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10. Knox, W. G., M. Hess, G. E. Jones, 17. Scheffer, F. E. C., and G. Meyer, 23. , and J. C. Platteeuw, Mol.

and H. B. Smith, Chem. Eng. Pmgr., PTOC. Acad. Sci. Amstetdam, 21, Phys., 1, 91 (1958).
57, 66-71 (February, 1961). 1204-338 (1919).
11. Lange, N. A., “Handbook of Chem- 18. Stackelberg, M. V., Die Naturwis-
24. , “Advances in Chemical
Physics,” Vol. 2, pp. 1-57, Intersci-
istry,” 7 ed., Handbook Publishers, sensclzaften, 36, 327-33 ( 1949). ence, New York (1959).
Sandusky, Ohio ( 1949). 19. Stackelberg, M. V., and H. R. Muller,
12. Lippert, E. L., Jr., H. A. Palmer, and 2. Elektrochemie, 58, 25-39, ( 1954). 25. Weigandt, H . F., Symposium of Nou.
F. F. Blankenship, €‘roc. Okla Acad. 20. Thompson, T. G., and K. H . Nelson, 1957, Office of Saline Water, U.S.
Sci., 31, 115 (1950). Sears Foundation J. Marine Research, Dept. of Interior, Washington, D. C.
13. Miller, B., and E. R. Strong, Am. Gas 13, 166-82 (1954), as quoted in R 26. Williams, V . C., U.S. Patent 2,947,-
Ass’n. Monthly, 28, 63 ( 1946). and D Revort N o . 10. ID . 141., Offire
I ~~~----
102 (March 7 , 1961).
14. Palmer, H. I.,Dissertation, Univ. of Saline ‘Water, U.S. Dept. of In- 27. Williamson, K. D., Thesis, Univ.
Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma (1950). terior, Washington, D. C. (1956). Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma (1950).
15. Pieroen, A. P., Rec. Trau. Chem., 7 4 , 21. Towlson, H. E., Thesis, Syracuse
995 (195.5). Univ., Syracuse, New York (1960). Manuscript received June 13, 1961; revision re-
16. Sampson, J. E., Dissertation, Univ. 22. Van der Waals, J. H., Trans. Faraday c e i d September 19 1961; p a p @ accepted Sep-
tember 19, 1961. Phper presented at A.1.Ch.E.
Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma (1950). SOC.,52, 184 (19%). Lake Placid meeting.

Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration

of Primary Alcohols
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin

The catalytic dehydrations of n-butanol, n-propanol, and ethanol to produce water and the
respective olefins were studied for the temperature range 400’ to 700OF. and over the pressure
range 1 atm. to 100 Ib./sq. in. gauge. Silica-alumina catolyst in bead form wos used. Dehy-
dration rates were found to be consistent with a single-site surface reaction-controlled mechanism
on which was superimposed a mass transfer effect internal to the catalyst pellets. Rate constants
for the three reactions are presented. The significances of their relative values and their tem-
perature and pressure dependencies are discussed.
Temperature was measured with an iron-
constantan thermocouple centrally located
in the catalyst bed. Check temperature
The apparent complexity of many ships that are a t least qualitatively measurements were also made periodically
heterogeneous reactions of commercial predictable. at the bottom center of the catalyst bed
interest tends to encourage a reliance and at the bottom of the bed close to the
on empirical procedures in the design EXPERIMENTAL tube wall. These temperatures were never
of reactors. Over the years basic infor- found to differ from the center bed meas-
mation on gas-solid reaction kinetics Reactor urement by more than 1°C. Variac-con-
has been steadily accumulating. Hope- A schematic flow diagram showing the trolled power input to the reactor heating
reactor and other equipment used in this wire was used to adjust reactor tempera-
fully, with the continued growth of tures.
study is given in Figure 1. Additional de-
understanding in this field, more fun- tail may be found elsewhere ( 1 0 ) .Alcohol A Bourdon type of gauge located np-
damental design procedures will be forced in downflow through the reactor was stream of the reactor was used to measure
evolved and applied with confidence. preheated and vaporized in the upper reactor pressure. At the flow rates used in
This study of a homologous series annulus. Following reaction in the catalyst this work there was no appreciable pres-
of alcohols undergoing analogous de- space in tbe lower center of the tube, the sure drop through the reactor unit. De-
hydration reactions over a silica-alu- product gases passed through a quencher sired pressure levels were maintained in
mina catalyst illustrates a procedure and then through an ice water-cooled con- the reactor by manually setting a needle
of kinetic analysis from which useful denser external to the reactor. The Duronze valve located at the reactor outlet.
design information can be obtained. blocks were wrapped with heating wire and Off-gases from the ice water-cooled con-
encased in transite pipe, the annulus be- denser passed through a wet test meter into
There are some interesting possibilities a gas sampling system. Unreacted alcohol
tween pipe and blocks being filled with
for generalizing information of this rock wool insulation. along with any water or aldehyde produced
type which the authors have tried to in the reactor were removed from the gas
indicate. First, the same postulated Equipment a n d Controls stream by condensation.
mechanism and kinetics are shown to Alcohol was fed to the reactor by dis- A molecular weight determination was
adequately describe all of the analo- placing it from a feed tank wit5 nitrogen. made on the off-gas on all experimental
gous systems. Secondly, the constants Rate of feed was measured in a rotameter runs. These along with the wet test meter
of the rate expression for the systems ahead of the reactor and controlled by readings permitted calculation of the total
are shown to follow certain relation- manually adjusting a needle valve at the weights of off-gas evolved during the runs.
rotameter inlet. Feed rates were high These figures with the weights of con-
Donald N. Miller is with E. I. d u Pont de enough on all runs that mass transfer densate collected were checked against the
Nemoi1r.i and Company, Wilminnton, Delaware, between the bulk gas stream and catalyst total alcohol feed figures. The material
and Rohert S. Kirk is with California Research
Corporation, La Hahra, California. surfaces was not rate limiting. balance closures were all within 5%.

