Plant Disease Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning and Deep

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Plant Disease Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning and Deep
Learning Techniques: Current Trends and Challenges

Conference Paper · January 2023

DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-4764-5_13


0 923

3 authors:

Yasmin Mahmoud Nehal Sakr

Mansoura University Mansoura University


Mohammed Elmogy
Mansoura University


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Plant Disease Detection
and Classification Using Machine
Learning and Deep Learning Techniques:
Current Trends and Challenges

Yasmin M. Alsakar , Nehal A. Sakr , and Mohammed Elmogy

Abstract Every year, all over the world, the major crops are affected by various
diseases, which in turn affects agriculture and the economy. The traditional method
for plant disease inspection is a time-consuming, complex problem that mainly
depends on expert experience. The explosive growth in the field of artificial intel-
ligence (AI) provides effective and smart agriculture solutions for the automatic
detection of these diseases with the help of computer vision techniques. This paper
presents a survey on recent AI-based techniques proposed for plant disease detection
and classification. The studied techniques are categorized into two classes: machine
learning and deep learning. For each class, its main strengths and limitations are
discussed. Although a significant amount of research has been introduced, several
open challenges need to address in this field. This paper provides an in-depth study
of the different steps presented in plant disease detection along with performance
evaluation metrics, the datasets used, and the existing challenges for plant disease
detection. Moreover, future research directions are presented.

Keywords Plant disease · Feature extraction · Handcrafted · Machine learning ·

Deep learning · Transfer learning · Classification

Y. M. Alsakar (B) · N. A. Sakr · M. Elmogy

Faculty of Computers and Information, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt
N. A. Sakr
M. Elmogy

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 197
D. Magdi et al. (eds.), Green Sustainability: Towards Innovative Digital
Transformation, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 753,
198 Y. M. Alsakar et al.

1 Introduction

Plants are important for living organisms as they produce oxygen [1]. These plants
help in balancing the habitat’s biological aspects. Their parts, such as flowers, leaves,
fruits, grains, and stems, are consumed and used by animals and humans. Their
extracts have also been utilized for mustard oil, medicine, biofuels, food, etc. Plants
are categorized with respect to different characteristics such as height/size, color,
and shape.
Plants, like humans, also suffer from many diseases [2, 3] that badly affect their
normal growth. These diseases infect many parts of plants, such as roots, flowers,
fruits, and leaves. The classification and identification of these diseases by plant
pathologists are often made on leaves depending on shape, size, color, or texture, as
indicated in Fig. 1. Because of the huge number of crops and complexity, there are
also many numbers of plant diseases.
Therefore, a timely and precise diagnosis of plant diseases [4, 5] is required to
protect the crops from qualitative and quantitative loss. Manual plants diseases iden-
tification by the human eyes is time-consuming and requires more monitoring. There-
fore, automatic plant disease classification and identification are required, reducing

Fig. 1 Different types of features for plant diseases detection

Plant Disease Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning … 199

Fig. 2 Classification of plants diseases

human efforts, and providing more accurate results. This plant disease identification
is highly important for farmers because they know less about plant diseases.
The damage amount and diseases reasoned from pathogens have widely increased
in recent years because of pathogen variation, cultivation changes, and inefficient
plant protection. These diseases are severe and greatly impact people’s lives and
crop protection.
Generally, plant diseases are classified into two main categories: biotic and abiotic,
as shown in Fig. 2. Microorganisms, such as viruses, fungi, amoeba, and bacteria in
many plants cause biotic diseases. Non-living organisms, such as burning chemicals,
hair, weather conditions, cause abiotic diseases. While abiotic diseases are non-
infectious, dangerous, and preventable. Spots result from rust, bacteria, fungi, and
mildew. Fungal diseases include mildew, rust, molds, rots, spots, etc. While the most
common viral diseases are distortion, mottling, and dwarfing.
Identifying plant diseases in their primary stage is very important for managing
pesticides in crops, which in turn reduces the effect of economic and agrochemical
losses. The pest control decision will depend on two main factors; the infection level
and plant growth stage that is obtained by sample checking.
With the advancements, machine learning and deep learning-based artificial
intelligence have great attention in computer vision algorithms that are used in
plants diseases identification [6, 7]. There are many surveys as [8, 9], that discuss
plants diseases detection and identification, but these surveys don’t clearly highlight
comparative advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, this paper intends to review
the most prominent approaches for plants diseases detection and identification.
The main contributions of this survey are as follows:
• The latest artificial intelligence-based techniques proposed for automatic plant
disease detection and identification.
200 Y. M. Alsakar et al.

