Scenario 3 (RELLE) - Getting Research Methodology Employed

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Scene 3: Getting research methodology employed

Name : Getting research methodology employed

Objective : To get acquainted with the features of educational research methods and employ them
Action :
1) Read the given sources of research methods thoroughly (Cresswel);
2) Read the comparison table of core research elements employed in different research methods;
3) Identify the core research elements based on the given titles employing different research methods;
4) Use the provided table for your answers;
5) Individual work.
Time Frame : Meeting 7-8.
Table 1: Comparing core research elements employed by different research methods
Core Research Research Methods
Elements Experiment Correlation Classroom Action Research
1 Title The effect of English The correlation between English Using English pronunciation
pronunciation practices on pronunciation and listening practices to improve listening
listening skill skills skill
2 Variables/Focuses 1) English pronunciation 1) English pronunciation 1) English pronunciation
practices (independent var.); (independent var.); practices (independent var.);
2) listening skill (dependent 2) listening skill (dependent 2) listening skill (dependent
var.) var.) var.)
3 Problems Do English pronunciation Does English pronunciation 1) How English pronunciation
practices affect listening skill? correlate with listening skills? practices are used to improve
listening skill?;
2) To what extent do English
pronunciation practices
improve listening skill?;
3) How do students respond to
the use of English
pronunciation practices to
improve listening skill?
4 Purposes To prove whether English To decide whether English 1) To describe the use of
pronunciation practices affect pronunciation correlates with English pronunciation
listening skill. listening skill. practices to improve listening
2) To determine whether
English pronunciation
practices improve listening
3) To analyse students’
responses toward the use of
English pronunciation
practices to improve listening
5 Hypothesis 1) H0: English pronunciation 1) H0: There is no correlation -
practices do not affect between English
listening skill; pronunciation and listening
2) H1: English pronunciation skill;
practices affects listening 2) H1: There is a correlation
skill between English
pronunciation and listening
6 Design and Treatment 1) Two group design: - One group design: given
Experiment group: given pronunciation practices
pronunciation practices (treatment)
Control group: no
pronunciation practices
2) One group design: given
pronunciation practices
7 Data Scores of listening skill Scores of English pronunciation 1) Teaching and learning
and listening skill activities of English
listening skills with
pronunciation practices;
2) Scores of English listening
3) Students’ responses
8 Data Sources Learners of (English) listening Learners of (English) 1) Teachers and learners;
class pronunciation and listening 2) Learners;
classes 3) Learners
9 Instruments Test of English listening Tests of English pronunciation 1) Observation sheet;
and listening 2) Test of listening;
3) Questionnaire and/or
10 Data Collection Procedure: design test, try out Procedure: design test, try out 1) Design the observation sheet,
Procedure/Technique the test, administer the test, the test, administer the test, try out the sheet, observe
check and score the test, and check and score the test, and using the sheet, and present
present the test score present the test score the activities;
2) design test, try out the test,
administer the test, check and
score the test, and present the
test score;
3) design the questionnaire/
interview protocol, try out
the quest/protoc., use the
quest/protoc., and present the
11 Data Analysis regression analysis or path Technique: use Pearson Product 1) qualitative/non-statistical
Procedure/Technique analysis Moment analysis;
2) regression analysis or path
3) qualitative/non-statistical
12 Instrument Validity Construct val.; content val.; or Construct val.; content val.; or Construct val.; content val.; or
Measurement external validity external validity external validity
13 Instrument Reliability Test-retest; equivalent tests; Test-retest; equivalent tests; Test-retest; equivalent tests;
Measurement test-retest mixed with test-retest mixed with test-retest mixed with
equivalent test; internal equivalent test; internal equivalent test; internal
consistency (Spearman Brown; consistency (Spearman Brown; consistency (Spearman Brown;
Kuder Richardson 20; KR 21; Kuder Richardson 20; KR 21; Kuder Richardson 20; KR 21;
Hoyt’s analysis of variance; Hoyt’s analysis of variance; Hoyt’s analysis of variance;
Alfa Cronbach Alfa Cronbach Alfa Cronbach
14 Conclusion 1) possible answer 1: English 1) possible answer 1: There is 1) English pronunciation
pronunciation practices a correlation between practices to improve
affect listening skill English pronunciation and listening skill are carried out
positively; listening skill; through this process …;
2) possible answer 2: English 2) possible answer 2: There is 2) Possible answer 1: English
pronunciation practices no correlation between pronunciation practices
affect listening skill English pronunciation and improve listening skill;
negatively; listening skill Possible answer 2: English
3) possible answer 3: English pronunciation practices do
pronunciation practices do not improve listening skill;
not affect listening skill 3) Students positively respond
