replies “ that’s
impossible!” And to his astonishment, the gateway in which
he had entered, vanished, only to see a wall with
pictographs describing an unpleasant scene. Then all of the
sudden the woman says that this chamber is only
accessible for the royal bloodlines associated with this
temple. So, the woman then concluded that he was
destined to be there. The traveler then assumed that the
woman was talking about a different royalty, not one he
was familiar with, and asked the woman, "what country am
I in?" The woman laughed and then walked over to the
table made of metal and sits on it. Immediately steam
starts billowing out from underneath the woman as she
releases an agonizing scream which could be heard
throughout the chamber. Out of natural reaction, the
traveler goes to assist the woman, thinking she must be in
danger. As he approached the woman on the table, she
abruptly jumps off of the table. The traveler then asks the
lady “Are you ok?” The woman then replies " Oh yes, of
course, you see, silver can be used in training purposes for
endurance.” Unknowing what the woman meant, the
traveler asks "how?” The woman then says, "here let me
show you." She then pulls the traveler close to her for a
kiss. She then starts kissing the traveler passionately, until
all of a sudden she was kissing his neck. After a few
moments, the traveler could feel 2 sharp pains pierce his
flesh. By the time he could tell what was going on The
woman had bitten him and he was now on the floor of the
chamber with his blood being sucked out of his neck.
Within a few moments of struggle, he can feel his
heartbeat start to fade. The woman then pulls back and
says, do you still want to know? The traveler unsure of
what was happening to him squirmed a bit before letting
out a moan. The woman then pulls out a blade and
proceeds to slice the palm of her hand with the edge of the
razor sharp metal. Blood starts to flow out of the woman’s
self inflicted wound and she directs the blood coming out
into her new victim's mouth. He then drinks from her hand
until he feels a gut-wrenching pain throughout his whole
body. As he lay there looking like he was having a seizure,
the woman grins and says " See you after, you die." These
would be the last words the traveler would razor-sharp The
traveler then awakens in an unfamiliar tomb. His first and
foremost thoughts were “I must be dead, and this is hell.”
He figured that this must be the case since he was no
longer breathing and could no longer feel his heartbeat.
However, the fact is their body was ice cold, and yet he
was still animated. He also felt an extremely heightened
sense of awareness and a thirst was starting to develop,
which his only goal at that moment was to quench his
thirst as soon as he could find water. Unfortunately for
him, he quickly realized he was all alone; and unsure even
where he was or where to find some water. He looks
around and sees a mural, which didn’t match any Egyptian
artists. All, of a sudden a rat, started squeaking which
sounded like nails on a chalkboard. Because of the extreme
pain, the traveler searches for the varmint. Since the only
light in the chamber was a candle that looked 1000 times
brighter than any candle burning he had seen before, he
decides to extinguish the flame burning from the wick. He
then can locate the rat by seeing the rat beating little
heart, Outlook of his new natural vampire instincts, he
bites the rat, and drains the rat of its blood, and leaves its
little carcass there on the tomb floor. All of a sudden, a
huge flurry of human emotions rushes back to his
consciousness, then thinks to himself, "Did I just drink rat's
blood? What’s wrong with me?” Uncertain of his precarious
situation, The traveler decides to sit on his casket to
determine what was going on. Then, out of nowhere a
door opens and a silhouette of a figure emerges. This is
where the flashback ends. Takes to a future timeline, The
traveler is now a full-blown vampire, Living extremely
wealthy in none other than Beverly Hills, California. At this
point, his character has been through, thousands of years
of blood and chaos. They were living at Top of the food
chain, he had a network of vampires from the old order.
Until that is, all the vampires were killed off by losing
humans as their main food supply. This period is seen as
the following: when he was turned, he was young and
Naive and now his appearance to the outside world was no
more true than the blood he was dependent on to survive
the food supply which carried the blood. Naturally, the
vampire is ancient almost like Dracula. But, this vampire is
older than Dracula and has attributes of the ancient ways.
On vampires, humans didn’t even know he was a vampire,
let alone an ancient one. There was a sort of balance that
had been created, with the advancement of Man's usage of
emerging technologies, Vampires that were still considered
productive ran the majority of corporations, and obtained
large portions of land after years of acquiring it’s, years
now into the future, Present times, The problems and
issues the traveler would face would be due to the New
Agee Witched Coven and the ghost that they manipulate.
Not to mention the werewolves’ numbers slimmed down
due to some of the issues that Vampire's dealt with, like
silver. If it were not for a resurgence for a group called the
Boomers, Our food supply and the werewolves ability to
pass along their curse would have came to a complete
halt, rendering everything null and void. The wolves
adapted and overcame by sickening their numbers to small
packs and only seen or noticed rarely, mostly about
mistaken reports of wolf attacks. During the current drifts
of time, the traveler is displaced. As an Ancient, the
hierarchy of the vampires was nothing compared to how it
used to be. During the timeframe of abundance and ruler
ship had left the traveler in a state of longing. Longing for
the ending of the world in which he was tricked into being
a Immortal in. Eternal death was his only collateral, the
only love he had known was considered gone with ripples
of time. Lost to divergence in memories and conscious
acceptance, that this was as good as it gets for a vampire,
to be a master of the night. Still, there were annoyances
about the light that are considered Taboo. However, who is
the Vampire? Surely not the father of any children. They
denied him of spreading any lineage. "For years and years
these thoughts would plague the mind of the Ancient
Traveler, considering his life as a mere Mortal was a very
good one. " he then laughs," yes, how ignorant of death I
was." He then thought to himself, " I suppose that is why I
am no longer living in the flesh, yet I am still animated.
“After years of sucking blood, the Vampire had invested
into blood donations and drives. so vampires luckily did not
need to openly attack humans directly. Any Vampire that
did was considered "rouge" against the Ministry. A human
once asked the Vampire out of curiosity" How do you live?'
The Vampire replied: " you want to know?" in a sinister
tone. Of course, these thoughts and reactions of humans
during that period were considered irrelevant to the
undead. So, out of irrational, the vampire would create his
first vampire. Over the past few hundred years, he had
been deeply researching the ancient codes. He had lost the
taste of blood from his victims and had indeed found many
relics. importantly this information would be leaked and the
humans’ interests in these topics would be enticed. Almost
like a trap that was being set for a Predator’s prey to be
found. Spherically, a trap for humans to take their blood.
The taste of blood had indeed become grooms and
detestable to the vampire every time he forced himself to
feed, it was an experience linking him to the Humans
whams blood he was drinking. Knowing this for hundreds
of years, he would seek not to directly drink random
humans. No, he was looking for specific human bloodlines.
This enabled him to be more selective of thee memories he
would endure. Sort of like downloading a duplicate file on a
computer. In any regard, he found himself connected to
multiple families throughout centuries. he was aware of
when certain past victims would haunt him, or re-incarnate
just to face him again. Talk about annoying, indeed, being
a master of the night had its disadvantages. There were
the new wave witches, who attempted to enslave the
vampire and use him to do his their bidding. the vampire
was irritated by their spells, this was their way of trying to
control and manipulate the vampires. Keyword: Trying.
they tried so hard, yet hats all they could do. ultimately
this would be considered to the witches trying to seduce a
snake. At some point, the vampires had enough of their
will being impeded upon and to the witch’s surprise, their
plan would backfire in their group’s faces. The real problem
the witches were dealing with, was that they were still
partly human. This type of interbreeding was unbalanced.
They were subjected to a mortality level that was
considered lower than a vampire. Now a vampire has a
limited period. Not exactly, anything in existence can be
destroyed even Vampires, but to keep something alive for
long durations of time. The creation process is transmuted
from one density to another. These witches won’t truly
understand unless they go through a dyeing process and
are forced to then live. This difference gives them the
ability to walk through daylight hours and to walk
unscathed. The vampire can go into the light, but not for
long periods, and only during Emergencies. This was
everyday life for the vampire had become so accustomed
to living during the night, he pondered what torment and
suffering the daylight hours offered. These topics were his
main reason for existing. He was trying to maintain a
balance as he said before, As an Ambassador of Darkness,
his role in the multiplex is still diluted with the virus. At
least that’s what the modern-day scientists compare it to.
he often compared his life to that of a bat in the modern
era. Which people see vampires as purely mythical
creatures like they are portrayed in the movies. So, is
Batman a Vampire? or just partially mimicking one? he also
thinks about the Darkness of a Ninja is the source of the
character's powers. Only a human would consider such
things he thought. Anything that sucks blood could be a
vampire apparently to humans. this is a result of human's
inability to define that which is Unknown to them. Like
Immortality, On some levels, the vampire envied the
humans, especially their ignorance and lack of senses. The
vampire's gifts over time would be considered curses.
