Material Semana1 Ingles

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Curso: Inglés ll

Meeting new friends - Video animado

Joseph: Hello.

Laura: Hi!

Joseph: Excuse me, is this room 305?

Laura: Yes, it is.

Joseph: Thank you. My name is Joseph. What’s your name?

Laura: I’m Laura. Nice to meet you.

Joseph: Nice to meet you too.

Laura: Are you a new student here?

Joseph: Yes, I am.

Laura: Me too.

Joseph: What do you study?

Laura: I study psychology. What about you?

Joseph: I study industrial engineering

Laura: great! Do you live near the university?

Joseph: Yes, I do. I live in Villa Maria District.

Laura: I live in La Victoria.

Joseph: My grandparents live there, too. Are you from Lima?

Laura: No, I’m not. I’m from Chiclayo. And you?

Joseph: I’m from Lima.

Laura: Well, the class is about to start.

Joseph: Talk to you later.

Laura: Sure!

Teacher: Hello everybody! Welcome to the English class!

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