Mental Health Support Chatbot SRS @2105925

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1.1 Purpose
This document describes the System Requirements Specification (SRS) for version 1.0 of a
mental health support chatbot developed for Kenyatta National Hospital. The chatbot’s goal is to
help healthcare professionals and patients deal with anxiety, depression, crisis intervention, and
overall well-being. It will function alone, with no connections to other hospital systems or

1.1.1 Product Scope

This SRS concentrates on the Chabot’s first version (v1.0), which features a text-based interface
for user interaction. Future versions are expected to include voice interaction, accessibility
capabilities, and linguistic support. However, this document only covers the criteria for the
Chabot’s version 1.0.

1.2 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

1.2.1 Intended Audience
The following stakeholders are targeted by this SRS as they are involved in the creation,
application, and use of the chatbot for mental health support:

 Developers: The developers bear the primary responsibility for comprehending the
chatbot's technical aspects, functionalities, and implementation requirements. This
section outlines the overall design and architecture.
 Project Managers:They Are responsible for planning, tracking progress, and ensuring that
the project meets the specified requirements. This section gives an overview of the
project's scope and helps to manage expectations.

 Health Care Professionals: They need to be confident that the chatbot meets their needs,
provides appropriate support, and follows ethical guidelines for mental health
interventions. This section outlines the functionalities and limitati ons that apply to them.
 The Patients: In order to utilize the chatbot efficiently, they must first comprehend its
goals, features, and constraints in addition to its function as a tool for self-evaluation and
resource gathering. This section highlights the limitations and provides clarification on
the intended use.
 Testers: It is their responsibility to make sure the chatbot functions and performs as
intended. This section provides a comprehensive reference for testing purposes.

1.2.2 Reading Suggestions and Organization

This SRS is intended to provide a clear and logical flow of information. It's recommended to
read the document sequentially, starting with the overview sections to understand the overall
purpose, scope, and user classes. Following the overview, readers can navigate to sections that
are relevant to their interests:

 Developers: The technical information is in Sections 3 (System Features), 4 (External

Interface Requirements), and 5 (Other Nonfunctional Requirements).
 Project Supervisor and Managers: An overview of the project is provided in Sections 1
(Introduction), 2 (Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions), and 3 (System Features).
 Healthcare Professionals: Functionalities pertinent to their needs are described in
Sections 1 (Introduction), 3.1 (Self-Assessment), 3.2 (Resource Recommendations), and
3.3 (Chat with Virtual Therapist).
 Patients: The features and restrictions pertaining to their use are explained in Sections 1
(Introduction), 3.1 (Self-Assessment), 3.2 (Resource Recommendations), and 3.4 (Crisis
 Testers: All sections serve as a comprehensive reference for ensuring the completeness
and accuracy of the implemented functionalities.

1.3 Project Scope

This section describes the initial version (v1.0) of Kenyatta National Hospital's mental health
support chatbot. The chatbot intends to:

Address: Anxiety, depression, and general well-being, as well as providing crisis intervention
support to healthcare professionals and patients.

Offer: Evidence-based materials, self-assessment tools, and optional virtual therapy sessions
with a pre-programmed counselor.

Operate: independently, without connecting to other hospital systems or databases.

1.3.1 Benefits and Objectives

The chatbot is designed to:

Increase access to mental health support: Provide an easily accessible and anonymous resource
for self-assessment, information, and initial support.

Empower individuals: Provide tools for self-awareness and self-management of mental health
to supplement existing professional services.

Support healthcare professionals: Provide an additional tool to help patients find appropriate
resources and interventions.

Reduce stigma: Create a more accessible and approachable environment for dealing with
mental health issues.

1.3.2 Future Considerations

While this SRS focuses on version 1.0, future versions may include:
Voice interaction improves accessibility and user experience.

Accessibility features: Follow WCAG guidelines to accommodate users with disabilities.

Multilingual support: broadens reach and caters to diverse communities.

