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Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000
Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000
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Transportation Research Procedia 40 (2019) 113–118

13th International Scientific Conference on Sustainable, Modern and Safe Transport

International Scientific
2019), HighConference on Sustainable,
Tatras, Novy Smokovec –Modern and Safe
Grand Hotel Transport
(TRANSCOM 2019),Slovak High Tatras, Novy Smokovec
Republic, May 29-31, 2019– Grand Hotel Bellevue,
Slovak Republic, May 29-31, 2019
Quality management systems in special processes
Quality management systems
in special
Robert Ulewicza*, František Novýb
Robert Ulewicz *, František Nový
Czestochowa University of Technology, Department of Production Engineering and Safety, Armii Krajowej 19B, 42-201 Czestochowa, Poland
a b
Czestochowa University of Zilina,
of Technology, Department
Department of MaterialsEngineering
of Production Engineering, Univerzitná
and 1, 010
Safety, Armii 26 Žilina,
Krajowej 19B,Slovakia
42-201 Czestochowa, Poland
University of Zilina, Department of Materials Engineering, Univerzitná 1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia

The paper presents the method of special process supervision concerning semi-trailer structures welding by the quality management
The paperimplementation
systems presents the method of special process
and application supervision
of criteria concerning
paradigm. Specialsemi-trailer
processes structures welding
supervision by the
consists quality management
of activities leading to
systems implementation
obtaining andthat
a finished product application of criteria
meets certain qualityparadigm.
conditions.Special processes
The paper presentssupervision consists
examples of appliedofsolutions
leading to
on the
quality management
obtaining throughthat
a finished product manufacturing
meets certainprocesses management
quality conditions. with special
The paper presentsemphasis
examplesonof special
applied processes resulting
solutions based in
on the
quality management
obtaining through
a product that manufacturing
fulfil customer processes management with special emphasis on special processes resulting in
obtaining a product that fulfil customer requirements.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2019 The Authors.
Peer-review Published byof
under responsibility Elsevier B.V. committee of the 13th International Scientific Conference on Sustainable,
the scientific
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 13th International Scientific Conference on Sustainable,
Modern under responsibility of the
Modern and Safe Transport (TRANSCOM2019).
and Safe Transport (TRANSCOM scientific
2019).committee of the 13th International Scientific Conference on Sustainable,
Modern and Safe Transport (TRANSCOM 2019).
Keywords: quality management; special processes; welding; semi-trailer
Keywords: quality management; special processes; welding; semi-trailer

1. Introduction
1. Introduction
The necessity to make connections of the elements of a car semi-trailer results from the obvious inability to perform
as aThe necessity
monolith. Theto reasons
make connections of theof
for the division elements of a carinto
a semi-trailer semi-trailer
elementsresults from the
are, among obvious
others: theirinability to perform
performance from
as a monolith. The reasons for the division of a semi-trailer into elements are, among others: their performance
various materials due to the operating conditions, performance of various tasks in the functioning process of semi- from
various materials due to the operating conditions, performance of various tasks in the functioning process
trailer construction, compensation of relative deformations and displacements resulting from load variability Ulewicz of semi-
et construction,
al. (2017). There compensation of relative
are also limitations in thedeformations and displacements
production process regarding theresulting
and variability Ulewicz
shape of the semi-
et al. (2017). There are also limitations in the production process regarding the weight, sizes and shape of the semi-

* Corresponding author. Tel.:+48-601-541-609

* E-mail address:author.
E-mail address:
2352-1465 © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
2352-1465 responsibility
2018 The of the scientific
Authors. Published committee
by Elsevier B.V. of the 13th International Scientific Conference on Sustainable, Moder n and
Safe Transport
Peer-review (TRANSCOM
under 2019).
responsibility of the scientific committee of the 13th International Scientific Conference on Sustainable, Moder n and
Safe Transport (TRANSCOM 2019).

2352-1465  2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 13th International Scientific Conference on Sustainable, Modern and
Safe Transport (TRANSCOM 2019).
114 Robert Ulewicz et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 40 (2019) 113–118
2 Ulewicz and Novy / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000

trailer elements. The method of connecting the elements depends mainly on the requirements placed in front of the
combined elements and functions of this connection (load transfer, ensuring tightness, assembly and disassembly
necessity). That is why it is so important to provide high quality to the welded joints Belan (2008). The quality of a
welded joint is influenced by many factors, in addition to the technologies used, process parameters, materials also the
quality is affected by the qualification of the welder Selejdak (2013). Therefore, we classify the welding process as a
special process.

2. Quality systems in welding

The specification of quality requirements for welding processes is important because the quality of these processes
can not be easily verified. Therefore, they are treated as special processes. The quality can not be checked in the
product but it should be created with it. Even full and highly developed non-destructive testing does not improve the
quality of the product Hanus et al. (2014), Pietraszek (2014).
For products that should be free of major production and handling problems, it is necessary to provide supervision
from the design phase, through material selection to manufacturing and subsequent testing Stefko et al.(2012), Ulewicz
(2018). ISO 3834 identifies measures that are appropriate for different situations Rachwał (2015), Mohyla et al. (2017).
Choosing the right quality level of quality requirements according to ISO 3834 can be used in different situations.
It is recommended that the manufacturer choose one of three parts that set different levels of quality requirements,
based on the following criteria related to the product:

• the scope and importance of safety-critical products;

• production complexity;
• the range of manufactured products;
• the range of different materials used;
• the degree to which metallurgical problems may occur;
• the degree to which production incompatibilities, e.g. non-straightness, deformation or incompability of the weld,
affect the performance of the product.

