Bu I 6 - Maps

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Where is the bridge located?

It is located in the north of

the city

Unit 3 - Writing



Exam Focus

Types of map

With timeline No timeline

INTRODUCTION – 1 sentence: Paraphrase the question
OVERVIEW – 2 sentences
• Overall significant change(s)
• Small change(s) (remaining the same)
BODY PARAGRAPHS – 3 - 4 sentences
• Report objects/position
• Report changes
• Make comparison (If possible)

The maps show changes that took place in Youngsville in
New Zealand over a 25 year period from 1980 to 2005. Full Sample
The maps illustrate the development which took place in
the coastal town of Youngsville between 1980 and 2005.
Overall, most of the natural woods were replaced with
industrial buildings as well as public places.

The most noticeable feature is that all of the trees in the south of the River Alanah were chopped down. Besides, all
the houses along the railway line being demolished to make way for skyscrapers. Moreover, a new industrial zone
with warehouses and factories sprang up around the school and airport.
In contrast, only a few trees in the north of the river remained. The woodland was cleared and converted into a golf
course, a park and car parking facilities. Further developments were the construction of a stadium next to the North-
East corner of the lake and the extension of the railway line from the river running directly to the North.
Furthermore, a Marina was also constructed at the mouth of the river.

INTRODUCTION : Paraphrase the question

The maps show changes that took place in Youngsville in

New Zealand over a 25 year period from 1980 to 2005.

The maps illustrate the development which took place in

the coastal town of Youngsville between 1980 and 2005.

1. The given/presented/provided maps/diagrams

2. Show: illustrate/ describe/ delineate/ depict
3. changes: the development/ how S changed its plan
The given maps delineate the information about how Youngsville changed its plan over 25 years starting from 2980.

Overall significant change(s)? Full Sample
OVERVIEW: Natural woods – replaced by industrial
buildings & public places

Overall, most of the natural woods were replaced

with industrial buildings as well as public places.

1. Overall: In general / In common …

It is obvious/ clear/ discernible/ transparent that …
As can be seen from the diagrams, ….
2. While S underwent/ experienced a number of
striking/ significant/ dramatic/ radical/ substantial/ spectacular remarkable/ striking
transformations/ changes/
the most important/noticeable/outstanding/ salient principal one is …

The maps illustrate the development which took place in
the coastal town of Youngsville between 1980 and 2005.
Overall, most of the natural woods were replaced with
industrial buildings as well as public places.

The most noticeable feature is that all of the trees in the south of the River Alanah were chopped down. Besides, all
the houses along the railway line being demolished to make way for skyscrapers. Moreover, a new industrial zone
with warehouses and factories sprang up around the school and airport.

In contrast, only a few trees in the north of the river remained. The woodland was cleared and converted into a golf
course, a park and car parking facilities. Further developments were the construction of a stadium next to the North-
East corner of the lake and the extension of the railway line from the river running directly to the North.
Furthermore, a Marina was also constructed at the mouth of the river.

Analyze the given map

Listing and grouping the changes

Body structure

Geographical areas

Body 2
Body 1
South/Surrounding …
North/Centre … areas

Structure Compare the changes between these two maps

Change a lot/Change slightly

Degree of

Stay the same


Analyze the given map

Listing and grouping the changes

Body structure

Geographical areas Degree of change

Body 2 Body 1 Body 2

Body 1
South/Surrounding … Areas that changed Areas that changed
North/Centre … areas
areas significantly/changed slightly slightly/stayed the same


The maps below show the centre of

a small town called Islip as it is now,
and plans for its development

INTRODUCTION : Paraphrase the question
Structure OVERVIEW:
• (Principal change) – construction of a ring (around the centre)
• Some other developments – accompany the building of the road
BODY 1: Unchanged
1. Places in the south
2. School
3. Housing
BODY 2:Changes
1. shops along the main road
2. shops along north side - demolish – a bus station, a shopping
center, a car park and new housing .
3. Shops along the south side - remain the same
4. Park-smaller – new houses building
5. Dual carriageway
The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip
Sample as it is now, and plans for its development


Suggested answer:
The diagrams illustrate some proposed changes to the central area of
the town of Islip

The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip
Sample as it is now, and plans for its development

• (Principal change) – construction of a ring (around the centre)

It is clear that the principal change to the town will be the

construction of a ring road around the centre.

