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Temenos UXP

IRIS Integration User Guide

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IRIS Integration User Guide

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Audience ..................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.1 Online Help ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.1.2 Licensing and Technical Support ............................................................................................ 4
2. What is IRIS .......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 User Agent .................................................................................................................................. 4
3. Creating an IRIS Integration ................................................................................................................. 5
3.1 Design time ................................................................................................................................. 5
3.1.1 Import IRIS Wizard .................................................................................................................. 5
3.2 IRIS Integration Source ............................................................................................................ 11
3.3 OData ....................................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.1 Source Properties ................................................................................................................. 11
3.3.2 Data Group Properties .......................................................................................................... 11
4. IRIS Rules........................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 IRIS Rule Properties Response tab .......................................................................................... 13
4.1.1 ETags .................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.2 Count ..................................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Invoke IRIS Rule Properties ..................................................................................................... 14
4.2.1 ETag Support ........................................................................................................................ 14
4.2.2 Filter results ........................................................................................................................... 15
4.2.3 Apply Metadata on Data Items at Runtime ........................................................................... 15
5. Component Mappings ........................................................................................................................ 16
5.1 Passing Metadata ..................................................................................................................... 16
5.1.1 Call Component Rule ............................................................................................................ 17
5.1.2 Component Phase ................................................................................................................ 17
5.1.3 Component Item Group Properties ....................................................................................... 18

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IRIS Integration User Guide

Document History

Date Author Comments / Change Description

07/02/2017 Caroline Chavasse Initial draft using Rhonda’s version as a starting point

06/03/2017 Caroline Chavasse Incorporate review comments from Vlad Radu Beuran

04/07/2017 Caroline Chavasse 2108888 – count returned for some IRIS actions

27/02/2018 C.Chavasse 2469284 – move generate IRIS project wizard to Tools – Generate Project menu

25/04/2018 C.Chavasse 2467680 - Error handling and Override processing in Channels

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IRIS Integration User Guide

1. Introduction
1.1 Audience
This guide is designed for Temenos UXP users who are familiar with the Temenos UXP IDE and who
have experience of producing solutions with the tool. It will guide you through integrating with the IRIS
interaction framework provided by Temenos.

1.1.1 Online Help

The Temenos UXP Online Help provides a full reference guide for all the features of the tool and can be
used in conjunction with this guide. It is accessed via the Help item on the standard IDE toolbar or by
clicking the help icon on the standard button bar. The contents provide a list of all the major sections
within the help. The index provides an alphabetical list of all the topics in the help, which is searchable.
The search facility can be used to search for all topics related to a keyword you have entered.

1.1.2 Licensing and Technical Support

Prior to starting any development work described in this guide, it is assumed that the Temenos UXP
development tool has been set up correctly for your environment and that the IRIS integration
functionality is enabled. Product installation, setup and registration are described in the Installation Guide.
For technical support, please contact Temenos Product Support Portal at:
For more information about Temenos Customer support, please see:

2. What is IRIS
The Interaction Reporting and Information Services (IRIS) framework is designed to facilitate
communication between frontends and user agents, and back-office banking systems. It is designed to
provide information in a consistent format regardless of the back-office that originally stored the information.
IRIS has two types of metadata:
 Static metadata - describes ALL the entities that the IRIS server knows of and is accessed with
 Dynamic metadata - also known as T24FieldMetadata, cannot simply be accessed. It is either
Recovered with a POST containing the current data to the T24FieldMetadata service or Included
automatically in all data responses of a certain service.

2.1 User Agent

A User Agent knows the communication protocol used by IRIS and structures its layout to present the
resulting information in a logical and intuitive way. The data approved by IRIS contains metadata, which
 the information related to data types and constraints
 the possible values of a multiple choice control
 how the data is internationalized

A user agent understands the metadata and uses it to create a template. Temenos UXP is a user agent
framework that can communicate with IRIS. It produces a project (.ifp) file which is either a standalone
solution or a reusable component. This file contains a data model, integration mapping and structured
Phases that describe the layout of each ‘page’ that is presented to the end user. Temenos UXP treats
IRIS in a way similar to all other backend systems that can talk to it by using Java, XML or Web Services.

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IRIS Integration User Guide

3. Creating an IRIS Integration

There are two stages in creating an IRIS integration:

 Design time - generates the data model, integration and phase layouts in the .ifp files
 Runtime - invokes specific Integration Rules

3.1 Design time

You can generate the data model, integration and phases from the metadata provided by IRIS by using
the toolbar option:

Tools -> Generate Project -> from IRIS…

This will open the Import IRIS Wizard which allows you to create a project or component(s) based on the
definition held in an Entity Data Model eXtension (EDMX) file. The EDMX file describes the Data Schema
required to call the IRIS services.
Note that this option is only available when you are in an existing open project.

