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TRG-2103-A15 Soot Fire in Exhaust Gas Boiler - Drill Template


Drill Details
Title Soot Fire in Exhaust Gas Boiler
Drill Coordinator
Aim To demonstrate that the Technical Control Team can respond to a soot fire
in the exhaust gas boiler effectively.
Objectives Demonstrate the correct initial actions in the event of a soot fire in the gas
Demonstrate the actions necessary in the event of a minor fire and/or
Demonstrate the actions necessary in the event of a developing fire and/or
Demonstrate the actions necessary in the event of a major fire.
The above selected as applicable in accordance with the scenario and
safety brief.

References EMR-1606-F3 Soot Fire in Exhaust Gas Boiler

Safety Brief and Control Measures • The On Watch watchkeeping personnel are not involved in this drill.
• Any instructions issued must be pre-fixed with ’FOR EXERCISE’.
• An open line with the ECR should be maintained where possible
through the talk-back system.
• All telephone calls/communications should be made as if real, and all
operations of switches/buttons should be simulated by pressing the area
immediately adjacent to the control, but without physically making contact
with it (touch drill).
• No alarms are to be sounded for drill purposes unless specified in the
safety brief.
• Contingencies resulting from risk assessment.

Details of the Scenario (may be adjusted to suit drill conditions)

Scenario Time of Day Night
Status Underway
Geographical Location Gibraltar Strait
Course N
Speed 20Kn
Wind Direction NE
Wind Speed Light
Sea Conditions Slight
Control System Handsteering
Bridge Manning Level Red
ECR Manning Level Red

Issued: May 2024

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Propulsion Propulsion configuration is DG1 and DG4 on load, DG2 on standby, DG3
under maintenance.
Additional Notes N/A
Scenario Trigger A report is received of a soot fire in the exhaust gas boiler.

Instructions: Fill in blank boxes with scenario variables

Issued: May 2024

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TRG-2103-A15 Soot Fire in Exhaust Gas Boiler - Drill Template

Drill Assessment
Rating Scale:

Below Standard

Not Observed
Accepted = Performed the task effectively without support. Behaviors of the

evaluated competence have been observed
Below Standard = Cannot perform the critical task or performs task not
Not Observed = Not Observed by the drill coordinator and/or assistant. Or
for operational reasons omitted.

Initial Actions
SBAR Chief Engineer.
Activate Engineers alarm.
SBAR Bridge.
Establish manning levels and functions: GREEN / YELLOW / RED.
Check for hotspots locally.

Minor Fire - Step 1

Keep diesel engine running.
(If diesel engine is not running, don't start engine and seal T/C air inlets).
Keep circulating pumps running.
Operate soot blowers, where fitted.
Monitor exhaust gas temperature and steam pressure.

Developing Fire - Step 2

Start standby diesel engine.
Stop diesel engine(s) connected to affected EGB.
Seal T/C air inlets.
Open T/C drains and soot collector drains.
Use fixed EGB firefighting equipment / washing connections where fitted.
Prepare for boundary cooling.

Major Fire - Step 3

Stop circulating pumps if tube failure or hydrogen fire is suspected.
Stop soot blowers where fitted.
Apply boundary cooling if necessary.
Continue use fixed firefighting equipment only if large amounts of water can be
applied (sufficient to cool and stop hydrogen fire).
• If not, stop fixed firefighting equipment.
• Do not use steam fixed firefighting equipment.

Issued: May 2024

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TRG-2103-A15 Soot Fire in Exhaust Gas Boiler - Drill
Template Skillgrader

Positive experiences / lessons learned / Responsible
Action Taken Completion Date
training requirements identified Person

Any identified lessons learned or training requirements must be written as an improvement

objective, corrective action taken and observed in the next drill.

For any ticks in the 'Below Standard' scoring boxes, there must be an explanatory note in this table.

For any ticks in the ‘Not Observed’ boxes these must be discussed in the de-brief.

Issued: May 2024

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*Is a safety critical task. Not performing it could put team member(s) at immediate risk (Safety Critical

Issued: May 2024

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