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SIT Internal

Lecture ICT 3204 Security

3 Analytics

Filtering, Normalization
and Correlation
SIT Internal

Review of Lecture 2 Contents

Apache web access log Column Description

1 Remote IP address
2 Identifier
3 User ID
○ - - [21/Aug/2005:04:31:13 -
0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 403 3931 "-" 4 Date and time of entry
"compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98" 5 Time zone
6 Type of request
7 URL and parameters
8 Protocol
9 HTTP status code
10 Size of data returned
SIT Internal

Review of Lecture 2 Contents

NetFlow log Column Description

1 Date
2 Time
○ 2017-02-24 04:54:54.917 42.682 UDP
3 Duration -> 2 58 1 4 Protocol
5 Source IP address:port
6 “->”
○ NetFlow log provides statistical
information useful for examining 7 Destination IP address:port
anomaly in TCP/IP traffic 8 Number of packets transmitted
9 Number of bytes transmitted
10 Number of aggregated flows
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Review of Lab 2 Contents

Cyber threat intelligence

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Lecture 3 Contents
○ Events of security interests
○ Log filtering
○ Data normalization
○ Event correlation
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Event Logs to Monitor

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Security Related Host Logs

○ Host logs produced by OS ○ Host intrusion detection and
components prevention
○ Detect and block various attacks

○ Various network services logs of network, operating system, and

○ Events recorded are related to
○ Logs of applications running on ○ Reconnaissance or probe detected
the system ○ Changes to executable files
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Windows Events to Monitor

○ Events about Windows Event ○ 1104(S): The security

Log service log is now full.
○ These events are recorded ○ 1105(S): Event log
to the Security event log, automatic backup.
regardless of the audit
policy ○ 1108(S): The event
○ 1100(S): The event logging service
logging service has encountered an error
shut down. while processing an
incoming event
○ 1102(S): The audit log published from %1
was cleared.

Events 1100 and 1102 may indicate malicious behaviors

of shutting down the Log Service or clearing Security
event log, to cover one’s activity
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Windows Events to Monitor

The list is not exhaustive

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Linux/Unix Events to Monitor

• Common items to search for in daily log reviews and forensics

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Web Server Events to Monitor

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OS logs
• Authentication

• Linux syslog, remote user authenticating with Secure Shell (SSH) daemon

• System startup, shutdown and reboot

• Linux syslog, system shutdown

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OS logs
• Service startup, shutdown and status change

• Solaris syslog, sendmail daemon starts up

• Service crash

• Linux syslog, FYP server shutting down involuntarily (due to a crash or a kill
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OS logs
• Miscellaneous status message

• Linux syslog of a time synchronization daemon (NTPD)

• OS logs are security relevant

• Useful for intrusion detection, and
• incident response
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Network daemon logs

• Connection established to the service

• Linux syslog, successful connection to a POP3 mail daemon by a remote user “anton”

• Connection to server failed

• Linux syslog shows a connection failure (due to access controls) to a telnet service
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Network daemon logs

• Connection was established, but access was not allowed

• Linux syslog message shows an unsuccessful connection to the Secure Shell

• Various failure messages

• Linux syslog message shows a failure of a sendmail daemon to continue

talking to a client (likely a spam program)
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Network daemon logs

• Various status messages

• Linux syslog message indicates a successful Email transfer

• Network daemons present the most common entryways into the

system remotely and many of the attacks are targeted against them
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• Dragon HIDS examples
• A Nessus vulnerability scanner probe is detected by watching the FTP log

• Insecure system reconfiguration or corruption

• Dragon HIDS host sensor shows a critical system file deletion alert
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• Authentication or authorization failed
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Security related network logs

○ Network logs generated by network infrastructure
○ By routers and switches
○ NIDS, firewalls

○ Network infrastructure logs

○ Logins and logouts
○ Connection established to the service
○ Bytes transferred in and out
○ Reboots
○ Configuration changes
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Network Device Logs to Monitor

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SIT Internal

Accuracy Integrity Confidence

Concerns on free from defects

or misleading
free from
Priority or
log data information alternation

Sanitization Normalization Time

Remove or replace translate to a Challenges with
the attributes to well-known log time
be cleaned event format synchronization
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Accuracy of data
• Data discrepancy caused by