There was a battle still going on. the witches had launched
the current country into lawless inconsequential chaos. this
pushed the vampires to engage in "ninja" like behavior. As
most vampires still needed to feed. Quite frankly, most
humans don’t understand that the ancients will protect
their food supply if nothing else. The problem then layer
with the witches, The temple Of vampires had not wanted
to deal with the witches in any war. Much like ancient
times, this would prove to be the same case, time and time
again.; Just like in ancient times, there were witches. But
we had called them something else the vampire thought.
The Vampire then has another flashback, continuing the
story of his memories. he was a freshly made vampire and
had escaped his chamber. Which would be his bedroom,
AKA Tomb; Where he would lie in his sarcophagus. When
the door of the chamber opened that night, the woman
who had bit him was staring at him, with eyes that glowed
red. She unlike the rat did not seem to have a pulse.
Immediately the traveler lunged at her for whatever she
had done to him. unfortunately he was a corpse and didn't
fully have any type of logical awareness. He then ended up
on the floor of the chamber with the woman's foot
pressing against his chest. As he layer there on the floor
squirming and paralyzed, he felt what was like lava burning
what has left of whatever nerve endings he had. He then
read the woman says " you wanted to know what it was
like." She then said after the traveler screamed out with
agony, " well, how is it? She then laughed and took her
foot off of the traveler. Which he became helpless under
her new imprisonment. She then said, " you are mine, I
own you forever." " for I am your maker, and only the
Royals are makers." "Makers", What the hell is she talking
about he thought. He would soon be finding the truth as
soon as was released from this prison he thought. The
traveler angry and unsure decides to lunge again at the
woman, only to face plant into a statue. As the traveler
was exhausted by the things he had just seen he collapses
in front of the statue which seemed to guard the chamber
entrance. He would awaken several hours later to a
banging noise coming from above. Unknown to him what
was making all the noises he just starred at the roof of the
chamber. He then remembered he had a candle and
decides to ignite it with some flint. This time the candle’s
light was sarcophagus eyes and a sort of blue flame was
visible. Immediately after this, he takes the candle and
looks at the roof, the banging had stopped and he
wondered if this was intentional or perfect timing just to
awaken him out of his death like a dream state. Now
unsure of where he was, He takes the candle and decides
to explore his chamber for a way to escape his perceived
prison. The flashback ends and the traveler now finds
himself back in the present moment. The witches had
made some progress in obtaining weaker and younger
vampires to do their bidding. If the witches didn't succeed
in higher numbers than expected, most vampires would
care less at the attempts. Eventually, the witches would
take this to a whole new level of ignorance. When they
started drinking vampire blood. do you know what happens
to a witch you drink vampire blood? " Yea they poop out a
demon." Hashanah The vampire laughed. “These people
don't understand vampire humor.” Nevertheless, there was
still some truth to the statement. Unknown to the mortals
because they couldn’t understand manifestations of
darkness, let lane manifestations of light. Either way, he
had a business to run and the witches were causing
disruptions within his client base and aimed to subjugate
vampires, humans, and werewolves alike. Once again this
would backfire because humans widely distrusted witches
and considered them to be a danger. Similar to the
vampires but not as extreme, since the witches just never
seemed to give up. They resemble the likes of a hydra,
when battling a hydra and you cut off its head, 2 more will
grow back in its place. The witches were considered in
some respects to be "shape shifters". Which was a talent
that was shared with many creatures of darkness. Still, In
present times, some things were a necessity to vampires.
He had vast amounts of desert sands, In which he held at
all his major estates. Without this sand, he would become
weak and depend heavily upon blood. It took k a great
deal of time for the vampire to achieve, this level of
stability, sometimes things were given up. Though, there
was another enemy that threatened the vampires, an
enemy that was common amongst witches and werewolves
as well. Something older than the ancients in Egypt. No,
this enemy goes back in time to the days of Enoch and the
giants. It said that the giants roamed and ruled the earth
in those days. indeed they did. Flashback to Ancient
memories: The candle had burned 3 quarters of the way
down, and the traveler has no idea how to escape after
searching and being frustrated with anger and a thirst
rising again. Quickly, he decides to push over the statue.
The statue then crashes into the nearby wall revealing a
dark open hole. With the candle in hand, he peers into the
hole. Only to see a vast cavern of darkness, still, thirsting
he decides to take his chances in the cavern, hopeful that
he can find something to quench his thirst, he descends
into the hole in the wall. Once inside he is greeted with a
smell of a foul stench and a sort of mist floating above the
ground. Which gave him minimal visibility. Now with the
almost diminished candle flame. The traveler becomes
concerned by this, he picks up his pace through the
darkness, He looks for a wall and hears the sounds of
water nearby. Happily, he rushes towards the sound and
discovers a pool of water. immediately he starts drinking,
scooping water in his hands and gulping it down without
hesitation. After a few minutes, he then starts spewing it
all back out of his corpse. Confused to see a mix of water
and decayed rat's blood, he fell to his feet along with the
mist. At this time he finds himself lost and unknowing
where to go next. He thought to himself, "that rat's blood
must have made me sick." All of a sudden his candle flame
burned out, he frantically stands up and loses balance,
then falls into the pool of water. luckily he had been a
decent swimmer as a human and resurfaced to the top.
Shocked after opening his eyes, he sees his maker. Who
was rather upset that he had broken out of his chamber
and damaged the statue in the process. The woman then
drew her attention to the vile nearby and said to the
traveler "water is the elixir of life, blood is the elixir of the
dead." Confused by this he asks "why?" The woman replies
"because you are dead, you can't drink the elixir of life, it is
for the living and their blood is your elixir. How young and
stupid he was, the traveler thought. At that moment she
told me, that the traveler's training had begun. He then
replied "what training?" She then explains the reason why
he was dead was that he was chosen, and now your
training begins. The traveler staggers, the woman then
states, "I am your maker and it looks like you need to feed,
come now, follow me out of the darkness. The traveler
takes her hand and she leads him out of the cavern until
they reach an opening into the room with the Golden chair.
Flashback to Present times: Now the vampire was tired of
constantly working and fighting. He started even feeling
something, perhaps it was caused by the presence of
somebody that made the home feel human-like emotions.
“Emotions are for creatures that are in a constant state of
misery," he thought to himself, peace of mind could only
have manifestoed from one of his human connections from
an unknown period. Not to say that he didn’t have his
desires, but never before had he become tired of being a
vampire. That is until now, all of a sudden a huge crack of
thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes down on one of the
trees on his estate. The fire broke out shortly there-after,
concerned he notifies the fire department. By the time the
fire department had got there, numerous trees, plants, and
vegetation had been torched. Luckily the fire has quickly
extinguished the flames and quickly left, which revealed
scorched and smoldering ash in its wake. The firefighters
were so scared at what they saw, the discovery scared
every single one of those mortals, The vampire could see
their hearts racing faster than a racehorse, lighting them
up like a Christmas tree. After they left in a frantic escape,
The Vampire decides to try to find what tree was hit by the
lightning and what had scared the firefighters so much.
After searching around with a flashlight, he spots the
smoldering tree. Scared? Nah, vampires have no time for
fear, at least for their own. But this was indeed strange,
something the vampire could only remember in references
to ancient books. Usually depicted from extraterrestrial
origins. The traveler then has another flashback: Now
arriving at the chamber eighth the Golden Chair, the
woman then says, sit down in the chair, but do not touch
the crown. Overwhelmed by his turbulent experience and
journey thus so far, he sits upon the chair made of gold. “
the woman then begins to speak, “ I’m sorry, I should have
at least introduced myself, My name is Queen Vampire. I
don’t usually allow intruders to survive my dominion once
they enter, but your blood was unlike anything I had ever
tasted.” The queen vampire then sits next to the Golden
chair. She picks the crown and says “this allows for my
king, who is said to have entered my pyramid through one
of the ancient portals. They said this long ago. Regardless,
after so much time had passed I considered those stories
to be fables. That is until you arrived out of now where.”
Could by these remarks the traveler screams and throws
up viler. the woman then pulls a bottle of a red-like
substance out from underneath the chair. The traveler
could only presume it was the blood of an unknown
creature, possibly human. The woman then starts pouring
the fluid into a golden chalice until it had been filled, she
hands the cup to the traveler, he then stares deeply into
the contents of the chalice, he was so thirsty, he decides to
drink. After the chalice was empty, she poured another,
and the traveler kept drinking and she kept pouring until
the pitcher was empty. I saw you, you killed him and
drained his blood, well your servants did, the traveler yells
out. The woman grins with blood still dripping from her lips
and leans in to kiss him once again. His mortality was
pounding in the back of his mind, how could he possibly
allow this as a new reality. Either way, there was nothing
he could now he thought, So he embraces the Queen
vampire for her kiss. This time it was different, the woman
and the traveler engaged in passionate vampire pleasures.