• The latest methods used for plants diseases identification and classification are
classified into machine learning and deep learning techniques.
• The datasets used in plants diseases identification are discussed.
• The performance evaluation metrics for plants diseases identification are
• Existing limitations and future research directions for plants diseases identifica-
tion are summarized.
The remainder of this survey is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the
methodology used for research on this topic, including the research keywords and
data sources, including, and excluding criteria for selecting and article selection.
Section 3 discusses the methods used in plants diseases identification and detec-
tion that are categorized into two main classes machine learning and deep learning
methods. Section 4 presents the performance metrics used in the evaluation of the
plant’s disease identification. Section 5 highlights the challenges that researcher face
in plants diseases identification. Finally, the conclusion and future directions are
presented in Sect. 6.

2 Research Methodology

This section introduces the protocols used to examine the various techniques and
methods for plant disease identification and detection during the interval 2002–2022.
Search keywords, data sources, inclusion/exclusion criteria, and article selection
criteria are presented. Many research attempts have been proposed for plant disease
detection within this interval using machine learning and deep learning techniques.
The frequency of these attempts is shown in Table 1.

2.1 Search Keywords

The keywords were carefully chosen for the search. Then, various new words found
in related articles were used to compile a keyword choice. The basic keywords used
in many studies include plant disease identification, plant disease detection, transfer
learning, classification, deep learning, and machine learning.

Table 1 Frequency of research attempts for plants diseases detection in the interval 2020–2022
No. Method type Method frequency (%)
1 Machine learning-based detection 60
2 Deep learning-based detection 40
Plant Disease Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning … 201

Table 2 Academic databases selected for research plant diseases identification

Database name Link
Science direct
Web of science

Table 3 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
Our survey only focuses on plants diseases Articles not related to this topic are excluded
identification articles
Only articles related to plants diseases Any articles related to other detection methods
detection are excluded
Only research written in English were taken Articles not written in English were excluded
into consideration

2.2 Data Sources

For our research collection, we searched many datasets as indicated in Table 2.

2.3 Article Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

According to our research goal, only one inclusion/exclusion criterion was selected
to choose the suitable research for the next review stage. We set a number of research
criteria for choosing work related to this survey, denoted as inclusion criteria, and
another criterion for excluding research related to our work denoted as exclusion
criteria. The set of inclusion/exclusion criteria is presented in Table 3.

2.4 Article Selection

We applied the inclusion and exclusion criteria to select suitable articles related to
our work. The articles for inclusion criteria were related to the research, and those
meeting the inclusion were excluded. The procedure for article selection follows a
202 Y. M. Alsakar et al.

three-phase process. Only abstracts, titles, and keywords were extracted in the first
phase. Then, they were discussed in detail to refine the results from the first phase.
Finally, the articles were perused, and thereafter, the article’s quality was evaluated
according to its research relevance.

3 Plant Disease Detection and Classification

Many methods used for plant disease detection and identification are divided into
machine learning and deep learning methods. In this section, we review the recent
attempts proposed on this topic. For each attempt, its working methodology, advan-
tages, and limitations are briefly introduced. Initially, the basic steps for plant disease
identification and classification are discussed, including data collection, prepro-
cessing, feature extraction, and finally, classification. The general framework for
plants diseases identification and detection is shown in Fig. 3.
For effective and accurate plants diseases identification, these steps are discussed
1. Data collection: Data collection is the first step for plant disease identification
and classification. Many standard datasets were tested on this topic, such as
the PlantVillage dataset, Hops dataset, Cotton disease dataset, Cassava dataset,
and Rice disease dataset. A description of these datasets is shortly presented in
Table 4. Some samples of plant images for both healthy and unhealthy plants are
shown in Fig. 4.