This project aligns with Kenyatta National Hospital's goals, which are:

Increasing the accessibility and affordability of healthcare services.

Use technology to improve patient care and support.

Improving mental health awareness and well-being in the community

2.1 User Classes and Characteristics
This section identifies the user categories for the mental health support chatbot:

2.1.1 Primary Users:

Healthcare Professionals (Favored):

Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals looking for information or resources to
help patients with mental health issues.

Healthcare professionals who May not be specialists in mental health, but they do possess
knowledge in Healthcare may also use the chatbot to acquire more information.

Patients (Favored)
People suffering from anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues who want to assess
themselves, get resource recommendations, and potentially interact with a virtual therapist will
find the chatbot really helpful and handy.

2.1.2 Secondary Users:

Mental Health Professionals: mental health specialists may occasionally engage with the
chatbot, even though they are not its main users, in order to learn about its features and assess
whether it meets the necessary health guidelines

2.2 Operating Environment
2.2.1 Hardware and Software Requirements
Hardware: There are no specific hardware requirements beyond web-enabled devices
(computers, smartphones, and tablets) with internet access.

Web Browser: The chatbot will be accessible from a variety of web browsers and devices.
Specific browser compatibility information will be determined during development and testing.

Operating System: The chatbot's web-based nature allows it to run on a variety of operating
systems (Windows, macOS, and Linux) as long as a compatible web browser is available.

2.2.2 External Dependences

Internet Connection: The chatbot cannot function or access resources without a stable and
reliable internet connection.

Backend Server: The chatbot will require a server to execute application logic and securely
store data.

2.3 Design and implementation constraints

Limitations of the initial version: This initial version (v1.0) will be text-based, with a focus on
core features such as self-assessment, resource recommendations, and basic virtual therapist

Independent System: In this initial version, the chatbot will operate independently and will not
connect to any other hospital systems or databases.

Technology stack: The development will be done in JavaScript and Node.js, in accordance with
established coding conventions and security best practices.

Accessibility considerations: While v1.0 is not fully accessible, future versions will include
accessibility features to meet WCAG guidelines and accommodate users with disabilities.

Data Privacy and Security: The chatbot will follow applicable data privacy regulations (e.g.,
GDPR, HIPAA) and employ strong security measures to ensure user data confidentiality and

These constraints ensure focused development for a functional v1.0, while also acknowledging
the need for future enhancements and adhering to ethical and regulatory guidelines.

2.4 User documentation.

2.4.1 User Documentation Components
The user documentation components listed below will be given alongside the mental health help

User Guide: A detailed paper that explains the chatbot’s purpose, features, limits, and how to
utilize it efficiently.

FAQs: An easily accessible component of the chatbot interface that addresses frequently asked
questions and provides short responses.

Contextual Help: Pop-up help messages appear within the chatbot interface, providing
instruction and clarity based on user interactions and specific areas.

2.4.2 Delivery Format and Standard

The user guide will be available in both online and printable PDF formats. FAQs and contextual
support will be embedded into the chatbot interface, with specific buttons or icons. All
documentation will be written in clear, simple, and user-friendly language, using established
writing standards for clarity.

2.5 Assumptions and dependencies :

2.5.1 Assumptions

 Users have internet connection and web browsers. They have basic computer literacy
and can navigate web interfaces comfortably. Users are aware of the chatbot’s limits as a
self-assessment and resource tool, rather than a replacement for professional mental
health examination and therapy.

2.5.2 Dependencies:

 The chatbot’s development and deployment require a secure backend server to host the
application and store data. The project’s growth is dependent on the chosen web
development frameworks and libraries performing as expected and being interoperable
with various web browsers and devices.

3.1 Self-Assessment
3.1.1 Description and Priority
Description: In order to provide a personalized experience, the self-assessment feature offers
standardized questionnaires for depression, anxiety, and general well-being that adjust based on
user responses. The results are presented concisely, highlighting any limitations and suggesting
expert assistance when necessary. Mental health assessments are conducted in accordance with
ethical guidelines, including informed consent and data privacy.