Which was probably the only thing that these two vampires
would ever know of "love". They ended back up in the
chamber he had once escaped. She lay in the giant bed
coffin, then says “you are now officially my king, I have
resented you and I am your queen. Welcome to hell my
love.” She then lets out a cackle. In a trance a daze, he
replies "hell? I'm in hell?" She then says we are the royal
rulers of the underworld and we have been here for
thousands of years. As time moves forward I will let you
know more. But for now, come here and give me another
kiss. The Vampires Flashback ends: the tree had been split
down the middle, With a shiny metallic object in the trunk,
that seemed to be growing bigger, all of a sudden the
metal sphere opens up with a steam-like substance that
seeped out of the opening. The Vampire shook the light
after it had flickered. He pointed the light into the ball and
it was surprisingly empty. Startled, he looked around to see
if he could recognize any heat signatures in the
surrounding woods around him. Suddenly, it started to
rain. So, he decides to make his way back through the
woods to the house. While walking along the path he then
see a figure and two heat signatures of a beating heart,
which was very strange indeed. He moved towards the
creature and it spoke out in a language he hadn't heard in
over a millennium. The vampire then yelled, "come into the
light, let me see you." The figure moved forward, it looked
like a female human but was still somewhat shifting in its
exact appearance. The vampire then asked the complete
woman where she had come from?' She couldn't
understand the words the vampire was saying and only
nodded in confusion. As a vampire, this type of situation
was as unheard of as it may sound. Yet the vampire knew
he needed to get this creature into his domain
immediately, he then guides the creature into his abode.
He then enters the house and leads her to the most
comfortable room in his mansion. The vampire could hear
a few mumbles coming from the woman, different words in
different languages, the vampire then gestured to the
couch to sit down. She did, and her being naked, the
vampire grabs a blanket and gives it to her, and looks for
clothes to give her. All of a sudden, she then says “thank
you.” Almost shocked, the vampire replies You can speak
English now? She replied, " yes, a little." The vampire then
says to the woman on the couch, I will get you some
clothing and something to eat and drink. Unknown to her,
the vampire only had a box of meat which he kept for the
dogs and some water. So he cooked the steak and got a
glass of water, A steak? the woman starred at the ear of it.
The vampire then places the steak upon the table along
with a glass of water. He sat nearby attending to the fires
in the fireplace. He ponders after a while observing his
newly found guest. After a while of poking and prodding
the steak, she then picks up the meat and takes a small
bite. After a few moments, the woman then says…
Mmmmm..... She turns to the vampire and says, I like
steak. The vampire a bit freaked out does something he
hadn't done in a very long time, he smiles. Then he has
another flashback: After a great deal of time living with the
Queen Vampire, he decides to ask her a question. "My
queen?" Yes? she replied. Is there anything beyond this
pyramid? She laughs and says “of course there is, there is
a whole universe out there." “Well, what’s stopping us from
seeing it?" asks the traveler. “Nothing is beside the sun”
she replied then says you want to travel, I will show you
how to fly. then transforms into a bat and fly’s over to the
traveler and says with glowing red eyes, “Let’s go!” The
traveler baffled then said, "how?" The Bat Queen says look
into my eyes, the traveler gazes into the bat queen’s eyes,
and suddenly he transforms into a large bat. She thins say
come, flap your wings with all your might. The traveler
then flies with the bat queen into the twilight hours of the
night. They fly until they land upon some grass, the
traveler is then transformed into his previous form and
asks, "where are we?” She smiles and says, say goodbye
to your old life. Suddenly the traveler's old hut goes up in
flames, and as he stood there watching it burn, his sense
of humanity he could feel finally leaving him. The traveler
then says, "Well, I guess there is no turning back now."
The traveler then tells turns and looks at the woman, Do
you have humanity left in you? She laughs and says
humanity? She then quietly replies, "I am your maker, I do
not have a maker, I was created this way. So, no my love."
In shock, the traveler asks "what is your age?" She then
laughs and says “I'm timeless, Now let us go,” she then
grabs him close and they both start flying through the air,
this time they weren’t as bats. The traveler was amazed
and also confused, after a bit of time of stargazing, they
arrive at a torch-lit temple. Massive in its appearance, the
traveler could only imagine where he was led to by the
Vampire Queen Bitch. The woman then says to the
traveler, "we are here." "Here?" the traveler replies in
confusion as to where is found himself, "where is here?"
the woman then replies, "this is the temple of the vampire,
welcome to your kingdom, my king." She then said, “Come
with me, lets me your new subjects, they come here to
gather to pay homage to the king of the temple." The
traveler now a bit nervous then says, "Can we at least eat
first? I'm feeling sick." The Queen then laughs and says,
“my king, you no longer have to ask for my permission.”
They then went into a nearby village and come across an
old man in the road, It seems he was unable to move due
to being bitten by a snake while walking along his path.
They drained the venom from his wound and the man was
grateful and gave the Traveler his walking staff as a gift for
saving his life. The staff wasn't like any other staff he had
ever seen before, it had strange engravings covering it.
Unknown to the traveler what he had acquired, they then
leave further down the road while hunting for food, they
both hear a loud crack, like the snapping of large trees.
There then appeared a Giant, and he was cooking
something under a fire. "Giants?" the traveler asks the
Queen. “Yes?” the queen replies, "they are guards for the
temple, and it looks like they've been busy." You could hear
the screams of those mortals, the traveler then has a dose
of humanity hit him, he throws up some vile as a result.
This time he became angry and demanded the Giant to
release the prisoners. The Giant looked at the king and
said, “who are you to order me around?" The woman then
replied, "he is the new king of the Temple and you will do
as he wishes." The giant scuffed around a bit and then
mumbled under his breath and said, "Fine!" The prisoners
was released and then the vampire king and queen went
back to the main temple's entrance. This flashback ends
and the traveler finds himself constantly having flashbacks,
and of course, he could relive all of the memories of any
blood he had consumed. The older the blood, the harder it
was to access the memories. At this time the vampire still
had his house guest. Which he could only describe as
some type of human woman hybrid. The vampire had
presumed that the woman was sent to him under a prior
Arrangement he had made. But why now he thought. It
was so old in fact, he had forgotten completely about it
altogether. Either way, he could tell he was being guided to
help the woman by an unknown external force. Compelling
him to prove some sort of point. Since this woman could
walk around during daylight hours, he quickly utilized the
woman to help him with numerous outdoor tasks, since he
was mostly in his coffin during the daytime, he was happy
to have her assistance with tending to the gardens and
walking the dogs. The human would also learn basic
functions of human life, so the Vampire bought a
television. This was unfamiliar to the vampire but thought
that it would be a good tool to reach the woman. Bang!
bang! Bang! " Can you close the shutters?" asked the
vampire. The woman then says, "what’s the magic word?"
The vampire thought of a magic word and said "ok, how
about abracadabra?" The woman replied, "no, the magic
word is Please, silly." The Vampire then replied, "oh ok,
well, can you please shut the shutters?" The woman then
replied, "yes, and you’re welcome." The vampire hadn't
had this much human interaction in centuries. The woman
then preceded to the kitchen after shutting the shutters
and says “Hey V, when are you going to get some food up
in here?" Food? The thought hadn't crossed his mind, he
must have run out of steaks. The vampire then says to the
woman, ok where do you want to eat? The woman then
replies " I don't know, where do you like to eat?" The
vampire unsure, then hears an ad on the television, saying
something about a food delivery service. He then calls up
the number on the screen and tells the delivery service
that he need an order of the essentials of a grocery list,
eggs, milk, bread, meat, vegetables, and juices.
Unfortunately, the order wouldn't be ready till the morning
and she was hungry now, so, the Vampire says to the
woman, follow me, and they enter his garage and get into
his favorite sports car, his Bugatti. The woman fascinated
by the machine enters and is consumed with an eager
feeling as she anticipates what happens next. The engine
fires up and the go-to is dining at a restraint that serves
humans and vampires alike. The Vampire then has yet
another flashback. The temple of vampires, the traveler,
and the queen vampire moved into the throne room. Many
vampires stood around dancing, some even were wearing
masks. The traveler thought “Where am I?” The woman
announces to the temple, “listen now, creatures of the
night. Your king has returned, after a millennium his soul
has been brought forth to rule. Bow before his feet and
pay homage." All of a sudden the torch lights in the
temple, it was completely dark. The queen then yells,
“Close the temple doors, and re-ignites the torches.” After
this was done, the crowd of vampires was all on their
knees, chanting in some language unknown to the traveler.
