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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

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Communications Letters

Waveform Design in MIMO Radar Using Radial

Point Interpolation Method
Sadjad Imani, Mostafa Bolhasani, Seyed Ali Ghorashi, Senior Member, IEEE, and Mehdi Rashid

Abstract—In this paper, we consider the problem of wave- Transmitting waveform design in colocated MIMO radars
form design in colocated multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) has gained significant attention in the literature [7]-[14]. This
radars in order to obtain a desired beampattern. In this problem, issue involves two steps. In the first step, in order to achieve
practical constraints such as constant envelope (CE) and low peak
to average power ratio are very important. Therefore, we propose the desired beampattern a proper covariance matrix of antenna
a simple method to generate some practical waveforms such waveforms is derived [7], [10], [12]. Second step involves de-
as different version of phase shift keying and pulse amplitude sign a set of waveforms that can realize the derived covariance
modulation. We map a non CE to the desired finite alphabet by a matrix [8], [11].
mapping function (MP). In the proposed method, first, the values In [7], the concept of beampattern design in colocated
of cross-correlation (CC) relationship between the input and
output of MP are calculated in a few points, and then using radial MIMO radars is introduced and the authors proposed several
point interpolation method, the mentioned relationship and its sequential quadratic programming (SQP) algorithms in order
first order derivative are derived in the remaining points. Finally, to design covariance matrices with high accuracy for various
we use the obtained derivative in order to design the desired purposes such as decrease side lobe levels (SLL) in transmit
waveform in an unconstraint problem by a gradient descend beampattern. However, the computational complexity of this
algorithm. Simulation results show that there are many different
waveforms on which the proposed method can approximate the method is high. In order to remove the constraints from the
desired beampattern with high accuracy. optimization problem of [7], an unconstraint one is proposed in
[10] with norm-1 and norm-2 cost functions which results a
Index Terms—MIMO radar, waveform design, finite alphabet,
radial point interpolation method (RPIM). covariance matrix with better accuracy. Also, they proposed
another method with low computation time that is solved
by gradient descent algorithm. Although in [10], the second
I. I NTRODUCTION algorithm does not guaranty to achieve positive semidefinite
INCE many years ago, the development of multiple- covariance matrix, but can be used as an initial value for
S input multiple-output (MIMO) radars has been a hot topic
in radar systems. MIMO radars use waveform diversity in
the first algorithm to increase the convergence speed. Other
closed form methods are presented in [12] and [13], which
order to achieve several advantages such as better angular are based on discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in 1-D and 2-
resolution, larger aperture and more detectable targets rather D beampatterns, have low computation time compared to the
than conventional phased array radars [1], which send a single SQP method in [7].
waveform from their antennas. In MIMO radars, in order to radio frequency amplifiers work
Based on the type of antenna arrangement, MIMO radars at maximum efficiency, we need a set of CE waveforms. In [8],
are classified into widely separated [2], and colocated [3]. the authors proposed an optimization problem to approximate
In the former case, transmitting antennas are far from each the covariance matrix with a set of CE waveforms. However,
other so that every antenna see a different aspect of target. waveform symbols must be chosen from an infinite alphabet,
This configuration results in a better target detection and which makes it difficult to implement. In [11], a closed-
higher angular resolution [4], [5]. On the other hand, colocated form solution is proposed to obtain binary phase shift keying
radars which is the focus of this paper equipped with an (BPSK) waveforms whose its implementation is simple. How-
antenna array whose inter-elements spacing are comparable ever, in this solution the desired covariance matrix must satisfy
to the wavelength and can cohere the transmit power in the some specific constraints. Also, the authors in [13], extend the
region of interest with more flexibility [2]. Also the number method in [11] to achieve pulse amplitude modulations (PAM)
of targets that can be detected simaltenously will be increased and quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). It should be
[6]. Morover colocated radars have higher degrees of freedom noted that, there is no guaranty to design positive semidifinite
in beampattern design compared to phased array radars. covariance matrix in these two mentioned methods. In [16], the
authors designed the best transmit waveforms with low number
S. Imani (email: is with the Department of Electrical of samples which is not considered in last two methods,
Engineering, Sharif University, Tehran, Iran. however, this method needs additional complexity.
S. A. Ghorashi (email: and M. Bolhasani (email: are with the Cognitive Telecommunication Research In this paper, we propose a method to generate a set of
Group, Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, waveforms with specific properties such as finite alphabet,
Shahid Beheshti University, G.C., Tehran, Iran. CE and positive semidefinite covariance matrix. We introduce
M. Rashid (email: is with the Faculty of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, several mapping functions (MP) to map non CE random
Tehran, Iran. variables (RVs) to the desired alphabet. Then the cross-