2. Preprocessing: Image preprocessing is considered one of the basic steps in

plant disease identification. There are many preprocessing steps, such as image
resizing, noise removals, color transformation, morphological operations, and

Fig. 3 General framework for plant disease detection and identification

Plant Disease Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning … 203

Table 4 Plants diseases datasets

Name Description Link
PlantVillage [10] 38 classes of 14 different plant
species of fruits and vegetable such illage-Dataset/
as tomato, apple
Diseases such as mold, spot
Hops [8] Five various classes of diseases such
as downy, nutrient, powdery, and hops-classification/
Cotton [8] Contains diseased and healthy
cotton leaves cotton-disease-dataset/
Cassava [11] Contains five various classes of
diseases such as bacteria blight, sava-plant-disease-merged-201
mosaic 92020/
Rice [8] Contains four various classes
of diseases such as tungro fwcj7stb8r/1/

Fig. 4 Plants diseases images from PlantVillage dataset. a Healthy. b Late blight. c Bacterial spot.
d Early blight. e Leaf mold. f Septoria leaf spot

disease region segmentation. There are many techniques for removing noise,
such as Gaussian filter [12], median filter [13], and Wiener filter. Various color
models have been utilized in image preprocessing, such as RGB, YCbCr, HSV,
and CIEL * a * b *. There are various segmentation methods such as Sobel
edge detector [14], color thresholding [15], K-means clustering [16], and Otsu’s
segmentation [17].
3. Image segmentation: Segmentation of diseases at plant leaves plays a vital
role in disease identification and classification. There are many methods used
for segmentation, such as K-means clustering, Otsu’s segmentation, color
thresholding, genetic algorithm-based, and Sobel edge detection.
4. Feature extraction: extracting features is considered a basic step in machine
learning. It is used to describe important information in mathematical form and
204 Y. M. Alsakar et al.

for classification to differentiate the classes. The feature extraction methods are
categorized into two categories: handcrafted methods and deep learning methods.
For handcrafted methods it is divided into shape features, color features, and
texture features. These methods depend on the manual extraction of features
from plant images. Shape features [18] include minor/major axis length, area,
perimeter, eccentricity, etc., while color features depend on the different values
of color used for identifying the disease region. There are many methods used
for texture features, such as [19, 20]: gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM),
Gabor texture features, local binary pattern (LBP), and gray-level run-length
method (GLRLM).
Regarding deep learning methods, the appropriate features can be found by
extracting all contextual and global features. These methods have higher iden-
tification accuracy and strong robustness. In the early studies on plant disease
identification, some methods depend on deep learning for feature extraction, such
as convolution neural networks (CNNs). Firstly, images are input for the CNN
model, and then these features are fed into a machine learning classifier such as
a support vector machine (SVM).
5. Feature Selection: This step is applied to avoid feature redundancy. This is done
by discarding and eliminating repeated and irrelevant information and selecting
the most discriminant features. There are many methods for feature selection,
such as correlation-based feature selection (CFS) and genetic algorithm (GA).
6. Classification: Classification is used to organize plant images into some cate-
gories and classes. It is categorized into supervised and unsupervised methods.
Many classifiers are used in plants diseases identification, such as (SVM) [21,
22] k-nearest neighbor (KNN), random forest (RF), logistic regression, naive
Bayes (NB), decision tree (DT), probabilistic neural network (PNN) [23], and
artificial neural network (ANN) [24]. The plant’s disease identification can be
made using the pretrained model such as VGG-16, VGG-19, Inception-V3, and
These phases and their corresponding techniques for plant disease detection
and identification are summarized in Fig. 5.
In the following subsection, we study the recent machine learning and deep
learning studies proposed for plant disease detection and identify their working

3.1 Machine Learning-Based Detection

Many researchers used machine learning in plants diseases detection and identifica-
tion. These methods are applied with feature vectors and are trained for classifying
features related to each disease. The trained algorithm is used to identify features
from new plant images. The class step is responsible for matching the given image
and one of the learned classes. In the following subsection, machine learning-based
Plant Disease Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning … 205

Fig. 5 A summary of main phases of plant disease detection and their corresponding techniques

detection is classified regarding the employed features into color, shape, and texture
Color Features-Based Plant Disease Detection
Image color is a basic and distinct feature for plant image representation that has been
used in image retrieval [25]. This is due to the fact that the color is invariant with
translation, scale, and rotation. The color feature extraction includes color space,
similarity measurements, and color quantization. There are many color descriptors,
such as color histograms.
Singh et al. [26] proposed the color slicing method for the paddy blast disease.
The paddy crop disease effects on crops that are very important in many fields.
Firstly, the conversion from RGB into HSI was made, and color slicing was used
for diseased area extraction. This method was compared with the canny and Sobel
methods and achieved 96.6%. Araujo et al. [27] presented a plant disease identifica-
tion method. Firstly, a bag of visual words (BoVW) and local binary patterns (LBPs)
were used for processing and feature extraction. After that SVM classifier was used
for classification. This method achieved 75.8% accuracy.
Shrivastava and Pradhan [28] presented a rice plant disease image classification
method that used color features only. This method explored 14 various color features
only, and for every color, the channel used 172 features. It used an SVM classifier.
The dataset used in this method was collected from original agriculture and belonged
to four classes: Rice Blast, Bacterial Leaf Blight, Sheath Blight, and Healthy Leave.
This method achieved 94.68% accuracy.
206 Y. M. Alsakar et al.