Vol. 8, No. 2 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 183

- tVENl These latter conditions did not necessarily
correspond to the reference conditions
ISSEYBLI noted above.
Figure 2 shows a typical plot of dehy-
ANNUAR 61s PASSAGE dration conversions vs. exposure times for
one series of runs. The control runs in this
case were made with n-butanol at 500"F.,
1 atm. pressure, and W/F = 1.20 lb. cata-
, mnzi
S lyst hr./lb.-mole feed. The drop in con-
PE version in going from the reference to
control conditions on Figure 2 reflects the
I change in temperature from 600" to
For consistency all conversions were cor-
rected to zero catalyst exposure time by a
linear extrapolation parallel to a line drawn
through the control conversions. The slope
of the line through the control conversions
ICE WATER COOLED represents the rate at which catalyst activity
deteriorated in a given run series. Only
slight differences were found in this activity
decay characteristic between catalyst
charges. The correction of conversions to
Fig. 1. Schematic of equipment. zero catalyst exposure time reduced all
conversions in a given run series to a com-
mon basis. Also any inaccuracies that might
Analyses contents below 0.2%. A correction for have arisen between catalyst charges from
Electrometric Karl Fischer ( 1 6 ) analyses initial water content was made in com- differences in the activity decay character-
were made for water content in the con- puting dehydration conversions on all runs. istic were minimized.
densed product on each run. Dehydration A final adjustment was made to the zero
Run Procedure exposure conversions to reduce all values
conversions were calculated based on the
amount of this component formed. Preliminary work showed that catalyst to a common initial catalyst activity. The
Representative samples of the off-gas regeneration with steam and air mixtures first few runs of each series made at the
from various of the runs were checked could not be expected to give reproducible reference conditions established the level
qualitatively, by mass spectrograph for levels of catalyst activity. It was found of catalyst activity for that particular cata-
olefin contents. Trace quantities of olefins however that the slight decrease in activity lyst charge.
of higher and lower carbon number than of fresh catalyst with time of exposure was Each run lasted for 15 min., the first 5
the primary dehydration products were linear and that neither heating or cooling min. being allowed for the attainment of a
found in all cases. affected this relationship appreciably pro- steady state condition after a change in
Only one primary olefinic dehydration vided the original temperature level was variables. Checks made early in the ex-
product i s possible in the cases of both regained. perimental work showed 5 min. to be more
ethanol and n-propanol. Four isomers of A single charge of catalyst was therefore than adequate to reach steady state. Data
the primary olefin are possible in the used for a series of twenty to twenty-five and samples were taken over the remaining
dehydration of n-butanol: 1-butene, cis runs with no regeneration. This catalyst 10-min. interval.
and trans 2-butene, and iso-butene. The was then replaced with a fresh charge for Dehydration conversions due to homo-
existence of all four forms over alumina another series of runs. To check for slight geneous, noncatalyzed reaction were
and silica-alumina catalysts is reported in differences in activity between charges of checked at representative conditions by
the literature ( I , 2, 3, 4 , 1 5 ) . In this work fresh catalyst the first few runs of each running the reactor with glass beads rather
the authors have restricted their attention series were made with n-butanol at the than catalyst in the reaction zone. These
to the study of over-all dehydration effects. reference conditions: 600"F., 1 atm. pres- values were all small, in no case exceeding
No analyses were made to determine the sure, and W / F = 1.20 lb. catalyst hr./lb.- 10% of the total dehydration conversions.
isomeric product distributions. moIe feed. To follow the decrease in The latter were however corrected for the
Certain of the liquid samples were activity with time of exposure every other homogeneous conversions.
analyzed for aldehyde to determine the ex- subsequent run was made at some common For each alcohol studied, ethanol, n-
tent of dehydrogenation. This was done by or control temperature, pressure, and W/F. propanol, and n-butanol, dehydration con-
gravimetrically measuring the amount of
product formed by reacting aldehyde with
2, 4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine ( 11 ) . The W
dehydrogenation conversions ran less than IL
5 % of the corresponding dehydration con- 0 30
versions. J
A mass spectrograph check of the liquid
I 0 Control Point.
product showed no evidence of ether for- z I Data Points
mation. Dehydration to ethers is reported in S
the literature as a side reaction over alumina Zo20
catalyst ( 1 , 2, 3, 4 ) . This does not seem to
occur to any appreciable extent over silica-
alumina catalyst, however ( 1 5 ) . i
Feed Stock