The traveler then looks at his queen and asks " What are
there-ignites The queen then replies, "They are paying
homage to their was kings." After a while, one of the
people in the crowd stands up and walks over to the
golden bowl, he then retrieves a little bottle from his cloak
and pours the contents into the Golden bowl. Then he
resumes his previous kneeling position. This carried on,
until every vampire poured a little bottle of fluid into the
golden bowl, resulting in the bowl being filled. Once the
bowl was filled, the vampires in attendance were all
standing with their heads bowed. The queen then pulls out
the Golden chalice and walks to the Golden Bowl and fills
the chalice with the contents of the bowl. She then walks
to the New King and says, "This blood, Your Blood, Our
blood, is now the king's homage." She then gives the
chalice to the king and says, " Drink my king, and unite the
temple." The traveler looking around unsure if the contents
were blood and confused still income regard to his
newfound throne reluctantly takes a drink. At first, an
almost sweet-like taste surfaces his cravings, followed by
an extreme aftertaste and a heavy memory download of
every single vampire in attendance who had poured their
bottles into the golden bowl. Revealing their makers and
life before and after they were humans. After this, the
queen then pulls out a crown from underneath her gown,
places it on the traveler's head, and then says, "This action
symbolizes the power invested in the temple." "You now
have your king!" All of a sudden the vampires in the temple
all start applauding, and the celebrating would commence
in a fashion only the ancients could conjure. The flashback
then ends, the year is 2020 A.D.; towards the ending of
the year, the witches had decided to create a virus and
unleash it upon the world, this would create even more
chaos amongst the humans. Vampires had a difficult time
dealing with obtaining, Non-Tainted blood. It seemed to
become more challenging as time went by. At this time,
The Traveler finds himself with the woman, and he
considers her to be his daughter. After all, he took her in,
clothed her, fed her, and taught her how to be human.
Even though the vampire hadn't been a human in
thousands of years, he still thought to himself, "that he did
a pretty good job at raising her mind." Still, this troubled
the vampire, but he secretly knew that she was sent to him
for a reason. Though, he had his suspensions once
external forces started to once again manifest themselves.
On a stormy night close to Christmas, the vampire and
woman sat in the living room, watching a television show,
it was a comedy. The vampire watched television a lot now
in search of feeling human emotion. For some reason with
all the chaos going on around, he then says to the woman,
"Hey, where exactly are you from?“ The woman turned her
head and with black eyes and a stark look on her face says
"We come from the spaces in-between." "In-between? in-
between what? and We? Who are we?" The vampire
replied in question. Suddenly, the woman's eyes flashback
to their original color of white and brown. She then stood
up off of the couch and says "I must go now." The vampire
then quickly moved to block the entrance, like evaporating
and manifesting. The woman stopped and said again, "I
must go now, I'm sorry but my only mission is now
complete." "mission? What Mission?' The vampire replied.
She then says, "my mission was to see if vampires were
capable of compassion, love, and hospitality." The vampire
shocked and appalled started protesting her departure.
“She then smiles and says, “Thank you for proving them
wrong, time to go. “All no a sudden glare of sunlight
shoots through the crack, sunrise had come and the storm
seemed to be over. After being slightly burned on his hand,
the vampire hugs the woman, he then disappears into the
lonesome darkness of his crypt and she opens the door
and closes it behind her. She then walks into the yard and
illuminates into a ball of light and shoots off into the sky.
The Vampire now laying in his coffin falls back into another
flashback: The king and queen of the temple of vampires
had finally became adjusted to their newly found roles as
rulers. The traveler was now considered a king, even now
he started to believe in himself. Though, under his
kingdom, problems and issues would be brought to his
acknowledgement, especially that type of information
associated with the wars that were already "brewing" even
before he became a vampire, let alone a king of a temple
had never knew existed. "Sire!" The personal guard states
" the humans are revolting against the giants. They’ve
been strategizing ways to take down the main temple
guard. Alger, the giant. What are your orders My lord?"
The traveler now king and a bit overwhelmed with the
extreme question and the consequences of tampering with
the food supplies. As much as he wanted to drink their
blood, he knew he had to restore some type of balance
amongst giants and humans. Hen then says, "Order the
Giant Alger to my outside quarters at once!" The guard
nods and exits the temple. The traveler then says to his
queen, "It seems the humans are mad at the giants for
cooking them." She then replies, "Yes, but can you imagine
if they knew what we would do to them?" the traveler then
gained a moment of human insight, a fleeting emotion,
which were starting to become fewer and fewer. He saw
the human's fear, and their living need for survival. At this
point, survival also seemed to be relevant with the
vampires as well. Considering this the traveler tells the
queen, "lets not allow this to get out of control." "Agreed."
The queen replied. Now standing in the outside quarters,
which looked like a sort of garden adorned with ornaments
and statues. Suddenly the Giant is felt nearby, big
vibrations shook the earth that the traveler was standing
upon. All of a sudden the guard enters the courtyard and
says "Sire!, I have brought forth Alger The Giant! as you
requested. The traveler then says to the giant, " Lets have
a chat Alger!" Alger replies with a shrug and loud "egg".
"Why do you cook those humans?" asks the traveler. Alger
responds and says "because they taste better when they
are cooked.” Shocked and appalled by the notion, The
traveler orders the giant to stop eating humans and says
“that the humans are the king's food supply and as a giant,
that he could then only eat livestock and animal creatures
and vegetation.” Alger then upset and angered storms off,
knocking over a couple of statues. After this the traveler
then tells his personal guard to repair the statues and to
have a messenger ready to communicate with the leader
of the humans, the one they call pharaoh. The vampire's
flashback ends and he awakens from his coffin: So, now
the vampire was all alone, with nobody living with him, he
adjusts to his situation. It was only a few days until
Christmas, A ridiculous human holiday, he thought. Still he
was intrigued about all of those colored lights, that made
the vampire almost feel something. Something that
reminded him of someone special, the thought fled from
him as he lay in his coffin day after day, all he could do is
ponder past timelines and what good has any of this done
from him. Then during a random speculation of
interference of his cosmic trance, in which he had already
mastered the planes of astral projections and
manifestations of the ethereal. Yet, his body still lay cold, a
lifeless prison, trapped for all eternity, on a planet souring
through the universe. After a great time of trying to Rest
In Peace, It was finally Christmas eve and even during this
time of year, the outside creatures of the night would
probably be looking for warmth, and other would probably
be looking for food, but by this time, the vampires had
been fighting a battle for 16 years; 16 years is nothing for
a vampire, though he did not mind war, he did mind
wasting time. Time was more valuable to a vampire, since
he had only from Dusk to Dawn to be able to operate. Still,
the vampires could only deal with the witches during the
night which seemed to exhaust many of the vampire's
resources. This certainly wasn't apart of the plan. But he
couldn't believe the tenacity of the witches, He thought to
himself, "they must want the grim reaper to show himself."
To poison the whole world in the name of darkness, was
something that the vampire considered "over-kill". Either
way this was getting interesting, the vampire had lived
through the great plagues of Egypt, the black death, the
appearance of Malaria, Ebola, and other horrendous
experiences he dared not remember. In conclusion this was
more diabolical then even he, a vampire could think of.
How is it that virus has the ability to re=animate him after
death, yet, a vampire can only live so long, he himself has
seen this to be true. Many vampires have dies over the
span of thousands of years. or should he say, died again.
Still, death was something he longed for but could not find.
Suddenly, a loud bang rang throughout his chamber
palace. Somebody was knocking at his door. The traveler
then has another flashback: Now the messenger, whom
was a human, finally delivered the vampire king's letter. As
a result an Egyptian messenger was then sent back to the
vampire king, sent directly from The pharaoh himself. As
the messenger approached the temple, the palm of his
hands started to become sweaty and fear unlike anything
he had ever felt, swept down his spine. Increasing his body
temperature for all vampire’s in the area o observe. Still,
the messenger was determined to fulfill his duties and
hand deliver the royal scroll to the vampire king. The
messenger then approaches the two large entrance doors
adorned with symbols of vampire origins. Trembling in fear,
he knocks 3 times. He stands the for a while, and not a
peep. Waiting there for what seemed like an eternity. As
the messenger decides to turn around and walk away, he
heard a shuffle of feet and the two ginormous doors slowly
started to open. The messenger is then greeted by a
beautiful woman, she tells him "welcome to the temple
messenger of Pharaoh, We've been expecting you." Unsure
of the interests of the king or this woman, he states, I
have brought a message for your king from Pharaoh. The
woman then replies, “yes, come with me." As the doors
closed behind him They both walked through the torch-lit
corridors of the temple complex, strange statues of
creatures he could only describe in myths decorated the
corridor walls. Finally the reach the Vampire king's Temple
chamber. Where, in that moment the traveler was engaged
in a debate about what should be done about the human.
