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857324, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Adventure 170 Second Edition

Trouble in the Academy

he students have proved their mettle to their instructors at the Magaambya, who now
trust them to handle academy business in the surrounding metropolis of Nantambu, the
Song-Wind City. Nantambu now faces more than its usual dangers, including a vengeful
alchemist, stealthy infiltrators, and a crime boss bent on expanding her influence. Can the
students discover the secrets of a mysterious artifact, protect their fellow classmates, and still
graduate? The Strength of Thousands Adventure Path continues with “Spoken on the Song


Wind,” a complete adventure for 4th- to 7th-level characters.

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Spoken on
the Song
Part 2 of 6

Printed in China.
By Quinn Murphy

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857325, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

1500 FEET




G5 G7

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G4 G6




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Quinn Murphy

James Case, Jessica Catalan, Brian Cortijo,
Isaac Kerry, Quinn Murphy, Dave Nelson,
Lu Pellazar, and Shan Wolf

Ron Lundeen and Luis Loza

Mark Seifter

Lu Pellazar

Janica Carter, Leo Glass, Patrick Hurley,
Avi Kool, Lu Pellazar, Simone D. Sallé, and
Shay Snow

COVER ARTIST Adventure Path 2 of 6

Setiawan Lee

Spoken on the
Vlada Hladkova, Robert Lazzaretti,
Artur Nakhodkin, Ian Perks, Christoph Peters,
and Luis Salas Lastra

Sonja Morris and Sarah E. Robinson

James Jacobs
Song Wind
Erik Mona Spoken on the Song Wind 2
by Quinn Murphy
Chapter 1: The Learned One Returns 4
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Chapter 2: Service to the City 18

Chapter 3: The Flooded Mansion 54

Mwangi Folktales 68
by James Case and Lu Pellazar

Adventure Toolbox 74
by James Case, Jessica Catalan, Brian Cortijo, Isaac Kerry, Quinn Murphy, Dave Nelson, and
Shan Wolf
Player Rules
Ritual 75
Magic Items 75
Folklorist Archetype 78
Nantambu Chime-Ringer Archetype 79
Damibwa 80
Gbahali 81
Grippli 82
I’iko Dragon 84
Mpeshi 85
Serpentfolk 86
Fire-Pot Ubanu 88
Paizo Inc.
Froglegs 90
7120 185th Ave NE, Ste 120
Redmond, WA 98052-0577 Salathiss 92

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857328, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Spoken on the
Song Wind S p o k en
o n th e
S on g
Chapter 1:
Chapter 1: The Learned One Returns...........................4 SANDBOX IN A CITY The Learned
The wise and influential teacher Janatimo returns to the Magaambya with Now that the heroes have more One Returns
questions about the heroes’ recent experiences and successes. He suggests responsibilities at the Magaambya, Chapter 2:
the heroes find out more about what recently brought a group of anadi they’ve been trusted to venture Service to
seekers to the school and discover why a pair of griffons tried to make a further afield to serve the school’s the City
meal of them. interests. The first two chapters of Chapter 3:
this adventure provide a number of The Flooded
Chapter 2: Service to the City.................................... 18 tasks for the heroes to complete, Mansion
The heroes are elevated to the rank of conversants, which means they’re and they can choose to address Mwangi
not only responsible for representing the Magaambya in Nantambu, but these undertakings in any order. Folktales
also poised to handle its citizens’ most unusual problems. Several service More straightforward tasks are set
missions reveal that the city—and the Magaambya—have some powerful forth in Chapter 1, and more difficult Toolbox
and sinister enemies. tasks are found in Chapter 2. Your
responsibility as GM is to inform the
21661563 857328

Chapter 3: The Flooded Mansion.............................. 54 players what the options are; the
The heroes have ascertained that all is not right with Magistrate-Mayor players should decide where to go
Asanda, and they must enter his flooded manor to learn more. There, and how to approach their duties.
they find serpentfolk infiltrators who once sought to steal a Magaambyan This type of “sandbox” structure
secret, but now plot to take over Nantambu’s government! gives a lot of narrative control to
the players, and requires that you
be ready to respond to the heroes’
actions no matter where they decide
to go.

Advancement Track
“Spoken on the Song Wind” is designed for four characters.

4 The heroes begin this adventure at 4th level.

5 The heroes should reach 5th level after completing Janatimo’s

first two tasks in Chapter 1.

6 The heroes should reach 6th level while performing services

to people of Nantambu in Chapter 2.

7 The heroes should reach 7th level before venturing into the
flooded manor in Chapter 3.
The heroes should reach 8th level by the time they complete
the adventure.

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857329, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Even before I set down my satchel after returning from my travels, Takulu
Ot spoke breathlessly about a group of students who fought off insects,
confronted an expelled pupil we all thought to be dead, and defeated griffons
that had decided to feast upon mysterious anadi arrivals.
My role leading the Uzunjati and my love for a good story demanded that
I ask Takulu about these students. He supplied me more information over
dinner, and my initial interest turned to fascination. I have decided that I
shall speak to them and, if they are even partially as interesting as Takulu
makes them out to be, offer my hand to help guide their efforts.
The stories I hear about them fascinate me, but what I want to them to
know—and deeply understand—is that stories of the past build the events of
today. What brought the griffons to the school? Where did they come from?
Griffons don’t normally prey on anadis; why did they attack those poor
students? For that matter, what attracted the anadi students here in the first
place? We’ve welcomed them to the school, but it seems wise to understand their
motivations and their goals.
Getting the students to think about the answers to these questions, to pose
their own theories, and then to investigate the truth of the situation, is far
more important to their education than learning spells or rituals. Let’s get

them to see what lies beneath, and we can see where that leads together. 857329

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Chapter 1:
The Learned S p o k en
One Returns o n th e
S on g
Chapter 1:
Two weeks after the final events of Pathfinder Adventure Path #169: Kindled CHAPTER 1 SYNOPSIS The Learned
Magic, the heroes learn that the head of the Uzunjati branch, Janatimo (CG In this chapter, Teacher Janatimo One Returns
male half-elf storyteller 12), has returned to the Magaambya. Janatimo is returns from abroad. He’s interested Chapter 2:
one of the five learned ones, scholars who lead each of the Magaambya’s in the heroes, based largely on Service to
branches separately. Heroes who have Uzunjati as their Takulu Ot’s reports of their successes. the City
primary branch hear about his return first; if there Taking the heroes under his wing, Chapter 3:
aren’t any, Noxolo and Okoro Obiyo eventually Janatimo asks them to investigate The Flooded
alert everyone in the Spire Dormitory. Janatimo is two unresolved mysteries from the Mansion
kind, insightful, and entertaining, three important end of Pathfinder Adventure Path Mwangi
qualities that make any teacher popular. #169: Kindled Magic. First, they must Folktales
Janatimo has heard about the heroes’ victories question the anadi students about
and wants to speak with them himself. He thinks what’s drawn them to the school, Toolbox
that, with proper guidance, the heroes can be part which uncovers a serpentfolk
of the next generation of teachers and representatives plot and reveals further clues
21661565 857330

that the Magaambya needs. He sends each the heroes can’t yet answer.
hero a note to meet him at his office in an Second, they must
unassuming building on the northeast edge investigate a rare-animal
of the canal‑ringed campus. It’s easy for the shop where the griffons
heroes to ask around to learn who Janatimo is, were once caged. This site
but a hero who succeeds at a DC 15 Society or presents several dangers and
Magaambya Lore check, or a DC 15 Diplomacy opportunities to collect hints about
Teacher Janatimo
check to Gather Information, learns that Janatimo a criminal organization that the
has an eye for talent, and those he takes under his heroes will face in Chapter 2.
wing tend to become prominent figures in their own right.
When the heroes arrive, read or paraphrase the following. CHAPTER 1 TREASURE
The permanent and consumable
The furnishings in Teacher Janatimo’s office are simple, but the desks and shelves items available as treasure in
contain many objects and curios, each of which seems as though it has an Chapter 1 are as follows.
interesting story to tell. In the center of all these items, sits Janatimo himself, • animal staff
Learned One and head of the Uzunjati. He stands from his desk and extends his • crown of the companion
arms wide in greeting. • feather step stone
“Ah, thank you for taking the time to visit with me. Please, have a seat. I am • hunting spider venom
sure there are some interesting tales we can share.” • lesser elixir of life
• moderate cheetah’s elixir
Janatimo wants to talk to the heroes about their exploits at the • rhino hide brooch
Magaambya thus far. He prompts them for specifics and interesting • ring of acid resistance
moments, then brings focus to the new anadis’ arrival and the griffon • sneaky key
attack. He asks them to explain what happened in detail. If the heroes • striking rune
mention Teacher Ot’s aid, Janatimo nods with a smile and observes that • warcaller’s chime of destruction
the heroes remained in good hands with him.

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A4 A5

A3 A2


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After discussing both topics, Janatimo pauses and way out of a question, the Deception check uses the
redirects the conversation. He asks the heroes to same DC but takes a –2 circumstance penalty, as
speculate on theories regarding what happened. He’s Janatimo has a keen eye for when students haven’t
not looking for answers—as he knows that neither he studied. The heroes collectively earn Impression Points
nor the students currently have any—nor does he want for well-presented answers. A successful check grants 1
a rehashing of facts. He seeks plausible theories, and Impression Point, a critical success gives 2 Impression
considers none too outlandish for this conversation. Points, and a critical failure removes an Impression
Janatimo is most interested in the rigor of the Point (to a minimum of 0).
heroes’ thinking and their ability to invent plausible “What drew the griffons to the Magaambya?”
connections. He asks the following four questions. Griffon behaviors tend to be straightforward, so
For each, he chooses one hero to provide a realistic realistic answers have a DC of 14 and outlandish
answer and another hero to provide an intentionally answers have a DC of 24.
outlandish answer. He makes sure to pose an inquiry to “Why were the griffons so hostile?” Realistic
each hero so that they all answer at least one question, answers have a DC of 18 and outlandish answers have
as he wants to make sure that every voice is heard. a DC of 20.
Regardless of the specific theory a hero advances, “What brought the anadis here, to the heart of a city
they can attempt a skill check at the listed DC to with which they appear wholly unfamiliar?” Much
impress Janatimo with their reasoning. Use the remains mysterious regarding the arrival of the anadi
skill most applicable for the hero’s answer; if the students, so realistic answers have a DC of 20 and
hero suggests an overtly magical effect, Arcana or outlandish answers have a DC of 18.
Occultism might be the most applicable skill, but if a “What else might the anadis want, besides to study?
hero suggests a natural connection, Nature or Survival That is, what might make them feel more like they
might be better. If the character attempts to Lie their belong here?” Realistic answers have a DC of 18 and

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857332, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

outlandish answers have a DC of 20. Janatimo believes A1. HABABE BUILDING EXTERIOR
it to be friendship, acceptance, or something similar;
a hero who responds along these lines earns a bonus The lecture hall is dark for the evening, but the front steps
Impression Point in addition to are illuminated by a lantern on a log
any the check result generates. between several soft clumps of
Janatimo nods with each brush. The stairs up to the lecture
answer, thanking the heroes hall are flanked by two clay statues S p o k en
for sharing their analysis once of stout masked figures holding
the conversation is over. swords. Although the lecture hall
o n th e
Digging Deeper: Whether entrance atop the stairs is a grand S on g
or not the heroes impress double door, it’s not the building’s
Janatimo, he feels they should only visible entrance: a smaller door
spend time looking into recent matters behind the stairs is just illuminated by the Chapter 1:
at the Magaambya to discover the truth. lantern’s light. The Learned
Janatimo’s hunches tell him that these One Returns
events are no mere coincidences, and The main and upper floors Chapter 2:
he wants the heroes to confirm these of the Hababe Building hold Service to
hunches. In the process, he believes nothing of interest. The building the City
the heroes will further develop their sees some activity during the Chapter 3:
knowledge and skills as students. day, but there’s no one in it now. The Flooded
Janatimo asks the heroes to find out Goss The statues are an old defense mechanism, Mansion
more about what brought the anadi students rendered inert so long ago that no one on the Mwangi
to the school, and where the griffons came from. campus remembers they were once animated. Salathiss Folktales
He asks them to report to him on these matters over found a way to reactivate the western statue to kill or
the school year; it doesn’t matter which they tackle drive off any anadis who spend too much time near Toolbox
first. He emphasizes that coursework is a priority the storeroom door.
above all else. There’s no rush, so the heroes are free The teak door is scratched and old. Its brass lock
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to investigate around their classwork, as described in is corroded and obviously inoperable, but the door
the Life in the Academy article starting on page 60 of doesn’t open easily; the serpentfolk boarded it closed
Pathfinder Adventure Path #169: Kindled Magic. from the inside. The door requires a successful DC 17
Treasure: For taking the time to meet with him, Athletics check to Force Open, or the heroes can pry
Janatimo gives the heroes one of the curios in his open the wood piece by piece given about an hour
office: a crown of the companion (page 75). He thinks of work. Before they can give much attention to the
it will assist the heroes with the investigations he’s door, however, they have to deal with its guardian, as
asked them to conduct. He’s in no hurry to get it back, described in the Guardian Animates section on page 8.
as he knows its story will grow the longer they keep it.
XP Award: If the heroes earn at least 3 Impression Questioning the Anadi Students
Points, award them 80 XP. If they earn at least 6 The anadi students are named Rainbows-
Impression Points, increase this award to 120 XP. Reflected-Upon-Gossamer-Strands (or simply
“Goss”), Barest-Threads-Billowing Maztachia, and
Hababe Building Droplets-Hanging-Gently Savanakin. Unlike Tzeniwe,
For the heroes to locate the anadi students, they should these anadis are quite unfamiliar with non-anadi society
either ask their fellow student (and likely friend) and structures. They feel exceptionally out of place at
Strands-of-Glowing-Dawn Tzeniwe or succeed at a DC the Magaambya but also feel an undeniable psychic
17 Diplomacy check to Gather Information about them. pull to be at the school. Although it is uncomfortable,
In either case, the heroes learn that the anadi students the Magaambya feels like the right place for them to be,
haven’t made many friends, as they tend to unsettle so they are making the best of it. The fact that they’ve
other classmates with their preference for their natural been admitted as students and are able to develop their
humanoid spider forms. The heroes’ anadi classmates inherent magical powers goes a long way to making
often spend evenings in front of the Hababe Building them feel at home, and many teachers and students go
(map on page 6), a little-used structure that contains out of their way to make the anadis feel welcome.
storerooms, lecture halls, and spare offices. There, the The anadis are currently deeply involved in an
students discuss arcane theories well past dark. esoteric debate about the intricate webs of fate and

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causality. A hero can interrupt the anadi students to THE GUARDIAN ANIMATES MODERATE 4
question them with a successful DC 19 Diplomacy or Whenever a creature approaches the storeroom door,
Intimidation check, or can join the debate and steer the statue grinds to life, shaking off years of dust and
it to a conclusion with a successful DC 15 check raising its sword and shield.
using Arcana, Society, or another skill that seems Creature: Once activated, the statue attacks
appropriate. Waiting them out is a test of patience, as everyone in the area until it’s destroyed. If no enemies
the anadi students can debate with one another for are within 60 feet, it returns to its spot next to the
hours. Of course, they cease their debate immediately stairs, but reanimates when anyone else approaches
if the terra-cotta soldier (see below) animates. the door.
When the debate is over or interrupted, the heroes
can talk to the students. The following are questions TERRA-COTTA SOLDIER CREATURE 6
the heroes might ask. Pathfinder Bestiary 3 263
Why did you come to the Magaambya? “We... are Initiative Perception +14
not sure. We felt the call of magic, and knew this was
the place that had the most to teach us about it.” Anadi Aid: The anadi students flee from the statue
Where did you come from? “We live deep in the as it animates, keeping well away but remaining in the
jungle. We wanted to see more of the world, and so area to provide the heroes encouragement and advice
came to Nantambu. We had only just arrived, and only (if necessary, use the anadi seeker statistics on page
just learned of the Magaambya, when we felt the call 78 of Pathfinder Adventure Path #169). A hero who
pulling us here. We hadn’t seen more than a handful listens realizes the advice contains sound suggestions
of other humanoids until we came, and here there are on how to disrupt the statue’s animating force; the
so, so many!” heroes can use the following action in this encounter.
How long do you intend to stay? “We will stay as
long as we are allowed to keep learning.” HEED ANADI ADVICE [one-action]
Why do you meet here so often? “This storeroom calls AUDITORY CONCENTRATE LINGUISTIC
to us at times. We spend a lot of time discussing what You interpret the anadis’ suggestions on how to best assail
might be there, but we haven’t gone in. We sometimes the terra-cotta soldier’s animating magic. Attempt a DC 19
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hear noises inside, and that gives us caution.” Arcana or Occultism check, or a DC 24 Perception check.
Why did those griffons attack you? “We couldn’t say. Critical Success As success, but the status bonus is +2.
It was the most terrifying moment of our lives, and we Success You gain a +1 status bonus to your attack rolls
are grateful you were there. We owe you a great debt. against the terra-cotta soldier until the end of your turn.
We have seen griffons before, but not those griffons— Critical Failure You can’t understand the students’ advice,
they are very distinctive in their look, so perhaps it’s and the attention you’re paying them causes you to
not difficult to find out where they came from.” become flat-footed until the start of your next turn.
If the heroes don’t bring it up, the anadis bring up the
storeroom anyway. They tried to tell faculty members Investigating the Statue: The old statue’s sudden
about the strange feelings and occasional noises, but no animation might puzzle the heroes; certainly, the
one has taken an interest until the heroes did just now. anadis have seen it every night for the last several
The anadi students are too cautious to look themselves. nights and it hasn’t animated before. Heroes who
Investigate the statue and succeed at a DC 19 Arcana
Investigating the Storeroom or Crafting check see that the statue was imbued with
Heroes who ask around campus about the storeroom arcane energy within the past day. On a critical success,
learn that it used to hold talismans and alchemical the heroes realize that the statue was once animated
reagents, but a newer storeroom was built in a more long ago, and the recent energy merely reactivated its
central location a few years ago, making this one former defense protocols.
obsolete. It’s part of the building’s foundation, though, Aftermath: The anadi students thank the heroes for
and the classrooms and offices in the building are still their efforts after the battle. They appear dismayed
used occasionally, so it’s just left empty and unused. that trouble seems to be following them: first the
Heroes who observe the storeroom sometimes hear griffons, and now the statue. They appreciate that the
a noise from inside at different times of the afternoon heroes are, once again, on hand to save them.
and late at night, but see no one enter or exit. Salathiss XP Award: Award the heroes 30 XP for obtaining
and his minions use secret tunnels to enter and exit the information from the anadi students and an additional
storeroom to maintain the illusion of it being empty. 30 XP if any hero Heeds Anadi Advice successfully.