Priority: HIGH

Justification: The self-assessment feature is essential for:

 Understanding user needs: Offers preliminary insights into possible mental health issues
that the use might be going through.
 Personalized experience: Tailored assessments provide appropriate information and
 Identifying high-risk situations: Triggers intervention measures when needed.
 Self-awareness promotion: Gives users the ability to comprehend their own well-being.

While other elements, such as resource recommendations and virtual therapist contact, are
useful, the self-assessment serves as the foundation for the chatbot's operation and user
assistance, making it a high priority feature.

3.1.2 Self-Assessment: Stimulus and Response Sequences

Scenario 1: Starting the Self-Assessment

Stimulus: User selects "Self-Assessment" from the chatbot menu.


1. Welcome message: Welcome to the self-assessment tool. This assessment can help you learn
more about your mental health. Keep in mind that this is not a diagnosis, and seeking
professional assistance when necessary is always advised."

2. Selection of assessment type: "Please select the area you would like to have assessed:
general well-being, depression, or anxiety."

Scenario 2: Completing an Assessment
Stimulus: User selects an assessment type (e.g., Anxiety).

1. Introduction to assessment: "There are X questions on this assessment. Please respond
honestly and to the best of your abilities. "There are no correct or incorrect answers."

2. Questionnaire Presentation: The chatbot presents the assessment questions one by one,
allowing the user to choose an answer from multiple-choice alternatives or type a short text

3. Completion and Analysis: After answering the questions, the chatbot processes the
information and delivers a response.

Scenario 3: presenting results


1. Assessment summary: "Thank you for completing the assessment. Based on your responses,
your score is [Brief overview of results without particular diagnoses or classifications]."

2. Limitations and Disclaimer: "Remember that this is a self-assessment tool and not a
substitute for professional help . We strongly advise consulting a therapist or other healthcare
expert for professional counsel if you are worried about your wellbeing."

3. Recommendations for resources: "Here is a selection of resources that we think you might find
useful. Would you like to look into these now?"

Scenario 4: The user requests additional information

Stimulus: User asks a question about the assessment or results.or user clicks on ‘get more
information ‘


1. Clarification: The chatbot uses its knowledge base to help clarify the user's question and
give relevant facts.

2. Limited scope reminder: The chatbot emphasizes its limitations and advises the user to seek
expert assistance for any issues that exceed its capabilities.

3. Resource options: The chatbot offers to guide the user to suitable resources that can answer
their unique questions.

.3.1.3 Self Assessment: Functional Requirements

REQ-1: Self-Assessment Initiation

The chatbot will offer a clear and easily accessible option for users to initiate self-assessment.

Upon user selection, the chatbot will deliver a welcome message that explains the purpose and
restrictions of the assessment.

The chatbot will provide users the choice to select amongst self-evaluations for general
wellbeing, depression, and anxiety

REQ-2: Presentation of the Questionnaire

The chatbot will present each evaluation question one at a time, in a straightforward and succinct

Each question will be accompanied by clear and understandable answer choices or instructions
for short text responses.

The chatbot will also users to review and change their answers before submitting them.

REQ-3: Answer Processing and Validation

The chatbot will accurately process user responses to assessment questions.

The system will evaluate user input to ensure that it follows the expected structure for each
question type (for example, selecting an option from the available options or conforming to
character restrictions for text responses).

When an input is deemed invalid, the chatbot will clearly indicate the issue and assist the user
in providing an appropriate response.

REQ 4: Assessment Scoring and Analysis

The chatbot will employ a standardized scoring system to analyze user responses and generate
an overall score for each evaluation type.

The scoring mechanism will be recorded and transparent, in accordance with known best
practices for the assessment tools used.

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REQ-5: Results Presentation
The assessment results will be presented by the chatbot in an understandable, succinct, and
straightforward manner.