Almadhor et al. [29] presented an artificial intelligence (AI) for detecting and clas-
sifying guava plant diseases. Firstly, (RGB, HSV) color histogram, and textural (LBP)
features were applied for feature extraction. KNN, Boosted Tree, Complex Tree,
Bagged Tree, and SVM classifiers were combined for disease classification. This
method identified four guava diseases: Mummification, Canker, Rust, and Dot. The
Bagged Tree classifier obtained the best performance metric results, which achieved
99% accuracy.
Pupitasari et al. [30] presented a rice leaf disease detection and identification
method using the color histogram. Firstly, the conversion from RGB to HSV for all
images was applied. Secondly, the shape features that depended on this method were
applied to morphology applied to calculate the image area, perimeter, and diameter
of 341 images. This method achieved 85.71% accuracy.
Archana et al. [31] proposed a rice disease identification and detection method.
These classifications include brown spot, rice blast, bacterial blight, and healthy.
Firstly, K-means clustering was applied for the segmentation of plant disease.
Secondly, feature extraction methods were applied, such as novel intensity-based
color feature extraction (NIBCFE), bit pattern features (BPF), and gray-level co-
occurrence matrix (GLCM). Finally, the classification was applied using a support
vector machine-based probabilistic neural network (NSVMBPNN). The achieved
accuracy for this method is 95.20% for bacterial leaf blight, 99.20% for healthy
leaves, 97.60% for brown spots, and 98.40% for rice blasts.
Table 5 presents a summary of color features-based methods used in plants
diseases identification.
Shape and Texture-Based Disease Plant Detection
Texture feature is the visual pattern with the homogeneity properties that do not
result in only a single-color presence [32]. The texture features include uniformity,
coarseness, contrast, and density. One example of texture features is the gray-level
co-occurrence matrix (GLCM).
Kurmi et al. [33] discussed a plant disease detection and classification method.
They localized the leaf region using the leaf images’ color features and then a mixture
of model-based country expansion for localization. The features were extracted using
a fisher vector according to various orders of Gaussian distribution differentiations.
They used (SVM) classifier. The performance of this method was evaluated using
PlantVillage databases of potato, common pepper, and tomato leaf. This method
achieved 94.35% accuracy in plants diseases classification.
Rao and Kulkarni [34] proposed a method for plant disease classification, and this
was divided into three phases: preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification.
Firstly, image conversion and enhancement techniques were used. Secondly, features
a fusion of features extracted by Gabor, GLCM, and Curvelet feature extraction tech-
niques. Thirdly, the neuro-fuzzy classifier was trained using extracted features and
various testing ratios used in testing models. This paper achieved 93.18% accuracy
in plants diseases classification.
Kaur and Devendran [35] presented a method for plant disease detection. This
paper applied hybrid features of LBP, Law’s mask, SIFT, GLCM, and Gabor from
Table 5 A summary of color features-based plant diseases detection
Author Dataset Plant Segmentation Feature extraction Classification Accuracy
Singh et al. [26] 100 captured images Paddy Thresholding Different color values H, NA 96.6%
S, V, R, G, B values
Araujo et al. [27] Private dataset Soybean K-means Local binary patterns SVM 75.8%
(LBP) and bag of visual
words (BoVW)
Shrivastava et al. [28] PlantVillage Rice NA Conversion from RGB to SVM 94.6%
13 different color spaces
Almadhor et al. [29] Private dataset Guava Delta E (RGB, HSV) color Combined classifiers 99%
histogram and LBP
Pupitasari et al. [30] Private dataset Rice Thresholding RGB to HSV NA 85.71%
Archana [31] Private dataset Rice K-means (NIBCFE), (BPF), and NSVMBPNN 95.20% for bacterial blight
(GLCM) 99.20% for healthy leaves
Plant Disease Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning …

