Mathematics Experiment Part 2

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Object and that if has n numter of eletn.erts, then the

To find the number of subsets of a given set verify a set

total number of subsets is 2".

Material Required
pencils, drawing board, fevistick, geometry s ,
Paper, different coloured

Method of Constructions
1. Take the empty set (say) A,, which has no element.
2. Take a set (say) A,, which has one element (say) a,.
3. Take a set (say) A,, which has two elements (say) a, and a
4. Take a set which has three elements (say) a,, a, and
(say) A,, a,
5. Represent A, as in Fig. 1.1. Here the possible subset of A, is A, itself only, repreented symoia.y y
. The number of subsets of A, is 1 2". =

Fig. 1.1

6. Represent A, as in Fig. 1.2. Here the subsets of A are o fa }. The number of subsets of A is 2 2

Fig. 1.2

7. Represent A, as in Fig. 1.3. Here the subsets of A, are o {a,), {a,}. {a,,a,}. The number of subsets of
A is 4 =2.


Fig. 1.3
8. Represent A, as in Fig. 1.4. Here, the subsetsof A, are4 la,), a , , l,), , ,4,), la,4), u.use

a , a, a,}. The number of subsets of A,is8 2

Fig. 141
9. Continuing this way, the number of subsets of set A containing n elements a,, a, eoensreeeosie, a, is 2

1. The number of subsets of A, is .. 2
2. The number of subsets of A, is 2
3. The number of subsets of A, is .. 2
4. The number of subsets of A, is 2

5. The number of subsets of A, is =

.. 2

The activity can be used for calculating the number of subsets of a given set.
Activity 21
A i is
Object tal numher f relarions fo
To verify that
for t o ets A and B, n (A B)-pq atd the

where n(A) p arnd n(#)-q

Material Required fevistick, g A I Y
Drawing tatd,
white sheets of paper, cloured sheetsof papar,calrured ens,
Method of Constructions
a, arid take arnher set B,
Wih has one tenet (sa)
Takea setA, which hasoneelement (say) and take annther t , Wic has tie
(sa) anda,
2. Take a set A, which has two elenents

elements (say) b,, b, and b,. w i c h has fyur

take a n n h e r r ,,
3 Take a set A, which has three
elements (say) 4,,4,ad a,and
elenents (say) b,, b, b, and b,
4 Pepresent all the possible aorrespondence of the elements of set A,to the elements f A , isualy

as shown in Fig 2.1.

Fi 2.1

the possible correspondences of the elemnents of set A, to the elerments of et E,visually

5. Represent all
as shown in Fig. 2.2.


Fig 2.2
6. Represent all the
possible correspondences of the elements of set A, to the elements of set B, b
visually as shown in Fig. 2.3.

Fig. 2.3

7. Similar visual representation can be shown between the elements of any two given sets A and B.

1. The number of arrows, i.e., the number of elements in cartesian product (A, x B,) of the sets A, and B,is
1x1 and the number of relations is 2, ie., 2.
2. The numberofarrows, i.e., the number of elements in cartesian product (A, x
B,)of the sets A, andB,j
2 x3 and the number of relations is 2.
3. The number of arrows, i.e., the number of elements in cartesian product (A, xB,) of the sets A, and
3 x 4 and the number of relations is 2.

Note: Clearly, we come to the conclusion that in case of given set A containing x elements and the set B containing y
elements the total number of relation from A to B is 2", where, n(AxB) =n(A) n(B) xy
Activity 31
To represent set theoretic operations using Venn diagrams.
Material Required
Hardboard, white thick shects of paper, pencils, colours, scissors and adhesive.

Method of Constructions
1. Cut rectangular strips from a sheet of paper and paste them on a hardboard. Write the symbol U in the
left/right top corner of each rectangle.
2. Draw circles A and B inside each of the rectangular strips and shade/colour different portions as
shown in Fig. 3.1 to 3.10.
3. U denotes the universal
set represented by the
4. Circles A and B represent the subsets of the universal set U as shown in the Fig. 3.1 to 3.10.
5. A denote the complement of the set A and F' denote the complement of the set B as shown in the
Fig. 3.3 and Fig. 3.4.
6. Coloured portion in Fig. 3.1 represents AUB.