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The three anadis who came to the Magaambya at
Dust and cobwebs coat empty shelves and cabinets. The the end of the last adventure are Goss, Maztachia,
hard dirt floor is stained with paint and the powder of and Savanakin. Because the griffons targeted them
long-inert reagents. with their attacks, one or two of these anadis may
not have survived. In addition to their strange sense
The shelves and cabinets here were used simply to of displacement and ignorance of the mysterious S p o k en
prepare goods for delivery elsewhere. The serpentfolk effect that drew them to the Magaambya, you
don’t use this room either, as they use tunnels that lead should also emphasize the anadi students’ grief if
o n th e
directly into area A3. They barred the door leading they’ve lost any such companions. S on g
outside, set a trap on the door to area A3, and have
left this room unattended ever since.
The serpentfolk don’t realize there’s a secret door Chapter 1:
on the north wall leading to area A5. One of the Despite the heaps of broken shelves, expired The Learned
cabinets pivots outward along with a section of the supplies, and other trash, this room is obviously One Returns
wall when a shelf within it is tilted up. A hero who occupied more regularly than area A2. Chapter 2:
Searches this room discovers it with a successful DC Two young “humans” dressed in dark blue robes Service to
20 Perception check. gamble at the table when the heroes arrive. One of the City
Trap: The serpentfolk trap produces a loud hissing them is short with a slight sneer to his smile. He Chapter 3:
noise. If the heroes bypass this ward and open the door calls himself Oyo. His compatriot, who calls herself The Flooded
silently, the creatures in area A3 are caught off guard. Mtembe, is thin and tall, with a fierce, scowling Mansion
countenance. The gamblers are both serpentfolk Mwangi
SERPENT WARD HAZARD 7 Coil spies posing as students. Their job is to serve as Folktales
UNCOMMON MAGICAL TRAP lookouts and convince anyone who comes by that the
Stealth DC 25 (expert) storeroom is nothing but a hideout for bored students. Toolbox
Description Illusionary snakes erupt from the trapped If the heroes catch them off guard, the “students” are
door, inflicting a venomous curse on intruders. defensive and ill-prepared to maintain their ruse; they
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Disable DC 26 Thievery (expert) or DC 24 Occultism take a –2 circumstance penalty to Deception checks,

(expert) to deactivate the magical trigger and their Deception DCs are reduced by 2.
Curse the Intruders [reaction] (curse, illusion, occult) Trigger The Underneath one of the trash piles is a locked trap
trapped door is opened other than by a serpentfolk; door. The cramped passage beneath it leads to a dense
Effect Hissing, illusionary snakes leap from the door. knot of shrubbery elsewhere on campus. Salathiss has
Each living creature within 30 feet is subjected to the the only key, as he wants to control who comes and
curse of potent poison. If a living creature opened the goes this way. Unlocking the trap door requires three
door, that creature must roll its saving throw against successful DC 20 Thievery checks to Pick a Lock, or
the curse twice and take the worse result (this is a a successful DC 23 Athletics check to Force it Open.
misfortune effect). Talking to Oyo and Mtembe: The pair try to turn the
heroes away with subterfuge and careful lies. Salathiss
CURSE OF POTENT POISON CURSE 5 places a huge importance on infiltration over violence,
UNCOMMON CURSE MAGICAL and he expects the spies to weave a convincing story.
This curse magically speeds poison through your body. They know they will be punished harshly if they fail.
Saving Throw DC 20 Will; Effect You take a –1 status Oyo and Mtembe discuss the following topics to
penalty to Fortitude saves and you gain weakness 3 to establish their cover, but their stories aren’t airtight as
poison (if you already have weakness to poison, increase they haven’t spent much time catching up with current
it by 3). The curse remains until removed by remove events. The heroes can notice subtle discrepancies in
curse or similar magic. their stories by succeeding at the indicated skill checks.
They Hate Attending Classes: “The teachers are
A3. TRASH ROOM MODERATE 4 so boring. They always teach the same things, over
and over!” A hero who succeeds at a DC 19 Society
The room is poorly illuminated by a flickering lantern. or Magaambya Lore (or similar Lore) check catches
Multiple piles of trash dot the room. A makeshift table that the pair mention Teacher Orwallu and Teacher
made of crates and covered by a large cloth bears a few Haarou, two instructors who don’t teach at the
scattered coins. Magaambya anymore.

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They Like to Experiment Here on Their Own: “We the pair of serpentfolk drop their disguise and attack.
come here to learn better stuff than what our teachers If the heroes seem content with Oyo’s and Mtembe’s
can show us.” A hero who succeeds at a DC 19 Arcana answers but intent on exploring anyway, the pair
or Nature check reveals that nothing about the room pretends to agree with them. Salathiss has told the
indicates that any experiments take place here. spies he’ll know if the door to the talisman room
The Other Storerooms are Unsafe and Contain Only (area A4) is opened; this is a complete lie, but the
Junk: “We tried going in the other rooms, but there’s Coil spies believe they’ll be in trouble if that door is
nothing but trash there, trust us.” A hero who succeeds opened. They attack if anyone steps up to that door.
at a DC 19 Crafting check evaluates the debris here Note that if the heroes open the door, they might end
and realizes that many such supplies would withstand up fighting the wood golem and the Coil spies at the
the test of time; that is, goods deeper in the storeroom same time—a difficult fight!
are likely to be useful and maybe even valuable. Creatures: The Coil spies use Sneak Attack when
The Ward is One of Their Experiments: “It’s a great possible, trying to poison each hero with their
example of what self-study can produce.” Oyo only shortswords or fangs. Fearful of Salathiss’s retribution,
brings this up if the heroes triggered the ward, they fight until killed or incapacitated.
or if they otherwise bring it up. A hero who
succeeds at a DC 17 Occultism or Nature check COIL SPY (2) CREATURE 4
realizes that such a complex ward is beyond Pathfinder Bestiary 2 238
what students at the Magaambya should be Initiative Perception +10
able to produce.
They Have a Secret Way In: “It Interrogating the Serpentfolk: If the
wouldn’t be a good place to hide out two serpentfolk are uncovered and
and relax if everyone could get in captured, they claim to know very
here so easily, right?” Mtembe little, and they’re basically speaking
only brings this up if the truth. Their leader (whom they
the heroes ask how name as Salathiss and describe by
they got into this room appearance only if a hero succeeds
21661570 857335

when there’s no evidence at a DC 21 Intimidation check) told

they passed through the them to pretend to be students and
adjacent supply delivery deter any trespassers. They know
room. If the heroes press on that Salathiss is hiding in Nantambu
this point, Mtembe moves with other serpentfolk, but they don’t
aside the trash to show them know where and they don’t know the
the trap door. The Coil spies can’t size of Salathiss’s retinue. Salathiss used
open the door and pretend to have to come into the storage room every few
lost the key if the heroes want nights on an errand he didn’t discuss, but
them to open it. it’s been a few days since they’ve seen him.
They are Surly and Treasure: A pilfered warcaller’s chime
Disagreeable: “That doesn’t of destruction (page 77) sits in the trash
seem like anything we should pile above the trap door. The serpentfolk
care about, and you should used it to force their way into this area.
go bother someone else with XP Award: Award the heroes 30 XP
it.” If the heroes bring up for each discrepancy they uncover (to
other topics, the serpentfolk a maximum of 90 XP), in addition to
are generally dismissive and XP earned from defeating the Coil spies.
rude, as they feel interrupted If they get Salathiss’s name, award them
students would be. A hero who an additional 30 XP.
succeeds at a Perception check
to Sense Motive against the Coil A4. TALISMAN ROOM MODERATE 4
spies’ Deception DC indicates that Scraps of wood, feathers, and bones
something is wrong. Oyo litter the floor and the shelves of this
If the heroes discover at least two room. Atop a heap of wood are a few
discrepancies in the Coil spies’ stories, exquisitely carved pieces, as though


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from a disassembled wooden statue: muscled arms, continue his experiments on the Vesicant Egg. An
broad feet, and a scowling face of excellent artistry. emperor cobra and a giant viper hide among the pile,
Creature: The jumble of wood is actually a curled about each other. They slither forward when
wood golem at rest. Salathiss set the golem here to anyone enters the room, expecting Salathiss to feed
intercept any intruders who got past the Coil spies or scratch them. When they realize Salathiss isn’t
(or to eliminate the Coil spies themselves, if they grew here, they nevertheless hope for food and become
too curious about what’s happening deeper in the aggressive if they don’t get it. If the heroes provide S p o k en
storeroom). If anyone other than Salathiss enters the them with a reasonably fresh and substantial amount
room, the heap of wood rises in a humanoid form and of meat, the snakes slither back into their nest of
o n th e
lumbers forward to attack. It pursues heroes who flee hay and wood. A hero can attempt a DC 19 Nature S on g
and fights until destroyed. check to Command an Animal to get the snakes to
retreat even without feeding them, but on a failure,
WOOD GOLEM CREATURE 6 the snakes attack. Chapter 1:
Pathfinder Bestiary 2 130 In a fight, the snakes work together to attack the The Learned
Initiative Perception +12 same target when possible. A snake reduced to fewer One Returns
than 15 Hit Points tries to flee or burrow into their Chapter 2:
Treasure: Many useful talismans lie among the inert nest to escape. Service to
supplies. A hero who succeeds at a DC 15 Perception the City
check to Search the room finds a sneaky key, two EMPEROR COBRA CREATURE 5 Chapter 3:
feather step stones, and a rhino hide brooch (page 76). Pathfinder Bestiary 2 245 The Flooded
Initiative Perception +13 Mansion
This small room contains cleaning supplies. Slumped in the Pathfinder Bestiary 303
corner is the corpse of a lithe woman with a snake head. Initiative Perception +7 Toolbox

The dead serpentfolk here was an assistant Salathiss Treasure: Most of the reagents in this room have
21661571 857336

relied on for his experiments with the Vesicant Egg. spoiled, but some are stable. A hero who succeeds at a
When he learned she was keeping information from DC 19 Crafting check can salvage 150 gp of reagents
him, he swiftly killed her. He stored her body out from this room. On a critical success, this amount is
of the way here, intending to dispose of it later. The 250 gp instead. On a failure, the reagents can’t be
serpentfolk bears a look of terror frozen on her face, as salvaged and are worthless.
Salathiss used phantasmal killer to murder her. Regardless of the state of the reagents, the heroes
A secret door on the south wall (as indicated by the can find a lesser elixir of life on a shelf.
“S” on the map on page 6) opens to area A2 when a XP Award: If the heroes avoid a fight with the
mop bucket is pulled up and pushed inward. A hero snakes, award them XP as though they’d defeated the
who succeeds at a DC 20 Perception check to Search snakes in combat.
this room discovers the secret door.
While the shelves against the walls contain messy and
Dusty shelves full of what appear to be old reagents line disorganized jumbles, a table in the center of the room
the walls. In one corner is a large pile of broken crates holds an orderly arrangement of vials, tools, and several
and old hay, presumably for transporting the alchemical jars of insects.
equipment here.
This room is where Salathiss studies the Vesicant
The school used this storeroom for alchemical Egg. It’s adjacent to the secret laboratory where Koride
reagents and equipment. Salathiss made a cursory Ulawa keeps the artifact, but there’s no way to get to
review of the reagents here and took a few things for it: Salathiss uses passwall to get to and from the room
use in area A7; anyone examining the shelves sees that when he’s here. As Salathiss has realized there’s too
they’ve been recently but haphazardly searched. much interest in the storeroom, he’s decided to stay
Creatures: This room now houses two of Salathiss’s away for now; even if the heroes set up sentries or a
pet snakes that he likes to visit when he comes to trap here, Salathiss doesn’t return.


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857337, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Two vials contain a weak acid with a faint aura of now‑missing substance that produced strong formic
transmutation magic. A hero who succeeds at a DC 21 acid in the area, the anadis report that idea to them
Nature check identifies it as similar to formic after a few days of their own research.
acid, which is found naturally in ants and
some bees. A clay jug holds the remains Investigating the Griffons
of some solvent at the bottom; a hero Heroes looking into the origins of the
who succeeds at a DC 21 Crafting griffons that attacked the anadi students
check identifies it as a powerful have to investigate Nantambu to
solvent used to neutralize acids, acquire the necessary clues.
and that it’s mostly been used to Any hero who’s trained in
weaken the formic acid in the other Nature knows that griffons don’t
vials. This is the solvent the Coil approach urban areas unless they’ve
spies obtained from a local alchemist been acclimated to humanoids. Heroes
named Fire-Pot Ubanu. trained in Society know that many people
The tools are all fine sculpting in Nantambu capture and domesticate
equipment and small drills. A hero animals for use as guards, mounts, or pets.
who succeeds at a DC 17 Crafting Griffons are exceedingly difficult to
check identifies them as tools used capture and harder to domesticate.
for prodding or scraping something This difficulty, combined with the
extremely hard, like stone. There distinct appearance of the
are two jars of flies and two jars of griffons that attacked the
grasshoppers, with tools and forceps anadis, means finding the
for examining each. All the insects are Oba Eze right place is simply a matter
agitated and aggressive, but none pose of narrowing down the options.
the heroes any harm. The insects are obviously here for The heroes can ask around the city and find the
experimentation, but the heroes can’t deduce what kind griffons’ former owner, animal trader Oba Eze, in six
(Salathiss uses them to try to gauge the Vesicant Egg’s days. A successful DC 19 Diplomacy check to Gather
21661572 857337

ability to control insects). Information reduces that time to four days; on a

Anyone examining the table realizes the experiments critical success, it takes only two days. Other heroes
that take place here all focus on the study of a particular can Aid this check to Gather Information with DC
item or items that aren’t here. Without knowing what 15 Diplomacy, Nature, or Society checks. Feel free to
was being studied, it’s impossible to ascertain the reduce this time further if the heroes have inventive
specific nature of the research. means of finding out where the griffons originated.
Treasure: A ring of acid resistance rests on the table, At the end of their search, the heroes locate Oba’s
which Salathiss uses to handle the caustic secretions Wondrous Creatures, a shop on the south edge of
of the Vesicant Egg. In addition, a jumble of magical Nantambu that trades in hard-to-find animals.
supplies on a shelf includes a striking rune on a
runestone. Salathiss knows it’s there but hasn’t yet OBA’S WONDROUS CREATURES
bothered to take it. Oba Eze (N female human animal vendor 6) has
XP Award: Award the heroes 30 XP for identifying operated Oba’s Wondrous Creatures for years.
the formic acid, and 30 XP for identifying the purpose The proprietor has made good profits from trading
of the tools. The heroes can’t yet piece together what (or capturing) and training animals that are rare in
these are for, but they’re rewarded for finding more settlements. Oba takes immense pride in her collection
clues to the puzzle. and expects the highest price for her extraordinary
creatures. Her biggest problem is that the prices she
FOLLOWING UP expects are too much for most interested buyers to
When the heroes tell the anadi students that they’ve pay, leaving her to feed and house her creatures for
cleared out the storerooms, the anadis are elated weeks or months at a time. On top of that stress, her
and resolve to move into the storerooms as soon as prized griffons that she spent so much effort to acquire
they can get permission. They’re fascinated with the and train were recently slain by Magaambya students.
experimentation table in area A7 and investigate its Oba has never liked the magic school; she’s of the
purpose in more detail on their own. If the heroes opinion that Magaambyans think of themselves as
haven’t figured out that someone was studying a better than ordinary folk just because they can rely on


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magic to do all their hard work. She’s grown to really the loss of her prized beasts that she hasn’t been to
despise the school now that it’s cost her two valuable their cages since they got free. In fact, she admits that
animals. (Even if the heroes didn’t kill the griffons in she’s hardly been able to rouse herself to tend to her
the last adventure, they’ve proven themselves a danger, animals at all.
and Oba hasn’t gotten them back.) What Oba doesn’t tell the heroes—yet—is that she
When the heroes arrive at the store, Oba knows suspects the grippli crime boss nicknamed Froglegs let
them from reputation as the Magaambya students the griffons loose. Froglegs offered to buy the griffons S p o k en
who have damaged her business. When the students at a third of Oba’s asking price. Not knowing who the
arrive, read or paraphrase the following. grippli criminal was, Oba laughed in her face. It wasn’t
o n th e
until later that a friend told Oba who Froglegs was, S on g
Inside Oba’s Wondrous Creatures, an elegantly styled just how dangerous an enemy she can be, and how
woman sits behind a desk, swiftly counting coins and swiftly those who inform on the crime boss end up
writing notes in a ledger. A few cages contain rare birds and dead or missing. She doesn’t really expect the heroes Chapter 1:
lizards. The woman looks up, and her look of concentration to find anything on their own, but if letting them look The Learned
turns into a scowl. around keeps them from digging further, she’s willing One Returns
“You! Why would you harm such beautiful, expensive, to do it. Oba tells the heroes not to further damage her Chapter 2:
majestic, and expensive creatures?” wonderful and expensive creatures and sends them to Service to
the lot behind her shop. She won’t go with them, as the City
Oba begins a litany of complaints about the heroes, she’s got a lot of accounting to finish. Chapter 3:
the Magaambya, and her business. Although she knows The Flooded
only what an ordinary citizen of Nantambu might THE ANIMAL LOT Mansion
know about the heroes or the school, she’s not adverse Oba keeps her animals in large, hemispherical Mwangi
to inventing further faults. Oba blames the heroes for metal cages in an overgrown lot behind her shop. Folktales
her current woes and insists they compensate her for Outbuildings made of wood and canvas store supplies,
the damage they’ve done. She’s unwilling to talk to harnesses, food, and other requirements. Several tall Toolbox
them until they address her concerns and accusations. trees provide shade and fruit to feed animals that will
A hero who succeeds at a DC 19 Diplomacy or eat it. A high metal fence surrounds the lot to keep
21661573 857338

Deception check calms Oba down, and offering a intruders out, but the fence did nothing to impede
heartfelt apology reduces this DC to 15. On a failed Froglegs’s bandits.
check, or upon any attempt to use Intimidation against The bandits freed the griffons several days ago, but
the hot-tempered woman, she ushers the heroes out Froglegs decided that Oba hasn’t been taught enough
and insists they’ll have to come back some other day. of a lesson. Froglegs recently sent a gang into the
Even if the heroes can calm Oba down, she remains animal lot again, this time to let out as many of the
cold to them. She can confirm that both griffons got dangerous animals as possible. The bandits hope the
loose the morning of the attack. This is unusual because freed animals will injure or even kill her.
she housed the griffons in separate, albeit adjacent, The map of Oba’s lot is on page 14. The lot is larger
cages. She has a good suspicion as to why the griffons than this area, but there isn’t much of interest between
attacked the anadi students; Oba fed them spiders by the area depicted on the map and the fence.
the sackful because they considered the arachnids a
treat that kept them calm. Once the griffons escaped, B1. ENTRANCE
they probably fixated on the anadis—who assumed
their hybrid forms rather than adopting a humanoid A path leads about thirty feet past the shop, through a
guise—as the most spiderlike food available. Oba is sturdy gate, and into an expansive, fenced area filled with
reluctant to share this theory, as she thinks it puts trees, cages, and sheds. A few wide paths lead through
some of the blame for the attack on her, but she shares the area, and the smell of animals is unmistakable. A large
it with heroes who critically succeed at the Diplomacy hemispherical cage to the north stands empty. Boards have
or Deception check to calm her down, as well as with been pulled away from a nearby shed. From the east come
heroes who prove themselves likeable during their the sounds of several animals squawking.
subsequent conversation by succeeding at a DC 17
Diplomacy check. The empty cage is for Oba’s tigers (area B2). If the
Regardless of the result of their interaction with heroes return right away to explain that something
her, Oba offers to let the heroes investigate the seems wrong, Oba dismisses their concerns as
griffon cages for clues. She’s been so distraught by ignorance of the animal trade.


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21661574 857339


B2. TIGER CAGE MODERATE 4 A hero who looks over the tent and the spilled meat
might find some additional clues. First, a successful
The large open cage bears a wooden sign reading, “Tigers: 3.” DC 17 Nature or Survival check reveals that the meat
A wooden shed to the southwest has several boards torn was already starting to rot while in the tent thanks
from it, and bits of chewed leather harnesses and collars to its inferior quality. Being left in the sun has only
are strewn about. A canvas tent to the northwest is torn hastened its spoilage. Second, a hero who succeeds
open, with several large chunks of meat spilling from it. at a DC 13 Perception check notes that the canvas
The meat reeks of rot. wasn’t torn by animal claws; someone cut it with
several knife strokes. On a critical success, the hero
Froglegs’s bandits slashed the tent containing meat realizes this was done within the past day.
for the tigers, and then let the tigers out. Tired of eating Creatures: Before the heroes can get too far with
the cheap meat that’s already started to spoil, the tigers their investigation, the tigers decide to make a meal of
stalk the animal lot looking for fresher fare. One of them. They lurk in the brush nearby and pounce, using
the tigers got too close to the basilisk cage (area B5) their Stealth for initiative.
and was petrified. The other two remain near their
cage. One of them savaged the shed to gnaw upon the TIGERS (2) CREATURE 4
harnesses there and left its chew toys strewn about on Pathfinder Bestiary 52
the ground. Initiative Stealth +13
The lock on the tiger cage still hangs open. The
bandits picked the lock and left it here. A hero who Oba’s Plea
looks over the lock and succeeds at a DC 19 Thievery If a fight breaks out with the tigers, Oba hears and
check realizes someone picked the lock; on a critical runs to the gate. She realizes she needs some quick
success, they learn it was within the past day. assistance to recover her creatures.