97.60% for brown spot

98.40% for rice blast
208 Y. M. Alsakar et al.

plant leaf for the feature extraction step. After that ensemble classifier is applied,
which contains many classifiers such as ANN, SVM, logistic regression, KNN, and
Naïve Bayes. This paper achieved an accuracy of 95.66% in potato (3 classes),
92.13% in bell pepper (2 classes), and 90.23% in tomato (10 classes).
Kurmi et al. [36] proposed a method for classifying the plant’s images into two
classes diseased and healthy. It applied the fusion way for the extracted information
from resources and made optimization for enhancement. The mapping process for
low-dimension RGB color images into L * a * b color space provides spectral range
expansion. This paper used a random sample consensus (RANSAC) for suitable
curve fitting. It extracted a bag of visual words, handcrafted features, and Fisher
vectors, and after that, logistic regression, support vector machine, and multilayer
perceptron model were applied for classification.
This paper achieved 93.2% accuracy for plant disease identification.
Table 6 presents a summary of shape and texture features-based methods used in
plants diseases identification.

Table 6 Summary of shape and texture features-based plant diseases detection

Author Dataset Plant Segmentation Feature Classification Accuracy
Kurmi Plantvillage Different Thresholding Fisher SVM 94.35%
et al. [33] types vectors
Rao and Plantvillage Different NA Features Neuro-fuzzy 93.18%
Kulkarni types fusion
[34] (Gabor,
Kaur and Plantvillage Thresholding Bell pepper, (LBP, Ensemble 95.66% in
Devendran potato, and Law’s Potato
[35] tomato plant mask, 92.13% in
SIFT, Bell
GLCM, Pepper
and 90.23% in
Gabor) Tomato
Kurmi Plantvillage Different K-means Bag of SVM, 93.2%
et al. [36] types visual logistic
words regression,
and and
Fisher multilayer
vectors perceptron
Plant Disease Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning … 209

3.2 Deep Learning-Based Detection

Deep learning is done by using a neural network for feature learning. Features have
been extracted through many hidden layers. Each of these layers can be seen as a
perceptron that is used for low-level feature extraction, and after that, these low-
level features can be mixed to obtain high-level features. These methods overcome
the traditional disadvantages of only extracting specific feature types. As explained
in the following subsections, deep learning-based detection methods are divided into
two main classes: training from scratch and transfer learning-based deep learning.
Training from Scratch-Based Detection
This method is applied by adding new layers and then training this model. This
type of learning doesn’t build on previous knowledge. The model is created by,
firstly, data collection and weight initialization; secondly, forward propagation and
backpropagation computation; thirdly, weights and bias editing.
Milioto et al. [37] proposed a CNN model for plants diseases identification. This
model used multispectral data. After that, it was tested on sugar beet images. Finally, it
achieved high results by collecting three convolution layers with two fully connected
Lu et al. [38] presented a method for rice disease identification that depended on
deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) techniques. It applied this model to 500
images from a rice experimental field. This model was trained on 10 rice diseases.
It applied tenfold cross-validation. This method achieved 95.48%.
Chen et al. [39] presented a method that depended on CNNs for tea disease
identification. In this method, a CNNs model called LeafNet was created with various
feature extractor filters that were used for feature extraction from tea plants images.
This method achieved an average accuracy equals to 90.16%.
Nkemelu et al. [40] presented a method for plants diseases classification and
identification. It applied this model to a dataset that included 4275 plant images that
were divided into 12 species. This method improved the efficiency and productivity
of plants. It achieved an average accuracy equals to 93%.
Table 7 presents a summary of training from scratch-based deep learning methods
used in plants diseases identification.

Table 7 Summary of training from scratch-based DL plant diseases detection

Author Dataset Plant Model Accuracy (%)
Milioto et al. [37] Private dataset Sugar beet CNN 89.2
Lu et al. [38] Private dataset Rice Deep CNN 95.48
Chen et al. [39] Private dataset Tea LeafNet algorithm 90.16
Nkemelu et al. [40] Private dataset Various plants Deep CNN 93
210 Y. M. Alsakar et al.

