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20 questions to ask a prospective investor in the 1st and 2nd calls as

you build trust and relationship

1. Have you invested in (insert what it is your proposing / real estate, oil/gas, etc) before?
a. How did that turn out for you?

2. When you invest, what are you looking for? Appreciation, income, tax benefits?

3. What’s your time horizon? Are you comfortable with an investment of 3 to 5 years?

4. What has made the biggest difference amongst your most successful investments?

5. Tell me about some of your most successful investments?

6. What is your top concern?

7. If you could own this in your IRA / qualified plan would you invest?

8. Who are you connected to that we should meet? (Typically asked after they invest – get referrals)

9. What is the typical size / amount of the investments you make?

10. How diversified do you think your investment portfolio is?

11. Are you looking for less volatility in your investments? Would you want something that has more
predictability to it?

12. Can we do anything to improve our presentation / pitch deck? (inquire after they invest – get

13. How does this fit within your other investments?

14. What other investments do you have?

15. How important is liquidity to you?

16. What value might you add to my business other than an investment? (can they contribute
expertise in any way)

17. How important are the “tax benefits” of an investment? Would you be interested in an investment
that can reduce your taxes?
18. Do you rely on anyone else in analyzing and/or reviewing investments? (CPA, financial planner,
attorney, or other) Volunteer to send materials to that other person as well

19. Are you looking for income at this stage in life? (ask this if your proposed investment will generate
income for someone)

20. What is your tolerance to risk in the investments you make?

Good luck and happy prospecting!

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