• Data decay (not updated data)

• Human errors and System errors

• Errors in recording data (Sensor data)
• Missing data
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Integrity of log data

○ Authenticate client and server, encrypt data
○ Send data in clear, but use dedicated network
○ Digital signature
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Confidence of log data

○ Take input from many disjoint areas, and deriving a more mature and
accurate fact from the set of all inputs
○ Reduce false positives, e.g.
○ IDS to consult a vulnerability database
○ IDS to implement a policy scheme whereby user and group profiles are
used to create acceptable network usage of individuals
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Sanitization of log data

○ Sanitized log data are extracted and placed into a secure file, can be
reconstructed at some later point

○ Remove redundant variables

○ Dependency between attributes
○ Handle missing values
○ Handle outliers
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Normalization of log data

• Inconsistent data representations or • Most logs are written to be readable

use of codes by different vendors by humans, not computers
• E.g., timestamp • Break down log messages into a
normalized format
• Make consistent types
• IP address

• ISO 8601 standard

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Time synchronization
○ Challenges with time synchronization
○ dead battery or other hardware failure
○ which time zone?
○ NTP clock drift causes time deviations at the order of seconds
○ syslog forwarder mystery: his time vs. my time
○ log lag
○ 5:17, AM or PM?
SIT Internal

Data Quality
• Data have quality if they satisfy the
• Accuracy - Errors
• Completeness – Missing values
• Consistency – Huge deviation
• Timeliness - Updated
• Believability – Trust in the data
• Interpretability – Ease to understand
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SIT Internal

Data Cleaning - Why

• Real-world data tend to be
• Dirty, incomplete, and inconsistent

• Data pre-processing techniques can

• improve data quality
• improve the accuracy of analysis, and
• efficiency of the subsequent process
SIT Internal

Data Cleaning
• Data filtering
• Irrelevant data fields
• Duplicated data entries, could be from different sources
• Redundant data that is heavily dependent and can be derived from other data,
e.g., collinearity between data, DoB and Age

• Data normalization and reformatting

• Break down known log message into a normalized format, e.g., inconsistent
representation between data sources
• Reformatting e.g., .pcap (for Wireshark) to csv (for Splunk)

• Handling data discrepancy

• Noise, outliers
• Missing values
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Filtering &
Raw logs Correlation

Basic flow for filtering

and correlation
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Filtering &
Raw logs Correlation

○ Filtering
○ Take in raw log data, determine whether to keep it
○ Normalization
○ Take the raw log, map its various elements to a common
○ Event – a normalized log message

○ Correlation
○ Normalized log data is input to correlation
○ Match a single normalized piece of data, or a series of
data, for the purpose of taking an action
SIT Internal

Filtering – Artificial Ignorance

• Take the things you know about, place them in an ignore file so you
can exclude things you know about.

• It is important to err on the side of keeping more data than filtering it

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Filtering – Artificial Ignorance

Unix shell commands

cd /var/log
cat * | \
sed –e ‘s/^.*demo//’ –e ‘s/\[[0-9]*\]//’ | \
sort | uniq –c | \
sort –r –n > /tmp/xx
The “demo” string is the name of the system on which the commands are running.
The idea is to strip this and the preceding timestamps in the log messages so we can reduce the
variability in the log data.
SIT Internal

Filtering – Artificial Ignorance

297 cron: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/at)
167 sendmail: alias database /etc/aliases.db out of date
120 ftpd: PORT
61 lpd: restarted
48 kernel: wdpi0: transfer size=2048 intr cmd DRQ

The number preceding the log message shows how many times the log message was seen in log
SIT Internal

Filtering – Common and Useful Fields

Category Timestamps
Source IP Source port • E.g., login.success •Time generated
Destination IP Destination Port •Time received

User Information Priority

•E.g., username, •Low, medium, high Raw Log
SIT Internal

Filtering – Removing Redundancy

• Can be derived from another attribute

• Use domain expertise

• Find the correlation between two attributes

• How does manipulating one attribute affect
the other

• Regression
• Best line to fit two attributes
• Equation
• Use one attribute to predict other
SIT Internal

Filtering – Removing Redundancy

• Example: Is there a relation between risk and reliability for

a process
• Use domain expertise
• To understand whether the question is sensible

• Find the correlation between risk and reliability

• Use statistics association

• Regression
• Take half of the dataset to
• Model an equation
• Validate the equation using other half of data set
• Predict risk from reliability and/or vice-versa
SIT Internal

○ Parse the log messages that you would like to keep for piece apart
components to turn them into a common format.