Transfer Learning-Based Detection

Transfer learning that is called Domain Adaptation, where the model is trained with a
dataset. Then, the same model is trained with any other dataset that has many various
classes distribution or even with multiple classes in the first using dataset. This model
builds on previous parameters and knowledge learned from data.
Ramcharan et al. [41] discussed a method for the identification of cassava plant
diseases. It trained a convolution neural network (CNN) model for cassava plant
diseases. It tested this model on 720 leaflets in the agriculture field. This method
evaluated the mobile CNN performance in realistic plant disease images using
multimetrics. This method achieved an average accuracy equals to 80.6%.
Chen et al. [42] proposed the architecture of deep learning called DENS-INCEP
for the classification of rice diseases. For transfer learning, the trained models on
ImageNet were combined, such as DenseNet and the Inception model. The top layers
were truncated using defining the latest fully connected SoftMax layer with the
classification’s practical number. Moreover, the focal loss function was used instead
of the original cross-entropy loss function. The DENS-INCEP enhanced the feature
extraction step and decreased the complexity time. This method achieved an average
accuracy equals to 98.63%.
Hussain1 et al. [43] presented a cucumber plant leaf disease identification method.
It depended on deep learning and made fusion and selecting the best features. It used
visual geometry group (VGG) and Inception V3 deep learning models for feature
extraction. Feature extracted were fused using the parallel maximum method. After
that, the best features were classified through the whale optimization algorithm. The
supervised learning algorithm was used for classification. This method was tested
on a private dataset and achieved an average accuracy equals to 96.5%.
Lee et al. [44] compared and examined the multiple transfer learning models’
performance of depended on various tasks. GoogleNet, VGG16 had 16 layers,
GoogLeNetBN with 34 layers, and InceptionV3 with 48 layers. This tested on
multiple plants in the Plantvillage dataset and achieved 99.09% (GoogLeNetBN),
99.00% (VGG16), 99.31% (Inception V3), and 99.35% (GoogLeNet).
Atila et al. [45] used a trained model to identify and classify plant diseases. The
deep learning model EfficientNet was presented for multiple plant diseases. The
PlantVillage was used for training models. 55,448 and 61,486 plant images were
tested using this model. This model achieved 99% accuracy and made accurate
Nandhini and Ashokkumar [46] presented mutation-based Henry gas solubility
optimization (MHGSO) method for hyperparameters optimization of the DenseNet-
121 architecture. It was used for computational complexity and CNN error rate reduc-
tion. The MHGSO was used to achieve higher accuracy in different plant diseases. It
tested its model in the PlantVillage dataset and achieved 98.7% for accuracy, 98.60%
for precision, and 98.75% for recall.
Table 8 presents a summary of transfer learning-based detection methods used in
plants diseases identification.
Plant Disease Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning … 211

Table 8 A summary of transfer learning-based detection of plant diseases detection

Author Dataset Plant Model Accuracy
Ramcharan Private dataset Cassava MobileNet 80.6%
et al. [41]
Chen et al. [42] Plantvillage Rice plant DENS-INCEP 98.63%
Hussain1 et al. Privately Cucumber VGG and Inception V3 96.5%
[43] collected
Lee et al. [44] Plantvillage Multiple VGG16, InceptionV3, 99.09
GoogLeNetBN with (GoogLeNetBN)
Transfer learning and 99.00% (VGG16)
training from scratch 99.31% (Inception
Atila et al. [45] Plantvillage Multiple EfficientNet 99%
Nandhini and Plantvillage Various DenseNet-121 98.7%
Ashokkumar plants architecture

4 Performance Evaluation Metrics

Many performance metrics are used for the evaluation of the architecture. This section
introduces the mathematical formulations used to compute these evaluation metrics.
A healthy plant hasn’t had many diseases, and an unhealthy has any plant disease.
TP is the true positive number that represents the correct identification of a healthy
plant, FP is the false positive number that represents the false identification of a
healthy plant. TN is the true negative number that represents the correct identification
of unhealthy plants, and FN is the false negative number that represents the false
identification of the unhealthy plant.
Some metrics are utilized for this evaluation, such as accuracy, precision, recall,
F1-score, mean square error (MSE), peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), structure
similarity index measure (SSIM), dice score (F1-Score), AuC-RoC, and IoU (Jaccard
• SSIM is used for images quality comparison. The larger the SSIM value, the
better classification and less error. The SSIM computed by Eq. 1.
2μx μ y + C1 + 2σx y + C2
SSIM(F, E) = 2 (1)
(μx + μ2y + C)(σx2 + σ y2 + C2 )

where μx , μy are the values of means and the σ x 2 , σ y 2 are the values of standard
deviation of x and y patches of pixels. σ xy is the covariance value of x and y
212 Y. M. Alsakar et al.

patches of pixels, and C1 = (k 1 L)2 and C2 = (k 2 L)2 are the small constant values
to prevent the instability. L is the dynamic range value of pixels, K 1 = 0.01 and
K 2 = 0.03.
• Mean Square Error (MSE): computes the squared error between the high- and
low-resolution images [47]. The lower the MSE, the higher the quality. The MSE
is computed mathematically using Eq. 2.