Feed alcohols used and their specifica- z

tions are given below :
EthanoI-99.9% purity by volume 28 0
n-Propanol-boiling range 96" to 98°C. 0 2 4 6 8
n-Butanol-boiling range 116" to 118°C. TIME, HRS

AII feed batches were treated with Fig. 2. Run series 147-168. Conversion vs. catalyst exposure
drierite and distilled to reduce the water time.

Page 184 A.1.Ch.E. Journal May, 1962

0.6 0.24
Atm. Pressure
50 pdg
B Atm. Pressure

X 75 psig
A 100 psi0


0.4 L
w 0.16

8 0.12
0.2 3
r' 0.08
0. I

-0 I .o 2.0 3.0 3.5 n
-0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.4
Fig. 3. n-Butanol. Conversion vs. W / F over -4+6 mesh
catalyst. Fig. 5. Ethanol. Conversion vs. W / F over - 4 + 6 mesh

versions were obtained over 4- to 6-mesh each of three temperature levels. For ture three different W/F values were
catalyst for at least three pressures at each condition of pressure and tempera- used. These experimental points are

-.-- I I I
B him. Rnsure
0 50 psi0
A 100 psip



d 0.2
50 0.1


Fig. 4. n-Propanol. Conversion vs. W/F over -4+6 mesh Fig. 6. n-Butanol. Conversion vs. W/F at atmospheric pres-
catalyst. sure and 600'F.

Vol. 8, No. 2 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 185


Fig. 7. n-Butanol. W/F vs. effective catalyst particle diameter Fig. 8. n-Butanol. Initial rate vs. total pressure for -4+6
a t atmospheric pressure and 60O0F. mesh catalyst.