○ Timestamps, IP addresses, etc

○ Translate (error) code into category
○ Vendor provides “ID = 6856” in the log message,
○ Transform it to Login Failure, as per defined by the vendor.
SIT Internal

Normalization - Steps
1. Get documentation for products you are using.
2. Read the documentation for descriptions of what the raw log data looks
like and what each field is.
3. Come up with the proper parsing expression to normalize the data.
○ Most log analysis systems utilize a regular expression
implementation to parse the data.
4. Test the parsing logic on sample raw log data.
5. Deploy the parsing logic.
SIT Internal

Identify values of the event

fields of the above Dragon
NIDS message
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Identify event fields (cont’d)

Some data is added when the

message is collected by the log
analysis solution
SIT Internal

Detecting Discrepancy
• Detect discrepancy
• Knowledge of metadata – Domain expertise
• Understanding data types and attributes

• Statistical data description

• Descriptive
• Symmetry and Skewness

• Outliers
• Standard deviation from mean
SIT Internal

Handling Missing Data

• Handle missing data VERY CAREFULLY
• Loads of data are missing
• Analysis is not possible
• Corrupt data

• Use a measure of central tendency for the attribute

• Normal and Symmetric distribution
• Mean can be used
• Other distribution
• Use probability

• Use the most probable value to fill in the missing value

• Regression equation
• Formal methods
• Decision tree
SIT Internal

Outlier Detection
• Quantitative data
• Descriptive statistics
• Standard deviation, Box plots
• Regression

• Example: Data consisting of probability of a

collection of emails to be spam
• Calculate descriptive statistics
• Draw boxplot
• Do a regression
• Find the points which deviate from the mean
SIT Internal

Outlier Detection
• Qualitative data
• Calculate similarity and correlation
• Use clustering methods
• Find the ones which cannot be
assigned to a cluster

• Example – Examine the requests send from a

specific region
• Find all the geo-codes for the location
• Cluster based on regions
• Eliminate the requests that do not
belong to a cluster
SIT Internal

Handling outliers

Attempt #1: Take the log of every value

A very long tail

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Handling outliers

Attempt #2: Clipping feature values

Take the log of every value

A very long tail
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Scaling feature values

○ Convert floating-point feature values from their
natural range (e.g., 100 to 900) into a standard range
(e.g., 0 to 1 or -1 to +1)

○ Benefits of feature scaling

○ Helps gradient descent converge more quickly
○ Helps the model learn appropriate weights for
each feature
○ Avoid paying too much attention to the
features having a wider range
SIT Internal

• on Lecture-2 contents • Open on

your web browser
• 3 MCQs • Key in the Class code that
appears in the top right-hand
corner of the presentation
• Type in your student ID and join
SIT Internal

Event Correlation
SIT Internal

Correlation makes a
difference between:
○ “14:10 7/4/20110 User Roberts Successful Authenticate to from”


○ “An Account belonging to Marketing connected to an Engineering

System from an office desktop, on a day when nobody should be in the
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○ Correlation is the process of matching similar or dissimilar

events from systems (hosts, network devices, security controls,
○ Events from different sources can be combined and
compared against each other to identify patterns of behaviour
invisible to individual devices
○ They can also be matched against the information specific to
your business
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○ Reduce false positives
○ E.g. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to consult a vulnerability

○ Increase confidence in Priority or Severity

○ Take input from many disjoint areas, and deriving a more mature
and accurate fact from the set of all inputs
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Basic forms of correlation
○ Rule based
○ Statistical

○ Correlate among logged events only (Micro correlation)

○ Correlate with other data sources (Macro correlation)
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○ Normalization of raw event data is crucial to effectively perform atomic
○ Keeping normalized logs in a database table supports database style
○ Show [All Logs] From [All Devices] from the [last two weeks], where
the [username] is [Roberts]
○ Just as with any database, event normalization allows the creation of
summarization reports
○ Which User Accounts have accessed the highest number of distinct
hosts in the last month?
SIT Internal