1089-7798 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2018.2864302, IEEE
Communications Letters

correlation (CC) between the input and output of MP will be

computed. We use an uncostrained optimization problem that
introducted in [11], to design desired beampattern. To solve
this problem, a gradient descend algorithm is used that needs
the first order derivative of CC relationship between the input
and output of MP. In [11] and [13], CC relationship for some
finite alphabets such as BPSK, PAM and QAM is obtained
in a very complicated way . On the other hands, there is a
radial point interpolation method (RPIM) that can interpolate Fig. 1. Realizing the covariance matrix R with i.i.d RVs.
a function and its derivatives with high precision by having a
few points of it. In this paper, we use RPIM method to derive
the first order derivative of mentioned CC relationship that where S = [s1 s2 ... s Mt ] defines the transmit waveforms
is required in gradient descend algorithm. Therfore, without matrix, B ∈ CL×Mt is a matrix of zero mean and unit
solving a complicated mathematical problem, we can generate variance Gaussian RVs, Λ ∈ CMt ×Mt denotes the diagonal
every desired alphabet with mentioned practical constraints. matrix of eigenvalues and W ∈ CMt ×Mt is a matrix of the
The remainder of this paper is organised as follows. The eigenvectors of R. In (2), the distribution in the columns of S is
problem is formulated in II. The proposed waveform design Gaussian, therefore the envelope of the obtained waveform is
method is introduced in III. The simulation results and con- not constant. Usually in multiple antenna systems it is desired
clusion are presented in IV and V respectively. to have a waveform with CE property or known alphabet such
Notaion: Matrices and vectors demonstrate by Bold upper as PAM and phase shift keying (PSK). Therefore, in the next
case letters, X, and lower case letters, x, respectively. (.)−1 , section we are going to design the waveform with a specific
(.) H and (.)T denote inverse, conjugate transpose and transpose desired alphabet.
of a matrix, respectively. The statistical expectation is denoted
In this section we propose a method to design the covariance
II. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION matrix R. We first map the i.i.d Gaussian RVs X ∈ CL×Mt to
Gaussian RVs Y ∈ CL×Mt with covariance matrix Rg (see
In this paper, we consider a uniform linear array (ULA) of
Fig. 1). Then Y are mapped to the real or complex desired
collocated MIMO radar, with half-wavelength inter-element
alphabet (e.g. PAM and PSK) Z, by Mt nonlinear functions
spacing. Let sm (n) be the baseband transmit waveform from
µ (y). Therefore, by introducing R = Ψ(Rg ), where Ψ(.) is a
antenna m = 1, ..., Mt , at time sample n = 1, ..., L, where Mt
function that shows the CC relationship between the input and
and L stand for the number of transmit antennas and sample
output of MP, the problem in (1) can be reformulated as
number in each waveform respectively. Therefore, s(n) =
[s1 (n) s2 (n) ... s Mt (n)]T is the transmit vector in time sample K 2
(atH (θ k )Ψ(Rg ) at (θ k ) − ξφ(θ k ))
n. For a target located at angle location θ, the n received signal
o ξ,R g K
k=1 (3)
and power are at (θ)T s(n) and P(θ) = E at (θ)T s(n) = s.t. Ψ(Rg )  0, Ψ(Rg )(m, m) = MPt , m = 1, ..., Mt
at (θ) R at (θ), where R is the covariance matrix of transmit Let zi = µ (yi ) and z j = µ y j be MF output of Gaussian