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857340, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

“More of my animals are free! Why must misfortune plague Tiger Attack: If the heroes haven’t already taken
me? Please recover them alive, I beg of you. These animals care of the tigers from area B2, the pair sneaks up
are fierce, but they’re also expensive. I’ll reward you for once the birds are quiet. As the tigers can’t get at the
subduing them and putting them back in their cages.” She caged birds, they attack the heroes instead, sending
hurls a ring of keys through the gate and onto the path. the birds into another panic. As a result, the elephant
birds break more feathers and must be calmed again
The keys can lock or unlock any of Oba’s cages. once the fight is over. S p o k en
She doesn’t want to enter the area, as she’s not sure Treasure: One large, well-formed feather on the
she can help recover the tigers. Bringing her workers ground is worth 75 gp. If the heroes try to return it to
o n th e
in to help will take many hours, and she worries that Oba, she gives it back to them if they’ve been diligent S on g
the tigers will harm each other or even escape the about returning her animals to their cages unharmed.
fencing if not returned to their cages quickly. You XP Award: Award the heroes 30 XP if they can calm
might want to remind the players that they can make the elephant birds before they break their feathers Chapter 1:
nonlethal attacks even with weapons that don’t have three times. If they calm the elephant birds so quickly The Learned
the nonlethal trait by taking a –2 circumstance penalty that the birds don’t break any feathers at all, increase One Returns
to the attack roll. this reward to 80 XP. Chapter 2:
If the heroes recapture the tigers, Oba asks them to Service to
check on the other creatures, too. She knows the the City
squawking is coming from her elephant birds Chapter 3:
and that something must be agitating them. She The Flooded
explains that she also has a rare beast called a mpeshi Mansion
with an electrified aura and a basilisk that’s best Mwangi
handled with the mirrored shield in the adjacent shed. Folktales


This set of three cages has two elephant birds in each.

21661575 857340

They have shimmering golden plumage and are

squawking noisily. A wooden sign reads, “Elephant
Birds, Golden: 6.”

The beautiful birds are well-fed and

groomed, as Oba has a buyer lined up for
them already. Froglegs’s bandits didn’t
bother to unlock the elephant birds, so they
remain in their cages. They’re currently in
a panic because of the freed tigers, who have
already unsuccessfully tried to get at the birds a
few times. The birds are so agitated that they’re
fluttering their wings against the bars and hurling
their weight against them, which hurts the birds and,
to Oba’s dismay, damages their golden feathers.
Calming the elephant birds requires a successful DC
19 Nature check to Command an Animal. Offering
the birds food, such as fruit or feed from a nearby
seed bin, reduces this DC to 17. Opening the cages
makes them more agitated, increasing the DC to 23 so
Elephant Bird
long as any cage is open. Only one successful check is
required, not one per elephant bird; as soon as one of
the birds calms down, the others quickly settle down
as well.
On each failed check, the elephant birds flap in
agitation, breaking more feathers.


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857341, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022


A sign on a stake between these two cages reads, A statue of a rearing tiger stands before the open door of
“Griffons: 3.” The doors to the cages are still wide open, this cage, a wooden sign trampled beneath its back paws.
and black feathers are still littered about in the trampled Several low walls stand on three sides of the cage.
mud. A provisions shed just east of the cages is shut tight.
It’s clear that Oba hasn’t touched this area since she lost The sign beneath the stone tiger’s paw reads,
her prized animals. “Basilisk: 1.” This cage contains Oba’s most dangerous
creature. She erected the walls to block the creature’s
Oba hasn’t attended to these cages since the griffons vision, and, for additional safety, she fitted it with a
escaped because it brings her bad memories. The leather hood.
griffons were worth a lot, but they were also starting The bandits opened this cage before yanking off
to grow on her. the basilisk’s hood from behind and backing quickly
The shed is full of grooming tools, spoiled meat, and away. As with the tiger cage, the lock hangs open,
a sealed box full of dead spiders. The griffons enjoyed and a hero who succeeds at a DC 19 Thievery check
these as treats, but the spiders have died since Oba realizes someone picked the lock.
was last here. The bandits overestimated the basilisk’s eagerness
The most surly griffon had its own cage, but the to leave its cage; the indolent creature is still here and
other two were shoved into a cage together. When doesn’t have any inclination to leave even though its
Froglegs’s bandits picked the lock on these cages, door is wide open. When one of the tigers got too
one of them accidentally left evidence of their close, the basilisk paralyzed it.
wrongdoing. An infiltrator’s pick is stuck in the mud, The provision shed by area B6 holds grooming
plainly left here several days ago. The specially made tools, food, magically preserved basilisk blood in case
pick is longer than most, with strange grips and pads of accidental petrification (this is enough to coat two
that make it awkward to use. A grippli hero who is Medium creatures or one Large creature), and a special
trained in Thievery (or any non-grippli character who mirror shield. Oba uses this to handle the basilisk, as
succeeds at a DC 24 Thievery check) realizes the pick it doesn’t like to gaze at its own reflection. A hero can
21661576 857341

is well-suited for grippli use; for most characters, use this item as a shield; the basilisk doesn’t use its
however, the pick’s distinctive design must remain a Petrifying Glance or Petrifying Gaze against anyone
mystery for now. with the shield raised. The mirror shield gives no
benefit to AC, as it’s lightweight for maneuvering and
not made for combat.
Creature: The basilisk doesn’t want to leave but
doesn’t allow anything to corner it. If it sees a creature
get within 30 feet, it darts from the cage to run
around the animal lot. It uses its Petrifying Glance to
slow pursuers, but generally uses its actions to keep
away from heroes who get too close. If it’s attacked
with a melee weapon, it stays in place to fight, using
its jaws and Petrifying Gaze to keep from
being recaptured.

Pathfinder Bestiary 38
Initiative Perception +11

Using the Blood: If the

basilisk petrifies any of the
heroes while they return it to
its cage, Oba encourages them to
use the magically preserved basilisk
Basilisk blood to restore them. If none of the
heroes need it, she plans to use the blood to restore


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857342, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

the petrified tiger instead. If the heroes instead kill the The heroes have probably pieced together that
basilisk, she sourly tells them to use the blood of the freeing the animals was an intentional act of sabotage,
basilisk they just killed. If Oba requires more basilisk and they might show Oba the distinctive lockpick
blood to restore the heroes, she’ll procure it for them, they found. Oba insists that she doesn’t know anyone
but it takes 3 days to get it. who would do this to her, but a hero who succeeds at
DC 21 Perception check to Sense Motive indicates that
B6. MPESHI CAGE MODERATE 4 she’s nervous or afraid, and withholding the truth. On S p o k en
a critical success, the hero realizes she actually suspects
This cage is larger than the others. The door is ajar, and who’s behind the incident. Nonetheless, she won’t yet
o n th e
debris is scattered all around the outside and inside. divulge anything about Froglegs: Oba hopes that S on g
Froglegs thinks she’s been sufficiently punished and
This area contains Oba’s rarest creature, a mpeshi will leave her alone if she keeps quiet.
that fell from the sky near Nantambu. The creature’s Treasure: If the heroes got at least one creature back Chapter 1:
electrical aura charged the metal bars of the cage, into its cage, Oba gives them a moderate cheetah’s The Learned
and they emit a noticeable, but harmless, jolt of static elixir. If they got all four creatures back into their One Returns
electricity when touched. Like the tiger cage, the lock cages, she also calls in a favor from a friend and has an Chapter 2:
hangs freely from the open cage. animal staff delivered to their dormitory on campus. Service to
Creatures: The mpeshi left its cage, but it didn’t go XP Award: Give the heroes 30 XP for each dangerous the City
far; it’s lurking in the trees just to the south. When it creature they kept alive (to a maximum of 120 XP), in Chapter 3:
spots the heroes, it takes out its anger at its capture on addition to XP for defeating them in combat. The Flooded
them. The mpeshi begins with a Charging Leap, using Mansion
its Thunderous Fall at the end of its jump. It fights Returning to Janatimo Mwangi
until killed or incapacitated. When the heroes report to Janatimo about Oba’s Folktales
Wondrous Creatures, he observes that perhaps
MPESHI CREATURE 6 someone’s trying to teach Oba a painful lesson, but Toolbox
Page 85 he isn’t sure who it would be. If they explain why the
Initiative Perception +14 griffons attacked the anadis, he notes that it is both
21661577 857342

more mundane and more fantastical a coincidence

FOLLOWING UP WITH OBA than he would have imagined.
After the heroes have dealt with the animals, they can Once the heroes check in with him about what they
speak with Oba about what they found. If they killed discovered in the storeroom, he’s concerned to hear
all the animals, Oba remains in a very foul mood, about serpentfolk on campus. If the heroes discovered
telling them how the group somehow took her low that Oyo and Mtembe were only pretending to
expectations of the Magaambya and lowered them be students, and not actively attending classes or
even further. She says that she hopes they got what they anything of that sort, he’s a bit more relieved. Clearly,
were looking for and asks them to leave immediately. the serpentfolk weren’t infiltrating the student body,
If the heroes save at least one of the four loose even though they’re active on campus. Janatimo vows
creatures (the two tigers, the basilisk, and the mpeshi), to heighten the Magaambya’s security precautions as
Oba is thankful that they at least tried. She complains best he can without alarming the students and staff.
only a little about the time and expense the heroes cost He asks the heroes to keep these events to themselves
her and thanks them for their work. while he pledges to look into matters to keep the
If the heroes saved all four creatures, Oba is genuinely student body safe. If the heroes managed to take any
impressed, and exclaims “Have you thought about of the serpentfolk captive, Janatimo takes them into
a new profession? I could use people like you for my custody to find out what he can about their plans. He
business!” She must now admit that the Magaambya hopes the anadi students can find some answers about
produces something that’s definitely not useless. what drew them to the school, or at least some peace,
If the heroes talk about the griffon’s diet of spiders in by making the storerooms their new living space.
connection with the anadi attack, Oba admits that she When the heroes have investigated both topics,
had been overdoing it with spider treats, though she Janatimo praises them for their bravery and diligence.
insists she couldn’t have seen that end result coming. He asks the heroes to invite a few of their friends
She sends along her apologies to the anadi students to attend a small ceremony where the group will be
and pledges to find new ways to treat the next griffons elevated to the rank of conversants and given new
she raises. titles and responsibilities.


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857343, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

My dear pupil–
Once again, you’ve exceeded the Magaambya’s high expectations of its
students. You’ve shown that you are ready to expand the scope of your
connections and your magical studies, learning how magic and the world both
shape each other.
Because of this, I am pleased to advance you to the rank of conversant. You
will represent the school to the outside world while you continue your studies.
This representation is significant, and it reflects the trust the Magaambya is
ready to place in you.
It’s true that your advancement is unusually rapid, but your services
and exploits have been unusually admirable. I, and many others, feel this
advancement is long overdue.
Please give the following three invitations to any associates you wish to
attend our small ceremony to commemorate your promotion. Join us at dusk a
week from today. I’ll ask you to speak briefly about how you see magic being
most useful in the world, so please think about that in the meantime.
I know I’ll be telling your tales one day.
—Teacher Janatimo
21661578 857343


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857344, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Chapter 2:
Service to the City S p ok en
on th e
Chapter 1:
After proving themselves by investigating the matters Janatimo wanted CHAPTER 2 SYNOPSIS The Learned
them to look into and ably dealing with the complications that arose, The heroes become conversants and One Returns
the heroes have shown the lore speaker that they are ready to become are assigned a variety of missions Chapter 2:
conversants. Conversants supplement their learning with tasks that take throughout Nantambu that appear Service to
them out of the school and into Nantambu and beyond. While many distinct, though many are connected the City
of these tasks serve the Magaambya or friends of the school, they also behind the scenes. The heroes have Chapter 3:
help the local community to further the Magaambya’s mission of aid and some flexibility in their tasks’ order, The Flooded
protection. Serving as a conversant gives students practical applications for but easier ones are presented earlier Mansion
their studies and creates ties between them and others outside the school. in the chapter and harder ones can Mwangi
A few weeks after concluding the investigations in Chapter 1, each be found near the end. This chapter Folktales
hero receives a handwritten letter from Janatimo, as seen on page 18. covers two levels of play.
Rumors of the heroes’ advancement spreads quickly. None of the other Toolbox
students in the Spire Dormitory, not even the exemplary Esi Djana, have CHAPTER 2 TREASURE
become conversants. Make sure to have NPCs remark with admiration The permanent and consumable
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on how quickly the heroes are moving through the ranks. Becoming a items available as treasure in
conversant is no small thing and doing it at the heroes’ pace is even more Chapter 2 are as follows.
impressive. Other students congratulate them, and faculty members • +1 dagger
might take special note of how the characters behave to a degree that • +1 hand crossbow
they haven’t before. Even before the formal ceremony, the heroes should • +1 rapier
be able to see how their lives are beginning to change. • +1 scimitar
Once the heroes have invited their guests and prepare short speeches, • +1 striking composite shortbow
it’s time to go to the ceremony. It’s assumed that the heroes invite at least • bag of cats
some of the NPCs from Spire Dormitory to the ceremony; whether he • bismuth leopards wondrous figurine
was specifically invited or not, the catfolk Chizire also attends. Read or • chime of opening
paraphrase the following. • fulminating spear
• giant centipede venom
The atmosphere in this lavishly decorated room in Whistle Tower is congenial • Habu’s Cudgel
and lively. People talk in several small groups about magic, politics, philosophy, • invisibility potion
education, and more. In the center, a large round table is laden with food. • lesser darkvision elixir
“Smart, to put it in the middle of the room,” opines Chizire casually as he picks • lesser maestro’s instrument
up a mango tart, “in case any more giant bugs crash through the walls, that is.” • low-grade cold iron dogslicer
Janatimo beckons for everyone to find seats. • lesser elixir of life
“Friends, I am glad that you have all made it here to mark the growth of several • moderate antidote
of our students. They have proven that their studies don’t register in their minds • moderate antiplague
as mere theory or academic exercise, but as a force that they can use to influence • moderate healing potion
the world at large and in turn be influenced by it. Magic is not a tool we use, but • moderate juggernaut mutagen
a living thing that we experience and embody. Becoming a conversant means that • singing muse
these students take this understanding and expertise out into the world. • staff of abjuration
“But before we welcome them officially, I’d love to have each of our advancing • stone fist elixir
students tell you for themselves what is the best use of their magic out in the world.” • warcaller’s chime of blasting


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Janatimo asks each of the heroes to stand and speak. order for these, but they are ranked by general
Unless a hero says something actively distressing or difficulty: straightforward, challenging, and taxing.
mean-spirited, they each receive enthusiastic applause. Straightforward tasks are appropriate for 5th-
level parties, while challenging
After the heroes finish speaking, tasks are good for either
Janatimo closes the ceremony. 5th- or 6th‑level parties. The
heroes shouldn’t pursue taxing
“Thank you again for showing us tasks until they are 6th level.
where your understanding Which specific tasks they receive,
begins. I look forward and when they receive them, are up
to seeing how your to you. It’s best to keep the heroes
understanding deepens and informed about a couple of tasks at
evolves as a conversant.” a time, so the players can pick and
Everyone in the room stands choose what they want to do next.
and cheers in celebration. Suspicious Alchemy (below) and
Flooded Workshop (page 24) are good
People stay to chat and eat for tasks to present first, but if the players
another hour or two after the are itching for a fight, you might offer
ceremony, wishing the heroes well and Busker Woes (page 25) or Oozing into
striking up conversation. At some point, Trouble (page 35).
Janatimo asks them for a few minutes
to privately discuss their duties as conversants. He Conversant Tasks Difficulty
explains that conversants represent the Magaambya Suspicious Alchemy Straightforward
in and around Nantambu, advancing the school’s Flooded Workshop Straightforward
interests and helping the community. He already has Busker Woes Straightforward
a few tasks in mind for them, but he invites them to Tell a Tale Straightforward
ask any questions they have about the process or their Ghost Stories Straightforward
21661580 857345

new role. Oozing into Trouble Straightforward

How involved will these tasks be? “Many things will Fiery Debt Challenging
remain the same: you’ll still live in the dormitory and Trouble from the Skies Challenging
receive your regular stipend, and this work doesn’t Finding Froglegs Taxing
replace your usual studies! We expect a conversant to Carving Trouble Taxing
be grounded in their studies above all else, balancing it
with the tasks that we assign.” The heroes should only have a couple tasks each
Who assigns these tasks? “Often, I will. But any semester; they’re intended to break up the flow of
faculty member who needs assistance in the community classes that frame the heroes’ academic careers. You can
might reach out to you.” also introduce tasks of your own design, particularly
How long will we be conversants? “We shall see. if you want to deepen connections between the heroes
Graduation depends, in no small part, on how well and their favored teachers or peers.
you perform your tasks as conversants. It could be Once the heroes have completed all the tasks, they’ll
months, or years. Perhaps it would be better to ask likely suspect something is amiss at Magistrate‑Mayor
yourselves how long it will take.” Asanda’s manor house. That investigation is set forth
How often do we get tasks? “This is a question best in Chapter 3, and the encounters here are sufficient to
answered by your own performance, but expect us to get them to 7th level before they tackle it.
err on the side of respect for your studies. We’ll try not
to assign more than a few tasks each semester.” Suspicious Alchemy
What sort of tasks will we do? “There are a wide Difficulty straightforward
variety of tasks that we ask of conversants. The only Requested by Xhokan
commonalities are that they will test your skills and Location student supply store
your spirit, and that they are intended to help you
learn to serve others.” The Magaambyan quartermaster Xhokan (LN male
The remainder of this chapter provides several kobold inventory manager 8) asks the heroes to
tasks for the heroes to perform. There’s no set come by his supply store, colloquially known as the