Rule Correlation
○ Correlate events by behavioural rules
○ Requires stateful rule engine
○ Pseudocode for reconnaissance attempts followed by a
firewall policy violation
○ If the system sees an event E1 where E1.eventType = portscan
○ followed by an event E2 where E2.srcip = E1.srcip and E2.dstip =
E1.dstip and E2.eventType = firewall.reject
○ then do something (Email, alert, etc.)
○ E1 is detected by IDS, E2 by a firewall that implicitly rejects
○ “Followed by” doesn’t mean follow immediately
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Rule Correlation
○ Functionalities required for rule correlation
○ Stateful behaviour
○ Counting
○ Timeout: e.g. default age-out period of five mins
○ Rule reuse: e.g. reuse components of conditional
○ Priorities: dictate the order of rules to be performed
○ Language for specifying rules, e.g. XML, Lisp
○ Action: e.g. write to text files, create help desk tickets
SIT Internal

Micro-Level Correlation
○ Correlate fields within a single event or set of events
○ Source IP
○ Destination IP
○ Time
○ …
○ Match fields between events, across time periods, across devices
○ E.g. If a single host fails to log in to three separate servers using the
same credentials, within a 6-second time window, raise an alert.
SIT Internal

Macro-level Correlation
○ Pull in other sources of information, fusion correlation
○ E.g. compare vulnerability scan data with event data
○ Make reference to the Contextual data
○ E.g. user role on a particular system
○ Pull user information from an LDAP server or Active Directory server.
○ Contextual data can be input to rule correlation
SIT Internal

Environment contextual data

○ E.g. based on your company’s holiday schedule, raise an alert when
internal resources are accessed when everyone is at home.
○ Common environment triggers
○ Vacation schedules, Business hours, Holiday schedule
○ Access rights to internal resources
○ Repeating network events, e.g. vulnerability scans
○ Scheduled backups of systems, data stores
○ Maintenance schedule, e.g. router configuration changes and
reboots, OS patching
SIT Internal

Correlation Patterns

Micro-Level Macro-Level

Source IP Destination IP Time correlation Anti-port Geographic location Vulnerability

correlation correlation correlation correlation correlation

Interleaving Port correlation Watch list

address correlation correlation
SIT Internal

Source IP correlation
○ Sort a chunk of network connection data by the source IP
○ For analyst to visualize what the system is up to

○ Multiple related IPs working together

○ E.g. raise an alarm if one IP address connect to more than five of your
systems in an instance
○ What if attacker uses three or four systems on a subnet?
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Source IP correlation
- case study
○ BlackIce log (host IDS)
○ Arrival Time: Apr 4, 2000 20:49:31.0479
○ Version: 4
○ Header length: 20 bytes
○ Total length: 60
○ Identification: 0x5434
○ Source: (
○ Destination: MY.NET.70.234 (MY.NET.70.234)
○ Transmission Control Protocol, Src port: 3611 (3611), Dst port: 53 (53)
○ Source host has been detected probing the system with
BlackIce on destination port TCP 53 or DNS
SIT Internal

Source IP correlation
- case study (cont’d)
○ Snort records on
○ 04/04-20:42:57.484472 -> MY.NET.1.0:53
○ 04/04-20:42:57.485577 -> MY.NET.1.6:53
○ 04/04-20:42:57.485655 MY.NET.1.3:53 ->
○ … (lots of records deleted)
○ 04/04-21:02:43.801043 -> MY.NET.254.169:53
○ 04/04-21:02:44.795187 -> MY.NET.254.203:53
○ 04/04-21:02:44.796316 -> MY.NET.254.205:53

○ A network wide probe attempt

○ Because some systems have replied, the severity scale is fairly high
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Destination IP correlation
○ Target based analysis
○ Sort by destination IP to locate systems that have become servers
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Time correlation
○ Sorting by the time field and using the source IP as the second sort key
can merge files from more than one source to examine the network
activity that spans multiple sites

○ Sorting event fields in various ways helps us find the relations that might
otherwise remain hidden
SIT Internal