Just as the messenger walks into the temple chamber, he
then decides to end the debate, by declaring that all
humans' shall be considered their slaves, and not just
merely their food. this would give some leverage for the
Mortals when dealing with vampires. After that, all eyes
and attention was focused on the beautiful woman and the
Mortal messenger. The messenger's heart was beating so
fast and loud, all the vampires started getting shifty in
response on his blood coursing through his veins. The
beautiful woman then leads the messenger through the
crowds of blood-thirsty vampires and brings him before the
throne of the king. The king gazes at the messenger, and
ponders to himself, what makes me any different than this
messenger. The role of a king was still fresh in his vampire
mind, and his lifestyle was so different than that of his
previous life. The king then says "messenger, why have
you come?" The messenger pulls out a scroll with an
Egyptian insignia wrapped around it and hands it to the
vampire. The vampire king thought, “oh, this is from
Pharaoh, as a human, he was never this important, but as
a vampire and now a king he was recognized even by the
likes of the pharaoh.” The vampire king then pulls out a
box and hands it to the messenger. He then tells the
beautiful woman to accompany him to on his journey
return back home. They both agreed and left the temple.
The vampire is also known as the Ancient traveler awakens
from his flashback and decides to answer the door. By the
looks of it, it was a man with a briefcase, oh it must be
some time of religious figure. The man then said to the
vampire, "are you human?" "No, I'm a Vampire." replied
the vampire. Then the man with the briefcase says, "Good,
you know, humans have a hard time remembering where
they come from." The man then opens up his briefcase and
pulls out a box and hands it to the vampire. he then says,
"thank you sire and have a good evening." He then turns
and walks away into the darkness of the night. To the
vampire's shock this box, he hadn't seen since he gave it to
the messenger to send to the pharaoh. This was indeed
strange to the vampire since he had just had a flashback
about it, and then poof just like magic, it was brought to
him. Coin incidence, or something bigger? Either way, the
vampire was too unnerved to deal with the contents of the
box. He then placed the box in a safe location to deal with
it at a later time. So, at that point, the vampire needed
some help since his house quest vanished into the cosmos.
So he gave some thought to putting an ad for an Assistant
position. So he places the ad online. Within a week, The
applicant sent him his resume, the name was Dave Brady,
and he lived not too far from where the vampire resided.
Which would work out perfectly for the errands he needed
done during the day. So, with that the applicant was
interviewed by the vampire on a internet call. The vampire
finishes the interview after describing the details, and asks
Dave Brady "So, would you want the job?" The human
replied, "I would like this job for sure and when can I
start?" "Great! Replied the vampire, I will send you an
email of your schedule and other miscellaneous
paperwork." The human then grateful says thank you and
logs off the computer. The vampire pirated the hat he had
to interact with a human, thought to himself. "The wheel is
turning and so were the businesses built from centuries."
During those centuries he was able to gain massive
amounts of wealth, he considered this an advantage.
Either way he was back up and running and couldn't wait
to train his new human assistant. The vampire then lays in
his coffin and has another flashback relieving his memories
and past lives: So, now the messenger and the beautiful
woman set off on the temple's chariot of the pharaoh. The
messenger wasn't sure why the beautiful woman would
need to accompany him, But he didn't mind at all. During
the trip, the man would start to fall in love and would seem
to be somewhat distracted by her beauty. So, about
halfway through the trip, they decide to stop for lunch and
take a look around the countryside. A beautiful view for a
beautiful woman says the traveler. The woman blushed
and said, "We should hurry back to your pharaoh." And
then the messenger repined, "ok, but we will need to
gather some water for the journey through the desert. The
woman then said to the messenger, I heard if you follow
that path you'll find a large Rock and it will lead you to a
nearby creek." Without hesitation, both of them continued
down the road. After about 13 minutes of travel, they stop.
And the messenger then says "look! over there! Is that the
Rock?" as he pointed towards the south of the path they
were traveling on. The woman then replies "why yes, it
must be." So, they move towards the Rock in the distance,
sure enough, there was also a small creek. "Perfect!" said
the messenger. Then they pack up their water bags and
head back to the road. When they get back to their
chariot. An ambush of vampires had been waiting for
them. The messenger was confused, but armed vowed to
kill the vampires that threatened him and any chance he
had with his vampire's human friend. At that point, the
woman moved him aside and said, I will go, The vampires
snarled and stared to discuss who gets to eat first, so
much fussing, which leads the vampires to start fighting
with each other. The woman and the messenger then
rushed away from the road on the chariot to search for
safety. To their demise, a vampire was chasing them and
was close to their tail. So, the messenger drove the chariot
and the woman shot the arrows at the vampire. After a
rough and bumpy experience with sharp turns and dark
woods, the sun cracks over the horizon, spreading its
energy of light over all of the lands." The woman then
grabs her special cloak and covers herself. The messenger
then arrives with the chariot they and they both then
spoke to the pharaoh, and after he had heard what had
happened he arranged for the messenger and the beautiful
woman to be married at once. This is where the Vampire
awakens from his flashback to the nighttime again from his
dark slumber: So, the vampire had trained his new
assistant, and it seemed nice to have somebody to
converse with, even if it was mostly about business-
related. After a period stabilizing his business became
easier with the aid of his assistant. Yet, he was still
remembering his daughter and how she came and just
disappeared. Nonetheless, this type of human interaction
was starting to become tolerable to bear. But the human
had no clue, that the vampire was a vampire, this would be
the ultimate test for the assistant. “So, is there anything I
can get for yaw V? the assistant asks. The Vampire replied,
no, that is all. "Thank you, oh, and there is just one thing I
forgot to tell you. Yes? repined the assistant in a curious
tone. The vampire then tells the assistant. "you are a
human, you are alive. I am neither of those things." He
continues to then say, "I' am the undead" then disappears
and reappears. The assistant starts freaking out and says
"are you going to eat me?" The vampire replies, "No! Of
course not, We sophisticated types don't hire employees
just to eat them, do we?" The man still scared replies
"What do you want from me?" The vampire laughs then
replies, I want your assistance." after that, he pulls out a
bag and hands it to his assistance. The assistant then says
"what's this?" He says it’s a gift and the vampire then
walked walks away. Curious, the assistant looks inside and
see's $1,000,000 with a note that says, here is your pay for
the next 5, years. Shocked and confused, he runs home
with the bag excited to be able to finally be financially free.
