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Name: Adolph kevin sutejo

student number: 23061003

Program Study: S1 NURSE SMT 2

Subject: English for nursing


Doctor: Good afternoon, Ms. Mutya Ferlinia. I understand you’ve been running a fever. How are you
feeling now?

Patient (Mutya Ferlinia): Good afternoon, Dr. Kevin. I’m still feeling quite hot and a bit weak.

Doctor: I see. Let's check your temperature first. (Checks temperature) It’s 101°F. How long have you
had the fever?

Patient: It's been about two days now.

Doctor: Have you noticed any other symptoms? Cough, sore throat, body aches?

Patient: Yes, I've had a sore throat and some body aches, but no cough.

Doctor: Any difficulty breathing or chest pain?

Patient: No, just the sore throat and body aches.

Doctor: Alright. I’ll examine your throat and listen to your lungs. Please open your mouth and say "ah."

Patient: Ahhh.

Doctor: Your throat is quite red. Now, take a deep breath in and out. (Listens with stethoscope) Your
lungs sound clear.

Patient: What could be causing the fever?

Doctor: It could be a viral infection, possibly the flu or another respiratory virus. We’ll need to run a
few tests to be sure. In the meantime, I’ll prescribe you some medication to help reduce the fever and
relieve your symptoms.

Patient: Thank you, Dr. kevin. Is there anything else I should do?
Doctor: Make sure to rest, drink plenty of fluids, and avoid strenuous activities. If your symptoms
worsen or you develop new ones, contact us immediately.

Patient: I will. Thank you.

Doctor: You're welcome, Ms. Ferlinia. We’ll have the test results back soon, and we’ll decide on the
next steps then.

Patient: Okay, thanks again, Dr. kevin.

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