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Procedia Engineering 54 (2013) 661 – 667

The 2nd International Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering

The Maintenance Evaluation of Sungkur Irrigation System At Ponorogo

Sobriyaha*, Suciptob, and Agus Hari Wahyudia a

Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
Dinas Pengairan, Ponorogo, Indonesia


Today, several irrigation structures in the Sungkur Irrigation System are severely damaged,
despite the routine maintenance carried out periodically. Therefore, it is necessary to have a
research to: (1) assess the condition , (2) determine whether the maintenance that had been
carried out from 2007 to 2009 has helped in improving the conditions, and (3) to know the
tendency of the conditions at the moment. Thr results showed that the performance of Sungkur
Irrigation System is sufficient. The maintenance effort resulted in increasing the condition, but
the increasing condition does not improve the overall declining condition. There was a 1,5 %
decline in the condition from 2007 to 2008 while from 2008 to 2009, the declining percentage
was at 3,36 percent.

© 2012
© 2013 ThePublished by Elsevier
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by Elsevier Selection
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under CCpeer-review under responsibility of
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Department of Civilunder
Selection and peer-review Engineering, Sebelas
responsibility Maret
of Department University
of Civil Engineering, Sebelas Maret University

Keywords: maintenance; performance; Sungkur Irrigation System.

1. Introduction
Ponorogo Regency covers an area of 1.371,78 kilometers square and located in
- -
Most of its citizen works in agricultural sector. Meanwhile, Sungkur Irrigation
Areas is one of 32 irrigation areas in Ponorogo Regency. The research location is
shown in the Figure 1.
Sungkur Irrigation System consists of Left Sungkur Irrigation System, Right
Sungkur Irrigation System and Duncak Irrigation System. Today, several irrigation
structures in the Sungkur Irrigation System are severely damaged, thereby disturbing of

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

1877-7058 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Department of Civil Engineering, Sebelas Maret University
662 Sobriyah et al. / Procedia Engineering 54 (2013) 661 – 667

water distribution into the rice fields. Despite the routine maintenance had been carried
out periodically, the small funds available for the maintenance could not covering the
damage of the irrigation structures.


Figure 1. Research Location

The maintenance fund available for Sungkur Irrigation Systems approximately four
hundred million per year or Rp.10.900, -/ha/month that comes from APBN. To improve
the irrigation water services, it is important to have well-operated Sungkur Irrigation
System and maintenance system that is able to restore the system function. To date,
there is no proper assessment has been carried out to check on the condition of irrigation
system which is indispensable in determining the proper maintenance system.
Therefore, it is necessary to have a research to: (1) assess the condition of Sungkur
Irrigation System from 2007 to 2009, (2) determine whether the maintenance that had
been carried out from 2007 to 2009 has helped in improving the Irrigation System
conditions, and (3) to know the tendency of Irrigation System conditions at the moment.

2. Literature Review
Ramchand (2001) shows that Indonesia needs an appropriate policy
reform and program that can improve the irrigation performance in order to increase
agricultural productivity. This recommendation is based on the results of one-year
analysis on irrigation in Indonesia (1997-1998).
Passouant et al (2009) developed a software for irrigation management to
maintaining irrigation areas which includes planning, implementation, monitoring, and
evaluation. This software has been implemented in the Irrigation System in Mali and
shows a good result by helping the decision making process based on operation and
maintenance records in the past.
Performance assessment in an irrigation system is necessary at this moment. For
assessment purposes, it is important to choose some indicators to compare the actual
performance with previously established design criteria. Especially for sprinkler
irrigation, the evaluation of losses due to environmental conditions can be considered as
an important indicator in the performance of irrigation systems (Lorenzini et al, 2005).
The operating system modelling has been developed by George et. al. (2004) which
is known as Irrigation Main System Operation (IMSOP). The model was applied to
Sobriyah et al. / Procedia Engineering 54 (2013) 661 – 667 663

improve the operational performance of the Cu Chi Irrigation System in Vietnam.

Maintenance process carried out by comparing water supply and demand during 2001
and 2002. Operating system is carried out without taking into consideration the crop
water requirements and existing regulations.
In his study (2009), Bambang Basuki Hartanto writes that the damage in the
component of irrigation structures is one of the reasons that causes the decline
irrigation system performance. Therefore, there is a need to have priority scale in the
irrigation maintenance because the fund is limited.

3. Methods
The methods applied in this study is descriptive quantitative by using primary data
and secondary data. Primary data is collected directly from the research object and
derived from the field.

Secundary Data

Survey of Condition

The Condition in 2009 =

The Condition in 2010 before

Analysis : Data of Data of

Condition assessment Maintenance Maintenance
of Irrigation System 2008 2007

Weighting and

The The Condition The Condition

Condition of of of
Sungkur Sungkur Sungkur
Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation
System System 2008 System 2007

The trend of condition of Sungkur Irrigation

System from 2007 to 2009


Figure 2. The flow chart of the research

664 Sobriyah et al. / Procedia Engineering 54 (2013) 661 – 667

Meanwhile, the secondary data is taken from particular sources that have been
available before this study is conducted. The flow chart of the research is shown in
Figure 2.