The vampire thought to himself, "Stupid humans, they
don’t get it, even if you prove it to them. It seems that fear
puts them into a state of denial as they attempt to
rationalize that fear. Ignorance is bliss for those of weaker
minds, thought the vampire. So with that, he decides he
needs avocation. and that he would leave his assistant in
control of his estates while he was gone. Vacation, he
thought, I've never had a vacation. he then did something
thinking about the notion, he had another flashback: So,
during the festival the season, the king had been talking
with his queen, He says to her " you know queen I think
we need a vacation." She then replies, "That sounds
exciting!" all of a sudden an owl flies through a window
high in the temple's sky rise. Then king shouted, "Owl, why
do you come here?" "Hoo-Hah" the owl replies, then swiftly
descend from the rafters and drops a scroll. The Vampire
king tells his guard to open it and read it to him. The guard
does just that, opens the scroll, and reads the following:
King and Queen of the Temple, the pharaoh requests your
assembly for the marriage of the messengers. As an act of
blessing, I have ordained the time for 6 months from this
day. I also leave this owl here for you as a gift. may he
serve your needs." The king laughs and says, "It looks like
we have a wedding to plan for." the queen then said, "this
will be the event of a lifetime." Where does love come from
by mortals?, How do they even know how to love? many of
these questions fluttered the King's thoughts. Who was
starting to feel an annoyance for his remaining human
connection with the human mortals? He then says, "Let us
make the best of this "vacation." After all, he had been
now ruling for 3 years and could use a break from being a
3-year-old vampire. At this point, he had almost forgotten
what it was like to communicate with humans beyond
letters or messengers. Something he felt betrayed and
disconnected took. He took this as an opportunity to figure
out why he was considered "chosen". So, he then gave the
orders to the temple get ready his best chariot and load it
with a bountiful amount of food. The queen then says
"Why so much Human food?" The king then replied,
"because just like vampires, humans like to feast at their
festivals." They then both laughed and proceeded with the
arrangements. The vampire awakens from his flashback
and starts getting ready for his trip, He starts packing his
bags and is going through things and stumbles upon his
locked safe. He had forgotten what he had put inside, but
he was going to Las Vegas, so he decides to open the safe
because he needed some money since he was going to Las
Vegas. He opens, the safe and peers inside, and when he
sees it. It was the box. He knew he didn't want to have to
deal with it later, so, he decides to bring it with him. He
really couldn't remember what was inside the box. But
though he would get some underground snakes to blood in
Vegas, snake's blood could be described as the equivalent
to getting drunk for vamps. So, he packed up his money
and box inside his suitcase and scheduled a Uber to take
him to the airport. At that moment he also then called his
assistant to make sure he fed the dogs and regulate the
security cameras and sprinkler systems. The assistant
agreed and asked, " how long are you to be gone?" The
vampire replied, "a month". "ok." said the vampire and
then the Uber driver honked his horn outside announcing
that he had arrived. So, the vampire had become well
attuned to flying, but the driver had started on their way to
the airport, "Yak know, Las Vegas is only a few hours
drive." The vampire then said to the driver, "Alright let's
go!" He then transfers the driver 200 dollars through the
Uber app." They then both travel down the road, passing
time, listening to the radio. There was a something always
to be perceived in the middle of the desert. So, While
nearing Las Vegas driving down straight road, a bright and
shiny object shot across the hill they were approaching,
somewhere near the baker, they come upon a smoking
small-sized crater. The vampire then said to the driver, “Pull
over." The driver does, but becomes so extremely fearful at
what he was seeing, his hair started to turn white. So, the
Uber driver removes the vampire's luggage and abandoned
him there, speeding off back to Los Angelus in a frantic
escape. The vampire went to the crater to investigate what
he presumed to be another shiny metallic object. After
peering into the crater, he could see it, It was shiny, but
not a sphere, it was a floating pyramid. He thought I must
have crash-landed. the vampire watched as this shiny
pyramid picked this exact moment to encounter him. Either
way, the vampire hadn't any care. So, he pulls out his box
and places it in front of the spinning, floatingly. All of a
sudden the box opens and a green mist started billowing
out of it, then a light shined brightly came out and shot
into the pyramid, the primed then illuminates so bright
then vampire has to cover himself with his jacket and then
the pyramid shoots into the sky, never to be seen again.
The vampire then has another flashback: Now, it was the
day to depart Egypt, to not only have a vacation but to
attend a wedding and celebration. Special arrangements
had been put in place so that the vampires in attendance
could effectively comminute. So, the pharaoh arranged for
the festival to be held during the night hours. So, the
vampire king and queen left their throne and told the
council to shut down the time until the next season. Even
the queen was excited to return to her home temple after
the festivals were over. The chariot and the human food
were sent in advance so that the vampires did not have to
worry about it spoiling. Sure enough, miles into their trip,
the run into the chariot, knocked over and had been
emptied, and nothing was found left behind except a large
footprint. The king and queen look at each other and
immediately dispatched his royal third to investigate where
the food had disappeared to. During this time the Traveler
thought it was best to take the camp and had his carriage
decked out with a sort of vampire cave on wheels. later
after long rest during the day." The king and queen were
wakened to the sound of the carriage shaking almost like
an earthquake. The guard then comes back and says "your
highness, here is the reason why all your food is gone."
The king leaped forward, learning he could jump
instantaneously from one place to another. The King then
asks the giant under the moon-light, "why did you eat all
that food?" The giant replied, "I was hungry, ever since the
king made me where I could no longer eat humans, food
had become scares." So, then the king replied to Alger the
giant, "Alger assist us on our journey to pay for the food
by carrying us to the Pharaoh’s palace. The giant agreed
and then picked up the carriage and started walking to
Egypt. The queen was shocked and amazed by the actions
and commands the king made to control the giant, which
made her excited. The King, then says, "soon my queen
we will finally be alone." The traveler no longer thought of
himself as a human in any regard and his ego as king was
beginning to grow. This is where the vampire awakens
from his flashback only to be standing in the middle of the
Mojave desert: The vampire starred around him, the vast
silent noises filled his senses. He then looks at the crater
and sees the box, that had never done anything like that
before, at least from what he could remember. Surprisingly,
there was also a unknown object sitting next to the box.
So, the vampire decided to take the what looked to be like
an ancient stone tablet, with what the vampire recognized
as Ancient Shamanistic Sanskrit. It was considered the
language of the universe. Only ascended masters even
know of the guy developed within the symbolism.
Nonetheless, after a few hours of standing on the side of
the road, the vampire decided to start walking to his hotel
room which was at Caesar’s Palace. About 3 and a half
miles of walking, the vampire could see a trucker with his
headlights flogging down the rood. The vampire places the
stone inside the box and then packs it away, he then flags
down the truck to hitch a ride. After a moment the truck
stops, and the vampire explained how Hose the driver left
him in the middle of the desert. he then offered the
Trucker 500 dollars to take him to Las Vegas. The trucker
already on his way passing through Vegas, then said "Sure,
Hop In!" Well about this time the trucker was unaware that
he was sitting next to a vampire. Which was better for him,
since his mortality puts him into a constant state of denial.
The trucker then asks "So, where are you headed to? We
are about a half-hour away from Vegas." The vampire then
replied, "Caesar’s Palace." The trucker then responded, "
Oh!, Caesar’s Palace that’s one of the nicest places to stay
in Vegas." The thing was when the vampire said Caesar’s
palace he had only said it in his mind. It seems that the
powers that be in control of Las Vegas had already been
anticipating the Vampire's arrival. The vampire then asks
the driver what is this place, after entering Vegas, the
trucker replies" Oh, that’s the Luxor." The Vampire then
requested the trucker let him out. The trucker then said
this isn't Caesar’s Palace, are you sure you want out here?"
The vampire then gives 500 dollars to the trucker and says
"Yes Please, and thank you for the ride, He hadn’t ever
been to the Luxor before and wanted to see how closely it
resembled the real thing. He decided he could get a Taxi
later if need be. This is where he enters into yet another
flashback: So, the king and queen and a large number of
guardsmen and vampires had journeyed to the Pharaoh’s
palace the night before the ceremony. Initially upon arrival
of the apace, during introduction and announcements. It
was funny to watch as the people of their city became
fearful to watch. But the vampires at that time lived by
strict rules and when they were invited by humans, the
vampires acted with a Demeanor of Nobility. negotiations
are all that the king had in mind. So, with masses of
people surrounding the palace, the vampires in flowing
gowns and crowns adorned in gold were seen emerging
from the carriage that the Alger the giant was carrying.
Exhausted from the walk the giant decides to talk a seat
and observe the humans. After a while, the people finally
calmed, noticing that the giant had a mild temper. Which
also set the people and the pharaoh’s minds at ease. After
a while, the entry was cleared, And the King and Queen
approached the Pharaoh who sat upon his throne. The
pharaoh then asks, " Do you have the owl?" Suddenly, the
owls fly out of nowhere and land on Pharaoh’s hand. So
very happy to see his bird again, the king says, "looks like
he made it home." They all laughed, and the queen then
says, we have brought you a gift, This creature will build
great things for you and strike immense fear into the
hearts of your enemies." As she gestures to the giant.
Pharaoh unsure about the stature of his assembly of men,
thinks for a few minutes and then says " You bring me a
God as a gift?" I must give you something of equal value."
With that, the pharaoh says, “let the festivities begin!"
