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Problem 1.

(20 pts) IP modeling

State University must purchase 1100 computers from three vendors. Vendor 1 charges $500
per computer plus a total delivery charge of $5000. Vendor 2 charges $350 per computer plus
total delivery charge of $4000. Vendor 3 charges $250 per computer plus a total delivery
charge of $6000. Vendor 1 will sell the university at most 500 computers, vendor 2, at most
900, and vendor 3, at most 400. The minimum order from a vendor is 200 computers.

Determine how to minimize the cost of purchasing the needed computers. (You need to define
your decision variables clearly to receive full credit.)
Problem 2. (20 pts) IP modeling

Doug needs to rent a truck to transport his stuff. In order to do this, he needs to pack some of
his items into boxes and then pack everything into the back of a truck. Fortunately, he has
boxes left over from a previous move. Doug wants to fit all of his stuff into as small a truck as
possible. The following tables list the different items that need to be packed as well as the
available boxes.

(For this problem, assume that the listed items cannot be split between boxes. Also note that
a box does not need to be packed completely full. For instance, a 30 m3 box could be packed
with the Computer and CDs or with the Board Games and CDs.)

Item # Item Size (m3) Box # Size (m3)

1 Textbooks 11 1 20
2 CDs 12 2 20
3 Computer 17 3 25
4 Board Games 18 4 25
5 Electronics 22 5 30
6 Sports Equipment 26 6 30

Formulate an Integer Program to minimize the truck space which can take all of the packed
items in the boxes. (You need to define your decision variables clearly to receive full credit.)
Problem 3. (15 pts) Integer Programming Model
A company is considering seven investments. The initial cash outflow (cost) and net present
value (yield) for each investment are given below. The cash available for investment is $13,000.
Note that if the company wishes to take part in any of these investments, it must "go all the
way." In other words, partial investments are not permitted.

Cash Required NPV Added

Investment 1 $5,000 $16,000
Investment 2 $2,500 $8,000
Investment 3 $3,500 $10,000
Investment 4 $6,000 $20,000
Investment 5 $7,000 $22,000
Investment 6 $4,500 $12,000
Investment 7 $3,000 $8,000

1. This problem is an example of _________________________ problems. Given a set of items,

each with a weight and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection
(typically either 0 or 1) so that the total weight is less than a given limit and the total value is
as large as possible.

For each of the following logical restrictions, please write the constraint necessary to model
the restriction within this problem.

2. At most two of investments 1-4 can be selected.

3. At least one of investments 5-7 must be selected.

4. If investment 3 is selected, at least one of investments 1-2 must be selected.

5. To select both investments 1 and 2, investment 3 must be selected.

Problem 4. (10 pts) Radiation Therapy & Elastic Goals

Consider the radiation therapy problem where a doctor wants to minimize the total dosage of
radiation delivered to the cells (where cells are represented by pixel (i, j)). The constraints are
such that the dosage over the tumor area will be at least a target level (RL) and that the dosage
over the critical area (normal cells) will be at most a target level (RH).

(a) Complete the following LP.

Let DPi,j = unit dose delivered to pixel (i, j) by beamlet p,

RL = the lower bound of dosage exposed to tumor cells,
and RU = the upper bound of the dosage exposed to normal cells.

The decision variables are w = (w1, ..., wn), where wp is the intensity weight assigned to beamlet
p for p = 1 to n;

s. t.
Di,j = ____________________ (Hint: Di,j = dosage delivered to pixel (i, j).)

Di,j ≥ RL for (i, j) ∈ T (tumor/cancer cells)

Di,j ≤ RH for (i, j) ∈ C (critical/normal cells)

Wp ≥ 0 for all p

(b) It is far better to set the parameters (RL and RH) conservatively while allowing some
violation. If there is no feasible solution to the original problem, there will definitely be a
feasible solution to the following nonlinear program since one can choose Yij to guarantee
feasibility. In the following NLP model, the objective function would try to set all of the y’s to
0. Failing that, it would set all of the y’s as small as possible.

Complete the following NLP model.

s. t
Di,j = ________________________ (Same as in the previous LP model)

__________________________ ≥ RL for (i, j) ∈ T (tumor/cancer cells)

__________________________ ≤ RH for (i, j) ∈ C (critical/normal cells)

Wp, Yij ≥ 0 for all p, for all (i,j)

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