shown plotted on Figures 3, 4, and 5.* The by Heywood ( 9 ) for the five size ranges small catalyst sizes. This behavior is con-
curves shown represent the calculated fit are 5.11, 4.06, 3.05, 2.30, and 0.40 mm., sistent with the theoretical development of
based on the kinetic analysis which follows. respectively. Thiele (18). The extrapolated W/F inter-
In addition for each alcohol dehydration cept at D, = 0 represents condition E
conversions were also obtained at atmos- Effectiveness Factors at = 1.0.
pheric pressure and three different tem- Atmospheric Pressure Experimental effectiveness factors were
perature levels over each of the following On Figure 7 is shown a cross plot of obtained by making use of the inverse
catalyst size ranges: 3 to 4, 6 to 8, 8 to 10, the conversion data of Figure 6. Here W/F proportionality of E with W/F at constant
and 28 to 35 mesh.' This phase of the work is plotted vs. effective particle diameter conversion. This was done by dividing
was undertaken to measure catalyst ef- with conversion as the parameter. Three W/F at D, = 0 by the appropriate W/F
fectiveness factors at atmospheric pressure. conversion values have been chosen which corresponding to the catalyst size of in-
A typical set of conversion curves for the span the range of data taken. The curves terest. These effectiveness factors were
various catalyst sizes is given in Figure 6. are linear for the larger catalyst sizes and calculated at each of the three conversion
bend off to asymptotic values of W/F at levels and the results averaged. No dif-
Catalyst ference was found in the effectiveness
White TCC silica-alumina catalyst was TABLE1. CATALYST EFFECTIVENESS factors of the three alcohols. The experi-
used in this work. The catalyst received FACTORS AT ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE mental values are given in Table 1. They
was screened into 3- to 4-,4-to 6-, 6- to 8-, are shown plotted vs. absolute temperature
and 8- to 10-mesh fractions, and the frac- Catalyst in the top graph of Figure 12.
tions were then carefully picked over to size range, Temper- Effective- Averaging the effectiveness factors deter-
remove any imperfect or discolored pellets. (Tyler mesh) ature, ( O F . ) ness factor mined at the three conversion levels reduces
A 28- to 35-mesh fraction was made by the chances for errors in the extrapolations
breaking a portion of the 4-to 6-mesh frac- to D , = 0. The close approach of these E
tion. Hammerlike blows rather than attri- -3 + 4 500 0.15 values to a straight line Arrhenius relation-
tion were used in an effort not to alter or 600 0.12 ship supports the fact that any such errors
damage the active sites. 700 0.10 were minimized.
The total surface area for this catalyst
reported by Socony ( 1 2 ) is 350 sq. m./g.
-4 + 6 500 0.19
Particle densities are roughly 1.15 g./cc., 700 0.13
solid densities are about 2.30, and the in- Initial reaction rates were estimated
ternal void fraction is about 0.50. The -6 + 8 500 0.24 by sketching curves through the ex-
mean pore radius, calculated from this 600 0.21 perimental points shown on Figures 3,
information, is 25 A. Mean effective 700 0.16
4, and 5 and drawing lines tangent to
particle diameters measured by the micro-
scopic photographic technique described
-8 + 10 500 0.32 these conversion curves at the origins.
600 0.27 The initial rates were taken from the
* Complete tabular material has been deposited
700 0.23 slopes of these tangent lines. These
as document 7084 with the American Documenta-
tion Institute, Photoduplication Service, Library of -28 + 35 500 0.98 initial rates were then plotted vs. total
Concress, Washinqton 25, D. C., and may be 600 0.92 pressure. A typical plot is shown in
obtained for $1.25 for photoprints or for 35-mm. Figure 8.
microfilm. 700 0.90

Page 186 A.1.Ch.E. Journal May, 1962

E L k L r r { [ - ] - - [1- - ?x - - ] ' [--I])1
l+x 1 +x (x#)2
1 + (*) KAn+ ( 2 ) K R T
l+x l + x

Substituting Equation ( 3 ) into the ex-

pression relating feed rate, reaction
rate, catalyst quantity, and conversion

and integrating, one gets

W 1

+ E LK Rk K,, 1
Fig. 9. n-Butanol. x / r o vs. n for -4+6 mesh catalyst.

