Science Revision

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Part A – True or False

1. If iron frames built in the building rusted, the building may collapse.

2. Iron pipes will not leak even they are rusted.

3. Iron oxide is yellow in color.

4. Rusting happens faster with the presence of water.

5. Rusting is a reaction called oxidation.

6. Argon is the major component of air.

7. A hot air balloon rises due to the expansion of air when heated.

8. Hydrogen gas is used to fill balloons.

9. Oxygen is the least chemically active gas in the air.


240602 Science Revision
Part B – Multiple Choices

1. Which of the following statements concerning corrosion is/are correct?

(1) Rusting is a kind of oxidation.

(2) The corrosion of copper is called rusting.

(3) The corrosion of iron requires oxygen only.

A. (1) only

B. (2) only

C. (1) and (3) only

D. All of the above

2. The photo below shows a crash barrier built on the roadside.

Which of the following methods should be used for protecting the crash barrier from


A. Painting

B. Wrapping with plastic coating

C. Coating with grease

D. Alloying

3. Which of the following methods are used to prevent the car body from rusting?

(1) Painting

(2) Wrapping with plastic coating

240602 Science Revision
(3) Coating with grease

A. (1) and (2) only

B. (1) and (3) only

C. (2) and (3) only

D. All of the above

4. Which of the following statements concerning carbon dioxide is/are correct?

(1) It supports burning.

(2) It turns lime water milky.

(3) It is colorless.

A. (1) only

B. (2) only

C. (1) and (3) only

D. (2) and (3) only

5. Which of the following is the correct composition of gases in the atmosphere?

Oxygen(%) Nitrogen(%) Carbon dioxide(%)

A. 21 78 0.9

B. 21 78 0.03

C. 78 21 0.9

D. 78 21 0.03

6. Which of the following is made from carbon dioxide?

A. To cut and make metals

B. To make fire extinguishers

C. To fill balloons

D. To make stainless steel

7. Which of the following statements concerning oxygen is incorrect?

240602 Science Revision
A. It is the second major component of air.

B. It is required in burning.

C. It is flammable.

D. It is required in the reaction of rusting.

8. Which of the following are related to air pressure?

(1) Fixing a sucker on a wall.

(2) When airplane lands, passenger feel pain in their ears.

(3) Ice melts to water at room temperature.

A. (1) and (2) only

B. (1) and (3) only

C. (2) and (3) only

D. All of the above

240602 Science Revision
Part C – Experiments

1. Six test tubes are set as follows to study the rusting of iron nails.

a) What is the function of anhydrous calcium chloride in tube 1?


b) What is the function of using oil layer in tube 3 and 5?


c) In which tube(s) will rusting occur? Explain your answer.


d) In which tube(s) will rusting not occur? Explain your answer.


e) Write the word equation for the formation of rust from iron.


2. The following diagram shows an oil rig built on a deep sea.

a) Explain why the iron pylons of the oil rust.

240602 Science Revision


b) To prevent the pylons of the oil rig from rusting, they can be made by

using stainless steel.

(i) What is stainless steel?


(ii) Give one disadvantage of using stainless steel pylons.


3. The photo below shows a bicycle. The handlebar, frame and chain are prevented from

rusting by different methods.

a) State the essential conditions for the rusting of iron.


b) Explain how the painting on the frame can prevent the frame from rusting.


c) The handler is coated with plastic to prevent it from rusting.

State one advantage of coating the handlebar with plastic in rust prevention.


240602 Science Revision
d) Suggest a method that prevents the chain in the bicycle from rusting. Explain your



4. The following set-up was used to investigate the rusting of iron.

After a few days, only the iron nails in tubes 1 and 2 rusted.

a) Explain why the iron nails in tubes 3 and 4 did not rust.


b) What is the use of boiling distilled water?


240602 Science Revision
5. The photograph below shows a can of fruit juice. The body of the can is made of iron

coated with another metal.

a) Why is the iron body is coated with another metal.


6. Rusting of iron often results in the formation of rust on its surface.

a) What is rust?


b) State the important conditions for the rusting of iron.


c) For each of the following iron objects, suggest a suitable method to protect it from


(i) Bicycle wheels


(ii) Cutlery 餐具


7. Both helium and hydrogen gas is lighter than air, but why is helium used to fill



240602 Science Revision
8. Fill in the blanks according to the following drawing.

a) Wind blows from the _____________________ to the _____________________ in

the daytime. The temperature of _____________________ is

_____________________ than that of seawater. The air above the land is heated so it

_____________________ and _____________________. The surrounding

_____________________ air then moves in to fill the space left by the hot air.

240602 Science Revision

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