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The Crescent School

Cambridge Section
Syllabus English C-1
Paper 1. Passage 1. Comprehension questions(explicit and implicit meaning),extracting one
example and explanation. Writer's effect.
ENGLISH Passage 2: Summary writing, interviewer's question.
Paper 2: writing
Q.1.Directed writing (informal and formal letter, report writing, email, article).
Q.2.composition task(narrative writing and descriptive writing).
Paper 1: Topics:* Short answer questions
*Multiple matching *Notes making * Summary
*Writing Exercise( E mail, Sentence story& picture description)
URDU Paper 2 Topics:
* Sentence Transformation * Cloze passage
* Extended writing Exercise * Translation
Book D. 2
Ch No. 1 Direct and inverse proportion. Ch. No. 2 Linear Graph and Simultaneous Linear
Equation. Ch. No. 3 Expansion and Factorization of
Quadratic Expressions. Ch. No. 4 Further Expansion and Factorization of Algebraic Expressions.
MATHS Ch. No. 5 Quadratic Equations and graphs.
Ch. No. 6 Algebraic Fractions and Formulae. Ch. No. 7 Relations and functions. Ch. No. 8
Congruency and Similarity. Ch. No. 10 Pythagoras Theorem. Ch. No. 12 Volume and surface area
of Pyramids, Cones and Spheres. Ch. No. 13 Symmetry. Ch. No. 16 Statistical Diagrams.
Ch. No. 17 Averages of Statistical Data.
CHEMISTRY Chapter No. 1 to 9, 11 and 16
PHYSICS Chapter No. 1.1 to Chapter No. 2.3 including all topical past paper and work done in N. Books.

Ch #.1 Cells and its organization, Ch #.2 Osmosis diffusion and active transport Ch #.4 Biological
BIOLOGY Molecules, Ch #.5 Enzymes Ch #.6 Digestion and Digestive System

HISTORY Chapter #. 1- 8
GEOGRAPHY Chapter #. 1- 6
P-I: Section 1: Quranic Passages (1 to 10), Section 2: History and Importance of the Quran
(complete). Section 3: Life in Makkah and Madina (complete), Outstanding Qualities of Prophet
(SAW). behaviour towards others, Section 4: wives (1 to 7), Imamat (Hassan and Hussain).
Descendants of the Prophet Muhammad.(PBUH)
ISLAMIYAT P-II: Section 5: Hadith of the Prophet SAW (1 to 12). Section 6: History and Importance of
Hadith, Section# 7. Rightly guided Caliphs (Abu Bakar and Umer) section# 8 Articles of faith
(1 to 5), Section #9 Pillars of Islam (Shahadah, Prayer , Fasting, Zakat)
The Purpure of Accounting. Accounting Equation, Double entry system, Trial Balance, Financial
ACCOUNTING Statements, Business Documentation, Books of Prime entry, Cash Book, Petty Cash Book,
Capital & Revenue, Expenditure and Receipts.
BUSINESS ST. Chapter No. 1 to 12
ECONOMICS Unit No. 1.1 to 2.11
COMP. SC. 1. Data Representation, 2. Data Transmission, 3. Hardware
Ms. Shazia Zahid


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