Learning Phyton Basics

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Name: CONDECIDO, Maxine Rizelle B.

Reflection on Learning Python Basics

Learning Python felt like stepping into a magical world where anything was possible. Among the

tutorials I found, one really stood out and became my trusty guide through the basics of Python.

Little did I know, this tutorial would not only teach me about Python but also make coding feel

like an exciting adventure.

The tutorial began with the simple task of setting up Python and choosing a text editor. It was

like getting ready for a big journey, making sure I had all the right gear. With Python installed

and my text editor ready, I was all set to begin my Python adventure.

As the tutorial unfolded, I found myself learning all sorts of cool stuff about Python. I made

friends with variables, which helped me store and organize information as I explored further.

Learning about strings, numbers, and boolean values felt like cracking secret codes that unlocked

the power of Python's language.

But it wasn't always easy. Like any adventure, there were challenges along the way.

Understanding Python functions and getting the hang of math operations tested my brainpower.

Yet, with each challenge I conquered, I felt more confident and excited to keep going.

One of the most fun parts of the journey was putting what I learned into action. Making a

calculator and a "mad libs" game felt like creating my own mini-worlds with Python. These

hands-on projects made coding feel real and super fun.

Looking back on my journey, I realize that learning Python isn't just about learning a

programming language. It's about unlocking a whole new way of thinking and problem-solving.

Python has become my favorite tool for exploring ideas and making cool stuff happen.
As I continue my journey with Python, I can't wait to see where it takes me next. Each line of

code I write feels like a new step in an amazing adventure. And even though there may be tough

parts ahead, I'm excited to face them head-on and keep discovering all the awesome things

Python can do.

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