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Nama : Agus Kardiansyah

NIM : 859178461

Prodi : PGSD

UPBJJ : Mataram

Tugas 3
A. Perhatikan denah berikut ini. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut
berdasarkan denah.
1. Is there any public hospital near here? Where is it? There is no public hospital nearby
based on the map.
2. Where is the National Bank of Indonesia? The National Bank of Indonesia is located
across from Yos Sudarso Street.
3. Where is Ramayana department store? The Ramayana department store is located to
the left of Yos Sudarso Street.
4. Excuse me. Is there any restaurant around here? Where is it? There is a restaurant
across the street from Yos Sudarso Street.
5. Can you tell me where the drug store, please? The drug store is located to the right of
Yos Sudarso Street.
6. Can you tell me the way to the railway station, please? The railway station is located
on Martadinata Street.

National Bank of Chinese Ramayana

Indonesia Restaurant
Jalan Yos Sudarso
-------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
Railway Drug Store Mar Public Hospital
Station ta
B. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut berdasarkan identitas Anda.

1. What is your hobby? My hobby is reading books.

2. When do you usually do your hobby? I usually do my hobby at night after work or on
3. What do you usually do on your spare time? In my spare time, I usually watch movies
or spend time with friends and family.
4. Do you do the activity very often? Yes, I do it very often.
5. How often do you do the activity on your spare time? I read books every day, especially
at night before going to bed.
6. Where do you usually go for recreation? I usually go to the park or a cozy coffee shop
to read books.

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