vector s(n). Also at (θ) = [1 e−jπ sin(θ) ... e−jπ(Mt −1) sin(θ) ]T is RVs yi and y j with the CC coefficient ρi j = E {yi y ∗j }/σi σj ,
the transmit steering vector. Therefore, it is clear that transmit then the CC between zi and z j can be derived by (4), where
power at space can be controlled by proper design of the σi2 is the variance of yi and p(yi, y j ; ρi j ) is the joint PDF of
covariance matrix R. To meet the equal transmition power yi and y j . As can be seen in (4), in general, calculating γi j
from each antenna, the diagonal elements of R must be equal. and then Ψ(.) is a complicated mathematical problem.
On the other hand, to guaranty that the designed matrix is a
covariance matrix, R must be positive semidefinite. Therefore, ∫∞ ∫∞
by considering these two constraints on R, transmit covariance γi j = zi z ∗j p(yi, y j ; ρi j ) dzi dz j (4)
matrix can be obtained as [7] −∞ −∞
min 1
(atH (θ k )R at (θ k )
− ξφ(θ k ))
2 After obtaining Ψ(.), similar to [11], the constrained prob-
ξ,R K k=1 . (1) lem in (3) is converted to an unconstrained one. In [11],
s.t. R  0, R(m, m) = P/Mt , m = 1, ..., Mt it is shown that to remove the first constraint the matrix
Rg must be in the form of UU H , also to remove the
where φ(θ k ), ξ, P and K are the desired beampattern, tun-
second one, matrix U must be in the form of (5). Let
ning factor, total transmit power and sample grid in space
ω = [ω21 ω31 ω32 ... ω Mt (Mt −1) ]T be the spherical angle
respectively. In (1), the first constraint shows the positive
vector [11], and β = [ω ξ]T , then the resulting unconstrained
semidefinite and the second one shows the equal transmission
problem can be written as
power from each transmit antenna. After synthesizing the
covariance matrix, the waveforms can be obtained as [8] K
1 Õ H 2
1 J(β) = (a (θ k )Ψ(Rg ) at (θ k ) − ξφ(θ k )) (6)
S = BΛ W H 2 (2) K k=1 t

1089-7798 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2018.2864302, IEEE
Communications Letters

Î M−1
 1
 sin(ω21 ) sin(ω31 ) sin(ω32 ) ··· sin(ω M m )

Î M−2
 cos(ω21 ) sin(ω31 ) cos(ω32 ) ··· m=1 sin(ω M m ) cos(ω M, M−1 ) 
 
U=  cos(ω31 ) .. (5)
 

 

 sin(ω M1 ) cos(ω M2 ) 

 cos(ω M m ) 

where Rg = UU H . Here, we have no proof for the convexity of 1 8

CPM =1
CPM α = 1
the J(β) in (6), however, in order to analyze the convergence MASK M = 4
MASK M = 4
0.5 MPSK M = 32
of the proposed RPIM method by applying a gradient descent MRPSK M = 16 MRPSK M=16
BPSK in [11]
BPSK in [11]
algorithm, similar to [11], it can be shown that for different

0 4

initial random points, J(β) converges to a global minimum. -0.5 2
Therefore, to obtain ω and ξ, we can use gradient descend
-1 0
algorithm. To solve problem in (6) with mentioned algorithm, -1 -0.5 0
0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1

the first order derivatives relative to ξ and an element of ω

say ωmn are required. This derivatives can be derived as (a) (b)

∂ J(β) −2 Õ  H  Fig. 2. (a) The CC relationship between mapped RVs and desired alphabets.
= at (θ k )Ψ(Rg ) at (θ k ) − ξφ(θ k ) φ(θ k ) (7) (b) derivative of the CC relationship which is calculated by RPIM.
∂ξ K k=1

K We can generate MPAM waveform from real RVs as follows

= 2
atH (θ k )Ψ(Rg ) at (θ k ) − ξφ(θ k )
∂ω mn K
∂(atH (θk )Ψ(R g )at (θk ))

 −M + 1 Q−1 (1/M) < y ≤ ∞
×  −M + 3 Q−1 (2/M) < y ≤ Q−1 (1/M)