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Powderpile, about an unusual matter. The heroes warning can incorporate the powder when crafting an
already know Xhokan, as he’s the one who gives them alchemical formula. The resulting effect is noticeably
their monthly stipend and supplies. Xhokan welcomes improved in color, flavor, or some other obvious but
the heroes with a broad grin. Read or paraphrase the nonmechanical way, but the compound requires a DC
following when the heroes are ready to address the 3 flat check when used. On a failure, the item is either
matter at hand. wholly inert and has no effect or backfires in some
chemically spectacular way. S p ok en
“As you already know, I keep the students stocked with the
best alchemical and magical powders I can get. I’m always TALKING TO BAMIDELE on th e
looking to do that in as thrifty a way as I can, too. I work Bamidele (CG male human alchemical merchant 3) Song
with many different suppliers from around Nantambu. I peddles wares at one of the busiest stalls in the market,
mean, quality items are good, but quality items at a low but he’s tall enough to be easily spotted. He dresses in
price are even better! bright colors, smiles broadly, and speaks loudly. His Chapter 1:
“That said, I just got a shipment in from Bamidele, my stall contrasts his large and bright demeanor, as it’s The Learned
old friend and longtime supplier... and the deal was really fastidiously organized with understated presentation. One Returns
good! I actually think it was too good. It’s cheaper than I’ve His new powders are proving popular. People Chapter 2:
ever gotten alchemical powders from him before. On top have heard that Bamidele’s alchemical powders are Service to
of that, I don’t think it’s unrelated that I’ve been hearing of an excellent additive to nearly anything: alchemical the City
several classes in the last few weeks where major things mixtures, furniture polish, medicines, and even soups. Chapter 3:
went wrong with mixtures or experiments. Just to be sure, Word about the occasional accident hasn’t yet spread, The Flooded
I’ve recalled all the powders from Bamidele until I can so business at his stall is brisk. The heroes must wait Mansion
assess what’s going on, but I’d love if you could go talk with for about ten minutes as he takes care of business with Mwangi
him and ask where he got it. I can’t put students’ work—or other customers. Folktales
maybe even their lives—at risk for a good deal. Even a very Bamidele is plainly a little overwhelmed from all
good deal.” the business, but happy to speak with the heroes— Toolbox
especially when he learns Xhokan sent them. Some
Xhokan gives the heroes any answers he can. Likely questions the heroes might ask include the following.
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questions include the following. Do you make your own supplies? “Long ago, I did!
Have there ever been shifts in the quality of Bamidele’s These days I’m more of a merchant than an alchemist,
alchemical powders before? “No, there’s never been a but my eye for quality alchemical powders is still as
problem! He’s always been reliable, though I suspect sharp as ever!”
he’s reselling other people’s alchemical goods rather What makes these powders so special? “I wish I
than producing his own.” knew! I’m good at alchemy, but I can’t determine how
Where is Bamidele? “He has a stall in the trading they have such a remarkable effect. They add extra
bazaar. He’s... hard to miss. Just look for loud colors flavor as a spice, extra power as a cleanser, and extra
and listen for his even louder laugh.” kick to any elixir! Now, I haven’t had anyone give me
Can we see some of this dangerous powder? Xhokan specifics about exact effects—they seem to differ even
lets heroes examine some of the powder, though he when added to the same base—but that’s part of the
does make sure that they sign it out (“even bad powder fun! I don’t know how they make something so good
needs to be tracked”). It’s a grainy reddish‑orange so cheaply, but I pass the savings to my customers, and
powder that smells faintly of cinnamon. A hero who that’s even better!”
succeeds at a DC 20 Crafting check finds that the Where do you get these powders? “I get them from
powder is highly potent as an additive, enhancing Abeo. ‘Abeo the Calm,’ I call him, because he’s just so
any chemicals it’s combined with, but it’s also highly serious all the time. He meets me here for supplies, but
unstable. It seems doubtful that anyone could get I haven’t seen him in some time—which is a problem,
consistent reactions and effects with anything using because I’ve nearly sold out of my powders!”
these powders as reagents. A hero who thereafter Are the powders dangerous? Bamidele is genuinely
succeeds at a DC 20 Arcana check or a DC 22 Crafting confused by this. “I haven’t really heard anyone
check realizes that this instability was infused into the complain, and you saw the line I had today! Besides, I
powder using magic. would never send Xhokan and his students anything I
Xhokan suggests that the heroes do not make any thought was unsafe.”
alchemical mixtures using these reagents due to their You should stop selling these powders immediately.
potentially volatile nature. A hero who ignores this “Are you certain? This is my livelihood!” Bamidele


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doesn’t like losing business, but he likes the thought The heroes start at the first obstacle (Thrown
that he might be inadvertently hurting people even Powder) and Abeo on the second obstacle (Crowded
less. If the heroes are insistent, Bamidele puts Market). The chase ends when the heroes catch
his powders away and closes up his stall. up to Abeo, or when he overcomes the
He offers to help them however he can. Carnivorous Gardens obstacle and
gets away for good.
What’s Going On
Bamidele is unknowingly a middleman THROWN POWDER OBSTACLE 5
in a dangerous scheme. A few weeks Chase Points 4; Overcome DC 20
ago, a fence named Abeo offered Acrobatics or Athletics to avoid
Bamidele some strange new powder at the powder, DC 18 Crafting
incredibly low prices. He didn’t ask too to recognize the threat of the
many questions and started selling powder and shield the eyes early
them. Bamidele doesn’t know that Abeo throws a bunch of alchemical
Abeo is working as a fence for powders into the air, obscuring
Froglegs, whose grippli jinxers vision and making a huge mess that’s difficult
have been magically boosting to navigate.
cheap alchemical reagents with
chaotic magic. The reagents break CROWDED MARKET OBSTACLE 5
down after just a few days, but Froglegs Chase Points 4; Overcome DC 20 Acrobatics
hopes to flood the market, drive up demand, Abeo or Athletics to weave or push through the crowd,
then create scarcity to drive up prices. Abeo is DC 18 Society to follow the flow
selling solely to Bamidele to test the plan, and so far, It’s difficult to maneuver through the bustling market.
everything is working well. He plans on making one
last delivery to Bamidele before reporting his success TWISTING ALLEYWAYS OBSTACLE 5
to Froglegs. Chase Points 4; Overcome DC 22 Perception to navigate,
DC 18 Society to know the neighborhood
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FINDING ABEO These tight, dense alleyways are filled with objects that
Bamidele has no contact information for Abeo (“He threaten to trip and confuse people rushing through.
comes to see me with the powders, and I haven’t ever
needed to chase him down”). To get any additional BUSY CANAL OBSTACLE 5
details, the heroes must find Abeo, but he remains a Chase Points 4; Overcome DC 20 Acrobatics to vault
private and suspicious man. across using poles or hanging lines, DC 18 Athletics to
The best option to find Abeo is to stake out leap from boat to boat
Bamidele’s stall. He makes his last exclusive drop-off Clotheslines hang across this narrow section of the canal,
to Bamidele’s stall in 3 days, or on the following day which is filled with boats carrying bird cages, stacks of
if word gets back to him that Bamidele isn’t selling the pottery, and other impediments.
powder any longer, since Abeo assumes it’s because he
sold out of the last batch. GUARDED GATE OBSTACLE 5
If confronted at Bamidele’s shop, Abeo (NE male Chase Points 4; Overcome DC 25 Athletics to run past
human fence 5; Gamemastery Guide 210) is visibly the guards and climb, DC 18 Deception or Diplomacy to
nervous about talking to anyone he hadn’t planned convince the guards to open up the gates, DC 20 Stealth
to talk to. At the first sign of even slightly serious to slip past the guards
questioning, Abeo runs off, and the heroes must chase A metal gate and a few bored guards are meant to keep
him to get further information. unwanted visitors out of this affluent neighborhood.
This chase uses the rules on page 156 of the
Gamemastery Guide. Abeo and the heroes each CARNIVOROUS GARDENS OBSTACLE 5
attempt to clear the obstacles in the order presented Chase Points 4; Overcome DC 20 Acrobatics to weave past
below. Each round, Abeo goes first and automatically snapping plants, DC 18 Nature to trick the carnivorous
moves to the next obstacle. The heroes can act in plants, DC 22 Survival to plot a clear path
whatever order they prefer, attempting any of the The chase leads through a lush garden full of large
checks set forth in each obstacle (or a different skill carnivorous plants, all of which take a keen interest in
you find reasonable, such as a relevant Lore check). anyone who passes through.


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Abeo gives up if caught, but he says as little as he NANTAMBU CHIME-RINGERS

can; see Interrogating Abeo below. If he gets away, the Nantambu is generally a peaceful city and one which
heroes can ultimately find him at his home as he’s too is well-defended by the Tempest-Sun Mages of the
exhausted from the prior chase to flee. Magaambya. Law enforcement is generally handled
XP Award: Award the heroes 80 XP if they catch by the community, but Nantambu maintains a
Abeo during the chase. dedicated group of community protectors known as
Chime-Ringers. Formally under the command of the S p ok en
Abeo at Home city’s treasurer, as peace was deemed a city resource
Heroes who wish to find Abeo’s home must succeed at early in Nantambu’s history, the Chime-Ringers are
on th e
a DC 22 Diplomacy check to Gather Information to few in number. They use small chimes to call for Song
ascertain that he lives near the Carnivorous Gardens support or grab attention, and the magical chimes,
in the northeast part of the city. Abeo is both private often crafted by the Chime-Ringers themselves, tend
and suspicious, so he keeps a careful eye on people to have a unique song and purpose. Chapter 1:
approaching his house. He keeps his front door locked Magistrate-Mayor Asanda, who formerly served as The Learned
and talks through it to visitors. As soon as he realizes the city’s treasurer, ran the Chime-Ringers so efficiently One Returns
the heroes have come from Bamidele’s stall or are asking that he’s still considered their de facto leader. With Chapter 2:
about Froglegs’s powders, he flees out a back window Asanda’s recent retreat to his manor, community Service to
and darts through the garden. The heroes must give protection in Nantambu has become erratic at best, the City
chase as described on page 22. However, the obstacles which has emboldened Nantambu’s criminals. Chapter 3:
should be presented in reverse order: Abeo begins at the The Chime-Ringers seek more support continually; The Flooded
Guarded Gate and the heroes start at the Carnivorous any hero who wishes to aid them or even join their Mansion
Gardens. If Abeo gets to the market and obscures his ranks gains access to the Nantambu Chime‑Ringer Mwangi
location by hurling powders into the air, he gets away. archetype on page 79. Folktales

Interrogating Abeo Toolbox
Abeo is ostensibly a textiles merchant, but he has
long fenced stolen goods. He got in trouble in one Nantambu underworld. The crime lord deals harshly
21661583 857348

of Froglegs’s gambling dens, and one of her grippli with those who threaten to reveal her identity or
jinxers offered him a way to pay back his debts. interests, which explains Abeo’s reticence.
Deliveries of alchemical reagents are made to his door If the heroes get any information out of Abeo,
at night, along with cryptic notes like “give Bamidele he breaks down and begs them to sneak him out of
a lot for a little,” or “move the merchandise faster.” Nantambu to start anew somewhere else. He’s afraid
Abeo doesn’t know where the powder comes from or that Froglegs will kill him if he doesn’t have help
who’s dropping it off, but he assumes the grippli he leaving the city. Heroes who want to help Abeo escape
met is involved somehow. His job is to act like a good should make a plan, and then attempt a secret DC 25
supplier to Bamidele and start sparking demand as Deception, Society, or Stealth check to get him out of
quickly as possible. the city. If the heroes’ plan is particularly clever, you
Abeo doesn’t want to give any of this information might allow them to use a different skill or lower the
to the heroes, but it’s not out of obstinacy—it’s out DC (or both).
of fear. He knows people who cross Froglegs end up If the heroes succeed, they don’t hear from Abeo
missing, dead, or worse. The heroes must succeed at again, other than to receive a message a few days later
a DC 25 Intimidation check (or other means, such that reads, “She’s called Froglegs. –A.” If they fail,
as magical compulsions or mind reading) to get the authorities discover Abeo’s corpse days later in a canal.
information from Abeo. Even then, he never speaks XP Award: If the heroes get information out of
Froglegs’s name, insisting, “She’ll kill me if I say more.” Abeo, award them 80 XP. Increase this to 120 XP if
Abeo doesn’t mind if the heroes threaten to report they also get him out of the city safely.
him to the authorities—he hasn’t done anything overtly
illegal, and he’s more than happy to take his chances WRAPPING UP
with Nantambu’s Chime-Ringers and the Magaambya Whether or not the heroes catch Abeo or get him to
rather than be permanently silenced by Froglegs. talk, Froglegs puts her tainted powder operation on
Heroes who succeed at a DC 20 Society check hold indefinitely. She presses some informants on who
to Recall Knowledge remember rumors about a was to blame, and she might start to realize the threat
very secretive crime lord advancing in power in the these conversants pose to her.


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It pains Bamidele to hear about his potential at a DC 22 Survival check ascertains that Amaechi’s
new business being wiped out before it had even shop has only 2 days left before its foundation buckles
started, but as reports of strange accidents, burns, or and it collapses. A hero who succeeds at a DC 22
poisonings start to roll in, he realizes that he Society check remembers that the canals rarely
was unknowingly complicit in the affair. flood except in the rainiest weather—the last
He throws himself on the mercy of the weather-related canal flood (that is, one
Chime-Ringers, who defer the man’s not attributable to accident or negligence)
punishments to what the heroes happened over a decade ago.
decide; they’re representatives of the Amaechi is a victim of the serpentfolk
Magaambya, after all, and the most who flooded Magistrate-Mayor Asanda’s
knowledgeable about the chastened manor as part of the ruse to take over
merchant’s activities. his identity. Serpentfolk venom callers
Xhokan is happy enough to know dissolved some of the canal’s foundation
that the new supplies were too good with acid, resulting in the flood. The
to be true, as he expected all along. evidence of the acid damage is nearly
Treasure: Xhokan gives the heroes entirely erased by the floodwaters; a
200 gp in credit at the Powderpile, which successful DC 25 Arcana or Nature
they can redeem for alchemical check is required to spot it when
items of 7th level or less. examining the nearby canal.
Amaechi soon approaches
Flooded Workshop the heroes.
Difficulty straightforward
Requested by Amaechi the potter “Thank goodness you’ve come!” shouts a
Location Amaechi’s shop Amaechi man covered in dried clay on his upper body
and wet mud on his legs and feet. He gestures at the
This request comes from outside of the Magaambya, chaos around him. “I can’t work like this!
but no one else has the time or motivation to deal with “You can probably tell we are artists in this area, not
21661584 857349

it, so it eventually ends up with the heroes. The request engineers. That means my neighbors and I weren’t much
is a pleading letter from a potter named Amaechi who help to counteract the effects of these floods. We tried to
lives and works on the southern side of Nantambu. get help from Magistrate-Mayor Asanda—as infrastructure
The fact that Amaechi needs help is plain, but the is his responsibility—but he’s apparently too busy to worry
letter doesn’t explain the nature of his troubles. about us. I hear he has plenty of help at his mansion, which
Amaechi (NG male human potter 5) lives in his also flooded, but we don’t have the money to just hire a
workshop. Amaechi is open and welcoming to his bunch of people. I’m just glad the school sent help... please
neighbors, particularly those who simply want to tell me you have some solutions!”
practice pottery for artistic or therapeutic reasons.
His shop has therefore become something of a local The most that physical solutions can do at this point
community center. When the heroes arrive at Amaechi’s is slow the rate at which Amaechi’s shop sinks; the
shop, read or paraphrase the following: ground is just too saturated. To do so, the heroes can
use the Shore Up Structure exploration activity.
Amaechi’s shop is a modest, square-roofed clay building
on a slight slant. All around the building is muddy ground. SHORE UP STRUCTURE
The canal’s retaining wall behind the potter’s shop is gone, CONCENTRATE EXPLORATION MANIPULATE
and the canal is overflowing its banks. Two nearby houses You work to shore up Amaechi’s sinking shop by erecting
have collapsed over their cracked foundations. It looks like supports, diverting floodwater, or reinforcing existing walls
Amaechi’s shop isn’t long from joining them. and flooring. This activity takes 2 hours, after which you
attempt a DC 20 Crafting or Survival check, or a DC 15
The heroes have a few moments to survey the area check with a relevant Lore skill (such as Architecture Lore).
before Amaechi comes out to greet them. A hero who The task can be attempted once per day.
succeeds at a DC 20 Nature check notices that the Critical Success You add 1 day to the time before Amaechi’s
canal’s flooding is unseasonal and unusual; a critical shop collapses.
success on the check means the hero is confident there’s Success You add half a day to the time before Amaechi’s
something unnatural about it. A hero who succeeds shop collapses.


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Critical Failure You deduct a half a day from the time Treasure: Amaechi gives each of the heroes one of
until Amaechi’s shop collapses. If reduced to 0 hours, his best pots as thanks. Each pot is worth 5 gp.
it collapses immediately and deals 8d6 bludgeoning XP Award: If the heroes save Amaechi’s shop, award
damage (DC 20 basic Fortitude save) to everyone within them 80 XP.
or adjacent to it.
Casting a ritual to restore Amaechi’s shop provides The heroes might have realized that the canal’s damage S p ok en
a more permanent solution; if the heroes don’t think isn’t natural and seek to repair that as well. Everyone
to find a magical solution, a hero who’s trained in in the area knows that Magistrate-Mayor Asanda is in
on th e
Arcana recognizes that a ritual might help. None of charge of public works, and he’s been notified about Song
the most commonly-known rituals are applicable, but the necessary repairs but is taking too much time
the Magaambya is full of secret lore. to address it. If the heroes could make the repairs,
Heroes who ask Magaambya faculty members everyone in the neighborhood would be grateful. Chapter 1:
about magic solutions to help Amaechi should attempt Unlike Amaechi’s shop, which was doomed to The Learned
a DC 20 Diplomacy check to Gather Information. As collapse after only a short time, there’s no particular One Returns
many of the most knowledgeable professors require rush to get the canal wall fixed—the damage has Chapter 2:
appointments during office hours or around their other already been done (or, in Amaechi’s case, mitigated Service to
duties, this task takes a day to attempt. On a success, by the heroes). If the heroes are willing to dedicate the City
Teacher Ot provides them with the community repair a few weeks’ labor to restore the retaining wall, the Chapter 3:
ritual (page 75). On a critical success, Teacher Lesedi neighbors lend a hand as well. The heroes can perform The Flooded
also offers them the unseen underpinning ritual. this task much more quickly with the community Mansion
Unseen underpinning is a variant of unseen custodians repair ritual, if they know it (unseen underpinning lifts Mwangi
(Advanced Player’s Guide 245), but instead of a foundation, and thus can’t repair the canal wall). Folktales
conjuring puttering unseen servants, the ritual creates As the repairs near completion, neighbors bring a
stronger, immobile unseen servants that support celebratory feast, with the heroes as guests of honor. Toolbox
a building’s foundations. A success on the unseen XP Award: If the heroes restore the canal’s retaining
underpinning ritual is sufficient to rescue Amaechi’s wall, award them 80 XP.
21661585 857350

shop for the ritual’s duration (a critical success can

support an even bigger building’s foundations). Busker Woes
Heroes who perform their own research in the Difficulty straightforward
Magaambya’s libraries and archives should attempt Requested by Janatimo
a DC 20 Arcana or Occultism check. As Amaechi’s Location Nantambu streets
needs are fairly specific, this research takes a day to
attempt. On a success, the hero discovers the unseen Janatimo asks the heroes to meet him at the Speaker’s
underpinning ritual described above (as well as the Stage on the west edge of campus. When the heroes
unseen custodians ritual, should they care to learn it). arrive, read or paraphrase the following:
On a critical success, the hero also finds the community
repair ritual. “Welcome again, conversants!” Janatimo says, his arms
outstretched on the sunny stage. “I thought this site of
SAVING AMAECHI’S SHOP Magaambyan performances might focus us on a matter of...
If the heroes cast either ritual in enough time to stop well, performances. Someone is robbing street entertainers
Amaechi’s shop from collapsing, he’s effusive with his all over Nantambu. What makes this most interesting is
thanks and gives the heroes a clue (though they might that the folks committing the crimes are quite efficient
not recognize it as such now) about something being and show experience on the part of the robbers, but... the
wrong with Asanda. stakes are laughably low. I’m not sure anyone becomes
a busker to become rich. So why take the risk when you
“Thank you so much for all your hard work! It’s true what could do something more with your talents?
they said about you students after all—the future is so “When a storyteller withholds parts of the tale, it
bright with people like you learning and helping others.” intrigues the listener. I’m intrigued. I need you to fill out
Amaechi chuckles to himself. “I mean, Asanda has a whole the rest of this story for me.”
work crew at his manor, and they haven’t done in weeks for
him what you did for me in days. You’ve really helped me Janatimo answers what questions he can from the
and everyone in this community.” heroes, which are likely to include the following.


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for example). As they do so, the heroes collect the

indicated clues. Once they’ve obtained four clues from
any source, they know enough to track the
robbers to their hideout.
Each check to find clues takes half a day.
Keep track of how many days it takes the
heroes to assault the robbers’ hideout, since
C3 C4 C5 an assassin makes an example of Reth, the
ringleader, three days after the heroes’
investigation begins.
Question Performers: Nantambu has
many street musicians and performers who
set up in a courtyard or public square each
day. Most play an instrument, but some
C2 are singers, dancers, or thespians who recite
excerpts from popular plays. Nearly all of
them know about the attacks and can point to
a fellow artist who’s been robbed. Getting useful
information from them requires a successful DC 20
C1 Diplomacy, Performance, or Society check, or a DC
18 check using a relevant lore (such as Art Lore). A
success yields one clue, and a critical success yields
two clues. Clues the heroes might obtain include:
RETH’S SHACK the gang of robbers is four in number; the robbers’
leader was a lizardfolk marred with black slashes; the
robbers steal musical instruments as well as money;
and attacks come when the performers are packing up
21661586 857351

and are most flush with coin.

