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This shifting paradigm is unsealing the truth hidden in the scriptures and our genes.

By Jerry Vano November 25, 2011 In Exodus chapter 4 verses 2, 6 and 7 it says: And the Lord said unto him, what is that in your hand? And he said a rod. And he said, cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent and Moses fled from before it. And the lord said put forth your hand and take it up by the tail and he put forth his hand and it became a rod in his hand. 4:6 And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now your hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow. 4:7 And he said, Put your hand into thy bosom again. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, and, behold, it was turned again as his other flesh.

Dont put old wine in new wine skins

Deeper understanding about the two signs given to Moses reveals the obvious alien DNA intervention.

always different. The event where he was told to put his hand into his bosom was a sign that could not be understood until today. It was to leave an impression implanted in their minds at that time that would carry on to future generations. It just could not be understood then. But through the 1

The rod or staff carried by the Jew as a walking stick was also used as a record of the generational history of his family. Each generational branch would carve its families mark onto a rod and use it as a walking staff to lean on. This sign of the rod and snake given to Moses was to show the joining of the Alien Genetics with mankind. God told Moses to cast his rod to the ground and then made it turn into a serpent this was to give a sign to Moses of the bond that was made between Abraham and the Anunaki aliens 400 years earlier and that it was genetic because the serpent was well known to be the symbol of genetics. This event was also used to show Moses that god was placing in his hand the sign of that living covenant and that gods word had when held high, power to help him through. When he was told to pick up the serpent by the tail and then it turned back into a rod it sealed the pact with god and him, as his commission to go free his people. As you read on you will see that these event sewed the seed for todays events that mirror those trying days. Gods spirit never changes, it is cyclic and repeats over and over but its accompanying physical aspect is

mysterious wondering of it all would at the right time in the future open the right minds to understand it. Today many know through increased understanding that came about by the unveiling of the so called mythologies, that the biblical Gods of the Jews were the Anunnaki aliens but the agenda for man was not really in their hands, but in the hand of the god of all, and the bond between the Anunnaki and us was destined before the foundation of the earth. Even though it came about through an unnatural genetic scientific manipulation the adoption and perfection by suffering (Pandoras Box) of us through time by nature has come full circle. Being an image and destine to become like the Anunaki who are called the shining ones and are said to have light bodies So we are destined to have light bodies also. This was meant in this statement We see through a glass darkly but when that which is perfect comes we will know ourselves as we are known. This perfection was portrayed in Jesus when He appeared on the mount of transfiguration in a radiant body. This glass is the ocean of the etheric realm and when we receive the mind of Christ this realm will be completely open and transparent as glass to us. That is when we will be able to leave this planet to travel to the stars throughout the universe.

When Moses repeated the rod and serpent sign to the Egyptians the Pharaoh he laughed and called it a simple magic trick and then he had his priests repeat it. But then Moses snake swallowed up their snake. This showed the power behind the Abrahamic covenant was of the true alien gods and they held the power to rule over all, even the Egyptians. When the Jews were trapped at the Red sea Moses was told by god to hold and wave his rod over the sea. It was then that it was shown to be not just a rod he was holding in his hand but the sign and power of the promise that was given to man through Abraham that opened the doorway through to the other side by the parting (opening the truth in our genes) of the RED/blood Sea. Whether the aliens opened the path physically in a hidden way, or it was a supernatural event I dont know but I personally believe they intervened just as I BELIEVE THEY WILL IN 2012. Today it seem we are standing at the edge of disaster in the same type of a situation as Moses and gods genetic brew was in, but this time it is the etheric ocean to cross as a seawall blocking the heavens. We are all trapped waiting for a Moses to come and raise his rod of covenant iron to open the doorway through to the other side. But Moses did say to look for someone in future to come as he did. The Jews are waiting for this person as their true messiah.