3.1.1 Import IRIS Wizard

1. Click Tools > Generate Project > from IRIS in the IDE toolbar
Opens Import IRIS Wizard.
2. Click Next
The IRIS model page is displayed.

 Select Create New Source

Use Existing Source can only be selected if you have already created an OData
source by previously using the IRIS Wizard. Note that an OData Source can be also
be added manually, however there is no “Interface” counterpart.
 Specify the EDMX file name you wish to use for the import
 Optionally specify authentication details
Note that an IRIS endpoint’s EDMX can be stored locally in order to generate projects from it offline. In
this scenario, no username/password is needed for the wizard to complete.
However, the correct username and password will be required to access the endpoint on the OData
source itself. Therefore, both the correct username and password must be specified in the wizard or, if
not, on the OData source itself in the Integration Editor
3. Click Next

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IRIS Integration User Guide

The Entity set page is displayed.

4. Select the entity sets you require to be used

5. Click Next
6. Select the Options you require
This will control what Temenos UXP entities are generated by the wizard. See below for an
explanation of the Generate as separate Rules Only Components option.

7. Click Next
 Enter the import name and optional comment
The import name will be used in this iteration of the wizard as:
o the OData source name
o a unique category name for Lists
o a unique category name for Data types
o a prefix for the OData type of data store element (either an item or group) in the OData

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8. Click Next
The Data Store Definitions page is displayed.
 Optionally enter the parent data group name.
If you do not specify the parent data group, the data items will automatically be added to the root
using the import name as the data group name.
 Optionally generate a new data group
Select this option if you want to specify a new data group which will contain the IRIS generated
data items. If you do not specify a new data group, they will be added to the parent group you
have specified above or to the root if no parent is specified using the import name as the data
group name.
 Automatically Process T24 Types
This option will create the appropriate data store structure for the import of multi-value and sub-
values types and automatically process the value position and sub-value position associated with
the types in the import IRIS rule.
9. Click Next
The Integration Definitions page is displayed. This allows you to define the values used to
connect to IRIS via an Integration source created by the wizard in the Integration Editor.

There are three options for the OData Engine to use:

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 IRIS with XML,

 IRIS with JSON,
 Custom + Custom OData Engine Class
Character encoding options are:
 UTF-8
 ISO-8859-1
 Custom encoding + text field including $$
10. Specify the required values
11. Click Next
The Rule Definitions page is displayed.
This page defines the settings for any generated Invoke IRIS rules. By default these options are all
 Process Metadata
 Map Errors to DI
Map any errors to the associated data item errorMessage() attribute.
 Store Count Value
If this option is chosen the location of the count is automatically defaulted to a generated
count data item.
12. Click Next
A summary of the items to be generated is displayed.

If you are happy with this the click Finish to continue, otherwise you may go back through the
wizard to alter any values.
Once the wizard has completed, you will see the generated items appear in the various editors of
the Temenos UXP IDE.
When a data model is re-imported, the importer wizard recognises and preserves any changes
made to previously generated data types.

8 C. Chavasse Channels
IRIS Integration User Guide Generate as Separate Rules Only Components

If this option is checked, a separate library project is generated for each entity. Each action selected for
that entity (e.g. new, input, validate, populate, etc.) is generated as a separate rules only component inside
the entity’s library project.

If this option is not checked, then the selected actions are generated within the current project instead of in
separate components.
Note: It is NOT necessary for an integration source and its model to exist before the generation action is
A generated rules only component stores and transmits data between IRIS and the component’s invoker. Not Separate Rules Only Components

Generating in the current project (i.e. not as rules only components) generates a Phase for each entity with
a button for each selected action (e.g. new, input, validate, populate, etc.). The phase displays the entities’
fields as questions.
An inline generated project stores, transmits and displays the IRIS data.

The project must be checked-out from Enterprise in order for changes to be made using the Import from
IRIS Wizard. If not, a notification is displayed that the project must be checked-out.