Results should not contain clinical terminology or language that users may misinterpret.

The chatbot will highlight the limitations of the self-evaluation and the significance of getting
expert assistance when necessary.

REQ-6: Resource Recommendations

The chatbot will provide a customized list of pertinent resources, such as hotlines, support
groups, websites, and nearby mental health facilities, based on the evaluation results.

To ensure accuracy and relevance, healthcare professionals will curate and maintain the
resource list.

The user shall have the option to explore the resources or decline.

REQ-7: User Inquiry Handling

The chatbot shall be equipped to handle user questions related to the assessment, results, or
mental health in general.
The chatbot shall provide informative and helpful responses based on its knowledge base.

The chatbot shall acknowledge its limitations and direct users to seek professional help for
complex questions or concerns beyond its capabilities.
The chatbot shall offer relevant resources to users who inquire about specific topics.

REQ-8: Data Privacy and Security

The chatbot must abide by all applicable data privacy laws (such as GDPR and HIPAA) in order
to safeguard user anonymity and confidential data.

User data acquired throughout the self-assessment procedure will be anonymised and securely

The chatbot will not share user data with any third-party applications or services unless the user
explicitly consents.

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3.2Resource Recommendation
3.2.1 Description and Priority
Description: The resource recommendations function provides users with a list of useful and
relevant resources based on their needs and self-assessment scores.

Priority: HIGH

Justification: This feature plays a crucial role in:

 Connecting users with support: Fills the gap between self-assessment and requesting
additional help.
 Providing different options: Provides a range of resources tailored to individual
requirements and preferences.
 Empowering informed choices: Allows users to investigate possibilities and make
informed decisions regarding their well-being.
 Similar to the self-assessment function, resource recommendations are critical for
addressing user needs beyond the initial evaluation.

3.2.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences:

Scenario 1: Receiving Resource Recommendations

Stimulus: User completes the self-assessment and chooses to explore resources.


1. Personalized list: The system presents a list of resources tailored to the user's assessment
results and any additional information provided.

2. Resource details: Each resource includes a brief description, contact information, and
accessibility details (e.g., language availability).

3. User control: The system informs the user that they can explore the resources or choose not

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Scenario 2: User Requests Additional Information
Stimulus: User clicks on a specific resource or asks for more information about a resource.


1. Detailed information: The system displays additional details about the selected resource,
such as a longer description, website link, or contact details.

2. Accessibility options: If available, the system offers alternative formats for resource
information (e.g., audio descriptions, transcripts) to cater to users with disabilities.

3.2.3 Resource Recommendations: Functional Requirements

REQ-9: Resource Curation and Maintenance

The system will maintain a comprehensive and up-to-date list of evidence-based resources,
including hotlines, support groups, websites, and local mental health services.

Healthcare professionals shall curate and regularly update the resource list to ensure accuracy,
relevance, and inclusion of diverse options catering to various needs and backgrounds.

REQ-10: Personalized Recommendations

Based on the user's self-assessment results and any additional information provided, the system
shall generate a personalized list of recommended resources.

The recommendations should address the user's specific needs and concerns identified during the

REQ-11: Resource Presentation

The system shall present the recommended resources in a clear, concise, and user-friendly
format, adhering to best practices for information presentation and accessibility.

Each resource shall include:

Brief description: A clear and concise explanation of the resource's purpose and target

Contact information: Easy-to-understand contact details, such as phone numbers, website

links, or email addresses.

Accessibility details: Information about language availability, alternative formats (e.g.,

audio descriptions, transcripts), or compatibility with assistive technologies.

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REQ-12: User Choice and Control
The user shall have the option to:

Explore the recommended resources in detail through hyperlinks or embedded information.

Download additional materials or information from the resources (if available).

Decline further assistance and choose not to explore the resources.

The system shall empower users to make informed choices about their well-being without
pressuring them to engage with specific resources.