• Some other developments – accompany the building of the road

Some other developments with regard to shops and housing

will accompany the building of this road.

The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip
Sample as it is now, and plans for its development

Body 1: Unchanged
Sentence 1:
• Places in the south – stay unchanged

Sentence 2:
• School

Sentence 3:

• Housing

The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip
Sample as it is now, and plans for its development

Body 1: Unchanged
Sentence 1:
It can be seen that places in the south of Islip town centre
will stay unchanged.

Sentence 2:
The school will still be located next to the housing and
outside the carriageway.

Sentence 3:
According to the plans for development, the location of the
housing in the south will remain nearly the same.

The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip
Sample as it is now, and plans for its development

Body 2: Changes
Sentence 1:
• A row of shops – along main road

Sentence 2:
• Shops (new pedestrian street) – demolished make way for
(bus station, shopping centre, car park, new housing area)

Sentence 3:

• Shops (south side ) – remain; town’s park – smaller new

houses – built (within the ring road)

The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip
Sample as it is now, and plans for its development

Body 2: Changes
Sentence 1:
Currently there is a row of shopsz along either side of the main
Sentence 2:
However, it appears that the shops along the north side of the new
pedestrian street will be demolished to make way for a bus station,
shopping centre, car park and new housing area

Sentence 3:
The shops along the south side of the street will remain, but it seems that
the town’s park will be reduced in size so that more new houses can be
built within the ring road.
Xuất hiện: appear emerge spring up install introduce
Reveal the booming of
Experience the appearance of
Show the emergence of
Undergo the addition of
See the mushrooming of
Được xây dựng
be constructed be built be erected (không sử dụng cho road)
be reconstructed see the construction of witness the erection of
Biến mất: disappear vanish
Undergo the disappearance

Biến đổi Be converted into be replaced by be substituted to be renovated to

Be modernized be redesigned be recreated be turned into
Bị phá huỷ Be destroyed be ruined be demolished
Witness the destruction of
See the demolition of
Experience the brink of ruin
Bị chặt Be cut down be chopped down be cleared up be removed
witness the devastation of
Giữ nguyên Stay unchanged/ intact/untouched
Remain the same remain the status quo

Nằm ở Be located be sited be situated be relocated

Stand lie

Mở đường cho Pave the way for give way to make way for Make room for
Allow for

Được mở rộng
be enlarged be expanded be lengthened be widened
Be extended become bigger double/triple
see the enlargement of
witness the expansion of
Experience the extension of
Được thu hẹp
Be narrowed be diminished be modified in size be made smaller
witness the diminishing of
undergo the reduction in size
Bên cạnh close to near adjacent to right/left next to
In the vicinity to in the proximity to
Dễ tiếp xúc be accessible to … give access to …
Cách xa Be a long distance away from …

In the North/ South/ West/ East of … In the Northern …
To the Northeast of … To the Northeastern …
Trung tâm
In the center/ central area In the middle >< In the corner
Trên On the top of
Rìa On the edge of
On the boundary/border/outskirts ….

Trái On the right/left hand /wing/side of …



Change Addition Exapansion Removement

Trees, forests, woodland

Roads, bridges, railways

Leisure activities

Buildings, amenities

Some useful structures

• X + to be + demolished to make way for a new place.

• X witnessed the destruction of an old place which to be
replaced by a new place.
• X be constructed on the original site of an old place.
• X witnessed the musrooming of A

The map below is of the town of Garlsdon. A new supermarket (S) is planned
Exercise 2 for the town. The map shows two possible sites for the supermarket.