All of these curves show at lower order of magnitude than the adsorp-
pressures the downward concavity tion and desorption steps.
characteristic of a surface reaction A rate equation consistent with this
rate-controlled mechanism. At higher mechanism can readily be derived (8,
pressures however initial rates go 19). This equation for the over-all al- Equation ( 2 ) can be simplified for
through an inflection or transition to cohol dehydration initial rates in the experimental systems
an upward concavity. This becomes to
increasingly pronounced with increase AeR+S (1) EL k KArr
follows: r, =
in temperature. Such a transition could
indicate a shift from one controlling
1 + K,T (6)

mechanism to another, both being Dividing through by total pressure

purely chemical in nature. What seems and inverting one gets
more probable however is that there
is a change with pressure in the ef- Expressed in terms of alcohol conver-
fectiveness of the heterogeneous sys- sion x: (moles of alcohol converted per
tem. All these considerations suggest mole of feed) rather than partial pres- * Eqiration ( 4 ) i? applicable in catalvtic sys-
the possibility of a basic surface reac- tems where conditions approach steadv state
sures, the rate expression can be writ- plug flow, constant temperature, and constant
tion-controlled mechanism on which is ten as in Equation ( 3 ): pressure.
superimposed the influence of a mass
transfer effect internal to the catalyst
On this premise, on the assumption
that the chemical element of the k,
mechanism is single site and involves (1b.-moles
the sequence of steps listed below, a Alcohol Temper- conv./lb.
satisfactory fit was obtained to all the feed ature, (OF.) cat. hr.) K A , (atm.-l) KR, (atrn.-') K , (atm. )
experimental data. n-Butanol 500 0.626 1.47 8.8 4,700
600 2.96 0.867 4.8 9,500
Steps in the Chemical Mechanism 700 9.38 0.585 2.9 16,500
1. Adsorption of alcohol.
2. Surface reaction involving the n-Propanol 450 0.226 1.19 12.6 1,200
550 1.12 0.787 6.3 2,700
release of an olefin, water remaining 650 4.41 0.579 3.7 5,300
3. Desorption of water. Ethanol 500 0.466 0.525 8.8 1fX
The surface reaction to be rate-con- 600 1.93 0.466 4.8 440
trolling is presumed to be slower by 700 4.66 0.413 2.9 1,000

Vol. 8, No. 2 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 187

P / r o plotted vs. ?r gives a linear rela- TABLE3. SURFACE REACTIONRATE CONSTANTS
tionship with a slope of ( 1 )/ ( E L K ) L K = LPZ exp - E J R T
and an intercept of ( 1 ) / ( E L k K , ) .
On Figure 9 are shown the T / r . vs. Frequency factor
P plots corresponding to the initial LPZ x 10-6, Activation [ASS - AS$,,] E.
rate data in the lower pressure range Alcohol (1b.-moles conv./ energy E,,
of Figure 8. The dashed lines above feed Ib. cat. hr.) (k.-cal./g.-mole) [ A s - A S ~ ~ l r n 8 . 1 ~,
2 atm. on Figures 8 and 9 show how n-Butanol 43.7 16.7 0.92 1.62
these relationships would look without n-Propanol 23.4 16.2 0.83 1.98
the modifying mass transfer effect. Ethanol 9.34 15.4 - 2.23
From the slopes and intercepts of the
T / T . vs. P plots and with the effec-
tiveness factors determined at atmos- The ethanol dehydration values have
pheric pressure, values of L k and K A been used as a common reference. It
were obtained for each alcohol at is interesting to note how closely the
three temperatures. These values are relative changes in activation entropy
given in Table 2 and are shown plot- approach the corresponding relative
ted vs. temperature in Figures 10 and 1 changes in over-all entropy. The ratios
11. A plot of of these numbers for the n-butanol
Effectiveness factors for the higher and n-propanol dehydrations are given
pressures were obtained by factoring
the effectiveness factors at atmospheric
pressure in the ratio of experimental r, F
W ]
vs. {In (1- x ) +x> yields a
in Table 3.
Activation energies are roughly
double the over-all heats of reaction.
(solid curves of Figure 8) to calcu- 2 Ratios of these numbers are also given
lated r. with no modifying mass trans- straight line of slope
E L k KAn
+ in Table 3. Changes in entropy and
fer effect (dashed curves of Figure 8). heats of reaction have been calculated
These values are shown plotted vs. " 1
, thus providing a con- from the data of standard references
temperature in the lower two graphs E L k Kr J (7, 1 3 ) .
of Figure 12.
Over-all equilibrium constants for venient means of evaluating K R from Reactant Adsorption Constant
the three dehydration reactions were the experimental data once the other The Kn values also show the influ-
calculated from free energy of forma- constants are known. K R values ob- ence of the inductive effect of the
tion data. Free energies of formation tained in this way showed a consider- alkyl group. With longer carbon chains
for the olefins and water were taken able scatter. No differences in the KR)s the electron density at the oxygen
from Rossini (14);those for the alco- for the three alcohols were apparent atom of the alcohol is higher, and the
hols were obtained through the Du within the limits of experimental ac- tendency to adsorb at an acid silica-
Pont Company ( 1 7 ) .These values are curacy. Values obtained from the least- alumina site is therefore greater. The
given in Table 2. They are high mean-squares fit to a K R vs. tempera- apparent approach to limiting K A val-
enough that equilibrium conversions ture plot are given in Table 2. ues with increasing chain length can
in all cases closely approach unity. With Equation (8) and the rate be seen in Figure 11.
For the condition x* = 1, Equation constants of Table 2, conversion
( 5 ) reduces to vs. W / F curves were calculated and Product Adsorption Constant
plotted on Figures 3, 4, and 5 to show K R values showed the usual temper-
F {
ELkKar +A} the fit of the postulated mechanism ature dependency for equilibrium con-
to the experimental data points. stants:

