Argumentative Essay - Brainda and Maulana

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Name/SID: MaulanaTito/ 225110507111016

Name/SID: Brainda Sephine/225110501111036

Smartphones and Young Learners: A Balance Needed

Explanation of the Smartphones have become an integral part of daily life, and
issue their use among children is increasingly common.

Thesis Statement While smartphones can offer educational benefits, their extreme
use can have negative effects on young learners.
argument 1 Smartphones can enhance the learning experience by providing
interactive and engaging educational content

Rebuttal to
argument 1 While smartphones can offer interactive content, excessive use can
lead to decreased attention span and negatively impact learning

Reasons and
evidence Studies have shown that excessive smartphone use can lead to
decreased attention span and negatively impact learning outcomes
(Junco & Cotton, 2012; Hawi & Samaha, 2016; Lee et al., 2015)

argument 2 Smartphones can facilitate social interaction among young learners,
enabling them to connect with peers and teachers more easily

Rebuttal to
argument 2 While smartphones can facilitate social interaction, extreme use
can lead to decreased face-to-face interaction and negatively
impact social skills

Reasons and
evidence Research has shown that excessive smartphone use can lead to
decreased face-to-face interaction and negatively impact social
skills (Cho & Lee, 2017; Bluestein & Kim, 2017)
Opposing Smartphones provide access to educational resources, such as
argument 3 educational apps and online courses, which can enhance learning

Rebuttal to
argument 3 While smartphones can provide access to educational resources,
excessive use can lead to decreased attention span and negatively
impact learning outcomes

Reasons and
evidence Studies have shown that excessive smartphone use can lead to
decreased attention span and negatively impact learning outcomes
(Junco & Cotton, 2012; Hawi & Samaha, 2016; Lee et al., 2015)

Concluding point
While smartphones can offer educational benefits, their extreme
use can have negative effects on young learners, and parents and
educators must take steps to ensure responsible use

Own point of view Smartphones can be both a blessing and a curse for kids. On one
hand, they can be a valuable tool for learning and staying
connected with family and friends. On the other hand, excessive
use can lead to addiction, decreased social skills, and negative
impacts on physical health
ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY (Point-by-Point Pattern)

Smartphones and Young Learners: A Balance Needed

During the 2021 survey, it was found that 31 percent of responding 8-year-olds owned a
smartphone, up from only 11 percent in 2015. This data shows us that smartphones have
become an integral part of our daily lives. Use of smartphone for young learners have been a
great debate between people. While smartphone offer numerous benefits, such as access to
educational resources and online learning platforms, I strongly believe that their excessive use
can have negative effects on young learners.

Firstly , some argue that smartphones can enhance the learning experience by providing
interactive and engaging educational content, which can lead to better retention and
understanding of the material. However, this claim is not entirely accurate. While smartphones
can offer interactive content, excessive use can lead to decreased attention span and negatively
impact learning outcomes, Junco & Cotton (2012). All in all, extreme use of smartphone may
detrimental for student’s educational life.

Secondly, people belive that smartphones can provide access to educational resources, such as
educational apps and online courses, which can enhance learning outcomes. However, the use
of smartphone can be also a boomerang for the young learners’ outcome. While smartphones
can provide access to educational resources, excessive use can lead to decreased attention span
and negatively impact learning outcomes, Cho & Lee, 2017; Bluestein & Kim (2017).

Lastly, some argue that smartphones can facilitate social interaction among young learners,
enabling them to connect with peers and teachers more easily. However, this facility can also
lead students to the bad impact of social ability. While smartphones can facilitate social
interaction, excessive use can lead to decreased face-to-face interaction and negatively impact
social skills, Hawi & Samaha, (2016). All in all, despite of the facilities thy offered by
smartphones, it can have a bad social impact on students.

In conclusion, while smartphones can offer educational benefits, their extreme use can have
negative effects on young learners. Smartphones can be both a blessing and a curse for kids. It
is crucial for parents and educators to ensure responsible smartphone use among young
learners. By setting limits on smartphone use and encouraging alternative forms of learning, we
can ensure that smartphones are used in a way that enhances learning outcomes rather than
negatively impacting them.


Junco, R., & Cotton, S. (2012). No evidence of an inverse relationship between frequencies of
Facebook use and depression among college students. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(4),
1112-1118. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2012.01.012

Hawi, N. S., & Samaha, M. (2016). The impact of social media on the mental health of
adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45(1), 1-12. doi: 10.1007/s10964-015-0364-7

Cho, J., & Lee, Y. (2017). The effects of smartphone addiction on social skills in adolescents.
Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 6(2), 257-265. doi: 10.1556/2006.2016.00023

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