Exercise 2 Full sample

The map shows two potential locations (S1 and S2) for a new supermarket in a town called Garlsdon.
The main difference between the two sites is that S1 is outside the town, whereas S2 is in the town
centre. The sites can also be compared in terms of access by road or rail, and their positions relative to
three smaller towns.
Looking at the information in more detail, S1 is in the countryside to the north west of Garlsdon, but it is
close to the residential area of the town. Meanwhile, S2 is also close to the housing area, which surrounds
the town centre.
There are main roads from Hindon, Bransdon and Cransdon to Garlsdon town centre, but this is a no
traffic zone, so there would be no access to S2 by car. By contrast, S1 lies on the main road to Hindon, but
it would be more difficult to reach from Bransdon and Cransdon. Both supermarket sites are close to the
railway that runs through Garlsdon from Hindon to Cransdon.
- Written by Simon -

Exercise 1 Put the words/ phrases in the correct order.

The maps below show the Happy Valley Shopping Center in 1982 and 2012.

1. The two maps / that / during the period / Happy Valley Shopping Center /

between 1982 and 2012 / show / underwent / the radical changes / .

The two maps show the radical changes that Happy Valley Shopping Center
underwent during the period between 1982 and 2012

2. resulted in / it is clear that / its in-house facilities / expansion of / Overall, /

the shopping mall / and rearrangement of / the redevelopment /.

Overall, it is clear that the redevelopment resulted in expansion of the

shopping mall and rearrangement of its in-house facilities.

Exercise 1 Put the words/ phrases in the correct order.

The maps below show the Happy Valley Shopping Center in 1982 and 2012.
3. By 2012, / to the west, / the indoor shopping area / and the outdoor lake /

by a furniture retailer / spread / was replaced / .

By 2012, the indoor shopping area spread to the west, and the outdoor lake
was replaced by a furniture retailer.

4. to the north-west part / Additionally, / where a coffee shop / considerable

changes / were made / and an adjacent food store / was removed / to the

south-east corner of the mall / was relocated / .

Additionally, considerable changes were made to the north-west part where a
coffee shop was removed and an adjacent food store was relocated to the
south-east corner of the mall.
Exercise 1 Put the words/ phrases in the correct order.

The maps below show the Happy Valley Shopping Center in 1982 and 2012.

5. their previous locations / selling sports and electronic goods / Two stores /

along the northern wall / took over / .

Two stores selling sports and electronic goods took over their previous
locations along the northern wall.

6. moved in / A linear array of themed restaurants / the shopping centre, /

sports and electronics shops / along the eastern wall of / replacing / .

A linear array of themed restaurants moved in along the eastern wall of the
shopping centre, replacing sports and electronics shops.

Exercise 1
The maps below show the Happy Valley
Shopping Center in 1982 and 2012. 7. the lobby area / was removed / On the western side, / a bigger central
entertainment area / at the main entrance / to allow for / .
On the western side, the lobby area at the main entrance was removed to allow for
a bigger central entertainment area.

8. leading to / Yet another alteration / was removed / where a path / was made
outside, / a spacious car park / the main entrance of the mall / and instead / was
built / .
Yet another alteration was made outside, where a path leading to the main
entrance of the mall was removed and instead a spacious car park was built.

9. was kept in / The entrance, / surrounding the shopping centre / however, /

where possible / the same location / and the lines of trees / remained largely
unchanged / .
The entrance, however, was kept in the same location and the lines of trees
surrounding the shopping centre remained largely unchanged where possible.

English Phonetics Vietnamese

adjacent /əˈdʒeɪsnt/ liền bên cạnh

allow for /əˈlaʊ fɔːr/ cân nhắc, lên kế hoạch

alteration /ˌɔːltəˈreɪʃn/ sự thay đổi

inhouse facilities /ˌɪn ˈhaʊs fəˈsɪlətiz/ cơ sở vật chất (nội bộ)

largely unchanged /ˈlɑːrdʒli ʌnˈtʃeɪndʒd/ hầu như không thay đổi


English Phonetics Vietnamese

linear /ˈlɪniər/ thẳng hàng

radical /ˈrædɪkl/ nâng cấp

redevelopment /ˌriːdɪˈveləpmənt/ sự quy hoạch

relocate /ˌriːˈləʊkeɪt/ di dời

take over /teɪk ˈəʊvər/ thay thế, chiếm vị trí


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