China's Energy Info-Graph

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Coal: Built in six provinces (Inner Mongolia,Shaanxi,

Gansu, Ningxia and Hebei) that only account for 5%
of water resources. Since coal-powered stations
requires water for cooling generators and creating
steam, these places may not be suitable for power
stations and might run into problems in the future.
Petroleum: Reserves are held in government-
controlled facilities located in Liaoning, Shandong
and Zhejiang provinces and are not far behind the
USA and Japan in terms of their strategies in
developing petroleum reserves, making this strategy
Renewable energy: China is the world leader in
renewal energy mainly from their HEPs and wind
power stations. The energy produced from water,
wind and solar energy exceeded energy produced by
France and Germany combined in 2014 which is a
good sign of progress and a good energy strategy
Wind power: China’s large landmass and long
coastlines provide suitable conditions for wind power
production. An example of this would be the Gansu
Wind Farm project which is likely to become the
largest single generate of wind power which would
prove to be successful in the
NEC: The NEC draft’s the
country’s energy plan and
ensures energy security. Wen
JiaBao, the Chinese premier,
encouraged the use of renewable
energy by providing financial

Although the Dam provides a massive amount of energy to the city, it also caused a few problems
along the way. Erosions and tremors had become more prominent due to the constant erosion of
the land around the dam and the location of the Dam and how it sits on a seismic fault. The eroded
land causes sediments to become trapped behind the dam, causing more flooding and areas to be
deprived of sediments. It was measured that between 2003-2009, there was a 30 fold increase of
seismic activity compared to pre-dam period and there were 97 significant landslides in the first
subsidies, technology support and four months of 2010. It also causes 1.24 million residents to relocate and by building the dam, they
other incentives which helped had to flood the reservoir which resulted in raised water levels of over 90m and the flooding of
increase the use of renewables 1300 archeological sides which destroyed many historic relics e.g. the hanging coffins of Shannon’s
like solar energy and decreases Stream Gorge’s limestone cliffs. However, the Three Gorges Dam also has a list of pros, one of
fossil fuel power stations, making them being its impacts on emissions. The national Development and Reform Commsion of China
this a successful energy strategy. reported that the Three Gorges Dam reduced coal consumption by 31 million tonnes per year. It has
also improved many kilometers of waterways. Shipping fleets from Shanghai can now easily reach
In conclusion, these energy the metropolis of Chongqing compared to before because of the Dam, meaning a total of over 660
strategies were a success kilometers of river have been improved because of the Dam. Another pro would be that the dam
because it allowed China to be has improve over 660 kilometers of waterways when it supported shipping fleets from Shanghai to
more energy-sustainable and the metropolis of Chongqing with greater ease than it did before. In conclusion, the Three Gorges
also increased their use of eco- Dam have been a success because it reduced coal consumption by a lot and introduced an eco-
friendly energy. friendly and sustainable method to generating energy that has proven successful and effective

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