REQ-13: Accessibility Considerations

The system shall ensure that the resource list and presentation are accessible to users with
disabilities, adhering to WCAG guidelines where applicable.

This may involve providing alternative formats for resource information, such as:

Audio descriptions for visual content.

Transcripts for video or audio content.

Text with sufficient color contrast and appropriate font size for users with visual

These functional requirements ensure the resource recommendation feature delivers valuable,
personalized, and accessible support to users seeking further assistance after completing the self-

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3.3 Chat with Virtual Therapist (Optional)
3.3.1 Description and Priority
Description: This optional feature allows users to connect with a pre-programmed virtual
therapist via text-based conversation. The virtual therapist provides basic assistance, empathy,
and nonjudgmental listening, while striving to:

 Encourage self-reflection and exploration of feelings and concerns. Provide coping

strategies and tools for managing mental health difficulties. Identify high-risk scenarios
and initiate a strategy to immediately refer to a human therapist.

Priority: Medium
Justification: While not required for the chatbot’s main operation, this feature can give
additional help and resources for users who require basic emotional support and guidance.
However, its development and execution should put user safety and ethics first.

3.3.2 Stimulus/response sequences:

Scenario 1: Start Chat with Virtual Therapist
Stimulus: The user selects the option "Chat with Virtual Therapist" after completing the self-
assessment or at any time during their encounter with the chatbot.

1. Greeting message: "Welcome to the virtual therapist chat. I'm here to provide you with a
safe environment in which to discuss your concerns. Please keep in mind that I am not a therapist
and cannot offer professional advice or diagnoses.
2. Opening prompt: "What would you like to talk about today?"

Scenario 2: Conversation with the Virtual Therapist

Stimulus: The user types a message expressing their thoughts, feelings, or concerns.
The virtual therapist will employ pre-programmed responses and discussion trees to
acknowledge and affirm the user's sentiments. Ask open-ended questions.

Scenario 3: A high-risk situation has been identified .

Stimulus: During the session, the virtual therapist looks for terms or phrases that indicate a
potentially high-risk condition (for example, suicide thoughts or self-harm ideation).

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1. Immediate intervention: The virtual therapist will express concern about the user's safety.
Provide emergency numbers for local crisis hotlines or mental health services.
Encourage the user to seek immediate assistance from a real human therapist or emergency
2. Disconnect and transition: The virtual therapist discussion will end, and the user will be led
to a prominent link or button that provides instant access to crisis services and encourages
professional aid.

These scenarios depict possible interactions between users and the virtual therapist,
emphasizing the need of providing necessary support, identifying high-risk circumstances, and
prioritizing user safety

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4.1User Interfaces

The mental health support chatbot will largely use a web-based user interface that will be
accessible on a variety of devices (computers, cellphones, and tablets).

4.1.1 General User Interface Features:

Clean and intuitive design: Prioritize clarity and ease of use, considering various user demands
and technical expertise. Accessibility: Follow WCAG criteria to ensure accessibility for users
with impairments. This could include things like screen reader compatibility, alternative text
explanations for photographs, and changeable font sizes.

Responsive design: Customize the interface layout and elements to fit different screen sizes
and devices for the best user experience.

Use clear and succinct language that is intelligible to users without a mental health background.
Avoid preconceptions and biases to promote inclusivity and respect for varied identities.

4.1.2 User Interface Components:

The landing page includes a welcome greeting and a brief explanation of the chatbot’s purpose.

Press the Start button to interact with the chatbot.

Link to user documentation and FAQs.

 Chat Interface: A text-based chat window allows for user input and chatbot responses.
Options to start a self-assessment, obtain resource recommendations, or communicate
with the virtual therapist (if enabled).
Contextual assistance buttons or icons provide supplementary information in specific
Clear statement of limitations and a reminder to seek professional assistance if needed.
 Self-Assessment: Questionnaires with clear instructions and response options.
A progress indicator displays completed and unanswered questions.
Option to check and amend responses before submitting.