9 C. Chavasse Channels
IRIS Integration User Guide Generating links and populating them

When a user generates a project from IRIS, the project’s Data Store receives a data group called Links,
which is inside the entity’s model.
The Links data group is populated with the entity’s data only when an entity’s data is retrieved. However, if
the project is created with an older version of TemenosUXP the Links data group may not exist. In this
case, the user has to either delete the IRIS project and generate it again or manually create a data group
named Links, with the correct structure. Parse expanded links

When an entity is invoked, IRIS will also pass the data from its associated/included entities. The data
might be derived from several different sources e.g. T24, TAP, Wealth, etc.
The associated/included entities will be added to the data model in when using the “Generate Project
from IRIS” wizard when the “Generate Data Store items” option is checked.
The included entities are generally part of another standalone entity set published in the same IRIS war
file as the outer entity.
As the generation is not automatic, you will need to:
1. Identify whether or not a certain link is expanded (if the outer entity has been defined as having
an expanded link)
2. Identify which entity is the included entity.
3. Generate data store for the associated/included entity. This can either be in the same project or
4. Copy/paste or export/import a fragment of that part of the data store containing the model for the
included entity INSIDE the model of the “outer” entity.

The data will be passed from the associated/ included entity to the external entity only if the user explicitly
indicates this in the external entity’s RIM file. Instead of being referenced as a link (by default), an
associated entity will be included in the external entity’s response as an embedded link only if the user
explicitly alters the external entity’s RIM file.

Generating Custom Data Types

If Generate Custom Data Types is checked, UXP Custom data types are generated in the Type Editor:
 For all OData data types:
- Name = <OData data type name>
- Type = <mapped OData-UXP type>
e.g. Name = edmText, Type = Text.
 For a T24 semantic data type, a custom data type will be generated for each distinct
semantic type:
- Name = <Semantic Type Name>
- Type = <Relevant UXP OData custom data type>
e.g. Name = IN2A, Type = edmText.
This will enable users of the generated project to use these semantic custom data
types with designs for a type-specific look and feel.

T24 Types
If Automatically Process T24 Types is checked, when a structure field in the t24 field definitions is
encountered a data group is generated with:

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 OData tab property “Is T24 Structured Field?” = checked

 T24 Type tab, T24 Type = Multi Value or Sub Value (to match the type encountered).
This is set automatically depending on whether the OData Name ends with MvGroup or
Custom data types will be generated based on the T24 semantic data type name alone and will not
include any further information about the type e.g. validation parameter.

3.2 IRIS Integration Source

When the Import IRIS wizard is run, it will create an Integration source for connecting to IRIS in the
Integration Editor. An OData Source can be also be added manually, however it does not have an
“Interface” counterpart

3.3 OData
OData (Open Data Protocol) is an OASIS standard that defines a set of best practices for building and
consuming RESTful APIs. IRIS provides a REST API.

3.3.1 Source Properties IRIS with JSON – New Communication Protocol

The OData Engine supports a new protocol, IRIS with JSON, in OData Source Properties dialog ->
Connection tab.

Note: the project mechanism is the same, only the protocol is changed.

3.3.2 Data Group Properties IRIS data model visualizer

OData specific data items and groups have an OData tab in the properties dialog as shown below.

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If Is T24 Structure Field is checked, a new tab, T24 Type is displayed in which the T24 field type is

In a project where the OData specific data items exist, in the Quick Edit dialog, the user is able to select
the OData attributes view.

Quick Edit OData Specific Items

In the Quick Edit dialog, when the OData Attributes view is selected, the user is able to edit inline the
OData specific data items from within a group.
The details of the OData Attributes View can be seen in the Column View Details dialog by clicking the
pencil icon, as shown below.

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The OData Attributes View is read-only.

Note: The attributes shown in the OData Attributes view can also be used inside a user-created custom

4. IRIS Rules
4.1 IRIS Rule Properties Response tab
4.1.1 ETags
In the Response tab of the Invoke IRIS Rule properties dialog, an attribute called Etag Data Item is
displayed when a user selects the option Use a specific Data Item for the ETag Location.

An Etag data Item attribute is mandatory. The select button allows you to select a data item from Data Store

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IRIS Integration User Guide

4.1.2 Count
IRIS provides a count of the number of results returned by an enquiry for certain actions. You can choose
to make use of this count by checking the Store Count Value checkbox available on the Response tab.

This is available for the following actions:

 get
 list
 custom action
The stored location is selected from the drop down list displayed when this option is checked. It can be
the count item generated from the Import IRIS Wizard or a specified data item.
The Invoke IRIS Wizard will also include a count item when generating components to which it is

4.2 Invoke IRIS Rule Properties

4.2.1 ETag Support Etag Location Options

A drop down list of location options is available:
 Use a specific data item - every editable entity retrieved by that rule stores its ETag in a data item
 Automatically use the users session - every editable entity retrieved by that rule stores its ETag in
the current session. Note that in this case entities of the same type share this ETag storage space.