Fig. 3.1

7. Coloured portion in Fig. 3.2 represents AnB.


Fig. 3.2

8. Coloured portion in Fig. 3.3 represent A'. A' is a complementary.

.Coloured portion in Fg 3.4 represemts

Fig 3.4

Coloured porticn Fie 35 represens (4 n3T.

Fig 35
11. Coloured porioe in Fig 35 regresemes (4uB

Fig 35
Coliored porion Fig 37 represens An E whis same
as B-4

Fig 3
13. Coloued porsioe Fie 38 represents AUE

Fig 3.8

Fig 3S shows (4E) =

Fig 38
15. Fig. 3.10 shows Ac B.

Fig. 3.10

1. Coloured portion in Fig. 3.1, represents
2. Coloured portion in Fig. 3.2, represents
3. Coloured portion in Fig. 3.3,
4. Coloured portion in Fig. 3.4, represents
5. Coloured portion in Fig. 3.5,
represents .

6. Coloured portion in Fig. 3.6,

7. Coloured portion in Fig. 3.7,
S. Coloured portion in Fig. 3.8,
9. Fig. 3.9, shows that (A nB) =
10. Fig. 3.10, represents A .. B.

Set theoretic
representation of Venn diagrams are used in Logic and Mathematics.
Activity41 3 Coloured portion
Coloured portion
in Fig 43, represents
4 in Fig 4.4, represents
Object 5 Coloured portion in
Fig. 4.5, represents
Toverifydistributive law for three ghven non- empty sets, A.B andC, that is, A (B)- (AUB)nAC) 6. The common coloured portion in Fig 4 4 and Fig 45 are
7 A (BnC)=
Material Required Thus, the distribution law is verified
Hardboard, white thick sheets of paper, pencil, colours, and
Method of Constructions
Distributivity property of set operations is used in the simplification of problemS involving t
Cut five rectangular strips from a sheet of paper and paste them on the hardboard in such a way that
three of the rectangles are in horizontal line just below the above three rectangles. Write the symbolu oP
in left/ right
Draw the
top corner of each rectangle shown in Fig 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5.
as Note The property of set operations is used in Ihe sinplificat.on of problems iroving s
three circles and mark them as A.B and C in cach
of the
five rectangles as shown inthe
3 Colout/shade the portion as shown in the
4 Udenotes the universal set represented by the rectangle in each figure
vlva vOce
5 Circles Q.1. If A, B and C are finite sets, then write n (AB C).
A, B and C represent the subsets of the universal set U.
Ans. n(A UB UC) =n(A) +n{B)+ n(C) -n(A B)
n(B nC) n(CnA)+ n(A B C)

Q2. If A, B and C are finite sets, then write number of elements in exactly two of the sets A, B.C
Ans. No. of elements in exactly two of the sets A,B,C.
=n(A nB)+n(B nC)+n(C n A)-3n (A nBnC).
Q.3. If A and B are two disjoint sets, then find n(A B).
Ans. We know that for any two disjoint sets, n(AnB) =0.
nA UB) = n(A) + n(B).
Fig 42 Fig 4.3 Q4. If A, B are finite sets, then write n(A A B).
Ans. n(A A B)= No. of elements which belong to exactly one of A or B.
=n{(A - B) U(B- A)}

n(A) +n(B) -2n(AnB).


Q5. If A, B and C are finite sets, then write number of elements in exactly one the sets A, EC.
Ans. No. of elements in exactly one of the sets A, B,C.
=n(A) +n{B) +n(C) -2n(A nB) - 2n(BnC)-2n(AnC) +3n(AnBnC).

4SC (4 B) (4 uC)

F i g 42. coloured shaded poruon represents B r C. coloured portions in Fig 4.2 represents A B.

Fg 43 represents A c Fg 44 represents A (B C) and coloured porion in Fig. 4.5 represents Object
AB) (A C) To identify a relation and a function.

Observatiens Material Required

1 Coued porice n Fe 41. represent Hardboard, battery, electric bulbs of two different colours, testing crews, tester, electrial wires and
Coinured porsn n Fg 42 represents switches.

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