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 Resource Recommendations:A list of handpicked resources based on user needs and
evaluation results.
Resources include brief descriptions and contact information.
Option to look into resource specifics or obtain extra information (if available).
 Virtual Therapist Chat (Optional): Text-based chat with virtual therapist.
An obvious indication that the virtual therapist is not a real person and cannot give
diagnosis or treatment.
Prompts and open-ended inquiries that inspire introspection and investigation.
 Crisis intervention: A prominent notice is displayed in high-risk scenarios, expressing
worry and encouraging the user to seek help.
Clear and direct directions for contacting emergency agencies and crisis hotlines.
A persistent reminder message encourages the user to seek help if necessary.

4.2 Hardware Interfaces.

The mental health support chatbot operates primarily as a web application, with the following
hardware interface considerations:

4.2.1 Supported devices:

 The chatbot should be compatible with several web browsers and devices, including
desktop and laptop computers (Windows, macOS, ChromeOS) and smartphones and
tablets (Android, iOS).

4.2.2 Data-Control Interaction:

 Users interact with the chatbot via web browser, entering text and receiving visual
responses. The chatbot works with server-side application logic to process user input,
obtain data, and provide responses. User participation does not require any additional
hardware components other than normal computing devices and internet connectivity.

4.2.3 Communication protocol:

 The communication protocol between the web browser and the server-side application
will most likely be HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), the standard protocol for web

4.3 Software Interfaces

The chatbot application will communicate with the following software components:

4.3.1 Web Server:

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The chatbot will be installed on a web server (such as Apache or Nginx), which will host
the application files and allow users to connect.
4.3.2 Database:
A relational database (such as MySQL or PostgreSQL) will hold user data (anonymized),
assessment results, resource information, and virtual therapist conversation logs (if

4.3.3 Programming Languages and Frameworks:

The chosen development approach will determine the programming language and frameworks.
However, popular options for web applications include:

Programming languages: Python and JavaScript (Node.js) Frameworks: Django, Flask

(Python) and Express.js (Node.js).

4.4 Communication interfaces

These are interfaces that allow communication between the web application and the database
will be required (such as SQLAlchemy and Mongoose).

Data flow:
Incoming Data: User input from chat interface (text messages, button clicks) Database data
(evaluation results, resources).

Outgoing Data: Chatbot responses displayed in the user interface Anonymous user data
stored in the database Virtual therapist conversation logs (if enabled) kept in the database.

Communication Services:
The web application will connect with the database using the communication library of choice,
allowing for data retrieval and storage.

Data sharing:
User data (anonymized) will be shared between the web application and the database for storage
of assessment findings and future analysis (with user consent and for ethical research purposes).

Implementation Constraints:
Specific data sharing techniques, such as object-relational mapping (ORM) tools, may be used to
facilitate communication between the application and the database.

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5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements
5.1 Performance Requirements
5.1.2 Overall performance:
The mental health support chatbot should prioritize response and efficiency to sustain user
engagement and confidence. Minimize page load times to 2-3 seconds under normal network
circumstances. The system should be able to support multiple concurrent user sessions without
significantly degrading performance, ensuring future scalability.

5.1.3 Specific Performance Requirement:

Self-Assessment: Process user responses and provide assessment findings within 5 seconds
after submitting the final question.

Resource Recommendations: After completing the self-assessment, the user should get a list
of recommended resources within 3 seconds.

Optional: Virtual Therapist Chat. To sustain the illusion of a real-time conversation, the virtual
therapist should respond to user messages within two seconds.

5.1.4 The rationale:

These performance criteria are intended to provide a seamless and good user experience. Fast
response times increase customer happiness and encourage further contact with the chatbot.
Meeting the requirements for self-assessment and resource recommendations leads to efficient
feedback and reduces delays for users seeking information. Prompt responses are critical for
establishing a sense of discussion and participation in virtual therapist chats (if provided).

