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Fernando Mateo L.

Fernandez ENGLAPS
ABM11-E Ms. Angel Sale

1. Children’s nightmare fears: include

Monsters under the bed
Bad dreams
Being abandoned by parents

Topic: Children’s nightmare fears

Controlling Topic: Types of fears children have during nightmares
Thesis Statement: Children's nightmare fears include monsters under the bed, bad
dreams, and the fear of being abandoned by their parents.
I. Introduction
II. Body: Fears
A. Monsters under the bed
B. Bad dreams
C. Being abandoned by their parents
III. Conclusion

2. Distractions: found
At home: computer games, television
Outside home: malls, movie theaters, fast food restaurants

Topic: Distractions
Controlling Topic: Causes of distractions
Thesis Statement: Distractions can be found both at home, such as computer games
and television, or outside home, including malls, movie theaters, and fast food

I. Introduction
II. Body: Causes
A. At home
1. Computer games
2. Television

B. Outside home
1. Malls
2. Theaters
3. Fast food restaurants
III. Conclusion

3. Computerized records: keep track

Consumer spending habits
Credit and travel records
Other personal information
Topic: Computerized records
Controlling Topic: Computerized records can monitor
Thesis Statement: Computerized records keep track of consumer spending habits,
credit and travel records, and other personal information.

I. Introduction
II. Body
A. Consumer spending habits
B. Credit and travel records
C. Other personal information
III. Conclusion

4. Academic dishonesty: Causes

Pressure from family
Wanting to earn high grades
Inability to manage time

Topic: Academic dishonesty

Controlling topic: Causes of academic dishonesty
Thesis statement: Academic dishonesty is caused by pressure from family, wanting to
earn high grades, and inability to manage time.

I. Introduction
II. Body
A. Pressure from family
B. Wanting to earn high grades
C. Inability to manage time
III. Conclusion

5. Academic dishonesty: effects

Stresses the students
Provides anxiety
Affects the integrity of students and their moral principles

Topic: Academic dishonesty

Controlling topic: Effects of academic dishonesty
Thesis statement: The effects of academic dishonesty include stressing the students,
providing anxiety, and affecting students' integrity and moral principles.

I. Introduction
II. Body
A. Stressing the students
B. Providing anxiety
C. Affecting students’ integrity and moral principles

III. Conclusion

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