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Motion on Inclined Plane

A block of mass m is placed on an inclined plane of inclination θ with the horizontal. If

all the surfaces are smooth and the inclined plane is fixed on ground. Find the
acceleration of block and the normal contact force between the block and wedge just
after the block is released.
A. g sinθ, mg cosθ
B. g cosθ, mg cosθ

C. g sinθ, mg sin θ
D. None of these

➔ As the wedge is fixed on ground.
➔ The block is constrained to move only
along t h e wedge Or w e can say t h e
acceleration o f block in t h e direction
perpendicular To wedge is zero.
➔ Take along t h e i n c l i n e d & d o w n w a r d
direction as +ve and upward as –ve
➔ Take perpendicular to inclined & upward
direction as +ve and downward as –ve θ
➔ Now apply IInd law fixed

Along the incline Perpendicular to incline

= Max = May
F net F net θ
As ay = 0
Mg sinθ = Ma
F net = 0
mg cos θ
a = g sin θ N = mg cos θ fixed

Concept : Once the motion of particle is clear always choose co–ordinate axis
parallel and perpendicular to that direction.
String based Ǫuestions
Block of mass M is attached with ideal string (negligible mass). Find tension at
(i) point A
(ii) point B (Point B is midpoint of string).

A. Mg, 0
B. 0, Mg
C. Mg, Mg
D. None of these B

Tension at point A :
Tension at point A :
Applying Newton’s 2 nd law
F = Ma
⇒ TA – Mg = M(0) = 0
(acceleration of block = 0) A
So, TA = Mg –
Tension at point B:
Let's consider block & string below point B as the body.

So, Tension will be same throughout the length of string. + B TB

Tension TB on body will be along the string & away from body. M

Applying Newton’s 2nd law –


F = Ma

⇒ TB – Mg = M(0) = 0

(acceleration of block = 0)

So, TB = Mg

Concept: To find tension at any point to break the system at that point
Two blocks of mass 4kg and 6kg are attached in a vertical plane
with the help of ideal strings. Find the tension at points
I. A
A. 100N, 60N
B. 60N, 100N
C. 80N, 60N
D. None of these

1. Let us draw FBD of the two blocks
2. Applying newton’s IInd law
T1 T2

T2 40N 60N
4kg 6kg

= Ma = Ma
F net F net
As = 0 = 0
As a
= 0 = 0
Fnaet F net
T1 – T2 – 40 = 0 ….(1) T2 – 60 = 0 ….(2)
Now as the string 1and 2 are ideal hence the
tension throughout the string will be constant
T1 – T2 – 40 = 0 ….(1)

T2 – 60 ….(2)
= 0
T2 = 60N
Putting this value of T2 in equation (1)
String 1
T1 – T2 – 40 = 0
T1 = 100N
Tensions at A = T1 = 100N String 2
Tension at B = T2 = 60N
Breaking Tension of string = 200N. Find the maximum acceleration of boy
without breaking the string. (mass of boy = 10 kg )
A. 10 m/s 2
B. 5 m/s 2
C. 2 m/s 2
D. None of these
Let acceleration of boy is a upward

Applying Newton’s 2nd law on boy.

Maximum tension provided by string is also

called breaking tension. For maximum
acceleration, tension should be maximum.

Applying Newton’s 2nd law on boy

T – mg = ma
T – mg
⇒ a= m T

a = 200 – 10(10) a
⇒ – 100 = 100
a = 200 10 10
a = 10m/s2 mg
\ Breaking tension of string is 90N. Find the maximum acceleration of
boy with which he can climb up without breaking the string.
(mass of boy = 10kg)
A. -1 m/s 2
B. -2 m/s 2
C. 1 m /s2
D. boy can't climb up
Applying Newton’s 2nd law on boy

T – mg = ma
T – mg
⇒ a= m T

a = 90 – 10(10) a
10 - 10

a = 90 –10100 = = –1
As acceleration is –ve even at maximum
tension, boy cannot climb up.

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