5.1.5 Additional Consideration:

Proper performance testing throughout development is essential for identifying and addressing
bottlenecks and difficulties. The system should be built to gently handle circumstances with high
user traffic or inadequate internet access, ensuring functionality even in less-than-ideal

These performance criteria provide a guideline for developers to maximize the efficiency of the

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5.2 Safety Requirements
5.2.1 Users’ Safety:
The chatbot will Prioritize user safety with strong protection and encourage responsible use. It
will Identify and handle high-risk scenarios. Create a rigorous strategy for identifying keywords
or phrases that indicate possible crises (such as suicide ideation or self-harm).

Immediate Intervention: In high-risk circumstances, the chatbot should instantly

Express concern about the user’s safety.

Provide clear and direct instructions for accessing emergency services and crisis hotlines,
such as prominently displayed phone numbers, links to local crisis hotline websites, and the
option to text a designated crisis intervention number (where applicable).

Encourage the user to seek professional help from a therapist or emergency services.
Disconnect and transfer. Non-essential functions may be temporarily disabled, and the user sent
to a specialized crisis intervention Page with persistent help resources.

Data privacy and security: To protect user information,we will follow applicable data privacy
regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA). This involves anonymizing user data before storage.

Adopting secure data storage procedures.

Obtaining express user consent for data collection and use.

Educating users on data practices and privacy rights. Providing transparency and limitations.
Clearly convey the chatbot’s limitations, emphasizing that it cannot give professional diagnosis
or treatment. Encourage users to seek professional help with complex mental health issues.

External Policies and Regulations:

The chatbot’s development and deployment will adhere to applicable local and international
rules governing data protection, mental health support, and ethical AI practices.

These safety rules are intended to protect users' well-being and promote responsible usage of the
mental health support chatbot.

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5.3 Security Requirements

5.3.1 Data Security:

To protect user data, implement strong security methods such as secure user authentication and
authorization, as well as data encryption both at rest and in transit.
Conduct regular security audits and vulnerability assessments.
Comply with relevant data security standards and best practices.

5.3.2 User Authentication:

The chatbot may include optional user authentication techniques for functionality such as
saving and retrieving personal evaluation history and providing personalized suggestions based
on previous encounters.
When implementing user authentication, ensure it is both secure and user-friendly. Examples
include strong password restrictions and multi-factor authentication options.
Provide explicit information regarding data collection and usage procedures for user accounts.

5.3.4 External policies and regulations:

Adhere to applicable data security rules, such as GDPR and HIPAA, which specify data
protection requirements for user information.

5.4 Software Quality Attributes:

1. Usability (high priority):
Ease of use: The user interface should be intuitive and accessible to people with a wide range of
technical abilities and backgrounds.
Accessibility: To ensure accessibility for disabled users, follow the WCAG requirements.

Response time: Aim for short response times (e.g., under 3 seconds) to keep users engaged and
prevent annoyance.

2. Reliability (High priority):

Uptime: Aim for a high uptime (e.g., 99.5%) to provide continual availability for users
requesting assistance.

Error management: Use strong error handling methods to smoothly handle unexpected situations
and avoid crashes.

3. Maintenance (Medium Priority):

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Modular design entails creating code with well-defined modules to facilitate maintenance,
upgrades, and future enhancements.

Code documentation: Provide clear and succinct documentation that developers can understand
and modify.

4. Ethical Consideration (High Priority):

Transparency: Be upfront about the chatbot’s limitations and avoid making deceptive claims
about its capabilities.

Non-discrimination and inclusivity: Make sure the chatbot’s content and functionality are
inclusive, and avoid discrimination based on personal characteristics.

Data privacy: Follow appropriate data privacy requirements (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) if any user
data is stored (anonymously).

5. Security (Medium Priority):

Secure data storage: If user data is stored, even anonymously, implement secure storage practices
and access controls.

Regular security audits: Conduct regular security assessments to identify and address potential

6. Testability (Medium Priority):

Unit testing: Implement unit tests to verify the functionality of individual code components.

