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HIS140 [201 1]

Western Civilization Reading Take-Home Name: NGUYEN THI THUY HANG Student #: VISK2011C- 442353


Describe the Romantic Movement:

The Romantic Movement was completely different from Enlightenment. If the Enlightenment interested in science, power of machines, the Romanticism attach special importance to supernatural, and power of nature. In addition, when progress, reason and logic were main interests of Enlightenment, romanticism moved to chaos, disorder, emotion and creativity. 2. Describe Western Imperialism:

In seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, most of Western countries tried to expanded political empires to around the world. With the strength of technological weapon, almost African, Asian, Middle East, and Australian countries were become colonies of Western Empires. Britain became the greatest empires in the world; France was second; and Russia was the third empire. In late nineteenth, the development of new westen empires such as Germany, and Austria- Hungary caused many temporaries between old empires and new empires. 3. Describe some factors led to the Russian Revolution:

There are various factors which led to the Russian Revolution, especially problem of economy and government. Although Russia was win country in World War I, it still met many difficulties in economy which were caused by fighting. Moreover, the government was full of bureaucracy and the army 4. Describe Mussolinis fascism in Italy:

In the first twenty year of twentieth century, many Italians were still poor, and were not united. In that situation, Mussolini who was ever a teacher, journalist and soldier became the leader of government; and got enough power to control Italian government in 1922, after World War I. He started controlling social media at that time such as newspaper, magazine, Socialist, or union Hall. After that, he began to develop violence by his private army for Italian regeneration.
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HIS140 [201 1]
5. Describe some factors that led to Nazism in Germany:

After the defeat in World War I, German met many difficulties in both economy and society. In that case, a new party with new republic controlled government, and Adolf Hitler became leader. With the supports of public media, many Germans believed that the defeat of Germany was caused by Jewish people. As the result, Nazism began expanding in this country. The effects of Hitler also made the Nazism grow up quickly in youth German.


Describe the origins of the Cold War:

Although Soviet Union and United States were alliance in time of World War II, in the end of war, they were enemies of each other. The reason was that Soviet Union spread communism in Eastern Europe, and Eastern Germany while US and Western Europe developed democracy with two big military organizations: NATO and USSA. As the result, many conflicts were happened, especially the Vietnam- American war 1955-1975, the Korean War 1950-1953, and the crisis of Berlin in 1961. The Cold War also led to the decolonization of many African, Asian, and Latin American countries.

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