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Method of Constructions on it.

a white paper
hardboard of
suitable size and paste
and mark them
Xg, X,,x..
as X,, X,Kz, Kg,
Take a piece of
in a column Q1. Wr
the left side ofthe board
and mark them Y, asY,,Y, Y,,Y.
2. Drill eight holes on board in a column Ans. [0,
3. Drill seven holes on
the right sideofthe Q,2. Wr
as shown in the Fig 5.
holes X,, X,, X,, X, X,,
Xg, X, and
colour in the and Y,. Ans. D
4. Fix bulbs of one Y, Y,, Y,
other colour in the holes Y, Y, Y,, 8.
5. Fix bulbs of the
the board marked as 1, 2, .. 3, Q3. Fin
Fix testing s c r e w s at
the bottom of one from
of corresponding bulbs, me Ans. Giv
such a m a n n e r that a pair
7. Complete the electrical circuits
column glow simultaneously. Co-domain

Q4. If R
Ans. He


loib ov e
Fig. 5

8. These pairs of bulbs will give ordered pair, which will constitute a relation which in turn may/ma
be a function (See Fig. 5).
9. Bulbs at X,, X, . . . , Xg, along the left column represent domain and bulbs along the rightcolu Materl=
at Y, Y, Y, Y, represent co-domain. Dr
10. Using two or more testing screws out of given eight screws obtain different order pairs. In Fig.5
the eight screws have been used to give different ordered pairs such as (X, Y), (X,, Y,) (X, Metho
(X,, Y,), (X,,Y) etc.
11. By choosing different ordered pairs make different sets of ordered pairs.
Observations ( es-(nan(Aat(On
1. In Fig. 5, ordered pairs are...
2. These ordered pairs constitute a . .

3. The ordered pairs (X,, Y), (X,, Y,), (x,, Y,), (X,, Y2), (X,, Y,), (X,, Y,), (X3 Y,),
relation which is also a .
(Xg, Y) cOnsu
4. The ordered
pairs (X,, Y,), (X,, Y,), (X,, Y,), (X,, Y,), (X,, Y2) constitutea. . , which is nd

The activity can be used to
explain the concept of relation or a function. It can also be used to xplaind
concept of one one, onto functions.

ELab Manual Mathematics-XI

viva Voce
real function f()
X,, X, and OLWrite
the range of the

Y,, Y,,Y, and Ans. [0.

function f(x)
Write the
domain of the 3

13]. are equal

Df) R
functions f(a) 2 I and g(x) - 1
for which the
Find the domain
03 f ) g()
Ans. Given that
one from ea 2 1-I 3
1) 0
( 2 ) (2x
then wite
Z of integers by the rule (x, y)e R e
on the set
relation defined
R is a
Q.4. If
domain of R.
x + y=9
Ans. Here,
= 9 - x*
y =v9-x
Since xeZ, R={-3,0,3}.
domain of
Hence, the

Activity 6

Object between a
relation and a

turn may/may not To distinguish

Material Required adhesive, strings, nalls, etc

the right column drawing sheets,
g Drawing board,
sheet on it.
a coloured
pairs. In Fig. 5, al Constructions convenient size and paste it on the lef
Method of of 4 cm and paste
piece of plywood size 6 cm

). (X, Y,) (X,,Y, rectangular strip of

board / a
1. Take a drawing cut out a
sheet and
white drawing
2. Take a
board (See Fig. 6.1).
side of the

Fig. 6.3

) constitute

Fig. 6.2
), (X, ¥, ,

Fig. 6.1
which is nota

Fig. 6.6

explain the Fig. 6.5
Lab Marnual Mathemstics-XI
beused Fig. 6.4

Method of Constructions

Observations table given belowv Take a cardboard of convenient size and paste a
and record them in the
Using thread, measure arc lengths CA, AD, CB, BD white chart paper
on it.
Radian measure unit circie with centre "0' on the chart
Length of arc () Radius of circle () Draw a

S.No. Arc
paper draw
of the circle, two
CA r Through the centre

ines *OX and YOY' representing

AD perpendicular
D X-axis and Y-axis, respeclivcly,
as shown in Fig. A ,

B, C and D, where the circle
CB as ,
4. Mark the points
CBOC=BsC cuts the X-axis and Y-axis, as shown in Fig. 8.1.
BD of
0, draw angles POX, P,OX and P,OX

5. Through
measures 6
The value of one radian is equal to .. degrees.
6. Take a needle of unit length. Fix one end of it at Fig. 8
move freely
Application centre of the circle and the other end to
This result is useful in the study of trigonometric along the circle.
is sin
3 coordinate
of the point P are| because its x-coordinateiscosand 6
7. Thecoordinates 2

viva voce The coordinates of the points P and P, are

and . respecti
2T1 the needie in anti-
Q1. Define measure of an angle.
initial side to the terminal side. 8. To find the value ofsine
or cosine of some angle in the second quadrant (say)rotate
Ans. The measure of an angle is the amount of rotation from the
with the positive direction of X-axis.
Q.2. Define co-terminal angles.
clockwise direction making an angle P,OX of measure=120°
Ans. Two angles with different measures but having the same initial sides
and the same terminal side are
2t with
OP, is the mirror image ofOP,
known as co-terminal angles.
9. Look at the position OP, of the needle
in Fig 8.2. Since=T
Q.3. What is the relation berween degrees and radians? 2T
Thus,sin and cos
respectto Y-axis. Therefore,thecoordinate of P, 2
Ans. I radian= are 3

T radians =180°
T radians
one degree.