∂ω mn


K (8) µ(y) = .. (11)
= K 2 Í
atH (θ k )Ψ(Rg ) at (θ k ) − ξφ(θ k ) η

 .
 Mk=1M  
 M −1

−∞ < y ≤ Q−1 (M − 1/M)
Ít Ít −jπ(h−l) sin(θk ) ∂(Ψ(Rg (h,l))) 
× e ∂ω mn
h=1 l=1 where η is a real parameter that controls the transmit power.
Also continuous phase modulation (CPM), can be obtained by
It should be noted that for every desired alphabet, function
Ψ (.) has not a closed form, therefore there is no closed form
∂(Ψ(R g (h,l))) µ(y) = sign(y)e jα sign(y)y (12)
for its first derivative ∂ω mn in (8). In [11] and [15],
based on a complicated mathematical solution, this fuction where α is a real number that can change the phase of CPM for
is extracted for some specific finite alphabets such as BPSK different purposes such as reducing the probability of passive
and PAM. Here, we propose to obtain the first derivative of detection of the waveform with interception systems. In order
Ψ (.) by a simple interpolation method (RPIM) instead of the to generate finite phase PSK (called MRPSK) from the real
complicated solution in [11] and [13]. RPIM is an interpolation RVs, the MF is defined as
method that is able to interpolate an unknown function and its
derivatives by using the finite known value of it. Therefore, we

 1 Q−1 (1/M) < y ≤ ∞
Q−1 (2/M) < y ≤ Q−1 (1/M)

use the RPIM method to calculate ∂ Ψ(Rg (h, l)) ∂ωmn from  e j2π/M

µ(y) = .

finite known values of Ψ which are obtained by our proposed 
 ..
mapping functions in three steps: a) generate yi and y j with 
 e j2π(M−1)/M

−∞ < y ≤ Q−1 (M − 1/M)
ρi j for all values of ρi j (from -1 to 1) b) map the yi and y j 
to zi and z j by proposed MP (µ (y)) c) obtain the correlation
coefficient of zi and z j as IV. N UMERICAL R ESULTS
In this section, we evaluate the performance of our proposed
1Õ method compared to the method in [11]. We consider a ULA
γi j = zi (n)z j (n) H /σi σj (9)
L n=1 with Mt = 10 transmit antennas with half-wavelength inter-
element spacing and assume the number of waveform samples
Here, we have listed some MPs to generate desired alphabet. is L = 70. Fig. 2 (a) shows the CC relationship between
To generate finite alphabet PSK waveform from complex RVs mapped random RVs (Gaussian RVs) and desired alphabets
(called MPSK), the MF is defined as that is derived by (9), and Fig. 2 (b) shows derivative of
this relationship which is calculated by RPIM. It should be

 1 0 < ∠(y) ≤ 2π/M noted that these results for different desired alphabets are
2π/M < ∠(y) ≤ 2 × 2π/M

 e j2π/M

µ(y) = .

(10) not comparable with each other, and only represents the

 .. performance of RPIM. In Fig. 2, MASK stands for M-ary

 e j2π(M−1)/M 2π(M − 1)/M < ∠(y) ≤ 2π amplitude shift keying.

1089-7798 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2018.2864302, IEEE
Communications Letters

BPSK in [11] 15 10
Given R [12]
BPSK in [5]
10 MPSK M=32 5
MRPSK M=4 10 Given R [12]
P( )

P( )
CPM =0.8
MPSK M= 32

MSE (dB)
5 5
CPM = 0.8
BPSK in [11]
CPSK = 1
-5 MPAM M=4
0 0
-50 0 50 -50 0 50 MPAM M=16
(a) (b) MRPSK M=256
UPSK = 0
UPSK = 0.8
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Fig. 3. Transmit beampattern using our proposed and the BPSK waveform Number of sample in each waveform (L)
design method in [11] (a) one region of interest and (b) two regions of interest.
Fig. 4. The difference between optimal covariance matrix in [12] and the
covariance matrix achieved by our proposed mapping functions and BPSK
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posed and the BPSK waveform design method in [11]. Ac-
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of 16PAM and 32PSK, which have more amplitudes and relationship.
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1089-7798 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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