Suddenly, lights of different colors started shooting out of
the temple in a sort of light show., Followed by an array of
human entertainers, belly dancers, fire blowers, and even
snake charmers. Which enticed some of the vampires, after
a while of human feasting and celebrating, The Pharaoh
once again stands up from his throne and announces to
the crowd, Tomorrow, I will be blessing the marriage of my
son. So, tonight, Enjoy Yourself! He raises the chalice and
drinks. The vampire wasn't so quick to see that coming.
but the queen had her suspicions. Either way, this was
about to get interesting. And then the vampire comes out
of his flashback: The vampire now stands facing the
Pyramid shaped hotel called the Luxor in Las Vegas. The
vampire thinks to himself, "wow it almost looks like back
how, as he observes the lights shining brightly from the tip
of the Pyramid. So he enters the casino entrance of the
Luxor and sees so many bright lights and sounds of
humans playing games for money. The vampire then thinks
this is quite different from the Luxor on the inside, still, he
marveled at the colors swirling from machine to machine,
all interlinked with energy emitting computers. Using his
vision, He spots a game that sparks his interest. The game
was a slot machine with a familiar symbol being played on
one of the reels. So, he sits down at the machine and
payrolls out a 100 dollar bill from his pocket and sticks it
into the insert slot. Unsure of what he was playing, he
decides to hit the only button that made sense. Max Bet,
he did and after the reels landed, the machine lets out a
loud siren noise accompanied by Jackpot win! The crowds
started to surround the vampire, as he started to become
uncomfortable, a man in a suit walked up, He also had an
earpiece wired into a receiver he must have held
somewhere on his person. He then says to the vampire, "
SO, what do we have here?" The vampire forces a smile
and says a "jackpot." The man then says something to one
of his floor goons of the casino. Then all of a sudden it
seems the owner of the casino walks up and greets the
Vampire. "Hello King, we've been expecting you, we have
taken your reservations from Caesar’s palace and given
you the Vampire suite here at The Luxor. You may stay as
long as you need." The vampire takes another look at the
owner and can't believe his eyes, it was none other than
his Old guard from centuries ago. he then says, "I haven't
been called "king" in a very long time, as he chuckled. The
Old Guard then says, No problem, " I will have somebody
show you to your room. With that, the vampire collected
his jackpot of $10,327.64 He thought to himself, "Las
Vegas has changed to where they print out a little piece of
paper with some numbers on it, instead of dumping out
coins or chips." He then felt somebody tap on his shoulder,
he turned and a bellhop asked if he could take his luggage,
the vampire then says ok, and then walked with the
bellhop to the elevators up to the 13 floors, where his
vampire suite awaited him. The bellhop then says after
opening up the room and placing his luggage inside, " Is
there anything else I can get for you, sir?" “No thank you”
he replied and tipped the bellboy a 100 dollar bill. "Thank
you very much, sir, if you need anything please don't
hesitate to dial 1 for the front desk. he then closes the
door behind him and the vampire, unsure where he would
be called to next for whatever tomorrow's night events
would hold, he decides to call it a day, and hits the coffin in
the hotel room around 4:00 am in the morning laying in
these hotel coffins wasn't as good as his coffin. Their
pillows weren't very fluffy like his own. Either way, he was
prepared to rest until, Knock, knock, knock "Room
Service." The vampire then has another flashback: So,
after the festivities had died down, Pharaoh then says to
the vampire king and queen, my people will show you to
your rooms. Unsure, the vampire king and queen, ordered
their people to defend and sleep in their carriage, which
promised no harm. The vampires slept, until the
announcement, that night had fallen. So once again the
vampire king and queen meet before the wedding
ceremony. They have a conversation about human and
vampire relations while considering how the improvements
will look overall after the building lifespan of the Giant."
The vampires are to be well known throughout all Egypt."
The pharaoh says to the king. The king then replies to the
pharaoh, "Let it be known that the vampires recognize
pharaoh as more than human." At that Let the ceremonies
begin. A large crowd gathered outside with people bringing
gifts and foods all the while dressed up in fine linens and
with well-orchestrated music. So, the pharaoh and his high
guards and priests started the ceremonies to Mary his son
off tour messenger. It’s funny how humans are considered
the messenger of the gods. Inland this would be under
divinity. Which, vampires were the closest thing too
because of them being rulers of the dead, or underworld.
Still, this cosmic balance was good for humans, to retain a
systematic relationship is interesting. thought the king,
Doesn't Pharaoh wish to build Egypt to its maximum
potential?" The pharaoh excite yells loudly, "Here is my
son, the son of you pharaoh, he now takes his wife under
the night, let it be written, let it be done." With that sacred
water was poured on their heads and then the pharaoh
says, It has been done." Then the whole crowd applauds
as the two messengers kiss. At which point, the festivities
had begun, and the newlyweds were to dance, as they did
the vampire king and queen were standing amongst
pharaohs, the vampire queen then says, " Pharaoh I am
glad to wed my daughter. “The vampire king and the
pharaoh both look at the queen in shock, The pharaoh
then says SO, it is written and now it is done." the vampire
king then tells Pharaoh thank-you for your hospitality and
the experience." The Pharaoh smiles and hands the king a
bottle with a glowing substance, and says, "here is the
cure, should you need to join the living." This is where the
vampire's flashback ended. After a few days of the vampire
getting comfortable in his hotel suite, he decides to call for
room service, a special room service only for vampires. He
dials 1 and it rings the front desk, a person answers, "room
service?" The vampire replies, “this is the person on the
13th-floor suite." "oh, yes, How may I help you, sir?" The
vampire replies, "I wish to have a companion for the night
along with a bottle of snake's blood." The pithed person on
the phone mumbled a bit, then replied "I am sorry sir, we
haven't had snake's blood since they had it banned from
the premises. But, I can send up something with an equal
splendor, just less bite." "Sure, the vampire replies in a
disappointed tone." The person then replies, " I will send
her up in a half-hour." the vampire replies, "Sounds great!”
he then hangs up the phone. Unsure as to who and what
was going to be coming up to the suit, he decides to fold
up the coffin from view and make the room more
comfortable. After a bit of time, the door starts to the
creek, then knock, knock, knock! The vampire then says
"you may enter." The vampire then looks to have entered
and looked at a set of curves he hasn’t seen in centuries
and a face he thought he could only dream of seeing. The
vampire then fell to the woman's feet and started weeping
blood, saying "my queen, my love, where have you been?"
She then grabs his hands and raises his chin, and smiles,
"waiting for you, of course, my love." Then she kisses him
softly on his lips, something she couldn't miss the
opportunity to slip past her. Immediately this lead them to
a passionate night for the two long-lost lovers, who used
to reign over the lands, had once again had their paths
met by destiny. "Through the pits of hell, I've been fighting
for an eternity to find you." He tells the queen. He would
then also tell her about all of the travels and fights that he
had been challenged through just to see her again. Still,
undeniably happy to be with her again, he had gone
through the underworld and wasn't sure where his queen
had been this whole time. She then replies "Patience, my
king, all will be revealed in time, for now, let us celebrate
our reunion." Then et to come. But she pours two cups full
of absinthe. This is where they both have a flashback. So
after the vampire king returned to his queen's chamber
and had the temple shut down for a season, the king had
many things to discuss with the queen. First and foremost
was the looming topic of her daughter. Which, the king had
no idea about. So, at a moment of recollection, they sit in
silence, he then says to the queen, "my queen, where did
your daughter come from?" The queen shied and bowed
her head and replied, " I was once human and she was
there before I was turned." The king then replies, "You
have a daughter?, I didn't know vampires can reproduce?
she then says, "They can't, it is forbidden." Curious and a
bit upset, the king then says, that changes how I view you
my queen." The queen then starts sobbing blood in her
hands. Then she raises her head and says, "don't worry my
king, I will make you view me correctly." At that point, she
kisses the king and gathers her possessions, and tells the
king, "if I do not return, know that I love you." The king
distraught by the Queen's abrupt statement ran to chase
her in hopes of not leaving, grabbed her and pulls her to
his face, and kisses her one last time before she would
leave him for some time as she refused to explain how she
was transformed into a vampire. The plausibility that she
was waiting to tell him would sow a great deal of fear. The
king was all by himself and as a king, he felt uneasiness
and demanded his guard to bring him a sculptor. After the
guard was dispatched to gather the sculptor, he then
started creating plans that had been in place before the
"gods" of Egypt. Though, these very same "gods" were
considered "demigods." These beliefs and ideologies were
still relatively new to the vampire. He then hears a bell
ring, the front chamber door was ringing loudly. Luckily it
was nighttime, So, the vampire quickly exited the chamber
through a small backdoor and crept behind to see who had
stumbled across his layer, just as he was thinking of biting
the man standing at his tomb. The man turns around and
gets startled and scared to all of a sudden be encountered
by a presumed king dressed in golden attire. After that, the
man drops a satchel he was carrying, scattering numerous
pieces of partridge on the ground and scurrying to pick
them up. The vampire king then says, "I presume you are
sent from Pharaoh, don't be afraid, the vampire then gazes
into the human's soul and shows him what exactly was
needed from him. The vampire king opens the large
entrance doors and says, "come builder of the pharaoh,
there is a lot of work to do." The flashback then ends and
by this time it had been a few weeks into the reunion of a
long-lost couple of vampire royalty. Most ancient vampires
are lucky to see 2 thousand years, but here they were
lifetimes in separation. The king now starting to remember
his life since the queen departed his side, couldn’t help but
ponder, what it must have been like for her. He knew his
story, which many flashbacks had yet to come. Yet now, he
wanted to hear her side of the story and explain what had
happened with her. So, he decides to create a special
evening, just for the 2 of them. For a vampire, he couldn't
believe how accustomed he had been home for his
attraction for some type of companionship, Not just lust for
blood or seduction, But his one and only maker. Now
starring at him in his eyes. So, he made arrangements to
obtain her most favorite blood type, and even placed a
vase of dead roses, along with a gift, something the
vampire had held onto for almost an eternity. So, once the
queen awakened from her coffin, she was thirsty and
needed to feed. She then sees the vampire and says, "my
love, I'm hungry." The vampire still in shock by seeing her
again, then says, "Ok, how about you check this out." As
he walks into his dining room. He had fashioned a table fit
for a vampire queen. Something she hadn't even
remembered considering whole long it had been. She then
sits down and with fangs out she gets ready to feed upon
the table items. Then the vampire sat and observed her
eat. After the queen was done tasting. The queen then
says " I could use some blood." the vampire then says
"I've saved the best for dessert." He then pulls out an
extremely old bottle full of an ancient vampire's blood,
pours the contents into a golden chalice, and hands it to
the queen, and says "Here you go my love, feed." After
drinking a few gulps, she then says, " Oh my." then she
drinks the entire bottle. After a few moments of digesting
the blood, the queen then says " I can't believe I forgot."