It is my contention that the messiah that they are waiting for is the true message that has been placed in our hearts and only has to made conscious in our minds to receive him. The mind set of our time is towards holes in the sky, some call them wormholes, and others call them star gates. The truth is this hole is the black hole at the center of the galaxy. This hole draws all things to it including even photons or light. All these things are in the physical realm and will be revealed/re-veiled back into the realm of ether particles and then reformed or remembered as new star births. This hole is Gods sacred/secrete hiding place where he secretes his dark sayings to be transformed into the fire of life when the light of Christ shines on them. He is this hole as the doorway on through to the fathers heart which encompasses all things everywhere as the eternal realm. His blood is as that water of the etheric ocean which washes clean, and is made up of the particles of the fifth element which our scientist are calling darkmatter and cant understand with their nuts & bolts carnal approach. I wrote about this in my book The etheric ocean doorway to other worlds and have been led to proclaim this in all my writings. It is the very grail blood we have been searching for. It is also the mind stuff of Christ and ours, ours being the localized ether around the earth known as familiar spirits but His encompasses the entire universe. If your mind has not comprehended this yet it will have to soon. The 2012 pole shift will physically be the door that opens the earth to the universal mind of Christ. The same saving power that happened for Moses will happen again for us during the shift. Its in the cards hidden in the truth of the promise given to Abraham, written in blood covenant, waiting to be awakened in all mankind. The event coming up in 2012 is a natural one and can be overcome and understood only through spiritual methods. Nature has been trying for ages to prepare us for it. The truth has been hidden in our genes as well as the genetic patterns in the spiraling wave motion of the planets. It is not the individual message in each codon of our DNA, but the uniting spirit tying them together that is the fire of the life process as the Holy Spirit. That fire is as the persistence that sustains our consciousness as though through time, giving us glimpses of the eternal as in a motion picture frame, overcoming the death between each heart beat. As Jesus said the letter of the law kills (as in the scientific method) but the spirit of the law gives life. As the aliens have said, There is a door and it is being opened to us as the waves (genetics spiraling through time) are being sent out. The Commandment do not bare false witness or lie, is very important here the lies get into the heavenlies spiritually, and blocks the path of truth hidden in every mans genes. We are like fish swimming in an ocean of polluted water. Our genes are trying to resonate with a truth that has been blocked from distorted beliefs caused by lies. The word gives life but we perish do to lack of knowledge. Truth is an accurate representation of the past and is hidden in our genes as the very fire of life. This fire is surfacing as Jesus said in the endtime the truth will make you free, not set, but make you free. All things hidden will be uncovered. That is when we will know ourselves as we are known. Even now the heavenlies are being purged of the lies as in a great purification. Paul the apostle said being born of the spirit is thinking with the mind of Christ and having the potential to know all things.

The kingdom of heaven is within you.

This page, I believe, shows how the alien circle makers tried to bring home to us those famous words of Jesus.
It is my contention that the circle makers are a little disappointed in how we received the Chilbolton crop circle. It seems very few if any other persons understood what they showed they used to transmit and receive their messages. What they drew in place of our radio telescope transmitter to indicate their version of ours mystified most if not all to the point of speculating sheer magic. It shows how we are so materialistically minded that the words of Jesus the kingdom of heaven is within you just cant register in us. If you look at the drawing below it shows a diagram of a refined version of what they indicated they used to communicate with us. It shows the obvious process of cell division in a living organism. Is this not showing that they travel through the heavens on that fiery highway inside their body called their genes? What they are indicating is that they go within, confirming what Jesus said that the heavens are within us and is the word of God as our genetic makeup. If you can see and understand that the whole universe is alive and all is linked together through a ribbon of fire biblically called streets of gold. If you want to find that pie in the sky you have to walk the street. Scientists can search forever in the elements of matter and never find that highway for it is within you. The aliens use remote viewing to search the heavens through their genes and create crop circles by controlling the etheric fields remotely with their thoughts. This is what we are coming to as our inheritance if we can accept it there is no magic in it all other then the magic of living. We are to receive the knowledge of all that is hidden in our genetic makeup and those that can accept the truth will be free to walk the highways of the heavens.

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