Q4. Define radian as unit of measurement of an angle.

Ans. One radian, written as 1 , is the measure of an angle subtended at the centre of a circle by an arc ot

length equal to the radius of the circle. TU3

9.5. Write the relation between three systems of measurement of an angle.
Degree Grade 2R
Ans. TU6 A X
90 100 -1,0) C

Activity 81
To find the values of sine and cosine functions in second, third and fourth quadrants using their given
values in first
Meterial Required Fig. 8.2

Cardboard, adhesive, steel wires, white chart paper, ruler, coloured pens and needle. Lah Manuat Mathematics-X23

22 ab armual Mamatics-XI
T o find the value t sine ot cosine t some angle sav,
sa)in the third quadrant (0,1)8 This activity can be used to obtain the value ofother trigonometric functions, tan, cot, sec and cosec. This
rwate the nniie in anti-clackwise dirertion making activity can also be applied to other trigonometric functions also, so sin(-0) = - sin6, cos(-4) = cos6 and
2n 3 tan(-6) = -t a n 8.
as an angie ot with the psitne dirertion of

L k at the new position OP, of the needle. which is 1.0)C
viva Voce
shown in the Fig 83 Point P, is
the mirror image of 0,2
The pant P. (since P ON =P.OX) with respect to Q1 Find sint, if cos and
lies in the third quadrant.
-aus Theretore. oordinates of P, are

Ans. sin-
vl-cos 0 -

and cos D(0, -1) sin in third quadrant is negative
and hence sin Sin
2 sin 13
Fig. 8.3
Q.2. Find the value of sint, if cosh -and lies in second quadrant.
:2 To find the value of sine or cosine of some angle

in the tourth quadrant, sayrotate the needle

Ans. sin vl -cos' =tl-
n anticiockwise direction

w t h the posittve direction of X-axis

making an angle of (0, 1)|
() P3
represented by OP, as shown in Fig. 8.4. Angle sin in the second quadrant is positive.

in anticiockwisedirection Angle -in the =

T/6 Q3. Find the value of cos9, if sin and lies in first quadrant.
dockwise direction A(1,0
13. From Fig 8 4. P. Is the mirror image of P, with
Ans. cos6- -sin' =*-
respect to Ä-axis. Theretore, coordinates of P

cos in first quadrant is positive.

Thus, Sin = Sin

- D(0, -) cose
Q4. A circular wire of radius 7 cm is cut and bent into an arc of a circle of radius 12 cm. Find the
degree measure of the angle subtended by an arc at the centre.
and cos = cos = Fig. 8.4
Ans. Length of the wire = 2nr = 2nx7 =14m

14. To find the value 13 rotare Radius of the unit circle = 12 cm

of sine or cosine of some angle, which is greater than one revolution, say,
6 Now, degree measure of the angle -
2x180 =210°
anticlockwise direction since, 13
the needie radius 12
=27, the needle will reach
at the position O
Therefore, sin 13
= sin
Q.5. Find the value of tant , ifsin and < 8<
62 and cos 6
Ans. In third quadrant cos0 is negative and tan
is positive.
Complete angle ie., angle made by the needle in one
cos--sin* 6=-255
2. Cosine function is complete revolution is 360" or 2t. 3
non-negative in first and fourth quadrants. Sine function is non-negative first tan Sin -3/5
and second quadrants. u cose4/5 4

24 Lab Manual ics- Lab Manual

Mathematli. 25
Activity 91 Demonstrations

1 Move the circular plate in anticlockwise direction to make different angles like 0, ,, R,.27, etc
Object ditferent angles which
2. Read the values of sine and cosine function for these angles and their nultiples rom the
tunction and cosine function for
repare a madel to illustrate the values ot sine
perpendicular lines.

aremultipies ot and
1. When radius line of circular plate is at 0° indicating the point A(1, 0) cos0 -
Material Required and
sinO =
be rotated When radius line of
A stand titted with V-360 prorractor and a circular pilastic sheet fixed with handle which can 2. circular plate is at 90" indicating the point B(0, 1), cos, and
at the entre of the protractor When radius line of circular plate is at 180°
indicating the point C(-1, 0),cos -.and sin
t =

4. When radius line of circular plate is at 270° indicating the point D (0, -1) which means cos
Method of Constructions
Taxe a stand fitted wrth @ - 360 protractor
Consder the radius of protractor as i unit 2
5. When radius line of circular plate is at 360" indicating the point again at A(1, 0)., cos 2 7 . and
sin 27= **
Now fill in the table:
0. ILB 90
Trigonometric 27 4

sin 6

4(1.0). 360 This
activity can be used to determine the values of other trigonometric functions for angles being
multiple of, and n

viva voce
Q1. Find the value of cos 330
Ans. cos 330 cos(270 =
60) =
60 3
Q2. Find the value of tan 210.
Ans. tan 210 =
tan(180° +30°) tan 30"=

F9 Q3. Find the value of sin(-1080).