Interleaving addresses correlation

○ A technique commonly used by attackers to appear going low and slow
without actually slowing down
○ Probe or recon software often runs against multiple networks
○ Round robin scan hosts from multiple address blocks

○ We need multiple sensors to detect it

○ Report any detects to your CIRT, share detects to other organizations
SIT Internal

Port correlation
○ Interested when IDS detects activity targeting your Web server
○ Look for events having 80 or 443 as the destination port

○ Concerned about unwanted access attempts to a particular server

○ Event types, e.g. accept, drop from firewall events
○ Correlate events which have an event type of drop and a destination IP
address of the server
SIT Internal

Anti-port correlation
○ Use open port information along with firewall data to detect attacks in
the slow or low category.
○ Nmap can be used to track open ports on your systems
○ Pseudocode
○ if (event E1.dstport != (known_open_ports on event E1.dstip))
○ Then doSomething
○ It helps to detect worm
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Geographic location correlation

○ Website has tools that you can use to query on IP addresses and
networks, especially contact information.
○ Plot attacks on a map based on this information helps to track down evil
SIT Internal

Geographic location correlation

– case study
Enrich Web Server Log with Company Specific Information

○ Scenario: Public-facing company site catered for staff usage.

○ Data sources
○ Web server log
○ Data enrichment using company specific information
○ Country
○ Baseline
○ Blacklisted IP
○ Advantages of the macro correlation
○ Analyze the geographic distribution of authorized, unauthorized Web
access or access from black-listed source IP addresses
SIT Internal

Geographic location
correlation – case study
Apache access log has records of access which can be used to pinpoint and
○ Location
○ Time
○ Type of request of client
○ Type of response of server

E.g., - - [21/Aug/2005:04:31:13 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 403 3931 "-"
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)"
SIT Internal

Geographic location correlation – case

Records and information that are • Sample data
relatable to the company • List of Blacklisted IP Address
• Country – List of countries the,
company is located at • List of countries the company
operates in
• Baseline – Usual day to day CN, RU, US, BR
operations give a usual pattern and
• Company access frequency
trend, which is used as a baseline baseline
to detect anything abnormal

• Blacklisted IPs – From IP reputation

sites such as AlienVault, and from
results of previous analysis
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Geographical view of access after correlation

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Vulnerability correlation
○ Vulnerability scanners provide information on vulnerable host
○ Hostname or IP address, vulnerable service or port: e.g. Sendmail port
○ Remediation steps, e.g. Patch version of Sendmail
○ Combine vulnerability scan data with real-time event data
○ IDS reports a range of ports are scanned across several hosts
○ Verify whether the ports are active and vulnerable
SIT Internal

Vulnerability correlation
• Reduce noise by reporting based upon high value systems or asset
• Add context of target operating system
• Add knowledge of vulnerabilities
• Rules
• Target Vulnerable to Detected Exploit
• Vulnerable to Detected Exploit on Different Port
• Vulnerable to Different Exploit than Detected on Attacked Port
SIT Internal

Vulnerability Correlation - example

• AlienVault Vulnerability
Scanner detected the
“IIS remote command
vulnerability on the

• and AlienVault IDS

detected an attack
exploiting that
vulnerability on the
same server

IIS remote command execution

SIT Internal

Watch list correlation

○ Place the source of an attack on a watch list
○ External intelligence e.g. Dshield has a list of top
attackers that you can place on the watch list
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Lecture 3 Summary

○ Events of security interests

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Lecture 3 Summary

Filtering &
Raw logs Correlation

○ Data filtering
○ Irrelevant data fields
○ Duplicated data entries, could be from different sources
○ Redundant data that is heavily dependent and can be derived from other data,
e.g., collinearity between data, DoB and Age

○ Data normalization and reformatting

○ Break down known log message into a normalized format, e.g., inconsistent
representation between data sources
○ Reformatting e.g., .pcap (for Wireshark) to csv (for Splunk)

○ Handling data discrepancy

○ Noise, outliers
○ Missing values
SIT Internal

Lecture 3 Summary
Correlation Patterns
Micro-Level Macro-Level

Source IP Destination IP Time Anti-port Geographic Vulnerability

correlation correlation correlation correlation location correlation

Interleaving Port Watch list

address correlation correlation
SIT Internal

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