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Gomez, Vian Madeline P.

UCSP WW# 1: Becoming Members of Society


1. What is conformity?
Conformity is a social phenomenon that exhibits in individuals that make them align
their behavior, beliefs, and attitudes to a group who is the majority or the whole of
society. This tendency of adapting to other people's actions is usually caused by societal
pressure from other people thinking the person would be an outcast otherwise or it can
be an unconscious influence from a friend group you spend time with.

2. Give examples of situations that show conformity.

One situation that shows conformity is saying that you agree with other people in your
social group just because everyone else agrees with them. Someone may say they hate
a certain artist and the rest of the group agrees, you are more inclined to say you hate
the artist too even though you barely know this artist and have little knowledge to
accurately judge their character. Another situation could be following and staying
updated on social media trends. If a majority of people buy a product that is considered
trendy at that time, you will be more inclined to do the same and buy the product as well
to share the experience of purchasing it with other people.

3. What is deviance?
Deviance is the act of an individual who is going against the standards of behavior,
beliefs, and attitudes set by society. A socially defiant person does not meet or does not
want to meet the expectations that are considered acceptable behavior.

4. Give examples of situations that show deviance.

One situation that shows deviance is speaking loudly inside theaters while others are
watching the movie. The acceptable behavior society expects in a theater is for a person
to be quiet so as to not disturb other viewers, a person being loud in this setting will
cause a disturbance and is frowned upon by society. Another situation could be dressing
against gender norms. Men are expected to dress more masculine and a man who
chooses to wear dresses or skirts is an act of deviance, the individual does not conform
to society and wishes to express themselves without shame.

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