Then she starts weeping a bit blood streaming down her
face, she says, "I will tell you, my king, you deserve to
know what happened and I am sorry for what I did to you.
I didn't even think I would be alive still and feared the
worse when I tasted that blood. But now I can see you
were always there and I wasn't." They both then have
another flashback: The queen is then shown leaving the
temple back in ancient times holding onto a bottle that the
king had given her in case she would need it. The queen
was determined to deal with what she was on a mission for
answers, her maker, and her daughter. The queen then
went to the pharaoh to find her daughter, and the pharaoh
once she was brought to his courtroom stated "gladly we
welcome you." The pharaoh then announced. He then says
to the queen of vampires, "where is your king?" She then
replies with her eyes glowing red, “I’m in search of my
daughter.” The pharaoh laughed and said "your daughter is
not a suitable wife, my son is human, your daughter is
not." The vampire queen then says "I understand, that is
why I have brought this." She then pulls out the bottle that
the king gave her." The vampire queen that they still had
the bottle and said "Are you sure you want this vampire
queen?" She then replies, "Yes, if it settles this matter
between species." The pharaoh laughed and ordered the
son and his vampire wife to be summoned. After a few
moments, the newly-wed couple emerges into the
courtroom. The pharaoh announces, "Daughter of the
queen of vampires if you wish to stay, you must drink."
The son out of confusion detests and protests the idea,
"father if she drinks that, she will die." The pharaoh
laughed and said "she is already dead, but not for long."
All of a sudden the pharaoh’s guards grab the son and pull
him aside, locking him out of the way for what was about
to take place. "the daughter of the vampires then says, "
No, I will drink, pharaoh." She grabbed the bottle from her
mother and says, "I love you." The vampire queen then
started crying and everyone else watched as the daughter
opened up the bottle and drank its contents, which was
only known to be called the cure. Suddenly, the vampire
daughter starts throwing up blood everywhere all over the
everyone, she then fall to the ground and starts going into
convulsions, at this point it looked like she might actually
be dead after the seizures stopped. The pharaoh then
says, "she will be brought back from the underworld."
Then the guards hauled away her lifeless corpse. As the
room cleared, The queen of vampires then asks pharaoh,
"what will happen to my daughter?" The pharaoh replied, "
Your daughter will be alive and well soon enough." Even
the vampire queen was skeptical. The pharaoh then says,
come back tomorrow night to see your daughter." This is
where the flashback ends: Sitting in a bit of nostalgic
shock, the vampire considers what the queen was getting
into, but dawn had come and it was time for the two to
retire for the day. The king then says to the queen, "My
love, I've left a few things outside, I’ll be right back." Then
queen then says in confusion, "Oh, won't you burn?" The
king the says to her "We live in the future now, here, let
me show you." He then says to her," this is the newest in
vampire's technology." He then proceeds to pull a small
device from his inner jacket pocket and says "silly." The
queen then says "what’s so silly?" The king then replied, " I
remember a long time ago when I was still able to walk in
the sunlight, its silly that I'm now using a device to do so."
After a few moments he presses a button on the device
and walks to the front door, Suddenly both the vampire
king and queen both disappear and then reappear outside.
They were normal humans again. The queen started crying
tears of joy, "How can this be?" she asked the king. " As a
human the now the vampire says, "here we are our
original selves." Then he grabs a few items out of his
awesome Bugatti. He then says, "come my love, we must
go back." They then enter their house and are returned to
the dark crypt that they had momentarily escaped. The
queen a little upset then says, "why can't we go back
there and stay as long as we want?" He then says,
because the device wasn't designed to sustain a vampire
for long periods of time." The queen then asks, “what is it
made of?" The vampire hen laughed and pulled out the
items and handed it to the queen. "She then says, "I
should have known." The vampire then replies to the
queen, "Yes, these devices are only for the elite of our
kind." As she gazes into his eyes holding a rare vampire
crystal, she says "this way to the Atlantic>" The vampire
then replied, "yes, it seems you finally remember the
power of the crystals." The vampire queen then says, "I
have been asleep for the past century, and most of these
things intrigue me, still, my love, let us go out like in the
old days and pass the night away in the woods." The
vampire king agrees and then they both watch television,
the show was some vampire movie poorly produced with
no actual vampire basis. "If vampires really sparkled in the
sunlight, there would be way more of us." The king says,
then they both laughed and waited for the sun to go down
as they finished a meal of blood bags, which the queen
was starting to like. So, they both dressed up and made
their ways for a formal event in the woods. Both vampires
then experience yet another flashback: The queen was
now ready to see her daughter, whom was being held in
the lower chamber of pharaoh’s palace in the
mummification room. She walks Ove to the corpse and
says "what have they done to you my daughter?" then
asks the nearby priest "is my daughter now a mummy?"
The priest then replies, "She no longer holds a human soul,
we will have to fetch it from the underworld, let us call
forth Anubis." The priest then starts chanting in a unknown
lounge as dark clouds starts swirling overhead above them
near the ceiling of the chamber room. The priest then
says, " Behold, he appears." Then the strange like mist
starts to manifest into what appeared to be a creature with
the head of a dog. This creature couldn't be seen with
common human eyes. The priest couldn't even see him,
but the queen could, since she was undead. "The queen
then asks Anubis, where is my daughter?" Anubis
responds, "well since you summoned me here I might as
well let you know, your daughter is no longer in the
underworld, she has been stuck in limbo for quite
sometime and she is to be brought out with the blood of
the father.” The queen replies, "Anubis, is there any other
way?" Anubis replies, "No, your highness, you only need to
bring an ounce of the father's blood and the scales of a
crocodile from the river Nile." The queen the agrees and
thanks Anubis for answering her questions. He then stares
at the priest until he dematerializes into nothing. After a
few moments of silence and staring at her daughter's
mummified corpse, the queen then lets out a loud scream,
which echoed throughout all Egypt for every mortal's ears
to be pierced by. Sounded like nails on a chalkboard to
most who could hear it, silence followed, then
accompanied with an eerie feeling that crept through
pharaoh’s palace. The vampire queen then went to
pharaoh and told him of the outcome of his "cure." The
pharaoh then said to her in a somewhat serious tone,
"vampire queen, I am indeed sorry for your deposition and
I shall send a sculptor to your king soon, and we will
continue to build upon economic goals." She then said "yes
of course." At which point she then decides to leave the
palace and set afoot to her new mission given to her by
Anubis to save her daughter from certain death. She didn't
know where to find her maker, but she knew where she
could go to gather insight, "the woods." A place of
gathering for creatures of the night. And this is where the
flashback ends: The Vampires were now on their way to
"The woods." Which was a good dance from The vampire
king's estate; The vampire king then says to his queen, "
Let’s hear what the humans are up to?" He then turn on
the local radio station, "Within a few years, the virus had
begun to lose its strength, Finally, we didn't need to wear
mask anymore" The vampire turns the radio off and looks
at his queen after what the humans were talking about
and then they both bust out laughing hysterically. Then the
queen says to the king, "These humans are worried about
a virus?" The vampire then explains to the queen about the
uprising amongst witches and vampire clans. He then said,
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