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CHEM 1070A Tutorial 2

(a) The following diagrams represent two electromagnetic waves. Which wave
corresponds to the higher-energy radiation?

(b) which wave above has a higher penetrating ability?

A: (a) Wave (a) corresponds to higher energy radiation. The energy of

electromagnetic radiation is directly proportional to frequency and inversely
proportional to wavelength. Wave (a) has the shorter wavelength and thus the
higher energy.

(b) (a) has a higher penetrating ability. For example, Gamma rays are the most
penetrating of the radiations. Gamma rays are highly energetic waves and are poor
at ionizing other atoms or molecules. It cannot be said that a particular thickness
of a material can absorb all gamma radiation. Many centimeters of lead or many
meters of concrete are required to absorb high levels of gamma rays.


State where in the periodic table these elements appear:

(a) elements with the valence-shell electron configuration ns2np5

(b) elements that have three unpaired p electrons

(c) an element whose valence electrons are 4s24p1

(d) the d-block elements

A: (a) Group 7A or 17, the halogens, the column second from the right

(b) Group 5A or 15

(c) Gallium, atomic number 31, at the intersection of row 4 and group 3A or 13

(d) All of the B groups, groups 3-12, in the middle of the major part of the table,
not including the two rows of f-block elements.


(1) (6.55) For n = 4 (a)what are the possible values of l? (b) For l = 2, what are the
possible values of ml? (c) If ml is 2, what are the possible values for l?

A: (1) (a) The possible values of l are 0 to (n–1). For n = 4, l can be 0, 1, 2, 3.

(b) The possible values of ml are –l to +l. For l = 2, ml can be –2, –1, 0, 1, 2 .

(c) Because the value of ml is less than or equal to the value of l, ml = 2 must have
an l value greater than or equal to 2. In terms of elements that have been observed,
the possibilities are 2, and 3.

(2) (6.56) How many possible values for l and ml are there when

(a) n = 2, (b) n = 4?

A: (2) Number of l: 2, number of ml : 3 ; Number of l: 4, number of ml: 7.

(3) (6.60) A hydrogen atom orbital has n = 4 and ml = -1.
(a) What are the possible values of l for this orbital?
(b) What are the possible values of ms for the orbital?

A: (3) l values:1, 2, 3 ; ms = 1⁄2, –1⁄2.


Write the condensed electron configurations for the following atoms, using the
appropriate noble-gas core abbreviations:

(a) Cs, (b) Ni, (c) Se, (d) Cd

A: (a) Cs: [Xe]6s1

(b) Ni: [Ar]4s2 3d8

(c) Se: [Ar]4s23d104p4

(d) Cd: [Kr]5s24d10


Explain the following variations in atomic or ionic radii:

(a) I- > I > I+

A: (a) As Z stays constant and the number of electrons increases, the

electron-electron repulsions increase, the electrons spread apart, and the anion
becomes larger. The reverse is true for the cation, which becomes smaller than the
– +
neutral atom. I >I>I .

(b) Ca2+ > Mg2+ > Be2+

A: (b) For cations with the same charge, ionic radii increase going down a column
because there is an increase in the principle quantum number and the average
2+ 2+ 2+
distance from the nucleus of the outer electrons. Ca > Mg > Be .

(c) Fe > Fe2+ > Fe3+

2 6 2+ 6 3+ 5
A: (c) Fe: [Ar]4s 3d ; Fe : [Ar]3d ; Fe : [Ar]3d . The 4s valence electrons in Fe
are on average farther from the nucleus than the 3d electrons, so Fe is larger than
2+ 2+
Fe . Because there are five 3d orbitals, in Fe at least one orbital must contain a
pair of electrons. Removing one electron to form Fe significantly reduces
repulsion, increasing the nuclear charge experienced by each of the other d
2+ 3+
electrons and decreasing the size of the ion. Fe>Fe >Fe

Q6 (7.34)

Arrange each of the following sets of atoms and ions, in order of decreasing size:
(a) As3+, Sb3+, As;
(b) Ca2+, Mg, Mg2+;
(c) Ba, In4+, Y3+;
(d) Mg2 +, K+, Ar.
3+ 3+ 3+ 3+
A: (a)As>Sb >As or Sb >As>As
2+ 2+
(b)Mg > Ca >Mg
3+ 4+
(c)Ba>Y >In
+ 2+
(d)Ar > K > Mg


Identify each statement as true or false:

(a) Ionization energies are always positive quantities.
(b) Sulfur has a smaller first ionization energy than chlorine.
(c) The second ionization energy of an atom is always smaller than its first
ionization energy.
(d) The second ionization energy is the energy needed to ionize two electrons from
a neutral atom.

A: F, T, F, F.

(a) F, even though it is mostly “T”. For all natural atoms and all positive ions, this
is true. But, it can be “F” because imagine the IE for a very very negative
(unrealistic) anion like H100-; such an unrealistic anion would naturally emit those
extra electrons and release energy instead.

(a) What is the general relationship between the size of an atom and its first
ionization energy?
(b) Which element in the periodic table has the largest ionization energy? Which
has the smallest?

A: (a) In general, the smaller the atom, the larger its first ionization energy. (b)
According to Figure 7.10, He has the largest and Cs has the smallest first
ionization energy of the nonradioactive elements.

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