4. Research Result
The collection of secondary data in 2007 and 2008 only show the damage records of
maintenance activities that were carried out during each years. Therefore, it needs to
obtain the assessment on Sungkur Irrigation System condition in 2008, primary data that
collected during research in 2009 is used with some correction by reducing it with the
value of damage and maintenance in 2008. The same method is used to calculate the
condition in 2007.
The assessment of the condition Irrigation System use The assessment guidelines for
Irrigation System from Sub-Departmen of Programs Development-Water Directorate
General, 1999. Every major component is divided into several smaller components,
each condition needs to be assessed further. Each component will contribute to overall
physical condition of irrigation system. However, the contribution of each major
component to overall physical irrigation system is different from each other. The
contribution percentage of each component is calculated based on its influence in
guaranteeing the water irrigation services.
Three years analysis results on Sungkur Irrigation System show the tendency of
declining function. Respectively in 2007, 2008 and 2009, the performance are 75.125%,
72.13% and 67.985%. Based on the 1999 Guidelines for Assessment of Irrigation
System, is considered to be in sufficient condition. The tendency in the condition of
Left Sungkur Irrigation System from 2007 until 2009 can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Left Sungkur Irrigation System condition

The result of analysis on Right Sungkur Irrigation System shows the declining trend
in its function. Respectively in 2007, 2008, and 2009, the performance are 66.84%,
66.37% and 64.85%. Based on the 1999 Guidelines for Assessment of Irrigation
System, the condition is considered to be in sufficient condition. The tendency in the
condition of Right Sungkur Irrigation System from 2007 until 2009 can be seen in
Figure 4.
Sobriyah et al. / Procedia Engineering 54 (2013) 661 – 667 665

Figure 4. Right Sungkur Irrigation System condition

The result of analysis on Duncak in Sungkur Irrigation System shows the declining
trend in its function. Respectively in 2007, 2008, and 2009, the performance are
69,35%, 67,81% and 63,05%. Based on the 1999 Guidelines for Assessment of
Irrigation System, the condition is considered to be in sufficient condition. The
tendency in the condition of Duncak in Sungkur Irrigation System from 2007 until 2009
can be seen in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Duncak Irrigation System condition

The overall condition of Sungkur Irrigation System shows the tendency of declining
function in each year. Respectively in 2007, 2008, and 2009, the performance are
70,26%, 68,76% and 65,40%. From the figures below, it can be seen that all component
within Sungkur Irrigation System experienced the declining function although there was
maintenance effort carried out for all components. Except for diversion structure
component in 2008, the analysis shows increasing condition. Based on the 1999
Guidelines for Assessment of Irrigation System, the overall condition of the system is
considered to be sufficient although it is hard to deny that the overall irrigation system
shows declining graphic. The condition of Sungkur Irrigation System from 2007 until
2009 can be seen in Figure 6.
666 Sobriyah et al. / Procedia Engineering 54 (2013) 661 – 667

Figure 6. The overall condition of Sungkur Irrigation System

5. Conclusion
Based on the analysis on the evaluation result of maintenance program on Sungkur
Irrigation System in Ponogoro, the conclusions are:
1. Based on the analysis result on the components and sub components in Sungkur
Irrigation System, it can be seen that:
a. In 2007, the condition at 70,26% is considered to be sufficient
b. In 2008, the condition at 68,76% is considered to be sufficient
c. In 2009, the condition at 65,40% is considered to be sufficient
2. The maintenance effort conducted for three years resulted in increasing the
condition of Sungkur Irrigation System. Nevertheless, the increasing condition does
not improve the overall declining condition
3. There was a 1,5 % decline in the irrigation condition from 2007 to 2008 while from
2008 to 2009, the declining percentage was at 3,36 percent.

This research was carried out with the financial support of Post Graduate of Civil
Engineering Sebelas Maret University

Anonim (1999). Pedoman Penilaian Jaringan Irigasi Subdit Bina Program Ditjen Air. Departemen
Pekerjaan Umum Republik Indonesia.
Bambang Basuki Hartanto (2009). Evaluasi Kerusakan Dan Peningkatan Kinerja Jaringan Jetu. Tesis.
Post Graduate Civil Engineering, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta.
George, B. A., Malano, H.M., Vo Khac Tri, Turral, H. (2004). Using modelling to improve operational
performance in the Cu Chi irrigation system, Vietnam, Journal. ICID
Lorenzini, G., and Wrachien, D.D. (2005). Performance assessment irrigation systems: a new indicator
for spray evaporation losses, Journal. ICID.
Sobriyah et al. / Procedia Engineering 54 (2013) 661 – 667 667

Ramchand, O. (2001). Policy reforms for sustainable irrigation management, a case study of Indonesia,
Journal. ICID
Passouant, M., Le Gal, P.Y., and Keita, B. (2009). The contribution of information systems in
maintaining large-scale irrigation schemes, Journal. ICID

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