What do the robbers look like? “There are iruxis— Speak with the Chime-Ringers: Nantambu’s
lizardfolk—among the predominantly human robbers, overworked town watch are stretched thin with
but they attack from the shadows and alleys, so no the rise in crime, but they’re eager to speak with
one’s yet gotten a clear look at them.” conversants from the Magaambya who might solve
Why aren’t the authorities stopping them? “For this problem for them. Obtaining information requires
now, it’s typical politics: the attackers aren’t targeting a successful DC 18 Diplomacy or Society check, or
anyone with clout and no one’s gotten killed, so the a DC 16 check using a relevant lore (such as Legal
Chime-Ringers have higher priorities. They might Lore). A success yields one clue, and a critical success
have some reports to shed some light on this, even if yields two clues. Clues the authorities provide include:
they haven’t acted yet.” the robbers likely target the buskers because it’s easy
Why are you interested in this? “Personally, I have and the risk is low; the robbers have been very active
many friends who have been attacked or are at risk and are thus likely getting wealthy just from the sheer
of it. I’d like to see none of them get hurt any further. volume of their strikes; and the attackers come and go
Also, I think there’s more to this than it appears.” from a run-down area of the city.
Janatimo encourages the heroes to explore the Infiltrate Criminals: To get more information
streets and question anyone involved. The sooner they about the robberies, the heroes might decide to
can stop these bullies, the better. question shady characters in the city. Getting useful
information from them requires a successful DC 22
FINDING CLUES Deception, Intimidation, or Thievery check, or a DC
This investigation is open-ended, so the heroes can 20 check using a relevant lore (such as Underworld
follow up in several different ways. The types of Lore). A success yields two clues, and a critical success
contacts the heroes pursue are described below. yields three clues. Clues that criminals can provide
The heroes can follow up with different contacts or include: the robbers are holed up in a run-down area
investigate the same one multiple times (by asking of the city; their leader is a lizardfolk named Reth; the
several different street performers across the city, gang consists of two lizardfolk, a human, and an elf;


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the robbers are drawing unwelcome attention from Creatures: This room belongs to a burly bully from
higher-ups in the underworld who don’t like attention; Bloodcove named Mashkudu and a lean Ekujae elf
and the robbers are just looking for quick cash by named Kiru. Both sit on their beds, eat from their
stealing coin and small, valuable-looking instruments. bowls, and talk about their latest victims. The pair
Once the heroes have gained any four clues, they gleefully discusses the startled and horrified reactions
can piece together the location of the robbers’ hideout. of the street performers they’ve robbed.
When the heroes enter, the pair immediately draw S p ok en
RETH’S SHACK their weapons to fight. In the second round of combat,
Reth’s gang used to come here only when arranging unless they clearly have the upper hand, Kiru pretends
on th e
crimes under Froglegs’s direction, but since they’ve to offer to negotiate. This is merely to give Loakan Song
started going out on their own, they’re here most or Reth a chance to hear the commotion and join
of the time. Reth believes that one day he’ll have the fight; they renew their attacks as soon as backup
enough money to branch off from Froglegs and start a arrives. A robber reduced to fewer than 20 Hit Points Chapter 1:
criminal enterprise of his own. He doesn’t understand makes a run for it and the heroes might encounter The Learned
the danger he’s in trying to establish his independence them later in Froglegs’s hideout. One Returns
from Froglegs; depending on when the heroes arrive at Chapter 2:
the shack, Froglegs might have already eliminated him MASHKUDU THE BULLY CREATURE 5 Service to
to send a message to Nantambu’s underworld. UNIQUE CE MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID
the City
When the heroes arrive at Reth’s shack (map on Agender human mugger Chapter 3:
page 26), read or paraphrase the following. Perception +13 The Flooded
Languages Common Mansion
The gang’s hideout is the most intact building amid a Skills Athletics +13, Deception +9, Intimidation +11, Mwangi
cluster of abandoned wooden shacks. All the windows Stealth +11, Thievery +13 Folktales
have been boarded up while the front door hangs open, Str +4, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +0
barely on its hinges. Smoke drifts out of the back of the Items hand crossbow (10 bolts), leather armor, longsword, Toolbox
building, carrying with it the faint smell of charred food. thieves’ tools
AC 22; Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +11
21661587 857352

The front door is the best way into the building. HP 75

The shack has windows in each room, but they’re all Speed 25 feet
boarded up. The only boards spaced widely enough to Melee [one-action] longsword +15 (versatile P), Damage 1d8+6
allow a look inside are those over a window to area slashing
C4. Forcing Open a window requires a successful DC Ranged [one-action] hand crossbow +15 (range increment 60 feet,
15 Athletics check. reload 1), Damage 1d6 piercing
The heroes have arrived shortly after Loakan has Opportunistic Maneuver [reaction] Trigger Mashkudu Shoves,
cooked a meal for the gang. Depending on the time of Trips, or Disarms a creature; Effect Mashkudu attempts
day, it’s either an extra snack (the gang has been eating a Thievery check to Steal an object the target carries.
more often with the extra paydays) or a proper full Sneak Attack Mashkudu deals an extra 1d6 precision
meal. The crew typically eats Loakan’s meals in their damage to flat-footed creatures.
own rooms. Surprise Attack On the first round of combat, creatures
The three lower-ranked gang members (Mashkudu, that haven’t acted yet are flat-footed to Mashkudu.
Kiru, and Loakan) each come to the aid of the others
if they hear trouble. Unless the heroes take these KIRU CREATURE 3
opponents out quietly, the others arrive ready to fight UNIQUE CE MEDIUM ELF HUMANOID
in 1d3 rounds. Together, they make a Severe encounter Male elf thief
for 5th-level characters. Reth doesn’t bother coming to Perception +9; low-light vision
his gang’s aid, but instead prepares an ambush in his Languages Common, Elven
office (area C5), if he’s still alive. Skills Acrobatics +9, Intimidation +9, Stealth +9,
Thievery +11, Underworld Lore +8
C1. MASHKUDU AND KIRU’S ROOM LOW 5 Str +1, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +2
Items dagger (6), studded leather armor, thieves’ tools
Two hastily built straw beds line the wall opposite the door. AC 20; Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +9
Bits of trash cover the hard dirt floor and an open chest sits HP 45
against the wall. Speed 30 feet


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Melee [one-action] dagger +12 (agile, finesse, versatile S), Damage Surprise Attack On the first round of combat, creatures
1d4+4 piercing plus knife jab that haven’t acted yet are flat-footed to Kiru.
Ranged [one-action] dagger +12 (agile, thrown 10 feet, versatile S),
Damage 1d4+4 piercing plus knife jab Treasure: The chest contains various low-quality
Knife Jab Creatures hit by Kiru’s dagger Strike must clothes, 61 sp, and a nice lute worth 10 gp stolen from
succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or become clumsy 1 a street performer.
for 1 round (1 minute on a critical failure). If Kiru’s Strike
is a critical hit, the DC increases to 25. C2. RETH’S ROOM
Sneak Attack Kiru deals an extra 1d6 precision damage to
flat-footed creatures. This room is very orderly; clothes are neatly placed on a
shelf in the corner, and a well-made bed sits toward the
northern wall. A chest lies on the floor behind the bed.

This is Reth’s sleeping room. He spends little time in

this room, preferring to scheme and count coins in his
office. Heroes who look over the clothes note they’re
plainly tailored for a lizardfolk.
Treasure: The chest is locked with a simple lock
(three DC 20 Thievery checks to Pick the Lock, or
DC 25 Athletics check to Force it Open) and contains
51 gp, 80 sp, and 80 cp.


The smell of many different spices fills this room. Several

books are scattered in the corner. On the far side of the
wall is a chair next to a straw bed.
21661588 857353

Creature: This room belongs to a lanky lizardfolk

bruiser named Loakan. She’s currently sitting on
her bed, perusing a new book of recipes she just
bought. She’s furious at being interrupted
by intruders and attacks with a loud snarl.
Unlike Mashkudu and Kiru, who flee with
their lives if hard-pressed, the stubborn
Loakan doesn’t ever leave a fight. She pursues foes that
flee but doesn’t leave sight of the shack.

Female lizardfolk bruiser
Perception +13
Languages Common, Draconic, Iruxi
Skills Acrobatics +12, Athletics +14, Cooking Lore +10,
Thievery +12
Str +4, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha +0
Items +1 greatclub, recipe books
Kiru AC 23; Fort +11, Ref +14, Will +13
HP 100
Speed 25 feet, swim 15 feet
Melee [one-action] greatclub +17 (backswing, magical, shove),
Damage 1d10+6 bludgeoning
Melee [one-action] tail (agile) +16, Damage 1d8+6 bludgeoning


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Melee [one-action] jaws +16, Damage 1d6+6 piercing RETH CREATURE 7

Ranged [one-action] book +16 (range increment 10 feet), Damage UNIQUE NE MEDIUM HUMANOID LIZARDFOLK
1d4+6 bludgeoning Male lizardfolk gang leader
Battering Tail [two-actions] Loakan makes a greatclub Strike Perception +13
and two tail Strikes against the same creature. If the Languages Common, Draconic, Iruxi
greatclub Strike hits, the target is flat-footed against Skills Acrobatics +15, Intimidation +15, Society +12,
both tail Strikes. Stealth +15, Survival +13, Thievery +15 S p ok en
Deep Breath Loakan can hold her breath for 200 rounds Str +3, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +2
(20 minutes). Items +1 hand crossbow (10 bolts), keyring, leather armor,
on th e
thieves’ tools Song
Treasure: Loakan spends most of her share of recent AC 25; Fort +14, Ref +17, Will +11
thefts on cooking equipment. Sturdy, high-quality HP 115
cookware worth 15 gp sits on the chair. Chapter 1:
The Learned
C4. MEETING ROOM One Returns

Chapter 2:
In the center of this area is a large fire pit with a Service to
pot over it. Several chairs surround the fire and a the City
wooden chest sits next to a sturdy door. Chapter 3:
The Flooded
This is where the gang has meetings Mansion
and where they get food from Loakan. Mwangi
The pot contains the pepper stew she Folktales
recently made. The chest is empty,
but underneath it is a spare key to Toolbox
the door of Reth’s office (area C5).
21661589 857354


The only door to this room is locked
with a simple lock. The heroes can open it with three
successful DC 20 Thievery checks to Pick the Lock,
or with a successful DC 25 Athletics check to Force
it Open.

This small room is quite tidy despite the general dilapidation

of the shack. On a large table are orderly stacks of paper
and coins. A full bookshelf stands to the south.

This is Reth’s office, where he likes to count his

money and dream of his next caper. If the heroes
investigated and arrived here before three days pass,
Reth is alive. If it’s been at least three days, only his
corpse is here, as described in If the Heroes Are Too
Late on page 30. The rest of the gang doesn’t yet
realize Reth is dead, as they’re too intimidated by him
to pester him when he’s in his office.
Creature: If the heroes made a commotion Loakan
elsewhere in the shack (such as to get the locked door
to this room open), Reth is hiding in the corner of the
room with his hand crossbow drawn and uses Stealth
for initiative; otherwise, he’s idly counting his loot. In
any case, he assumes the heroes are here on Froglegs’s
order to eliminate him, so he doesn’t surrender.


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Speed 25 feet, swim 15 feet Running Reload [one-action] Reth Strides, Steps, or Sneaks, then
Melee [one-action] jaws +16, Damage 1d6+5 piercing Interacts to reload.
Melee [one-action] tail (agile) +16, Damage 1d4+5 bludgeoning Skirmishing Shot [one-action] (flourish) Reth Strides or Steps, then
Ranged [one-action] hand crossbow +16 (magical, range increment Strikes with his hand crossbow.
60 feet, reload 1), Damage 1d6+2 piercing plus 3d8
precision Interrogating Reth: Even though Reth doesn’t
Deadly Bolts [one-action] (stance) Requirement Reth is wielding surrender, the heroes might capture him and want to
a crossbow; Effect Reth gains a deadly focus with learn what he knows. Reth doesn’t have a lot to offer
crossbows while in this stance. His crossbow Strikes deal other than he was tired of making money slowly and
an additional 3d8 precision damage. He doesn’t provoke carefully, like his boss wanted. He maintains that robbing
reactions for making ranged Strikes with crossbows. street performers was a perfect way for him and his crew
Deep Breath Reth can hold his breath for 200 rounds to get all the extra things they wanted. He’s aware his
(20 minutes). boss has a mean streak, but he figured once he showed
off how much money he’d made, all would be forgiven—
of course, that day kept getting further away in his mind
as his gang made more and more money. If the heroes
interrogating Reth succeed at a DC 21 Diplomacy or
Intimidation check, he reveals the identity of his boss: a
reclusive grippli named Froglegs.
If the Heroes Are Too Late: If it’s been at least three
days since the heroes began their investigation, Reth
can be found dead at his desk. Froglegs decided to make
an example of him. She quietly pried up one of the
boarded up windows, murdered him, and left the way
she came, stopping long enough only to take everything
of value from this room. Apart from the lethal dagger
wounds in Reth’s back, she left one of her long-handled
21661590 857355

lockpicks near the chest, which is open and empty.

Treasure: Several neat stacks of coins sit on the
table: 40 gp, 40 sp, and 80 cp. The chest is locked (it
can be opened with three successful DC 20 Thievery
checks to Pick the Lock, or a successful DC
25 Athletics check to Force it Open) and
contains 75 gp, three virtuoso handheld
musical instruments (a hand drum, lyre,
and shekere) and a reed flute lesser
maestro’s instrument.

Janatimo is pleased to hear that the gang responsible
for the robberies has been dealt with. If presented
with information about Froglegs, he can’t provide
any additional facts or details (“There seems to be a
new criminal mastermind every week, these days”).
He takes some comfort in the fact that this Froglegs
character at least has enough morals to keep her
people from performing such petty violent crimes (“If
she has a code, then she’s better than most, I think”).
Reth The authorities also don’t bother following up any
further, as their requests for direction and aid from
Magistrate-Mayor Asanda go unanswered.
XP Award: Once the heroes stop the robberies of the
street entertainers, award them 80 XP.


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Tell a Tale Since the story can’t be longer than five minutes, they
Difficulty straightforward can’t perform this action more than five times.
Requested by Janatimo
Location Black-Crowned Crane restaurant PRESENT A TALL TAIL
Janatimo asks the characters to meet him at the You present one aspect in your narrative about a meeting
exclusive Black-Crowned Crane restaurant. The note with a mystical animal. Each attempt takes 1 minute and S p ok en
politely suggests they dress up. When the heroes arrive, requires you to attempt a DC 20 skill check. You can
read or paraphrase the following. choose between describing the animal (Nature), inventing
on th e
something supernatural about it (Arcana, Deception, or Song
Janatimo stands at the entrance of the Black-Crowned Occult), recalling past tales about the animal (Society),
Crane restaurant, famous for its artistic and culinary adding narrative drama (Deception or Performance), or
delights. “This task is all about stories,” he begins. “Every connecting with the audience (Performance). You can’t take Chapter 1:
year, the Black-Crowned Crane has a ‘Tall Tails’ contest. It’s any of these options more than twice in the same story. The Learned
wordplay: the contest is about tails, as in the appendage. Critical Success You gain 2 Story Points. One Returns
People tell stories of encounters with strange or unique Success You gain 1 Story Point. Chapter 2:
versions of ordinary animals. Critical Failure You lose 1 Story Point (to a minimum of 0) Service to
“I’ve been trying to get participation to be something and can’t retry the option you just attempted, even if the City
of a tradition among the Uzunjati, though I haven’t had you haven’t yet used it twice. Chapter 3:
a lot of luck making that stick. This year, I entered each The Flooded
of you. Any of you are capable of winning, but I only ask THE OTHER TALE-TELLERS Mansion
that you try to show the rest of Nantambu how imaginative The heroes aren’t alone in the competition— Mwangi
our students are. I think any of your past exploits with the following participants tell their stories and Folktales
giant insects, ferocious tigers, venomous snakes, or other automatically earn the Story Points listed.
animals provide excellent storytelling material, but you Eriayomi (NG female human storyteller 7; Toolbox
can embellish or even invent other tales if you choose. If Performance DC 22) is a seasoned storyteller who has
it seems like I’m springing this on you, that’s the intent— won the contest a few times. She’s a bit overconfident.
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impromptu stories are sometimes the best ones.” Her story is about a persuasive talking snake who
Janatimo holds open the door and gives a bow. “You’re talks itself out of being killed by a hunter. She earns
up in about an hour.” 7 Story Points.
Tokunbo (N male human woodworker 4;
Janatimo briefly goes over the rules as the party Performance DC 20) is anxious because he’s competed
settles in the restaurant and enjoys an exquisite meal a few times but never won. His story is about a frog
at his expense. Each story must center on a person’s who can leap into the future and creates a series of
interaction with an animal. The person might be the pranks for a boy who threw stones at him. He earns
narrator themselves, but the narrator can also tell a 5 Story Points.
tale about someone else. The animal must have some Ifedayo (LN female halfling scribe 3; Performance
distinguishing supernatural or unusual ability. Is it a DC 18) is nervous for her first storytelling contest.
crocodile that can control minds? A lion that can step She tells a very personal story about being lost in the
through shadows? The story must be no longer than swamp and meeting a heron that can turn itself and
five minutes but can be as short as a few sentences if others invisible to hide from predators. She earns 4
the tale-teller likes. Story Points.
When the time comes, the heroes are invited onto a Tizawa (CG male elf apothecary 3; Performance DC
small stage with the other performers. Several judges 14) tells a tired old story about Old-Mage Jatembe
sit at the closest tables, and Janatimo greets each of reconciling two estranged brothers, and he tells it
them like old friends. clumsily. He earns only 2 Story Points.
Each player should describe their character’s The contestant with the greatest number of Story
story generally; if your players are willing, each of Points wins. In the event a hero ties with an NPC,
them can try to tell their story to the other players, the hero attempts a Performance check against the
but you can handle the storytelling mechanically if NPC’s Performance DC to determine whether the
anyone is uncomfortable. Heroes accrue Story Points hero was just ahead or just behind the NPC’s story. If
by building the best story that they can. The heroes two heroes tie, the one with the higher Performance
perform the following activity to accrue story points. modifier wins.


