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Important Questions

5 marks

1. Scope of public Finance

2. Objectives of public debt

3. Causes of Public debt

4. What is deficit Finance. What are the importance and limitation of deficit financing

5. What are the essentials or requisites of good budget or what is efficient budgeting or essentials of
efficient budgeting

6. What is ability to pay approach

7. What are the sources of public revenue

8. Define fiscal policy

9. What are the objectives are rules regarding fiscal policy

10. Write notes on Defects of octroy

10 marks

1. Different kinds or tyes of budget

2. Sources of revenue for municipal bodies or municipal corporation

3. Enumerate division of resources between centre and state.

4. Explain in detail impact and incidences of taxes

5. Explain octroy as a source of income

6. Important features of federal financial system

7. Principles of federal financial system

15 marks

1. Describe LPG model in detail

Meaning, features and importance

2. Describe the functions of panchayat samithis

Their sources of revenue, what is the institute

3. Trace the relationship between taxation and economic stabilization

4. Theories of shifting of taxes.

5. Describe the effects of taxation on production and employment

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