Ans. sin-1080 ) = -sin(1080°)
rz es. ce
oinDE ine and anotner
0 -

270 ine. oowzously perpendicular -sin(360°3 0)= - sin =0

Q4. Find the value of sec 570.
Mark e emds of t -180 ne
s1. 0) at -.
0) at 1&0 and that
of 90 -270
ine aS T0,1
a Ans. Cearly, 570° is in 3rd and the multipe
quadrant of, is ever

akea s t n r e a r and marki üe to indicae its tadius and fix a handle at the outer end a sex 570 =
(90° 6 30")

sec (-30 ) =

La Manuat aeatcs-X3 2
Activity101 Observations

1. Graphs of sin x and 2sinx are of same shape but the maximum height of the graph of Sin x is , the
maximum height ot the graph of . .
2. The nmaximum height of the graph of sin 2x is..... . It is at x = .
the of sinx, sin 2x, 2sin and sin.using same coordinate axes.
To plot graphs x
3. The maximum height of the graph of 2 sin x is . It is at x =

4. The maximum height of the graph of sin is . It is at
Material Required * * * * *

Eraser. plyboard. coloured pens, squared paper. adhesive and ruler. 5 . At x =. Sinx = 0 , a t x = . . . , Sin 2x = 0 and at x = . . . Sin=0.

Method of Constructions 6. In the interval (0, T), graphs of sin x, 2sin x and sin a r e . . . . K-axes and some portion of the graph
1. Take a pivboard of size 30 cm x 30 cm.
of sin 2x lies... X-axes.
25 cm.
On the plyboard, paste a thick graph paper of size 25 cm x

3 Draw two mutually perpendicular lines on the squared paper and take them at the coordinate axes, Graphs of sin x and Sin 2x intersect at x = . in the interval (0, n).

4 Graduate the two axes as shown in the Fig. 10. 8. Graphs of sin x and sin intersect at x =... in the interval (0. n).

5. Prepare the table of ordered pairs for sin x. sin 2x, 2sin x and sin for
difterent values
of x shown
the table below
This activity may be used in comparing graphs of a trigonometric function of multiples and submultiples
T. ratios 2 of angles.
12 3 12 6 12

Sin i 026 0.50 0.71 O.86 0.97 I.00 0.97 0.86 0.71 0.50 0.26
viva voce
050 0 86 1.00 0.86 0.50 0.5 0 86 -1.0 0.86 0.50
Write the symmetry of the y CoSX. curve =
sin - i
2 s1n x 052 1 00 142 1.72 194 200 1.94 1.72 1.42 1.00 0.52 Ans. The curve y = cOsx is symmetric about yaxis and -1 s ysl
0.13 26 0.38 0.50 061 0.71 0.79 0.86 0.92 0.97 0.99 L Q.2. Write the symmetry of the curve y- sinx.
Ans. The curve y = Sinx is symmetric in opposite quadrants and -1s yS.

Q.3. Find the value of sin 3060.

Demonstrations Ans. sin 3060° = sin(90° x 34+0) > sin0° = 0

Sin 2x on the same axes.

1 Plot the ordered pair (x, sin a),. (x, sin 21). A, Sin and (, 2
sn x) on the same axes of coorainas0.4. Write the points ofintersection with x-axis of the graph of y =
sin x and y =

and join the plorted ordered pairs by frec hand curves in different colours as shown in the Fig. 10. Ans. 0, t 21T, 37, ...
Q5. Write the symmetry of the curve y = tanx
Ans. The curve y = tanx is symmetric in opposite quadrants and - o< y<o.

Activity 11
and its integral powers.
e.75 Sin lo interpret geometrically the meaning ofizv-l

Sin Material Required xjs-1IP= j4 =]|
Cardboard, sketch pen, ruler. chart paper, nails, thread, compasses

-t25 adhesive.
0.S0 Method of Constructions A iXI = - 1I
.75- Stn 2x convenient size.
chart paper on the cardboard of a
-1 Paste a lines XX and Y"? intersecting at the
A s en rad:ans? Draw two mutually perpendicuBar Fig 1i
point O'. (See Fig. 11)
fig. 10 Lad Manual Mathematcs-X 29

2Lab Marusai Methematics

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