toward the use of English
pronunciation practices to
improve listening skill
Table 2: identifying core research elements employed by different research methods based on the titles given
Core Research Research Methods
Elements Experiment Correlation Classroom Action Research
1 Title The effect of writing learner The correlation between learner Using learner diary writing to
diary on English grammar diary writing habit and English improve English grammar
mastery of ELSP Study grammar mastery of ELSP mastery of ELE Study Program
Programme students Study Program students students
2 Variables/Focuses
3 Problems
4 Purposes
5 Hypothesis
6 Design and Treatment
7 Data
8 Data Sources
9 Instruments
10 Data Collection
11 Data Analysis
12 Instrument Validity
13 Instrument Reliability
14 Conclusion
Table 3: Comparing core research elements employed by different research methods
Core Research Research Methods
Elements Case Sudy Content Analysis Survey
1 Title The English language teaching Indonesia’s cultural identity in English Department Students’
and learning activities in the English SMP and SMA responses towards the online
Language Village Pare, East students’ textbooks English listening and Speaking
Java Classes
2 Variables/Focuses The English language teaching Indonesia’s cultural identity The online English listening and
and learning activities (focus) (focus) Speaking Classes (focus)
3 Problems How are the English language 4) What Indonesia’s cultural How do English Department
teaching and learning activities identity is identified in Students respond to
in the Language Village Pare, English SMP and SMA towards the online English
East Java? students’ textbooks?; listening and Speaking Classes
5) How is the Indonesia’s
cultural identity presented in
English SMP and SMA
students’ textbooks?
4 Purposes To analyze the English language 1) To identify Indonesia’s To analyse English Department
teaching and learning activities cultural identity in English Students responses to
in the Language Village Pati, SMP and SMA towards the online English
Central Java. students’ textbooks; listening and Speaking Classes
2) To analyse the presentation
of Indonesia’s cultural
identity in English SMP and
SMA students’ textbooks?
5 Hypothesis - - -
6 Design and Treatment - - -
7 Data The English language teaching Indonesia’s cultural identity English Department Students’
and learning activities responses
8 Data Sources Teachers and students English SMP and SMA English Department Students
students’ textbooks
9 Instruments 4) Observation sheet; Researcher 1) Questionnaire;
5) Questionnaire; 2) Interview
6) Interview
10 Data Collection 4) Design the observation sheet, Read the references on national design the questionnaire/
Procedure/Technique try out the sheet, observe identities; transform the interview protocol, try out the
using the sheet, and present references of national identities quest/protoc., use the
the activities; into Indonesia’s identities; quest/protoc., and present the
5) design the questionnaire/ determine words/phrases/ response
interview protocol, try out the sentences containing or
quest/protoc., use the representing Indonesia’s
quest/protoc., and present the identity; present the
response words/phrases/sentences into
table of analysis
11 Data Analysis qualitative/non-statistical qualitative/non-statistical qualitative/non-statistical
Procedure/Technique analysis analysis analysis
12 Instrument Validity Construct val.; content val.; or Construct val.; content val.; or Construct val.; content val.; or
Measurement external validity external validity external validity
13 Instrument Reliability Test-retest; equivalent tests; test- Test-retest; equivalent tests; test- Test-retest; equivalent tests;
Measurement retest mixed with equivalent test; retest mixed with equivalent test; test-retest mixed with
internal consistency (Spearman internal consistency (Spearman equivalent test; internal
Brown; Kuder Richardson 20; Brown; Kuder Richardson 20; consistency (Spearman Brown;
KR 21; Hoyt’s analysis of KR 21; Hoyt’s analysis of Kuder Richardson 20; KR 21;
variance; Alfa Cronbach variance; Alfa Cronbach Hoyt’s analysis of variance;
Alfa Cronbach
14 Conclusion The English language teaching 3) Indonesia’s cultural identity English Department Students’
and learning activities in the identified in English SMP responses to towards the online
Language Village Pati, Central and SMA English listening and Speaking
Java are carried out through this students’ textbooks is … Classes are categorized into ….
procedure …; using the method 4) The Indonesia’s cultural in which … percent of students
of …; in which teachers play the identity in English SMP and …
role of …; and that of students SMA students’ textbooks is
of … presented by ……
Table 4: identifying core research elements employed by different research methods based on the titles given
Core Research Research Methods
Elements Case Sudy Content Analysis Survey
1 Title The teaching and learning of Character of integrity in the Difficulties encountered by
research skills in the English English text books of SMP and English Department students in
Education Study Programme SMA students the employment of distant
English learning during Covid
19 emergency
2 Variables/Focuses
3 Problems
4 Purposes
5 Hypothesis
6 Design and Treatment
7 Data
8 Data Sources
9 Instruments
10 Data Collection
11 Data Analysis
12 Instrument Validity
13 Instrument Reliability
14 Conclusion

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