Transformation of Sentences MCQ

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Grade 10 – English Language

Transformation of Sentences - MCQ

Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after

each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning
of each sentence:

1. Jennifer saw that I was confused so she came to my rescue. [Begin: Seeing….]
a. Seeing my confusion, Jennifer came to my rescue.
b. Seeing that I was confused, Jennifer came to my rescue.
c. Seeing how confused I was, Jennifer came to my rescue.
d. Seeing that I had confusion, Jennifer came to my rescue.

2. Her mother warned her not to talk to strangers. [Begin: She…]

a. She was warned to not talk to strangers by her mother.
b. She was warned by her mother to not talk to strangers.
c. She was warned by her mother not to talk to strangers.
d. She was warned by her mother that she should not talk to strangers.

3. “Please don’t wait for me, I may get delayed,” Jaya said to me. [Begin: Jaya…]
a. Jaya requested me not to wait for her as she might get delayed.
b. Jaya asked me not to wait for her as she might get delayed.
c. Jaya requested me to not wait for her because she might get delayed.
d. Jaya told me not to wait for her as she might get delayed.

4. Caffeine is as harmful as nicotine. [Rewrite using more harmful.]

a. Nicotine is more harmful than caffeine.
b. Nicotine is not more harmful than caffeine.
c. Caffeine is not more harmful than nicotine.
d. Caffeine is more harmful than nicotine.

5. My friend told me he was grateful for all I had done for him. [Begin: My friend said…]
a. My friend said, “I am grateful for all you have done for me.”
b. My friend said to me, “I am grateful for all that you did for me.”
c. My friend said to me “I am grateful for all you have done for me.”
d. My friend said to me, “I am grateful for all you have done for me.”

6. Sweets were distributed among the workers for Diwali. [Change to the Active Voice]
a. The management distributed sweets among the workers for Diwali.
b. The workers received sweets for Diwali.
c. The office distributed sweets to the workers for Diwali.
d. The management distributed sweets among the workers for diwali.

7. He had just finished his assignment when there was a power cut. [Begin: Hardly…]
a. Hardly he had finished his assignment when there was a power cut.
b. Hardly did he finish his assignment when there was a power cut.
c. Hardly had he finished his assignment, when there was a power cut.
d. Hardly had he finished his assignment when there was a power cut.

8. If I were a strong man, I would have challenged him. [Begin: Were I…]
a. Were I not a strong man I would have challenged him.
b. Were I a strong man, I would have challenged him.
c. Were I to be a strong man, I would have challenged him.
d. Were I a strong man, I would not have challenged him.

9. I was too scared to face my father. [Begin: I was so…]

a. I was so scared that I could face my father.
b. I was so scared that I could not face my father.
c. I was so scared to face my father.
d. I was so scared that I faced my father.

10. She is horrified by her sister’s behaviour in public. [Use: horrifies]

a. Her sister’s behaviour in public horrifies her.
b. Her sister’s behaviour horrifies her in public.
c. Her sister horrifies her with her behaviour in public.
d. She horrifies her sister with her behaviour in public.

11. It was very selfish of him to desert his friends in their hour of need. [Begin: How…]
a. How selfish of him to desert his friends in their hour of need!
b. How selfish it was of him to desert his friends in their hour of need.
c. How selfish it was of him to desert his friends in their hour of need!
d. How very selfish of him to desert his friends in their hour of need!
12. As soon as he heard the gunshot, he ran towards the hill. [Begin: No sooner…]
a. No sooner he heard the gunshot than he ran towards the hill.
b. No sooner did he hear the gunshot when he ran towards the hill.
c. No sooner did he hear the gunshot, than he ran towards the hill.
d. No sooner did he hear the gunshot than he ran towards the hill.

13. Success comes only to those who work honestly and hard. [Use: succeed]
a. Only those who work honestly and hard succeed.
b. Those who work honestly and hard succeed.
c. Only those who work honestly and hard will succeed.
d. Only those who work honestly and hard do succeed.

14. If a riot had broken out, you would have been trapped in the city. [Begin: Had…]
a. Had a riot broken out you would have been trapped in the city.
b. Had there been a riot, you would have been trapped in the city.
c. Had a riot broken out, you would have been trapped in the city.
d. Had you been trapped in the city, a riot would have broken out.

15. I am sure that what you say is quite true. [Begin: I do not…]
a. I do not doubt what you say as I am quite sure it is true.
b. I do not doubt that what you say is quite true.
c. I do not have any doubt that what you say is quite true.
d. I do not doubt what you say as it is quite true.

16. She was too proud to admit defeat. [Begin: Her…]

a. Her pride did not let her admit defeat.
b. Her pride was what prevented her from admitting defeat.
c. Her pride prevented her from admitting defeat.
d. Her pride prevented her to admit defeat.

17. No other leader that India has ever produced was as revered as Mahatma Gandhi.
[Rewrite using most revered]
a. Mahatma Gandhi was the most revered leader that India has ever produced.
b. Mahatma Gandhi was India’s most revered leader.
c. Mahatma Gandhi was the most revered leader produced by India.
d. Mahatma Gandhi was the most revered leader that India produced.

18. She turned her head away to prevent him from seeing her tears. [Use: lest]
a. She turned her head away lest he should have seen her tears.
b. She turned her head away lest he should not see her tears.
c. She turned her head away lest he would see her tears.
d. She turned her head away lest he see her tears.

19. He walked on tiptoe so as not to be heard. [Use: lest]

a. He walked on tiptoe lest he would be heard.
b. He walked on tiptoe lest he be heard.
c. He walked on tiptoe lest he not be heard.
d. He walked on tiptoe lest he should be heard.

20. If I had taken proper notice, I would have known she was ill. [Begin: Had…]
a. Had I taken proper notice, I would have known she was ill.
b. Had I taken proper notice, I would not have known she was ill.
c. Had I not taken proper notice, I would not have known she was ill.
d. Had I not taken notice, I would have known she was ill.

21. We did not have a good time at the hill station as it rained continuously. [Begin: If…]
a. If it rained continuously, we did not have a good time at the hill station.
b. If it did not rain continuously, we would have had a good time at the hill station.
c. If it had not rained continuously, we would have had a good time at the hill
d. If it had rained continuously, we would not have had a good time at the hill

22. Fear made him flee from the scene without helping his mates. [Begin: He fled…]
a. He fled from the scene without helping his mates because he was afraid.
b. He fled from the scene without helping his mates because he had fear.
c. He fled from the scene without helping his mates because of fear.
d. He fled from the scene without helping his mates because he feared.

23. Deepa was wrong to cheat on the test. [Use: ought]

a. Deepa ought not to have cheated on the test.
b. Deepa ought to have cheated on the test.
c. Deepa ought not to cheat on the test.
d. Deepa ought not to be cheating on the test.

24. Everybody has heard of Gandhji. [Begin: Who…]

a. Who has heard of Gandhiji?
b. Who has not heard of Gandhiji?
c. Who has not heard about Gandhiji?
d. Who has not heard of Gandhiji.
25. He will issue the cheque only when he hears from the head office. [Begin: On…]
a. On hearing from the head office, he will issue the cheque.
b. On hearing from the head office only, he will issue the cheque.
c. On hearing from the head office, he will only issue the cheque.
d. On hearing from the head office only will he issue the cheque.

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