BHM 307 Fac (1) - 5

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DATE: 21ST AUGUST 2018 TIME: 2.30 – 4.30 PM


Question ONE is compulsory Answer any other THREE questions

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(Read the case study below)

A recent study on the development of Facilities Management and its

application to the hospitality industry in Kenya established the perceived
importance of Facilities Management in renovating processes in the
However, the report found that although owners and operators of luxury
hotels understood the importance of continual renovation and
refurbishment in order to meet customer expectations and competitive
pressures, there appears to be a lack of strategic planning with regard to
Facilities Management in hospitality in the Kenya.
Despite the importance of renovation, owners do not value it as an
important Facilities Management tool. There is therefore a need for the
continued development and investment in Facilities Management in the
region. The challenge for hotel managers is how to utilize the discipline of a
Facilities Management approach to renovation projects without merely
adding another layer of bureaucracy and administration.
The report stressed that Facilities Management knowledge can bring to the
table a great opportunity to build on existing best practices, rather than ‘re-
inventing the wheel’. Looking at hotel renovation from a Facilities
Management viewpoint would allow those involved to take a ‘fresh’ look at
the core assumptions that underpin hotel renovation programs, and
perhaps find innovative solutions.
(Using the case study answer the following question)
Importance of Strategic Planning in Facilities Management in Kenya

 Enhanced Efficiency: Strategic planning helps identify areas for

improvement, leading to more efficient operations.

 Cost Management: It allows for better budgeting and resource

allocation, leading to cost savings.

 Risk Mitigation: Planning helps identify and mitigate potential

risks, ensuring smooth operations.

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 Improved Guest Experience: Properly maintained facilities
enhance the guest experience, leading to increased satisfaction
and loyalty.

 Compliance and Sustainability: Strategic planning ensures

compliance with regulations and promotes sustainability

ii. Utilizing Facility Management in Renovation Projects

 Asset Inventory: Facility managers can use their knowledge of

assets to plan and execute renovations effectively.

 Space Planning: Facility managers can optimize space usage and

layout during renovations.

 Vendor Management: They can oversee vendors and contractors

to ensure quality work and cost efficiency.

 Sustainability Integration: Facility managers can incorporate

sustainable practices into renovation projects.

iii. Using Facility Management to Meet Customer Expectations and

Competitive Pressures

 Enhanced Service Quality: Facility management ensures that

facilities are well-maintained, meeting customer expectations
for comfort and functionality.

 Adaptability and Innovation: Facility managers can introduce

innovative solutions to stay competitive, such as smart
technology integration or sustainable practices.

 Cost Efficiency: Effective facility management leads to cost

savings, allowing hotels to offer competitive pricing.

 Brand Reputation: Well-managed facilities enhance a hotel's

reputation, attracting and retaining customers.

iv. Impact of Proper Hotel Renovation Programs

 Increased Revenue: Renovations can attract more guests and

justify higher room rates.
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 Improved Guest Satisfaction: Upgraded facilities lead to a better
guest experience, increasing repeat business.

 Competitive Advantage: Renovations can differentiate a hotel

from competitors, attracting new customers.

 Long-Term Sustainability: Proper renovations can extend the

lifespan of hotel facilities, reducing long-term costs.

v. Innovative Solutions for Hotel Renovation Programs

 Smart Technology Integration: Installing smart devices for

energy efficiency, guest convenience, and operational efficiency.

 Green Initiatives: Implementing sustainable practices, such as

using eco-friendly materials and reducing energy consumption.

 Design Adaptability: Creating flexible spaces that can be easily

reconfigured for different purposes.

 Guest Experience Enhancement: Incorporating design elements

that enhance the guest experience, such as interactive features
or local art installations.


Management of Hotel Outer Spaces

 First Impressions: Outer spaces are the first thing guests see,
influencing their perception of the hotel.
 Curb Appeal: Well-maintained outer spaces create an inviting
atmosphere, attracting guests.
 Branding and Image: Outer spaces reflect the hotel's brand and
image, conveying its standards and values.
 Guest Experience: Outer spaces contribute to the overall guest
experience, enhancing their stay.
 Safety and Security: Properly managed outer spaces ensure the
safety and security of guests and staff.