Therefore, if one A-typed entity, and then subsequently another are read, the first entity’s ETag
will be replaced by the second one’s ETag; only the second ETag will be stored in the current
Note: When an entity retrieves its ETag in a certain manner, subsequent IRIS rules that want to alter the
entity have to use the same method in their Request tab. For example:
 A Get Rule Recovers entity A by specifying in its Response tab, ‘Use a specific data item’, and
uses the data item ‘Etags.AEtag’.
 A Delete rule Deletes entity A by specifying in its Request tab, ‘Use a specific data item’, and uses
the data item ‘Etags.AEtag’

Example of using user session to store ETag

Assume that:
 InvokeIRISRule A reads entities from an entity set S1
 InvokeIRISRule B reads entities from an entity set S2
 InvokeIRISRule C reads entities from an entity set S2
Each of these rules has its own set of parameters, defined in their Properties dialogue.
The target data group for A and B/C are unlikely to be the same because the S1 and S2 entity sets are
likely to have different structure. However, the target data group for B and C could be identical and two
entities of type S2 could be read one after the other into the same location. This could occur either:

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 with the same rule (either B or C)

 by calling both rules in sequence
In this case, only data from the second entity will be stored.
If the target data group for B and C are not identical, you might assume that if the data doesn’t overlap in
the data store for B and C, neither will the ETag. However in this particular case, where B and C read
from the same entity set, if “Automatically use the user’s session” is set in both rules, then only the
second ETag will be stored in the current session.
If B and C have different ETag settings, no value overwriting will happen.

4.2.2 Filter results

The results from the Invoke IRIS can be filtered.
The Value Chooser has a category called ‘OData Utilities’ which includes two subcategories:
 Operators
 Functions

Note: When the user chooses to use a function inside the Filter String they are responsible for inserting the
parameters specific to their projects.
In the Invoke IRIS rule properties dialog, the Request tab includes attributes such as Top, Order by and

4.2.3 Apply Metadata on Data Items at Runtime

In the Invoke IRIS Rule, the Response tab includes an attribute called Process Metadata which is not
checked by default. When Process Metadata is checked, the metadata is stored on each data item in the
Dynamic Interaction Layer.

15 C. Chavasse Channels
IRIS Integration User Guide

 Process Metadata: allows metadata to be retrieved from T24 via IRIS.

5. Component Mappings
Component mappings enable the Dynamic Interaction (DI) values to be passed along with the data item's

At runtime, the metadata retrieved from T24 may need to be propagated across components in order for it
to be used. If the processing metadata option is selected, a component uses and transports data from
IRIS (based on its mappings). When an item is mapped, the user interface contains two checkboxes that
determine which direction metadata will be passed in at runtime.

Metadata for a specific data item will only be transmitted for mapped data items. In the example shown
below, metadata for C and D can be passed to and retrieved from the component. If C were not mapped
as OUT, metadata for C would only be passed to the component, not retrieved from it, even though the
“Retrieve DI from Component (OUT)” is checked.

5.1 Passing Metadata

The user can indicate that metadata is to be sent to the Component or sent to the Invoker using the
 Pass DI values to component (IN) - the metadata is sent to the component
 Retrieve DI values from component (OUT) - the component sends the metadata to the

All the DI values available for each for each data item are copied between components:
 All flags (read only, mandatory, not applicable)
 All messages (error, warning, info)

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 All dynamic lists (keys, values and groups).

Note that it is not possible to selectively copy specific DI values between components.
Any and all existing DI values on the target data item will be reset before any new DI values are passed
in/out e.g. if the target data item currently has a DI error message, but the source data item has none, the
target data item’s error message will be reset. This ensures that there will be no stale values remaining
on the target and additional reset rules will not be needed.
If a Component uses OData, these options are available in the following dialogs:

 Call Component Rule

 Add Component Phase
 Component Item Group Properties

5.1.1 Call Component Rule

In Call Component Rule, if the Component uses OData, two additional options are displayed in the
advanced tab as shown below.

5.1.2 Component Phase

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IRIS Integration User Guide

5.1.3 Component Item Group Properties

Note: Even if the Pass DI values to component (IN) and Retrieve DI values from Component (OUT)
attributes are checked, metadata transmission is done only for mapped data items.

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