For manufacturers of structures, for which the main process is a welding process, an important supplement to the
requirements of the ISO 9001 standard are the requirements of one of the ISO 3834 standard sheets, in which the
principles of quality assurance in the special process of welding are precisely defined Mazur (2017). Depending on
the degree of performance difficulty and the use of a welded structure, the manufacturer must meet the requirements
of one of the sheets of ISO 3834. Sheet 2 of this standard describes the full, or highest, quality assurance requirements
in the welding process (Fig.1).

Fig. 1. The general scheme of the impact of ISO 9001 and ISO 3834-2 in the implementation of the weldment, where the main process is the
welding process.
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The general scheme of the impact of ISO 9001 and ISO 3834-2 in the implementation of the weldment, where the
main process is the welding process. The elements to be considered for complementing ISO 3834 to the quality
management system were shown in the Table 1.

Table 1. Elements to be considered for complementing ISO 3834 to the quality management system
no Element ISO 3834-2 ISO 3834-3 ISO 3834-4
1 Review of requirements required review
2 Technical review the record is required the record may be required the record is not required
3 Subcontractor the record is required required review
the record is required the record may be required the record is not required
4 Welders and welding operators qualification is required
5 Welding supervision staff required no special requirements
6 Inspection and testing staff qualifications are required
7 Equipment for production and testing suitable and available, as required, for the preparation, execution of the process, testing,
transport, lifting in combination with safety equipment and protective clothing
8 Equipment inspections required maintenance, review and achievement of no special requirements
production capacity
required plans and records records are recommended no special requirements
9 Hardware description required list no special requirements
10 Production planning required no special requirements
documented plans and documented plans and
records are required records are recommended
11 Technological instructions for required no special requirements
12 Qualification of welding technology required no special requirements
13 Examination of batch of additional if required no special requirements
14 Storage and handling of additional the required procedure in accordance with the supplier's according to the
materials for welding recommendations supplier's
15 Storage of basic materials required protection against environmental influences; the no special requirements
marking should be kept during storage
16 Heat treatment after welding confirmation that the requirements according to the product no special requirements
standard or specification are met

17 Inspection and testing before, during required if required

and after welding
18 Incompatibilities and corrective control measurements should be used for repair procedures control measurements
actions and / or corrections are required should be used
19 Calibration and validation of the required if required no special requirements
equipment for measurement,
inspection and testing
20 Identification during the process if required no special requirements
21 Traceability if required no special requirements
22 Quality records if required
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3. Influence of welder qualifications on weld quality

Important factor affecting quality of final product apart from material resources that is material, machines and
devices technology are non material resources. Influence of non material factors on quality of production and service
processes is being studied by Borkowski in research project under frame name BOST. Researches results are presented
in works Borkowski et al. (2014). In researches was carried out correlation analysis of quality of performed weld and
quality of employee qualifications. In order to compare quality of weld and qualifications there was applied qualitative
universal scale of relative states Kolman (1992). Qualitative universal scale of relative states is introduced at Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Universal uni scale of relative states

In order to determine the status of the weld quality, the most frequently occurring non-conformities were defined.
The quality of the weld is of great importance for the durability of the trailer construction. The identified
inconsistencies in the annual ranking include:

• flooding: name of welding incompatibility, when the furrow is not completely filled along the edge of the
welding bead,
• incomplete melting: a condition in which the welded surfaces did not melt well enough with each other,
• incomplete penetration: a condition where there is insufficient distance between the surface of the metal and the
bottom of the welded area,
• overlap: a condition where the edge of the bead has not been bonded to the basic metal (often occurs when
welding a T-shaped joint),
• convex welding stitch: the fragment of the rounding has a swollen surface of the bead,
• concave welding stitch: the fragment of the fillet has the indented surface of the welding bead,
• the occurrence of blisters, cavities, etc.

The quantification of the weld non-compliance level was based on the Pareto-Lorenzo diagram. The quality
requirements are the technical documents and contract for execution Lipiński et al. (2015), Lisiecka et al. (2018),
Maszke (2017). The requirements include the limits of acceptable deviations of the considered values from the nominal
Robert Ulewicz et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 40 (2019) 113–118 117
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The welds of one of the critical load-bearing elements of a semi-trailer for production covering a period of three
months were tested. The research analyzed the production performed by three welders with various professional
experience. A unified universal scale of relative states was used to determine the numerical value of quality
qualification. The assessment of the qualification included the following factors, possessed welder's qualifications,
professional practice, completed training, and seniority in the factory producing trailers.
Figure 3 presents the determined correlation between the quality of qualifications of three welders and the quality
of the connection of a welded structural element of a semi-trailer.

Fig. 3. Correlation between quality of welder qualifications and quality of qualifications: 1) welder half-yearly practice, 2) welder with yearly
practice, 3) qualified welder.

4. Conclusion

Meeting the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 3834, ISO / TR 3834-6 standards gives the possibility of appropriate
management in the organization and defines welding requirements that will allow to ensure the quality of the welding
process. In many cases, without implemented a quality assurance system in the welding process, it is difficult to
function on the market as a reliable partner, in particular when producing semi-trailers which operation may cause
imminent danger.
Properly developed procedures and instructions allow for better supervision over suppliers, facilitate resource
management, allow to ensure compliance with customer requirements and to supervise the quality of the product,
which further reduces production costs. In many targeted organizations, there is purposeful the integration of quality
management systems in welding with other standardized management systems, as well as the inclusion of intangible
factors in the form of monitoring and assessment of the impact of welders' qualifications on the final quality of the
product. In summary, the development of welding technology instructions creates the necessary foundations, but does
not ensure that the welds performed in accordance with them meet the requirements set for them only the quality
management system gives the opportunity to ensure high quality in special processes.
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