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Pmotor = 3 kW Massatotal = 2000 kg = 20000 N

Nmotor = 1400 RPM Doutside = 98 mm

Ndrum = 35 RPM Dinside = 73,75 mm

Gear ratio = 1:40 Rplanetar = 43,52 mm

1. Menghitung Torsi motor

P x 60
2x π x n

3 x 10 x 60
2 x π x 1400

T =20 , 46 Nm

2. Menghitung Torsi beban*

*Menggunakan katrol tetap sehingga F = F1 = F2 = F3 dst

T =r x F

T =43 ,52 x 10 x
( 20000
40 )

T =21 , 63 Nm=2163 kgmm

3. Menghitung diameter minimum

σ = 58 kg/mm2

Sf1 = 6, Sf2 = 2

Kt = 1,5 (sedikit tumbukan / kejutan)

Cb = 1 (tidak ada beban lentur)

(Sf 1+ Sf 2)

(6+ 2)
Ta=4 , 83 kg /mm

3 5,1
x K t x Cb x T


3 5 ,1
4 , 83
x 1 , 5 x 1 x 2163

d=15 ,07 mm

Berdasarkan perhitungan diatas, jika menggunakan material S45C, untuk beban seberat 2 Ton
dibutuhkan poros transmisi dengan diameter minimum 15,07 mm.

4. Menghitung beban maksimal untuk poros diameter 40 mm


3 5,1
x K t x Cb x T


3 5,1
4 , 83
x 1 ,5 x 1 x T

40 x 4 , 83
1, 5 x 5 , 1 x 1

T =40407 kgmm=404 , 07 Nm

T =r x F

404 , 07=43 , 52 x 10−3 x ( 40F )

F=371387 N

m=37138 , 7 kg
Sumber: Sularso. 1997. Dasar Perencanaan dan Pemilihan Elemen Mesin. Jakarta: Pradnya Paramita.
Simulation of Detail 5-
Date: Friday, April 12, 2019
Designer: Solidworks
Study name: Static 1
Analysis type: Static

Table of Contents
Model Information..................................2
Material Properties.................................3
Loads and Fixtures..................................4
Study Results........................................5

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Detail 5-1 4

Model Information

Model name: Detail 5-1

Current Configuration: Default

Solid Bodies
Document Name and Document Path/Date
Treated As Volumetric Properties
Reference Modified

I:\6. Production\4.
Mass:4.39449 kg
Production Support\8.
Volume:0.000563396 m^3
Others\MHN\Detail 5-1-
Solid Body Density:7800 kg/m^3
Static 1\Detail 5-
Weight:43.066 N
Apr 11 16:11:01 2019

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Detail 5-1 5

Unit system: SI (MKS)
Length/Displacement mm
Temperature Kelvin
Angular velocity Rad/sec
Pressure/Stress N/mm^2 (MPa)

Material Properties
Model Reference Properties Components
Name: 1.0503 (C45) SolidBody 1(Fillet2)(Detail 5-
Model type: Linear Elastic Isotropic 1)
Default failure Max von Mises Stress
Yield strength: 580 N/mm^2
Tensile strength: 750 N/mm^2
Elastic modulus: 210000 N/mm^2
Poisson's ratio: 0.28
Mass density: 7.8 g/cm^3
Shear modulus: 79000 N/mm^2
Thermal expansion 1.1e-005 /Kelvin

Curve Data:N/A

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Detail 5-1 6

Loads and Fixtures
Fixture name Fixture Image Fixture Details
Entities: 1 face(s)
Type: Fixed Geometry


Resultant Forces
Components X Y Z Resultant
Reaction force(N) 1385.56 -9.30977 0.00401402 1385.59
Reaction Moment(N.m) 0 0 0 0

Load name Load Image Load Details

Entities: 1 face(s)
Reference: Face< 1 >
Type: Apply torque
Value: 500 N.m


Entities: 1 face(s)
Reference: Face< 1 >
Type: Apply torque
Value: -20.46 N.m


Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Detail 5-1 7

Study Results

Name Type Min Max

Stress1 VON: von Mises Stress 1 N/mm^2 (MPa) 127 N/mm^2 (MPa)
Node: 1030 Node: 635

Detail 5-1-Static 1-Stress-Stress1

Name Type Min Max

Displacement1 URES: Resultant Displacement 0.000 mm 0.814 mm
Node: 39 Node: 126

Detail 5-1-Static 1-Displacement-Displacement1

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Detail 5-1 8

Name Type Min Max
Strain1 ESTRN: Equivalent Strain 0.000 0.000
Element: 910 Element: 7618

Detail 5-1-Static 1-Strain-Strain1

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Detail 5-1 9

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