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Ebele, proprietor of the Black-Crowned Crane, TOKKU’S HOME

awards prizes to the victors. These are stylish Tokku’s house is a creaking wooden structure
black animal statuettes depicting the that’s obviously quite old—although the
animal in the tale-teller’s story— house is new to him. Tokku (NG
how Ebele managed to produce male elf jeweler 4) greets them
the correct animal statuettes so amiably from the porch. Tokku
quickly is a mystery. is also an Alijae elf, a long-time
Janatimo congratulates the friend of Lesedi’s who left Nagisa
heroes on their performance after with her to learn more about the
the contest, and he’s particularly world outside. He makes a good
pleased if any of them received a living as a jeweler and finally
prize. Prize‑winning heroes might later decided to make Nantambu
overhear students on campus telling their his home permanently by
own versions of their story, as Janatimo purchasing a house. As happy
ensures the story spreads. as his house makes him, he
Treasure: The statuette she presents to hasn’t an opportunity to sleep
the first place contestant is worth 50 gp, there because there’s a poltergeist
the second-place statuette is worth 25 who angrily makes its presence
gp, and the third-place statuette is felt at night or whenever guests
worth 10 gp. enter. Tokku has spent several nights at
XP Award: Award the heroes 80 Lesedi’s place. While they are friends, part
XP for participating in the contest. of why Lesedi needs this task undertaken is
Increase this award to 120 XP if Teacher Lesedi so she can have peace and quiet in her own
any hero wins a prize. home again.
After introductions, Tokku explains that he’d like to
Ghost Stories welcome the heroes inside, but visitors nearly always
Difficulty straightforward irritate the poltergeist. It shows its displeasure by
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Requested by Lesedi telekinetically tossing around anything in the house

Location Tokku’s home that isn’t affixed in place. He knows the poltergeist
resembles a skeletal catfolk, but it rarely makes its
The heroes receive an invitation to meet with Teacher form visible except to frighten people. Destroying
Lesedi (CG female elf summoner 13), a Cascade Bearer the poltergeist is only a temporary solution, as it
and specialist on extraplanar portals and creatures. rejuvenates after a few days angrier than ever, so
When they arrive at Lesedi’s office, read or paraphrase Tokku asks the heroes not to destroy the poltergeist
the following. unless they can ensure it can’t return. He notes, “It’ll
try to frighten you, for sure, but don’t fall for it.”
Lesedi is a diminutive Alijae elf dressed in a pink caftan A hero who succeeds at a DC 20 Religion check
adorned with tiny bones. In a cheerful voice, she exclaims, recalls that many spirits, including poltergeists, can
“Thank you for taking this request, conversants! I have only be put to rest when something that’s wronged
a friend with a new house and an awful problem: a them is put right. Tokku doesn’t have any idea what
poltergeist! Tokku hasn’t been able to sleep a full night the poltergeist wants and suggests that the only way
in his new house for weeks. It’s proven difficult for me to to find out is to enter his home and try to talk it out,
find the time to get over there to help, but this is a great no matter how aggressive or dangerous it is initially.
opportunity for students with real potential to learn more Tokku intends to wait out on the porch while the
about the afterlife. heroes investigate his home.
“So, are you ready for a... haunting experience?” She Haunting: The heroes don’t have to wait long for a
laughs loudly at her own joke. supernatural manifestation. As soon as they enter, the
doors and windows slam shut and household items
Lesedi doesn’t have a lot of information to give the launch throughout the house—unfortunately, Tokku
heroes, deferring most questions to Tokku. She gives has a large collection of interesting rocks. Creatures
the heroes his address and promises that she’ll keep in the house take 6d6 bludgeoning damage (DC 22
them in mind for future projects if they can take care basic Reflex save) from the whirlwind of items. A
of her friend’s problem now. creature that’s obtained significant protection from


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hurled items, such as by hunkering down behind a KALEMBI’S HISTORY

large shield, treats the result of the saving The poltergeist’s recollections are all true, but his
throw as one degree of success better sense of time is skewed, as Kalembi murdered
than their roll. Gerrus almost 20 years ago. Gerrus was
Creature: The poltergeist Kalembi’s friend, and Kalembi worked
manifests immediately after to get Gerrus established as a trader in
the haunting, using its Frighten his youth. While Kalembi was indeed one S p ok en
ability. If the heroes attack, it of Nantambu’s wealthiest traders at the
fights back until destroyed or time, he’s now an old man of faded fortunes
on th e
until the heroes all leave the wrestling with a life of regret. Song
house. If the heroes instead refuse Too careless with his wealth, Kalembi
to respond, the poltergeist is both became deeply indebted to a crime lord
confused and curious. They can named Habu the Cudgel. Habu forced Chapter 1:
talk to it, as described below. him to engage in crime to pay his The Learned
debts. As Kalembi knew where One Returns
POLTERGEIST CREATURE 5 Nantambu’s richest people Chapter 2:
Pathfinder Bestiary 264 kept their choice valuables, Service to
Initiative Perception +11 Habu sent Kalembi to their the City
houses at night with one of Chapter 3:
Speaking with the Poltergeist: If the his most talented burglars: the The Flooded
heroes try to talk to the poltergeist, it is grippli who would become known Mansion
willing to remain in its ghostly, skeletal as Froglegs. Froglegs would pick the locks Mwangi
form and speak to them. This is the first Tokku and Kalembi would just walk in, take the Folktales
time that anyone has tried to speak to it; valuables, and walk back out. He knew that if
Tokku only hides or runs away, and everyone else he he returned empty-handed, she would simply kill him Toolbox
has brought in to deal with the poltergeist has tried to on the spot.
fight it rather than ask why it’s bound to the house. Kalembi protested when Habu insisted on taking
21661593 857358

The heroes might ask the following questions when Gerrus’s leopard figurine. He knew how much the
speaking to the poltergeist. figurine meant to his friend. But he felt he had no
What is your name? “I was known once as Gerrus.” choice. When Gerrus interrupted the theft that night,
Why do you still haunt this place? “A few years Kalembi knew he must choose between his life and
ago, this was my home. I can’t rest because a person his friend’s—and he picked his own. Kalembi killed
I trusted took something valuable to me—a leopard him and gave the figurine to Habu; it’s now in
figurine of the most beautiful rainbow hues. It had Froglegs’s possession.
been in my family for generations. It belongs here in Kalembi’s good fortune declined after Habu
my house.” forced him into burglary, and his once-grand trading
Who took your figurine? “The one who I thought enterprises have now been reduced to a single export
was my best friend, Kalembi. He murdered me the shop in a middle-class section of Nantambu. A hero
night he stole it.” who succeeds at a DC 20 Society or Nantambu Lore
Why would Kalembi steal your figurine? “I have check knows about Kalembi and his long, slow descent
no reason to give for his theft. Kalembi is one of the from incredible wealth to mediocrity.
wealthiest traders in the city; my figurine was valuable,
but not to one as rich as him. Others had offered to MEETING KALEMBI LOW 5
buy it, but I refused, since it belongs here in my house. The next step in the investigation is to talk to
But if my friend had only asked, I would’ve given it to Kalembi. A hero who succeeds at a DC 15 Society
him freely.” or Nantambu Lore check recalls the location of both
If we return the figurine, will you depart? “Yes, as his export business, “Everywhere and Beyond,” and
bringing it back into my house will put everything his home. Alternatively, a hero who succeeds at a DC
right again.” 15 Diplomacy check to Gather Information not only
In the meantime, will you not bother Tokku? “Peace finds the location of his home and business, but also
is not something I have, so it’s not something I can hears the rumors about Kalembi’s decline in fortunes.
give. But I will do my best to be patient and wait for Kalembi is now an old man, plagued by guilt and fearful
you to do what is right.” of retribution from past crimes. He maintains heightened


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security and tries to keep a low profile, running his that Kalembi feels genuine grief
business through proxies when he can. He’s almost resulting from killing his friend, even
never at Everywhere and Beyond, so heroes who go after all these years.
there must speak with his trading manager Nalefe (N Kalembi can offer a few more
female human merchant –1; Gamemastery Guide 244). relevant points to assist the heroes’
Nalefe has long harbored suspicions that her boss is investigation. First, he recalls that
involved with something shady, so she’s quick to tell the grippli burglar
strange visitors seeking him out that he’s at home. used special, extended
Creatures: Kalembi’s security is high at his small lockpicks that suited
manor, and he only meets with people who have a special her frog-like hands well.
passphrase. Three armed bodyguards If the heroes still have the
intercept visitors and deter anyone strange picks from Oba’s
without the passphrase. They like to swagger Wondrous Creatures (area
and show their strength, so they’re quick to B4), Kalembi confirms they
pick a fight with anyone who doesn’t take a are the same style. Second, he knows
hint to leave. If they face serious opposition that someone murdered Habu the
(such as if the heroes defeat one guard or reduce Cudgel, and the same grippli burglar
all guards to fewer than 30 Hit Points), they who terrorized him those many years
give up and let the heroes enter. ago now runs a significant part of
Nantambu’s organized crime. She’s
KALEMBI’S GUARDS (3) CREATURE 3 taken the name Froglegs now—
Watch officer (Gamemastery Guide 234) Kalembi never knew the former
Initiative Perception +8 name she used. Kalembi doesn’t
know where to find her but
Talking to Kalembi: As he’s assumes it’s in a well-hidden
unwilling to fight anyone who’s safe house.
already gotten past his guards, What the heroes do with
21661594 857359

Kalembi (LN male human Kalembi is up to them. They

merchant 6) speaks to the heroes might insist he take his admission
only because he feels he has no to the authorities or even make him
other option. He initially insists come to Tokku’s house to apologize to
he doesn’t know anyone named the poltergeist. Forcing the crestfallen
Gerrus, but his deceitful facade merchant to take these actions requires
quickly crumbles if the heroes a successful DC 20 Diplomacy or
are persistent. He always knew Intimidation check; on a failure, he
his past would come back to flatly refuses to leave his manor and
haunt him, and he realizes that keeps wallowing in his misery.
this is the day. XP Award: Award the heroes 60
Kalembi admits to his role XP for getting past the guards, even
as a thief many years ago, as if they don’t fight them. Award the
described in Kalembi’s History heroes 30 XP for obtaining Kalembi’s
on page 33. He hated stealing information about Froglegs.
from his friends, but his fear
of Habu the Cudgel and his RETURNING THE FIGURINE
fierce grippli burglar was too The heroes can’t quell the poltergeist
overwhelming. He has since for good until they recover the
made recompense to most of bismuth leopards wondrous figurine
them, which is part of the reason from Froglegs’s hideout (area F5) and
his fortunes have declined. Kalembi regrets bring it back, though their actions
nothing so much as his decision to murder at least allow Tokku to sleep in his
his friend Gerrus—it’s the one mistake he can Kalembi’s Guard own house. When they finally show
never repay. Heroes who succeed at a DC 15 the figurine to Gerrus, the poltergeist
Perception check to Sense Motive can detect thanks them and fades away.


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The heroes are free to keep the figurine or leave it Who’s Natofo? / What is Natofo’s role? “She’s a fool
in Tokku’s house, as they see fit—in any case, the half-orc who doesn’t know when to call it quits, how
poltergeist is gone for good. to set boundaries on important experiments, or use
XP Award: Award the heroes 80 XP for any common sense in general. She’s also my
putting the poltergeist to rest. sister. She’s brilliant but she refuses to take
time with her botanical experiments!”
Oozing into Trouble What did Natofo do? “I’ll let S p ok en
Difficulty straightforward her tell you most of it, but the
Requested by Zuma short answer is that she was trying
on th e
Location Carnivorous Gardens to use oozes as a food source and Song
it went horribly wrong—just like I
This request summons the heroes said it would.”
to Teacher Zuma’s office in the What do you know about the Chapter 1:
Magaambya’s Elephant Museum. Carnivorous Gardens? “I already The Learned
The heroes likely met this eccentric told you that they are the one spot One Returns
but gifted teacher in Pathfinder in Nantambu where the celestials Chapter 2:
Adventure Path #169: Kindled can’t hear you, what more do you Service to
Magic. When the heroes arrive, need? I mean, I guess I can tell the City
read or paraphrase the following. you that they raise and tame Chapter 3:
carnivorous plants from all The Flooded
Stacks of dusty arcane tomes teeter over Golarion for others to Mansion
precariously on the desk and floor of this see and learn about. Sort of a... zoo
Natofo Mwangi
office. A bespectacled half-orc peers from for plants.” Folktales
behind one of the stacks and asks, “Did the demons
finally hatch their plot?” VISITING THE CARNIVOROUS GARDENS Toolbox
When the heroes go to visit Natofo (NG female half‑orc
Zuma rambles on for a bit about a conspiracy botanist 5), they find her at the custodian’s hall outside
21661595 857360

plot of demons trying to take over Nantambu by of the Carnivorous Gardens. When they enter the large
popularizing certain colors of paint (“It’s all in the room, read or paraphrase the following.
pigments, you see!”). Heroes can redirect his attention
back to the request by either talking it through with A rather bookish female half-orc interrupts her work on a
him or coming up with an even more outlandish plot gigantic succulent plant to shrug and say, “Aah, Zuma sent
to get him to pursue. When Zuma has exhausted you. But... I suppose I need the help. Come over here and
his conspiracy theories for the time being, read or let me show you the problem.”
paraphrase the following.
Natofo shows the heroes a collection of small
“So, I have called you here so that you can help preserve oozes in containers and explains that she was trying
one of my favorite places: the Carnivorous Gardens. I love to find alternate and cheaper food sources to feed the
to go there and collect my thoughts. Also, it’s hard for plants. The keepers of the garden spend a lot of time
the celestials to hear your thoughts when you’re around and money getting plenty of meat for the plants, and
meat‑eating plants. she had been testing ways to make fake “meat” by
“Anyway, they’ve had to close the garden because the combining alchemical reagents with samples of oozes
fool caretaker decided to experiment with how they feed of different types to create a variety of savory flavors
the flora. Her name is Natofo, and though I appreciate and nutritional balances.
her willingness to experiment, I wish she’d done her Initial tests were promising, but when Natofo
experiments somewhere other than in one of my few went large scale with the plan, she started to run into
peaceful places. problems. Despite Zuma’s advice to conduct more tests,
“I need you to go help her clean up so I can reclaim my she started feeding her specialized ooze-based “meat” to
place to escape. For the celestials hear all...” the plants in large quantities. One ooze was too tasty to
the plants; the plants attacked Natofo’s assistants to get
Zuma gives the heroes directions to the Carnivorous more, and they dropped the ooze before running away.
Gardens and answers any other questions they have. Another ooze wasn’t digested but instead grew inside
Some of the players’ most likely questions follow. the plants that ate them, mutating into another form.


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When heroes are ready to enter the Carnivorous
Gardens, read or paraphrase the following.
The Carnivorous Gardens are less like their namesake
and more like a small, lush jungle. Plants and vines of
all sorts writhe noisily, looking for fresh meat. A stone
path winds through the park.
Natofo opens the gate and says sheepishly, “Uh, it’s
not normally this loud.”

Few of the Garden’s carnivorous plants pose

D3 D1 a direct threat to the heroes, but the oozes
introduced into their artificial ecosystem have
agitated the plants enough that they act in concert
to keep out any new intruders that come too close.
Hungry Plants: The places indicated on the
map contain the following hazard, which triggers
when anyone enters the area.


Stealth DC 20 (trained)
Description Many carnivorous plants that were once kept
satiated now hunger for any meat they can get, even
lashing out onto the path to get it.

CARNIVOROUS GARDENS Disable DC 25 Survival (trained) to distract or trick the 857361

1 SQUARE = 5 FEET plants or DC 22 Nature (expert) to calm the plants

AC 20; Fort +17, Ref +9
HP 60 (BT 30); Immunities mental; Weaknesses acid 10,
When Natofo told the owners about the problem, fire 10, slashing 10
they immediately closed the garden down for the Trapping Vines [reaction] Trigger A creature moves within reach
safety of the community. She asked a few people of the carnivorous plants’ vines; Effect The vines wrap
for advice, including her brother, and that’s why the around the triggering creature. The creature must succeed
heroes are here now. The introduction of the oozes at a DC 22 Reflex save or be grabbed until it Escapes
has disturbed the garden’s careful ecosystem. Natofo (DC 22). Whether or not the creature is grabbed, the
needs the heroes to find the lost samples and remove plants make a gnawing plants Strike against the creature.
them from the environment so the garden can recover. Melee [one-action] gnawing plants +17, Damage 8d4+12 piecing
Natofo admits she’d hoped Magistrate‑Mayor
Asanda would have been a little quicker to provide D1. OOZE MULTIPLICATION MODERATE 5
help, as he’s normally a big supporter of public When the heroes reach this area, read or paraphrase
amenities like the Carnivorous Gardens. He’s the following.
apparently too busy restoring his flooded manor.
If the heroes ask what kind of oozes Natofo used, A statue commemorating one of the Garden’s founders is
she replies breezily, “Oh, some of this, and some of flanked by two large flytraps. The flytraps remain shut and
that... by this, I mean I used some brown ones and quiver violently.
some green ones. I’m not an ooze expert, but I know
enough to stay away from black puddings. I also used These two snapping flytraps fought over a small piece
some cheap sewer ooze but that one leaked into a of an ochre jelly, pulling the ooze apart. Both ochre jelly
cesspool, so don’t worry about it.” parts began dissolving the flytraps’ interior, quickly
Natofo cautions the heroes to be vigilant, as the growing into separate jellies. The jellies are nearly
oozes and the plants have battled tirelessly, leaving the ready to burst out of the flytraps, which are struggling
plants particularly agitated. to stay shut with the thrashing oozes inside. A hero


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who succeeds at a DC 20 Nature check realizes that Motion Sense A sewer ooze can sense nearby motion
something is inside each of the flytraps and struggling to through vibration and air movements.
get free, killing the flytrap in the process—on a critical AC 16; Fort +16, Ref +8, Will +10
success, the hero realizes that there is a large ooze inside HP 45; Immunities acid, critical hits, mental, precision,
each flytrap. unconscious, visual
Creatures: The snapping flytraps are so severely Noxious Scent (aura, olfactory) 30 feet. A creature that
damaged by the ochre jellies that they don’t pose enters the area must attempt a DC 23 Fortitude save. S p ok en
any threat to the heroes; the true threats here are the On a failure, the creature is sickened 1 (sickened 2 on
jellies themselves. They burst from the flytraps after a critical failure). A creature taking persistent acid
on th e
two rounds, or sooner if the flytraps are damaged. damage from the ooze’s pseudopod can’t recover from Song
The ochre jellies then attack the heroes, craving more the sickened condition. A creature that succeeds at its
sustenance. If an ochre jelly bursts from the flytrap on save is temporarily immune for 1 minute.
its own, it uses Athletics for initiative; if it leaks free Speed 10 feet Chapter 1:
from a flytrap being damaged, it rolls Perception for Melee [one-action] pseudopod +17 (agile, deadly d10, finesse, The Learned
initiative as normal. The oozes fight until destroyed. versatile S), Damage 2d8+5 bludgeoning plus 1d4 acid One Returns
and 1d4 persistent acid Chapter 2:
OCHRE JELLY (2) CREATURE 5 Filth Wave [one-action] Frequency once per minute; Effect The sewer Service to
Pathfinder Bestiary 255 ooze unleashes a wave of filth, covering all creatures the City
Initiative Perception +7 or Athletics +13 within a 20-foot emanation. Each creature in the area must Chapter 3:
succeed at a DC 24 Reflex save or take 1d4 acid damage The Flooded
SNAPPING FLYTRAPS (2) CREATURE 3 and a –10-foot penalty to its Speeds for 1 minute (on a Mansion
Pathfinder Bestiary 160 critical failure, the creature also falls prone). A creature can Mwangi
Initiative Perception +7 spend an Interact action to clean someone off, decreasing Folktales
Injured The snapping flytraps are drained 4 and have only the Speed penalty by 5 feet with each action.
5 Hit Points each. Toolbox
Saving the Flytraps: The two snapping flytraps
21661597 857362

barely survive their oozy meal, and each die within This stone gazebo contains a decorative bench overgrown
a few minutes unless a hero succeeds at a DC 22 with moss and tiny pitcher plants. Ivy on the gazebo’s
Medicine or Nature check to heal the flytrap or uses sides is lush and green, trailing across its base and the
any healing effect that heals at least 20 Hit Points. surrounding path. This looks like weeks or even months of
Treasure: Natofo becomes particularly moved if the overgrowth, not simply a few days’ worth.
heroes take the time to save the flytraps. She gives them
a moderate antidote for each flytrap they save. The plants here are all invigorated and animated by
a verdurous ooze lurking in the conical ceiling of the
D2. DESTROYED GRATE LOW 5 gazebo, making the area within and adjacent difficult
terrain. Natofo fed pieces of a verdurous ooze to the
A spray of rot that emanates a powerful stench covers plants around the gazebo as a combination of food and
this area. The plants here seem pacified by the repulsive botanical enrichment. A spitting plant rejected the food,
coating of filth. hurling a glob of ooze up into the rafters after Natofo
had gone. That glob eventually grew into an entirely
A destroyed sewer grate is plainly the source of the new verdurous ooze. As verdurous oozes can’t climb,
filth spread around this area. once it falls down from the rafters it can’t climb back
Creature: The sewer ooze Natofo believed to be up again.
disposed of lurks under the grate. When the heroes Creature: The verdurous ooze lurks above the
come close, it lunges forth and fights until destroyed. gazebo entrance, out of sight from anyone that isn’t in
the gazebo. When living creatures enter, it drops to the
MUTATED SEWER OOZE CREATURE 6 ground and emits its sleep gas before attacking with its
UNIQUE N LARGE MINDLESS MUTANT OOZE pseudopods until it can’t sense any creatures to attack.
Variant sewer ooze (Pathfinder Bestiary 254)
Perception +10; motion sense 60 feet, no vision VERDUROUS OOZE CREATURE 6
Skills Stealth +9 (+12 in sewers) Pathfinder Bestiary 2 194
Str +5, Dex –2, Con +4, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –5 Initiative Perception +8