MSE = [F(i, j ) − E(i, j )]2 (2)
M N i=1 j=1

where the M × N is the image size, F(i, j) is the original image, and E(i, j) is the
enhanced image.
• Peak-Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR): computes the quality of images [47]. The
greater the PSNR, the higher the image quality. It is computed from the MSE
using Eq. 3.

PSNR = 20 log10 √ (3)

where MAXF is the maximum pixel value in an image and is 255 in case of gray-level image.

• Accuracy is computed for performance model measure [48, 49]. It is computed

using Eq. 4.

Accuracy = (4)
TP + FN + FP + TN
• Precision is computed by the TP ratio to total positives predicted by system [50].
It is calculated by Eq. 5.

Precision = (5)
• Sensitivity (Recall) indicates the ratio of TP to total positives [51]. It is computed
by Eq. 6.

Sensitivity = (6)
• Specificity is computed by the TN ratio to total negatives predicted by system
[52]. It is calculated by Eq. 7.

Specificity = (7)
Plant Disease Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning … 213

• Dice Score (F1-Score) is computed to measure quality of system [53]. It is

computed by Eq. 8.

2 ∗ TP
F1 - Score = (8)
2 ∗ TP + FN + FP
• AuC-RoC is calculated to measure the model performance for a dataset [54]. It
is computed by Eq. 9.

AuC = TPR ∗ d(FPR) (9)

• IoU (Jaccard Index) is used to determine the overlap between the predicted
output and target output [53]. It is computed by Eq. 10.

IoU = (10)
TP + FN + FP

5 Existing Challenges

Plant disease identification in leaves faces many challenges. Challenges resolving is

very important for plants diseases detection systems. Below, some existing challenges
are discussed in detail.
• Insufficient variety and size of dataset: There is a need for a large dataset for
better identification of plant diseases. Deep learning needs large datasets with
image variety [55]. Collecting the images of plant diseases from the field is
very expensive and demands agricultural expertise for precise plants diseases
• Image segmentation: Leaves image segmentation from complex backgrounds
is challenging, and problem issues for plants diseases identification [56]. The
leaf region segmentation can increase performance accuracy. Plants images with
multi-illegitimate parts cause difficulties and problems in disease identification.
• Similar symptoms diseases identification: Some plant diseases have similar
symptoms that even experts fail to identify by eye as one symptom may vary
because of crop development, weather condition, and geographic locations [56].
• Multiple plants diseases: Most models assume that there is one type of plant
disease in the image. In fact, there are many diseases that occur simultaneously
[6]. Therefore, we should keep in consideration that various plant diseases and
some nutritious may happen simultaneously.
214 Y. M. Alsakar et al.

• Plants leave images problems: There are many problems in plant images [57]
such as illumination, noise, and low contrast. When plant images are taken in
real-time conditions with crowded backgrounds, some background features are
like to area of interest, so this effect on identification system.

6 Conclusion

Plant diseases have a remarkable impact on agriculture and economics worldwide.

Therefore, a comprehensive review of existing research attempts on plant disease
detection and classification using AI-based techniques is required. This paper aims
to survey the recent research presented for identifying plant diseases using machine
learning and deep learning techniques. Although enormous research has been intro-
duced, some open challenges need to be addressed in the future, as summarized at
the end of this survey.
In the future, it is recommended to solve the problems faced by this plant’s disease
identification system. For the insufficient variety dataset, it is recommended to apply
a data augmentation technique that makes a variety of plants images and data sharing.
Also, the segmentation problems should be solved by applying other techniques for
accuracy enhancement. For similar symptoms of disease identification, it is recom-
mended to collect more plant images to increase the accuracy of the system used for
plants diseases identification. For multiple plant diseases, the multiclassifier should
be used to identify more than one disease in the image. Finally, for problems with
plant leaves images, it is recommended to use efficient algorithms for image quality
enhancement for higher classification accuracy.


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