Surface Reaction Rate Constant A least-mean-squares fit to the experi-
The following order of reactivity in mental data gives the following char-
the catalyzed dehydration is apparent acteristic ASR and AH, values:
by inspection of Figure 10:
ethanol < n-propanol < n-butanol
Table 3 shows the frequency factors
and activation energies for the surface
reaction rate constants. Both values
appear to be approaching limits with
increasing alkyl chain length. This is
consistent with the inductive effect of
the alkyl group. The electronegativity
of this group increases, by diminishing
increments, with increasing chain
length, up to four or five carbons,
where an asymptotic limit is closely
Relative changes in activation en-
t r o w have been calculated from the
IIT L lo3 OR-' I I T I 10' OR-'

Fig. 10. Lk temperature relationship. Fig. 11. K A temperature relationship.

Page 188 A.1.Ch.E. Journal May, 1962

AS, = - 8.35 cal./g.-mole “K. S = product
AH, = - 6,760 cal./g.-mole ATM. PRESSURE ASB*.I(~)= change in entropy for a re-
The desorption step of the postulated 0.5 action at 298.1”K. with gase-
ous reactants and products
mechanism is the same for the three W AS$ = change of entropy in the for-
dehydration reactions, involving in
mation of an activated com-
each case the detachment of a water 0.2
molecule from an active catalyst site. T = absolute temperature
The K,’s for the three alcohols would 0.1 W = mass of catalyst
0,s I.o
therefore be expected to be the same. 0.6
I I T x 10: OR-’
1.1 1.2
x = moles conversion per mole of
No differences could be detected in I .o I l l
I feed
the kinetic analysis. M PSlG
A n-Butad X* = equilibrium moles conversion
0,s 0 n-kopad
Effectiveness Factor 0 Ethanol per mole of feed
r = total pressure
Effectiveness factors were found to
decrease with increasing temperature 0.2 Subscripts
and to increase with increasing pres- ET = ethanol
sure. These relationships are shown on 1 = component
Figure 12. For a given catalyst the 0.8 0.8 I.o 1.1 1.2 2 = component
I / T X d .u-1
effectiveness factor is a function of 1.0, , , , I
the ratio of the reaction rate constant LITERATURE CITED
to effective diffusion coefficient, E
tending to decrease with an increase 1. Alvarado, A. M., 3. Am. Chem. SOC.,
in this ratio. A decrease in E with in- W
50,790 ( 1928).
crease in temperature is to be ex- 2. Antipina, T. V., and A. V. Frost, Zhur.
pected, because reaction rate constants 0.2 Fiz. Khim., 24, 860 (1960); Chem.
Abs., 45, 937(d) (1951).
normally exhibit a stronger depend- 3. , Vestnik Moskov Univ.,
ency on temperature than do diffusion 0.I 7, 111 (1952); Chem. Abs., 47,
0.6 0.8 1.0 I.I 1.2
coefficients. I / T ”10: .R‘I 2026(a) (1953).
The pressure dependency is less 4. Balaceanu, J. C., and J. C. Jungers,
Fig. 12. Effectiveness factor temperature and Bull. Sac. Chim. Belges, 60, 476
easily explained. Some of the increase
pressure relationships.
in E with pressure can be attributed (1952); Chem. Abs., 47, 2683(b)
to the adsorption term in the denomi- (1953).
nator of the rate expression [see Equa- ACKNOWLEDGMENT 5. Emmett, P. H., ed., “Catalysis,” vol.
2, p. 126, Reinhold, New York
tion (2)]. Any increase in total sys- The authors wish to express their ap- ( 1955).
tem pressure makes this term larger preciation to the Wisconsin Alumni Re- 6. Groves, F. R., Ph.D. thesis, Univ.
and thus decreases the effective rate search Foundation and to the Eastman Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin ( 1954).