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 Environmental Impact: Sustainable practices in outer space
management demonstrate the hotel's commitment to
environmental responsibility.
 Community Engagement: Outer spaces can be used for
community engagement, hosting events that benefit both guests
and locals.
 Competitive Advantage: Well-managed outer spaces can
differentiate a hotel from competitors, attracting more guests.
b. Importance of Investing Wisely in People While Managing Facilities
 Enhanced Service Quality: Well-trained staff can provide better
service, enhancing the guest experience.
 Operational Efficiency: Skilled employees can manage facilities
more efficiently, reducing costs and improving productivity.
 Innovation and Adaptability: Investing in people encourages
innovation and adaptability, leading to continuous
 Employee Satisfaction: Investing in staff development improves
morale and job satisfaction, leading to higher retention rates.
 Customer Satisfaction: Satisfied employees are more likely to
provide better customer service, leading to higher customer
 Brand Reputation: A well-trained and motivated workforce
enhances the hotel's reputation, attracting more customers.
 Risk Management: Skilled employees can identify and mitigate
risks, ensuring the safety and security of guests and facilities.

i. Describe the phases of design and construction. (9 marks)
ii. Describe considerations that must be taken into account when
preparing an estimate of a building or civil engineering work.
(6 marks)

Considerations for Estimating Building or Civil Engineering Work

1. Scope of Work: Clearly define the scope of the project, including all
tasks and deliverables.

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2. Materials and Equipment: Identify the materials and equipment
needed for the project, including their quantities and costs.

3. Labor Costs: Estimate the labor required for the project, considering
the skills and experience levels of the workers.

4. Site Conditions: Consider the site conditions, such as accessibility,

terrain, and existing infrastructure, which may affect costs.

5. Regulatory Requirements: Account for any permits, licenses, or

regulatory requirements that may impact the project cost.

6. Contingency: Include a contingency amount to account for

unforeseen circumstances or changes in the project scope.

7. Scheduling: Consider the project schedule and any factors that may
affect the timeline, such as weather or other external factors.

8. Overhead Costs: Include overhead costs, such as administrative

expenses and insurance, in the estimate.

9. Profit Margin: Calculate a profit margin to ensure the project is

financially viable for the contractor.

10. Market Conditions: Consider current market conditions, such

as material prices and labor availability, which may affect the cost


a) Elements of design are its building blocks. Examine SIX elements.

(6 marks)
b) Impact of Décor and Furnishing on Customer Perception of a
Hospitality Establishment
c) Ambiance: The décor and furnishing set the ambiance, influencing
how guests feel in the space.
d) Brand Image: They reflect the establishment's brand image and
identity, shaping guests' perception of its quality and style.
e) Comfort: Well-chosen furnishings enhance comfort, making guests
feel more relaxed and satisfied.

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f) Aesthetics: The visual appeal of the décor can create a positive
impression and enhance the overall experience.
g) Theme and Storytelling: Décor can convey a theme or tell a story,
adding depth and interest to the guest experience.
h) Perceived Value: High-quality furnishings can create a sense of
luxury and exclusivity, leading to higher perceived value.
i) Functionality: Well-designed furnishings improve functionality,
making it easier for guests to use the space effectively.
j) Consistency: Consistent décor and furnishings throughout the
establishment create a cohesive and memorable experience.
k) Competitive Advantage: Thoughtfully designed décor and
furnishings can differentiate a hospitality establishment from
competitors, attracting more guests.


Strategic management is vital in proactively managing facilities. Discuss.

(15 marks)

Importance of Strategic Management in Proactively Managing


1. Long-Term Planning: Strategic management involves setting

long-term goals and objectives for facilities, ensuring they are
aligned with the overall organizational strategy. This allows for
proactive planning and resource allocation.

2. Risk Management: Strategic management helps identify

potential risks and challenges that may affect facilities. By
anticipating these risks, proactive measures can be taken to
mitigate them.

3. Resource Optimization: Strategic management helps in

optimizing resources such as finances, manpower, and
materials. This ensures that facilities are managed efficiently
and cost-effectively.

4. Enhanced Efficiency: A strategic approach to facility

management promotes efficiency by streamlining processes and

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workflows. This leads to improved productivity and

5. Adaptability to Change: Strategic management enables facilities

to adapt to changing circumstances, such as technological
advancements, market trends, and regulatory requirements.
This ensures that facilities remain relevant and competitive.

6. Customer Satisfaction: Proactively managing facilities ensures

that customer needs and expectations are met or exceeded. This
leads to higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

7. Sustainability: Strategic management promotes sustainable

practices in facility management, such as energy efficiency and
waste reduction. This helps in reducing environmental impact
and operating costs.

8. Stakeholder Engagement: Strategic management involves

engaging stakeholders such as employees, customers, and
suppliers in decision-making processes. This fosters a sense of
ownership and commitment to facility management goals.

9. Continuous Improvement: Strategic management promotes a

culture of continuous improvement in facility management
practices. This allows facilities to adapt to changing needs and
improve performance over time.

10. Competitive Advantage: Proactively managed facilities can

provide a competitive advantage by offering unique and high-
quality services that meet customer needs effectively. This can
help attract new customers and retain existing ones.


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