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WRAPPING UP “Greetings conversants! I suspect you’ve heard about

When the heroes dispatch the four oozes in the the fires around campus. I am glad no one has been hurt
Carnivorous Gardens, Natofo is incredibly grateful. yet, but I feel that someone’s lighting those fires to draw
She admits that she should have been more careful with our attention to something. Whoever or whatever this
introducing new lifeforms to the delicate ecosystem fire‑starter is, they don’t understand that fire is like magic:
but insists that she’s made many useful discoveries for you don’t ever fully control it, and the more you think you
future work. She asks the heroes to relay her thanks to have it wholly contained, the more likely it is to hurt you
her brother but requests that they perhaps downplay or someone else.
the chaos they encountered in the Gardens, or she’ll “I’d like to find whoever’s responsible and stop them
never hear the end of it. before they end up learning this lesson the hard way and
Treasure: Natofo awards the players 60 gp for their causing real damage. I’ll need your help to investigate and
help. She also leverages her brother’s connections at track them down.”
the Magaambya to have a staff of abjuration delivered
to them a few days later (if any of the heroes are a Janatimo answers any questions he can. Here are
wizard with an arcane school other than abjuration, some questions the heroes might have.
she instead arranges for a 6th-level staff of that arcane What makes you think someone is sending a
school to be delivered). message? “If the aim were to hurt someone specific
or to destroy a particular building, they certainly
Fiery Debt could’ve done so by now. I’ve come to understand that
Difficulty challenging the arsonist used a sophisticated blend of magic and
Requested by Janatimo alchemy to ignite the fires. It would’ve been trivial to
Location Fire-Pot’s Forge compound the reagents or the magic to amplify the
effect and create a conflagration. These blazes are
Before the heroes receive this request, they hear meant to make a statement, in my opinion.”
rumors describing nighttime fires across campus. Do you think a student is to blame? “I sincerely hope
The fires take place at unoccupied parts of the not, but you may want to talk to Xhokan and see if
campus and appear to be nothing more than anyone has checked out supplies that seem suspicious.”
21661598 857363

strangely coincidental accidents. So far, the fires Janatimo knows that Haibram Thodja is often a suspect
have been extinguished before there’s been any real when strange fires are to blame, but some discreet
damage, but rumors swirl that perhaps an arsonist inquiries have already shown Janatimo that Haibram
is to blame. Janatimo wants to look deeper into the hasn’t been on campus when most of the fires were set.
matter and calls in the heroes to investigate. Why hasn’t anyone investigated this before now? “I
When the heroes answer the request and arrive at think everyone at the Magaambya learns to tolerate
Janatimo’s office, read or paraphrase the following. a certain level of the odd or inexplicable occurring
around them. Since there’s been no serious damage
and no one’s been hurt, everyone is content to keep
their heads down to focus on their studies.”
What do you think the reason for lighting the fires is?
“That is the story I wish you to discover and tell.”
Before sending the heroes to investigate, Janatimo
gives them a piece of paper with the locations of the
three fires: a lecture hall that isn’t in use this semester, a
dormitory that’s currently empty while the students are
off doing field research in the Bandu
Hills, and an irregularly used
alchemical laboratory.


A man named Fire-Pot Ubanu
(page 88) set the fires over the past
Mutated Sewer Ooze few nights. An accomplished alchemist
and fire sorcerer, Ubanu knows just how
to create fires that burn hotly but don’t


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857364, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

cause more than superficial damage. Burn marks on kept ranting about expensive and complex acids that he
the exterior walls are all the damage left behind. These lost a lot of time and money on and blames the school
marks make jagged lines from the alchemical residue because he took these “students” at their word that
used to set them—they spell out words, but as the fires the Magaambya would pay. He never even provided
temporarily burned out of control, the words are hard the amount he believed to be due, but Oukosh got the
to decipher. A hero looking over the burn marks at a impression it was a lot—perhaps several thousand gold
location can attempt a DC 15 Society check to Decipher pieces. The man eventually left, but he promised to S p ok en
Writing and realize the message Ubanu left. The word make the school pay one way or another.
at the lecture hall is “Pay,” the word at the dormitory is XP Award: Award the heroes 30 XP for recognizing
on th e
“Your,” and the word at the lab is “Debts.” Fire-Pot’s Forge as the next step of their investigation. Song
Because his anger got the better of his common
sense, Ubanu has left several clues behind. Many of FIRE-POT’S FORGE Wind
these point to his identity and current whereabouts. Fire-Pot Ubanu’s forge can be found in a cliffside cave on Chapter 1:
Scene of the Crimes: The heroes can learn more the outskirts of Nantambu. He crafts weapons and sells The Learned
by asking around the arson sites. A successful DC 22 highly specialized alchemical reagents for breaking down One Returns
Diplomacy check to Gather Information reveals that a and destroying hard materials like stone and metal. Fire- Chapter 2:
middle-aged human man wearing patchy leathers and Pot feels more at home with fiery creatures than other Service to
reeking of sulfur loitered around all three areas. The people, so he takes great pains to reduce or minimize his the City
smell is distinctive enough that asking around on campus contact with others. Most people buy his goods from the Chapter 3:
or in Nantambu earns the heroes more information. pugnacious minotaurs he hires as guards. The last time The Flooded
On campus, senior faculty members remember a man Ubanu spoke to customers he prepared some special acid Mansion
named Ubanu as a hot-tempered applicant who, despite for “Magaambya students,” and he’s still angry about the Mwangi
several tries, never earned admission to the school. In nonpayment. In truth, these weren’t students at all, but Folktales
Nantambu, they know Fire-Pot as a curmudgeonly the serpentfolk Oyo and Mtembe in disguise, seeking a
alchemist and weaponsmith who runs Fire-Pot’s Forge strong acid for Salathiss (page 92) that was ultimately Toolbox
outside of town. insufficient to open the Vesicant Egg.
Alchemical Residue: A hero closely examining the When the heroes approach Fire-Pot’s Forge, read or
21661599 857364

burn marks finds a strange alchemical residue, just as paraphrase the following.
Janatimo indicated. A successful DC 20 Crafting check
reveals that the material is a highly refined alchemical Fire-Pot’s Forge is at the bottom of a riverside cliff. The
gel that reacts only at high temperatures. A critical gravelly path winds down the cliff until it fans out into
success reveals that the alchemical agent is meant a large open shore, which is spotted with a campfire
to work specifically with magical flames to indelibly and a few shoddily built huts. A variety of weapons and
mark a surface. alchemical goods sit on display in front of the huts, and
If heroes speak with Xhokan about the reagent, he beyond is a wide-mouthed cave.
tells them that he doesn’t stock that gel at the school
because such compounds are too advanced for most The cave interior is brightly lit by lanterns and fires
students to use effectively. He does know where the that heat Ubanu’s forge. The walls that separate the
heroes can find such a gel, however: Fire-Pot’s Forge cave interior into several rooms are made of metal
just outside of town. Xhokan warns them that Fire-Pot with metal doors; they’re locked where indicated in
is cranky and unwelcome to visitors on his best days, the descriptions of those areas.
so he may be unwilling to answer questions.
School Debts: Heroes who investigate any E1. MINOTAUR SHOPS MODERATE 6
outstanding “debts” the school might have can ask
at the bursar’s office in Warden House. A clever and The campfire in the middle of the huts has been quenched
talkative halfling named Oukosh (NG female halfling recently, smoke rising lazily from the burnt logs. Shelves of
bookkeeper 4) tells them that a few weeks ago a cranky full vials and racks of weapons stand near the huts.
old human came in, ranting about needing payment for
some chemicals he sold to students of the Magaambya. This is where Ubanu’s four minotaurs gather to
She remembers that the man smelled strongly of sulfur. sell his goods and guard his forge. They’ve had their
He didn’t give his name but provided the names of the skin scorched and toughened with fire over time. At
students who cheated him—Oukosh quickly confirmed any point, two of them remain in this area to receive
that they’re not and never have been students. The man customers while the other two stay in their huts.


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E2 E5



21661600 857365

Creatures: Ubanu pays the four minotaurs well, and The valuable items in the huts include three stone
he’s made it clear that he has an intense dislike of the fist elixirs, two moderate juggernaut mutagens, a
Magaambya. They’ve interpreted this dislike as mutual low‑grade cold iron dogslicer, and three +1 scimitars.
aggression, so they assume anyone from the school
means him harm. As soon as it’s clear the heroes are E2. BOULDER DEADFALL
from the school, the minotaurs draw their weapons and
demand they pay the school’s debts in blood. They like The mouth of the cavern is obscured by the long shadow
getting into fights and bullying people. Each minotaur cast down from stones high overhead on the cliff’s edge.
is also immune to the others’ Hunted Fear ability.
Nevertheless, they’re not willing to die for Ubanu; a Trap: The entrance to Ubanu’s forge is secured with
minotaur reduced to fewer than 20 Hit Points throws a boulder deadfall trap (triggering area indicated on the
down its axe and flees, telling any remaining minotaurs map above with a dotted line). He only arms the trap
in Jotun, “Tell the alchemist I quit!” when he expects trouble—like now, as he expects the
Magaambya to send people to silence him for insisting
FIRESKIN MINOTAURS (4) CREATURE 4 on his payment. After the rocks fall, the opening is small
Minotaurs (Pathfinder Bestiary 237) enough to admit Small or smaller creatures; Medium
Initiative Perception +12 creatures must succeed at a DC 15 Acrobatics check to
HP 70; Resistances fire 5 Squeeze through (DC 25 for Large creatures).
Treasure: The heroes can find a lot of useful
equipment here, though it’s clear that this equipment BOULDER DEADFALL TRAP HAZARD 7
is considered the shop’s wares and belong to Ubanu. UNCOMMON MECHANICAL TRAP
There are a variety of standard weapons of skilled make Stealth DC 25 (trained); DC 0 to spot the balanced boulders
but no greater value than normal weapons of their type. Description A weight-sensitive plate buried underneath


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sand pulls a boulder over a cliff ledge, causing it to fall The odor of the garbage is powerful. Creatures
on targets within the entrance. entering this room or starting their turn within it must
Disable DC 27 Crafting (expert) or DC 25 Thievery (expert) succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or be sickened 1
to find and disconnect the plate from the tipping (sickened 2 on a critical failure) and can’t recover from
mechanism the sickened condition while in this room and for 1d4
Deadfall [reaction] Trigger A creature enters the area without rounds thereafter. Regardless of the result of this save,
taking care to avoid the hidden trigger plate; Effect the creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute. S p ok en
Creatures within 10 feet of the cave entrance take Creature: If Ubanu hasn’t called his hellcat Rajata to
4d10+18 damage (DC 25 basic Reflex save). fight with him, she’s in the center of this room feeding
on th e
Reset Resetting the boulders in the trap is a labor-intensive on charred meat. Rajata doesn’t mind the smell of the Song
project that takes 2 hours. room as it reminds her of the worst parts of Hell.
Locked Gates: Both of the iron gates leading east (to Chapter 1:
areas E3 and E4) are locked with simple locks (requiring The Learned
three successful DC 20 Thievery checks to Pick a Lock, One Returns
or a successful DC 25 Athletics check to Force it Open). Chapter 2:
Noisy Alarm: If the boulders fall, they make enough Service to
noise to alert Ubanu that intruders are near. He calls the City
his hellcat ally Rajata from area E4 to his side in area Chapter 3:
E5. If intruders haven’t appeared in about half an The Flooded
hour, Rajata returns to her lair in area E4. Mansion


The room’s intense heat emanates from a large pit with a Toolbox
metal pipe rising out of it and into the cave wall. Near the
wall, the pipe is outfitted with a large valve.
21661601 857366

Ubanu has bound two fire elementals to the pit in

this room. They provide a smoky heat,
which travels through the pipe in this
room to Ubanu’s forge.
Creatures: The two striding fires
also serve as guardians. When anyone
who isn’t Ubanu spends more than a round in this
room, they crawl up out of the pit to attack.
One of them takes a two-action Interact activity to
turn the valve on the pipe. Smoke fills the room one
round later. This smoke provides concealment, but
the striding fires can see normally due to their Smoke
Vision. Closing the valve stops the smoke, which clears
out of the room after two rounds.
The striding fires don’t pursue creatures out of this
room, but otherwise fight until destroyed.

STRIDING FIRES (2) CREATURE 6 Fireskin Minotaur

Pathfinder Bestiary 2 111
Initiative Perception +14


A pile of smoldering trash in a corner emits a stench that fills

the room. An open metal cage stands opposite the trash pile.


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Rajata is as lazy as she is sneaky. She begins combat If he doesn’t get his money, he plans to keep terrorizing
by Fading into the Light and then uses her Menacing the school until it pays up. He answers only a few
Growl, making its noise emanate from the pile of questions before his temper gets the better of him
burning filth. She prefers to attack frightened creatures, again. A few questions the heroes might ask Ubanu
and if there aren’t any, she lurks around invisibly until and his responses can be found below.
she can use Menacing Growl again. Her bond with Who were the students? “You better believe I
Ubanu is strong, but she’s too self-interested to remain remember the names of those dishonest cheats! Oyo
in a fight she’s losing. If reduced to fewer than 50 Hit and Mtembe, two students in your so-called ‘advanced
Points, Rajata flees and doesn’t return. studies’ classes.” The heroes know there aren’t any
courses as generic as “advanced studies.” If they ask
RAJATA CREATURE 7 for a description, Ubanu describes Oyo and Mtembe,
Female hellcat (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 141) the pair lurking in the storeroom in area A3. Of
Initiative Perception +16 course, Ubanu has no idea they are serpentfolk, and he
treats this revelation with a combination of surprise
E5. UBANU’S STUDY MODERATE 6 and suspicion.
What did the students want? “They wanted a
This room is a mixture of a laboratory, arcane study, and substance that could neutralize and break down
forge. A basin rising out the floor is filled with burning red powerful acids. They said they were studying some
coal and ringed with half-finished weapons. The other part kind of magical acid. They couldn’t even describe it
of the room contains shelves and a stone workbench with all that well—it was plain they were just ordering it
singed papers strewn across its surface. The room bears a on someone else’s behalf, and I guessed it was for a
pungent smell of sulfur. teacher.” If the heroes happen to have the clay jug from
area A7, Ubanu confirms that it’s the remains of the
If Ubanu hears the boulder deadfall trap trigger solvent he gave the students.
in area E2, he calls his hellcat Rajata to his side for Why did you burn the school? “Why didn’t the school
protection. Together, they make a Severe encounter, pay me? I tried talking to them, and that got me nothing.
even considering Rajata’s general laziness and I sent my message in flame, and now you’re here!”
21661602 857367

tendency to leave when a fight gets tough. Would you take anything besides money? “It’s hard
When Ubanu sees the heroes, he understands to think of something better than money, but... I’ve
that they’ve come from the Magaambya. Read or got magic in my blood. I always have. I’ve always
paraphrase the following. wondered what it would be like if I could learn to use
it—formal education, I mean...”
“You’ve finally come for some vengeance, eh? Well, I’ll The easiest way to get Ubanu to back down
have you know that it’s my time for some well-deserved is to pay him with the heroes’ own funds. The
payback! Fire-Pot Ubanu will have what he is owed, even if Magaambya won’t pay for something ordered
the price is paid in blood!” through fraud—Oukosh is insistent on this matter.
If the heroes want to find out whether Ubanu might
Creature: Fire-Pot Ubanu attacks right away, trying be able to enroll at the Magaambya, their best
to ensure he gets the upper hand. If the heroes refrain course of action is to ask Janatimo.
from attacking him and one of them insists that they XP Award: If the heroes talk Ubanu down rather
want to talk by succeeding at a DC 28 Diplomacy than fight him, award them XP as though they’d
check, Ubanu stops long enough to cautiously hear defeated him in combat.
them out. If the heroes offer clearly to pay him, reduce
this DC to 23. Ubanu also surrenders if reduced to WRAPPING UP
fewer than 50 HP. If the students need some help paying Ubanu,
Janatimo offers to pay half the amount out of his
FIRE-POT UBANU CREATURE 8 personal funds. He has one condition: Ubanu must
Page 88 come to campus and publicly apologize for his attack
Initiative Perception +16 on the school and promise to never do anything like
that again. Ubanu’s pride makes this difficult; unless
Talking with Ubanu: Ubanu makes his demands one of the heroes succeeds at a DC 28 Diplomacy
clear: he wants the 300 gp that students of the check (or, based on how they frame the request, a
Magaambya promised to pay for his stonerot solvent. Deception check), he refuses.