User testing: Conduct user testing with diverse participants to evaluate usability, identify
potential biases, and gather feedback for improvement.

7. Adaptability (Low Priority, but future-oriented):

Consider potential future functionalities, such as:
Integration with mental health professionals for consultations or referrals.

Expansion of language support to reach a wider audience.

Development of personalized self-management tools based on user data (with strict user consent
and ethical considerations)

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1. Ethical Consideration:

The chatbot’s creation and use should be guided by ethical AI development and mental health
support standards.

Transparency and accountability: Be upfront about the chatbot’s limitations and avoid making
false claims about its capabilities.

To avoid discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or other personal
characteristics, ensure the chatbot’s content and functionalities are inclusive. To prevent
algorithmic bias, use diverse data sets and carefully develop algorithms.

2. User Documentation and Training:

Create user documentation outlining the chatbot’s purpose, restrictions, and correct use. Provide
introductory training materials or tutorials for people inexperienced with utilizing chatbots for
mental health support.

3. Evaluation and monitoring:

Continuously evaluate the chatbot’s effectiveness and user experience via user feedback, data
analysis, and prospective clinical trials (with proper ethical considerations).

Monitor the chatbot for potential misuse or unintended repercussions, and fix any issues that
arise as soon as possible.

4. Future Development:
Consider future functionality, such as integrating with mental health doctors for remote

Increased language support to reach a wider audience.

Create individualized self-management tools and coping strategies based on user data (with
rigorous user consent and ethical concerns).

By meeting these extra needs, the mental health support chatbot can be created and operated in a
responsible, ethical, and successful manner, providing a beneficial tool for people seeking
emotional well-being and mental health support.

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1. Vision and Scope Document:
- Title: Vision and Scope Document for Mental Health Support Chatbot

- Author: Development Team

- Version: 1.0

- Date: March 15, 2024

- Source/Location: [Project Repository]/VisionScope_MentalHealthChatbot_v1.0.pdf

3. User Interface Style Guide:

- Title: UI Style Guide for Mental Health Support Chatbot

- Author: UI/UX Design Team

- Version: 1.0

- Date: March 18, 2024

- Source/Location: [Project Repository]/UIStyleGuide_MentalHealthChatbot_v1.0.pdf

4. Standards Compliance Document:

- Title: Standards Compliance Document for Mental Health Support Chatbot

- Author: Compliance Team

- Version: 1.0

- Date: March 10, 2024

- Source/Location: [Project Repository]/StandardsCompliance_MentalHealthChatbot_v1.0.pdf

5. Use Case Documents:

- Title: Use Cases for Mental Health Support Chatbot

- Author: Business Analysts

- Version: 1.0

- Date: March 22, 2024

- Source/Location: [Project Repository]/UseCases_MentalHealthChatbot_v1.0.pdf

6. Online resources
WCAG guidelines:

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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA):

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Term Definition

AI Artificial intelligence

API Application programming interface

chatbot A conversational AI or software program simulating human conversation through messaging

applications, websites, or telephones.
crisis hotline A phone number or online service that provides support and resources to people in crisis
emergency services Services responsible for responding to emergencies, such as police, fire departments, and
ambulance services.
ethics Moral principles that govern behavior and decision-making.

GDPR General Data Protection Regulation (EU regulation on data privacy)

HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (US regulation on protected health
mental health A state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with
the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a
contribution to his or her community.
natural language A subfield of artificial intelligence concerned with the interaction between computers and
human language.
privacy The right to be free from unwarranted disclosures of personal information and unreasonable
government interference with personal life.
real-time system A system that reacts and responds to inputs with minimal delay.

self-assessment A process where an individual evaluates their own knowledge, skills, or mental health.

SRS Software Requirements Specification

URL Uniform Resource Locator (web address)

user interface (Ul) IThe point of interaction between a user and a computer system.

WCAG Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (international standards for web accessibility)

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