constant. This effect is not great Kodak Company for the financial support 7. Hougen, 0. A., and K. M. Watson,
enough however to fully explain the given this project. “Chemical Process Principles,” Part 11,
magnitude of the change in E with pp. 701-708, Wiley, New York ( 1947).
pressure observed experimentally. Some NOTATION 8. Ibid., Part 111, pp. 917-926.
of this change must be attributed to A = reactant
9. Heywood, H., Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs.,
an increase in the effective diffusion 125, 383 (1939).
D, = effective catalyst particle size, 10. Miller, D. N., Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Wis-
coefficient with pressure. the diameter of a sphere hav- consin, Madison, Wisconsin ( 1955).
As discussed by Wheeler ( 5 ) , the ing the same gross surface 11. Mitchell, J., Jr., ed., “Organic Anal-
ratio of the Knudsen to normal gas area as the particle yses,’’ Vol. 1, pp. 279-280, Intersci-
diffusion coefficient equals the ratio of E = effectiveness factor ence, New York (1953).
pore diameter to mean free path of E . = experimental activation energy 12. Nelson, T. W., Socony-Vacuum Oil
gas molecules. When this ratio is small, F = molal feed rate Co., Inc., Letter to R. S. Kirk (June 10,
Knudsen type of diffusion is the rate- AHassi(,, = change in enthalpy for a 1954).
controlling, gas-phase mass transfer reaction at 298.1”K. with 13. Perry, J. H., ed., “Chemical Engineers
mechanism. These ratios, calculated gaseous reactants and prod- Handbook,” 3 ed., pp. 236-243,
for the experimental conditions of this McGraw-Hill, New York ( 1950).
ucts 14. Rossini, F. D., ed., “Selected Values of
study, covered the range 0.02 to 0.30. K = equilibrium constant Properties of Hydrocarbons,” National
Normal gas diffusion seems not to K A = adsorption equilibrium con- Bureau of Standards, Washington,
have contributed strongly to the mass stant for reactant A D. C. (1947).
transfer process. On the other hand K , = adsorption equilibrium con- 15. SlieDcevitch. C. M.. and G. G. Brown,
the Knudsen diffusion coefficient is stant for product R ChLm. Eng.‘Progr.; 46, No. 11, p. 556
pressure independent. k = specific reaction rate constant (1950).
It is possible that a surface type of L = number of active sites per 16. Smith. D. M.. W. M. D. Brvant. and
diffusion along the pore walls of the unit mass of catalyst J. Mitchell, Jr:, 3. Am. Chem.’Soc., 61,
catalyst may have been the predomi- PZ = experimental frequency factor 2407 (1939).
17. Smith, D. M., E. I. du Pont de
nant mass transfer mechanism. Groves PA, Pa, P8 = partial pressures of com- Nemours and Co., Letter to R. S. Kirk
(6) has shown that in a system where ponent A, R, and S, respec- (April 20, 1955) .
there exists a strong tendency for tively 18. Thiele, E. W., Ind. Eng. Chem., 31,
molecules to adsorb, this type of mass R = gas constant 916 (1939).
transfer can overshadow the purely R = product 19. Yang, K. H., and 0. A. Hougen, Chem.
gas phase effects. Further, a surface r = rate of conversion per unit Eng. Progr., 46, 146 (1950).
diffusion coefficient, as pointed out by mass of catalyst Manuscript received March 8, 1961; ,revision
Groves, tends to increase with increase r, = initial rate of conversion per received September 11, 1961; paper accepted
September 13, 1961. Paper presented at A.I.Ch.E.
in pressure. unit mass of catalyst Los Angeles meeting.

Vol. 8, No. 2 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 189

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