GL Setting

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General Ledger Accounting:-

1. Chart of Accounts - The Accounts which you required to record day to day business
transactions. Which will be classified in -3- types

a. Operational Charts of Accounts – which we used to record day to day business

transactions at company code level.
b. Group Chart of accounts – Which we used to record day to day business
transactions at Company level, from different of operations chart of accounts to
group chart of accounts.
c. Country specific charts of accounts :- Where we does business by following the
respective countries rules and regulations of the books of accounts we maintain we
call it as country specific chart of accounts.
Account Group:-

The Accounts which are having similar nature and similar characteristics we club
together and call the same account group.

Eg. Fixed Assets, Share Capital, Current Aseets , Current Lia. , etc.

Retained Earnings: -
The Profit or loss which is carried forward from one year to next


1. Leading Ledgers - By following incorporated countries rules and regulation what the
books of accounts we maintained we called them leading ledgers
2. Non Leading Ledgers – By following other than incorporated rules and regulations what
the books of accounts we maintained we called them non leading ledgers (where we does
3. Extension Ledgers:- In addition of leading and Non Leading ledgers, we follow any
group’s rules and regulations and books of accounts maintained then it called as
extension ledgers.
Classify GL accounts for documents splitting:-
We define these to generate different reports
based on their characteristics.

Types of Documents: -
1. Parking Documents – End user create a document and it will be forwarded to senior to
get approval. Once he gets approval from senior it post in the company code with help of
SA documents number range.
2. Holding Documents – Due to Meeting, System crash, power failure end users stores
documents asides by giving temporary documents number, Once the particular problem
sort out it post directly in the company code without waiting for senior’s approval.
3. Sample Documents :- These are repeatedly happening transactions but end users can
not predict future due date and amounts , We store this documents under in to X2
number range Interval.
4. Recurring Documents :- These are repeatedly happening transactions and end users
know future due date and amounts , We store this documents under in to X1 number
range Interval.

Types of Reversal:-

1. Individual Reversal - To correct wrongly posted single Journal Entries we used

Individual Reversal.
2. Mass Reversal - If we post more than one Journal Entries wrongly, to correct Mass
3. Reversal of Reversal - If we posted wrongly through Individual or Mass Reversal, we
can correct through Reversal of Reversal.

Month End Provisions:-

1. Open Items Management – We use this to make payment of outstanding. And for
making payment we have -3- Methods
a. Standard Clearing – We use this method to make payment full payment.
b. For part payment we are having -2- Method
I) Partial Clearing – In this method all the transactions will be at single place .
100-80 = 20 in single invoice. (For External Clearing)
II) Residual Clearing – In this method after part payment original will be
shown as cleared and for the balance it will be shown as open. 100-80 = 20
Two invoices, In First Invoice 100 will be shown as cleared and in Second
Invoice 20 will be shown as open. (For Internal Clearing)

2. Accrual or Deferral Method – Accrual accounting is defer from cash payment method
and expenses are recorded when payment is made and revenues where recorded when
cash will be received.


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