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Bias is defined as having opinions or feelings that are determined

without full consideration of all of available facts and information. Bias
may include a preference for one thing over another, or it may pertain
to a social or cultural group. Some of these instances might be
innocent, such as believing that our sports teams are the best, or that
we have the best recipe in existence for our favourite dish. On the
other hand, they might have more serious implications and
consequences such as believing that we have selected the right political
party in the upcoming election. Bias can even extend to the act of
choosing a neighbourhood to live in by looking at its ethnic

Where Bias is Found

Bias can be used on purpose - in the way that questions are worded or
stories are shared - in order to get a desired reaction from the
audience. Politicians may play on the biases held by different groups of
the population to garner votes. Mainstream entertainment often uses
bias as a source of humour.
It is important to remember that social institutions can also contribute
to a person's bias. Experiences with formal education, government,
organized religion, and even our own families have tremendous power
to influence our opinions and beliefs.
Bias can also be found around us in the media on a daily basis. When
writers or reporters select which events to share with their readers or
viewers, they are able to create public awareness of certain topics
while ignoring others. They may also utilize wording that will influence
the views of their audience.

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