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Janatimo is initially hopeful that Ubanu could take “Well,” she says without pausing for answer, “I have
classes at the Magaambya, but a quick search of school a dear old friend who is a goat herder on the Nantambu
records reveals his troublesome application history and outskirts. For an iruxi, she has quite the affinity for those
explosive temper. For the school to admit him, hairy mammals. Do you know who else has
someone must accept close responsibility an affinity for goats?
for his coursework and behavior, to help “Jungle drakes,” she says
ensure that Ubanu keeps his temper without pause. “My friend needs S p ok en
under control. If the heroes agree to help to stop some of these creatures
do so, Janatimo arranges to have from grazing on her livestock.
on th e
him provisionally admitted. I’m happy to give you directions Song
You can decide how much when you’re ready to go.”
work with Ubanu the heroes are
required to do; at a minimum, Ahassunu doesn’t have much Chapter 1:
the distractions of aiding him to additional information, but she’s The Learned
excel should increase the DC of the happy to engage in conversation One Returns
heroes’ skill checks to Study by 1 and of any type. A hero who wants Chapter 2:
their skill checks to Cram by 2 for the to impress the professor can Service to
next two academic semesters. Ubanu attempt a successful DC 24 the City
might also be placed directly under Lore check of any type. The heroes Chapter 3:
their tutelage, as described in Pathfinder might think to ask for the friend’s name; The Flooded
Adventure Path #171: Hurricane’s Howl.
Teacher Ahassunu Ahassunu first looks puzzled, insisting
If the heroes dealt with the problem by she’s already given it, but then explains Mwangi
killing Ubanu, Janatimo’s disappointment (again, in her recollection) that her friend is Ibisu. Folktales
is clear. He believes the man should have been In any case, she provides directions to Ibisu’s fields,
granted solutions to his problem instead of death. which are southwest of Nantambu. Toolbox
Treasure: If the heroes arrange for the Magaambya When the heroes head to Ibisu’s fields they spot an
to admit Ubanu, he thanks them by giving them the best elderly iruxi with lime-green skin moving deliberately
21661603 857368

weapon he’s ever made, his fulminating spear (page 76). through a flock of several dozen goats. It’s clear she’s
XP Award: Award the heroes 30 XP if they’re able moving slowly not due to the aches or pains of old
to get Ubanu admitted to the Magaambya. age, as she’s quite agile, but out of concern for her
goats—she nudges them gently out of her way with
Trouble from the Skies her staff as she walks. She’s plainly pleased to see the
Difficulty challenging heroes and impressed that the Magaambya would
Requested by Ahassunu send so many students to help her.
Location jungles south of Nantambu After making introductions, Ibisu tells the heroes
the following story.
The heroes receive this request from Teacher Ahassunu
(N female lizardfolk diplomat 12), a professor of “Nantambu is a living, changing city. Nothing ever remains
diplomatic history at the school. Heroes with Uzunjati the same for too long! But sometimes that change brings
as their primary or secondary branch likely already pain. Nearby there are a male and female jungle drake. I
know Ahassunu, as she’s something of a colorful could watch them fly in the skies all day long, courting
character among Uzunjati faculty. each other.
When the party arrives at Ahassunu’s office on the “And I would... except that they’ve developed a taste
top floor of the Elephant Museum, read or paraphrase for my goats, as I’m sure Ahassunu told you. I need these
the following. goats for my livelihood. I tried to speak to a friend of a
friend, Magistrate-Mayor Asanda, but he was not nearly
“Welcome, conversants!” Ahassunu says happily, her as approachable as I was led to believe. Everyone else I
scaled face breaking into a wide grin. “I’ve been watching try to talk to reminds me that jungle drakes are cruel and
your progress. Quite impressive, I say, quite impressive. scheming monsters and wants to turn them into pelts or
It reminds me of a group of ancient Mwangi Expanse trophies. I don’t want that—I just want them moved! They
warriors who defied all expectations when they—oh, you have eggs, and moving the eggs means the drakes will
didn’t come here for me to ramble. You want to know what follow. No matter how mean they are, they want what’s
I need from you, yes? best for their children, just as we all do. I’ve already found


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thirty feet high. The waterfall and river are surrounded

FORCED MIGRATION on all sides by lush vegetation.
Although the water right at the base of the
waterfall is about 5 feet deep, the river is otherwise
only about 2 feet deep and is greater difficult
terrain. The Athletics DC to Climb the stones by
the waterfall is only 15.
If the heroes arrive during the day the drakes
can be found flying above the canopy of the trees,
looking for prey. A hero who succeeds at a DC 20
Perception check spots them. During the evening,
the drakes sleep in their nest, and the sound of the
waterfall provides good cover to sneak up on the
pair. A hero need only succeed at a DC 13 Stealth
check to approach the nest while the drakes sleep.
The easiest way to lure the drakes close is to
approach the nest containing their three eggs. Even
if the drakes soar high above, they both dive to
protect the eggs once they realize a creature has
gotten close to them.
A hero can lure the drakes wherever they choose
in the area by using the live goats as bait and
succeeding at a DC 20 Nature or Survival check
to ensure that the animals are placed so that the
drakes smell them. Both drakes come down to eat
the goats, putting them within the heroes’ reach.
21661604 857369

Talking to the Drakes: Jungle drakes are

somewhat intelligent, but they only speak
Draconic. A hero able to speak with them might
simply explain that the drakes are causing trouble
for Nantambu and must move further away. The
a distant place where they could live comfortably, if I could jungle drakes don’t really mind going somewhere that
get them there. provides good hunting, as Ibisu’s proposed location
“That’s where you come in.” does, but they don’t pass up an easy meal. If the
heroes brought goats or some other food, the drakes
Ibisu asks the heroes to help her catch the drakes. She accept it if a hero succeeds at a DC 21 Diplomacy
has a wagon and some very sturdy collapsible cages check. If the hero fails this check, or has no food to
from Oba Eze. Ibisu has already located the drakes’ offer, the drakes pretend to parley long enough to get
nest, which is near a pretty waterfall in the jungle. She close and attack. As their Deception DC is only 11,
also provides a map on goatskin parchment showing this ruse is appallingly easy to spot.
a new, distant location for the drakes’ release, about a Creatures: The drakes prefer to attack with their
day’s travel further from the city. Before sending the fangs and stingers. If they’re fighting near the top of
heroes out, Ibisu reminds them that the drakes aren’t the waterfall, they grab creatures and hurl them off
just animals and that killing them is unacceptable. into the foliage or the water below. Heroes can attack
Ibisu doesn’t suggest it, but the heroes might realize the drakes with nonlethal effects to subdue them but
that one or two goats could be excellent bait (they also might have other approaches to ensure the drakes
realize this with a successful DC 20 nature check). Ibisu aren’t killed. You should be flexible in allowing for
is happy to give up two of her fattest goats for this plan. creative solutions, as knocking the drakes out rather
than simply slaughtering them outright is the key
FORCED MIGRATION MODERATE 6 focus of this encounter.
Once the drakes are unconscious or otherwise
The drakes’ nest perches near the top of a waterfall rising incapacitated, keeping them unconscious long enough


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to load them into the cages and release them into INTERROGATING FROGLEGS’S MINIONS
Ibisu’s new location can be resolved easily. Froglegs’s reputation for revenge makes most
people reluctant to say anything about her, and
JUNGLE DRAKES (2) CREATURE 6 her closest minions have witnessed her thirst for
Pathfinder Bestiary 132 vengeance firsthand. Skill checks to get information
Initiative Perception +13 out of captured minions have their DCs increased
by 5 (normally, to the thief’s Will DC + 5). They only S p ok en
Returning to Ibisu: If the heroes kill either drake, know what their rank suggests—low-ranking thieves
Ibisu becomes furious and refuses to speak to them know little about the high-ranking thieves, and
on th e
other than to remind them that she specifically told high-ranking thieves know much about the lower Song
them not to kill the drakes. Ahassunu also expresses ranks but not much about Froglegs beyond where
some disappointment in the heroes, but she maintains her hut is. The exceptions are the grippli skirmishers
a less rosy picture of the reality of the situation, and in area F3, who can provide a lot of information Chapter 1:
knows that self-defense sometimes requires lethal force. about Froglegs’s background if questioned, because The Learned
Treasure: If the heroes get the drakes to the new they’ve known her for so long. One Returns
location mostly unharmed, Ibisu is incredibly pleased Chapter 2:
and gives them a keepsake that she has had for some Service to
time, a bag of cats. the City
XP Award: If the heroes successfully relocate the to go, which seems to have suited Froglegs well. If we wait Chapter 3:
drakes, award them 120 XP. much longer, she may relocate—even if she doesn’t, other The Flooded
people will suffer from her reign of crime. We must act.” Mansion
Finding Froglegs Janatimo gives a wide smile. Mwangi
Difficulty taxing “I say we, but I really mean you, conversants. I think you Folktales
Requested by Janatimo are ready for this task. I need you to arrest Froglegs.”
Location Thieves’ Swamp outside Nantambu Toolbox
The heroes are likely to have some follow-up
Some of the heroes’ prior tasks indicated that there’s questions for Janatimo.
21661605 857370

a reclusive and brutal new crime boss in Nantambu Why us? “Many reasons. Because you’ve run into
named Froglegs. Although the heroes might have Froglegs’s schemes at least once, because you’ve proved
learned a little bit about her nature and background, you are flexible and tough, and because performing
they haven’t been able to find out where she’s this task will teach you more about yourself.”
hiding—until now. Janatimo has been following up Why doesn’t the faculty of the Magaambya take
on information the heroes previously acquired, and action? “We are! We act in Nantambu through our
he finally has a lead. He’s all but given up on the trusted conversants, and you’ve certainly proven your
Chime-Ringers doing anything about this, so that trustworthiness to me.”
leaves him with the heroes. Why don’t we just go to the authorities? “The
Janatimo’s request to meet him in his office comes Chime‑Ringers are too busy chasing petty criminals,
with a taxidermy poison dart frog from his collection like some of the ones you’ve encountered. They refuse
of oddities. When the heroes arrive, read or paraphrase to see the grander story unfolding behind their backs.
the following. Magistrate-Mayor Asanda remains too obsessed with
repairing his flooded mansion to provide the necessary
“Ah! You received my message, and perhaps interpreted direction... although I’d have thought that work would
the silly clue that accompanied it. We’ve been hearing a lot have been finished by now.”
about a new crime boss named Froglegs. She’s mostly kept Is our arrest binding? “Yes, but only provisionally.
to the shadows, making people afraid to even say her name Once she’s in custody—with the Chime-Ringers if they
for fear of being silenced. can spare a holding room, or with my Tempest-Sun
“The more violent her crimes become, however, the more Mage colleagues if they cannot—we can investigate
people are willing to set aside their anxiety and speak out the scope of her network and put an end to the recent
about her. For the first time, we have a good lead on where criminal activity plaguing Nantambu. Of course, you
Froglegs can be found. We know why she’s been so hard should bring any evidence you uncover while working
to find in Nantambu: she’s not in Nantambu. Instead, she’s to capture her.”
just outside the city, in a swampy, unpleasant area where Can we kill Froglegs? “Murder would make you
the city sewers deposit waste. It’s not a place people want little more than vigilantes, and we can’t risk such a


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F2 F4



stain on the Magaambya’s reputation. We need to Like everything Froglegs does, she chose her hideout’s
stop her, but we don’t want to become like her. She’s unpleasant location with intention. Gripplis don’t mind
unlikely to come along willingly, but if you’re resolute the swamp smell, but other humanoids avoid staying
and forthright, you can capture rather than kill her.” long, lingering here only when they need to split up
Janatimo gives the heroes directions and encourages loot, take orders, or lie low. Her thieves stay in two
them to head after Froglegs without delay. ramshackle huts (one for lower-ranked members of
Treasure: Janatimo also gives the heroes some supplies her crew, and the other for higher-ranked members).
that might come in useful: a set of average manacles, two Froglegs lives in a stone and wood building on a low
moderate healing potions, and a moderate antiplague hill in the least-odious part of the swamp.
for each hero. He also gives each hero a simple necklace Froglegs has more non-gripplis than gripplis in her
containing a lump of scented wax, which should help organization, but as gripplis don’t mind staying here
offset the smell of the unpleasant environment. as much, they’re more commonly encountered here.
When the heroes arrive in the swamp, read or
THIEVES’ SWAMP paraphrase the following.
Located in a noisome, swampy area that receives
a lot of the output of Nantambu’s sewer system, This swampy area outside the city is near one of
Froglegs’s hideout is tucked away in a place where Nantambu’s sewer outlets. On the rainiest days, water
people generally don’t want to spend much time—and sluices through the area, but today the stench is barely
this includes most of her crew. Very few members of tolerable, and the brown-green water looks dangerous to
Froglegs’s organization ever meet her here. Those who stand in.
do travel here either to receive a promotion, handle
an important task, or unknowingly facilitate their own Fortunately, the paths are well used and maintained,
execution and subsequent disposal in the swamp. which makes navigating the fetid swamp easier. The


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three buildings are usually lit from within by lanterns YORULU CREATURE 4
after dark, but natural light otherwise prevails. NE SMALL GRIPPLI HUMANOID
Swamp Guts: The sewage-tainted swamp is Female grippli burglar (Gamemastery Guide 210)
dangerous to wade through, even though it’s only Initiative Perception +10 (+11 to find traps); low-light vision
4 feet deep at most. Anyone who spends time in the Languages Common, Grippli
water must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or
contract a disease called swamp guts. SPOTTED FIST CREATURE 4 S p ok en
Female gnoll sergeant (Pathfinder Bestiary 179)
SWAMP GUTS DISEASE 6 Initiative Perception +10
on th e
Exposure to the swampy sewage produces extreme nausea Treasure: The strongbox here is currently unlocked
and weakness for several days. and contains 23 gp, 13 sp, 10 cp, and a singing muse
Saving Throw DC 22 Fortitude; Onset 1 hour; Stage 1 (page 76). Chapter 1:
sickened 1 (1 day); Stage 2 enfeebled 1 and fatigued (1 The Learned
day); Stage 3 enfeebled 2 and fatigued (1 day); Stage 4 One Returns
enfeebled 4 and fatigued (1 day) Chapter 2:
Service to

Chapter 3:
This ramshackle hovel built from scraps of metal and wood The Flooded
seems appropriate given the environment. Wooden bridges Mansion
connect the island the structure is on to others in the swamp. Mwangi
This hovel serves as the hideout for lower-ranking
criminals in Froglegs’s organization. It is unstable Toolbox
enough to fall apart if given a solid shove. Here,
subordinates place Froglegs’s cut of their earnings in a
21661607 857372

strongbox under the watchful eyes of a higher-ranking

thief, who gets it to her. If her cut is even a copper short,
she accosts the thief for the transgression (resentment
toward such shakedowns inspired Reth to break out on
his own and start robbing the city’s entertainers).
Creatures: Right now, there are only two low-ranking
criminals staying here. A grippli burglar named Yorulu
stopped to turn over proceeds from recent burglaries,
and a gnoll enforcer named Spotted Fist is laying low
after being too aggressive while collecting protection
payments. A grippli jinxer named Hrroupo collects
Froglegs’s cut from Yorulu while giving Spotted Fist a
lecture on subtlety—a concept the gnoll seems unable to
comprehend. Hrroupo likes bossing the other criminals
around, dragging his words out as long as he can.
All three criminals react quickly to trouble. They
want to prove themselves to Froglegs, and eliminating
snoopers seems like a great way to do so. They don’t
surrender until there’s only one of them left standing. Yorulu
If Mashkudu or Kiru fled from the heroes in area
C1, they’re here as well, pleading with Hrroupo to ask
Froglegs for a second chance to serve her.

Male grippli jinxer (page 83)
Initiative Perception +16


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F2. OLD THRASHER’S LAIR MODERATE 6 fewer than 20 Hit Points, but it doesn’t chase after
Old Thrasher is a crocodile who has survived here in foes who flee.
the sewer runoff for a long time and grown strong,
fierce, and a little senile. It swims around this low OLD THRASHER CREATURE 8
island, eyeing anyone who crosses as a potential meal. UNIQUE N LARGE ANIMAL
Froglegs teaches the higher-ranked thieves a special Variant crocodile (Pathfinder Bestiary 67)
whistle that keeps Old Thrasher calm, as the crocodile Perception +16; low-light vision
has learned to expect a special jerky treat when it hears Skills Athletics +18, Stealth +16 (+20 in water)
the sound. Feeding Old Thrasher is a dangerous job, Str +6, Dex +2, Con +4, Int –5, Wis +3, Cha –2
and one that Froglegs assigns to subordinates that she AC 26; Fort +18, Ref +16, Will +15
wouldn’t mind losing to the beast (the grippli jinxer in HP 140
area F1, Hrroupo, has had to take on this task more Speed 20 feet, swim 25 feet
often than he’d like). If the heroes hide and observe Melee [one-action] jaws +20, Damage 2d10+8 piercing plus Grab
the island, the notice people who cross safely use the Melee [one-action] tail +20 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6+8
whistle each time. bludgeoning
Old Thrasher lurks just under the water for hours Death Roll [one-action] (attack) Requirement Old Thrasher must
at a time, so it’s hard to spot; a hero looking over have a creature grabbed; Effect Old Thrasher tucks its
the area from a distance spots the crocodile with a legs and rolls rapidly, twisting its victim. It makes a jaws
successful DC 30 Perception check. If the heroes know Strike with a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack roll
Old Thrasher is there, it’s easy enough to lure it away against the grabbed creature. If it hits, it also knocks the
with food, particularly jerky. A hero who succeeds at creature prone. If it fails, it releases the creature.
a DC 20 Nature check to Command an Animal gets Deep Breath Old Thrasher can hold its breath for about
Old Thrasher to temporarily relocate; several hours 4 hours.
usually expire before it comes back. Into the Deep [one-action] Requirement Old Thrasher must have a
Creature: Old Thrasher is ready to attack anyone creature grabbed; Effect Old Thrasher Swims, bringing
who crosses the island without giving the whistle. If the its victim along with it.
heroes haven’t spotted it, it uses Stealth for initiative. Thunderous Tail [two-actions] Old Thrasher makes up to three tail
21661608 857373

The tenacious crocodile only retreats if reduced to Strikes against different targets. Any target hit must
succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save (DC 30 on a critical
hit) or be knocked prone.

XP Award: If the heroes bypass Old Thrasher

without a fight, award them XP as though they’d
defeated the crocodile in combat.


This hut looks ready to fall into the swamp with a

hard shove. A thick tarp hangs over the entrance,
concealing the interior from view, and smoke billowing
from a vent in the roof indicates a fire is burning inside.

The hut is far sturdier than it appears, as hard

wood and sheets of metal reinforce its internal
walls. Anyone attempting to knock over
the hut only makes a lot of noise,
alerting those inside.
The recent expansion of Froglegs’s
criminal activities has meant more
work for her higher‑ranking criminals;
Old Thrasher thus, this safehouse is more crowded
than usual. The residents take turns keeping
guard, so at least two of the creatures who dwell here


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remain outside the hut at all times. These guardians Skills Athletics +14, Deception +15, Intimidation +13,
don’t expect any trouble, so they usually swap stories Society +12, Thievery +14
or nap just outside the tarp door. Str +4, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +3
Creatures: The Platanna Crew is comprised of Items heavy crossbow (10 bolts), lesser elixir of life, leather
four grippli skirmishers who came to Nantambu as armor, longsword, strongbox key, thieves’ tools
performing acrobats but secretly work as pickpockets. A Quick Word If Kolbo is aware of his opponents and isn’t
They allied with Froglegs before she killed the former prevented from speaking, he rolls Deception for initiative. S p ok en
crime boss, Habu the Cudgel, and they’ve ascended AC 24; Fort +16, Ref +14, Will +13
through the ranks along with her. They know quite a HP 115
on th e
bit about Froglegs, including her real name—Ktaal— Deny Advantage Kolbo isn’t flat-footed to creatures of 6th Song
and the impact of her strong relationship with her level or lower that are hidden, undetected, flanking, or
murdered mother. They remain among the few thieves using surprise attack.
who serve Froglegs out of respect rather than fear. Speed 20 feet Chapter 1:
A scruffy dwarf from Kibwe named Kolbo Melee [one-action] longsword +17 (versatile P), Damage 1d8+6 The Learned
currently bunks with the gripplis. Froglegs gave slashing One Returns
Kolbo a high rank because he’s provided useful Melee [one-action] heavy crossbow +15 (range increment 60 feet, Chapter 2:
information about his former employers, the Aspis reload 1), Damage 1d10 piercing Service to
Consortium. Froglegs has already started to realize Low Blow [reaction] Requirements Kolbo successfully Feints an the City
that Kolbo is a con artist, and his claims are mostly opponent; Effect The foe is knocked prone. Chapter 3:
lies. He knows his footing with Froglegs is shaky, Sneak Attack Kolbo deals an extra 2d6 precision damage The Flooded
and he’s desperate to either stabilize it or part ways to flat-footed creatures. Mansion
with her entirely. Mwangi
The gripplis are dedicated to Froglegs; they fight Folktales
until only one grippli remains, and that survivor tries
to flee to warn Froglegs that the intruders were more Toolbox
than they could handle. Unfortunately, the grippli
doesn’t realize that an i’iko dragon has taken up
21661609 857374

residence beneath the bridge to Froglegs’s hut (area F4)

and is swiftly killed by the creature.
Kolbo is not very loyal, but he is opportunistic;
if any of the gripplis seem close to being defeated,
Kolbo tries to subtly finish the grippli off with
a knowing wink to the heroes. He isn’t on the
heroes’ side—he just hopes that if things go
sour and he needs some leverage to get the
heroes to accept his surrender (or even to let
him go), that he can claim he was “helping
them out all along.” Even if the criminals
prevail, that’s one less grippli to vie with
for Froglegs’s favor. Kolbo surrenders if he’s
reduced to fewer than 40 Hit Points, and he
flees only if he thinks he can escape without too
much trouble.


Page 82
Initiative Perception +12

Male dwarf con artist Kolbo
Perception +12; darkvision
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Jotun


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Treasure: A strongbox in the hut is locked with a anyone who doesn’t flee from them. The i’iko dragon
good lock, and Kolbo has been entrusted with the takes to the water to flee if reduced to fewer than 20
key—for now. The strongbox contains an item the Hit Points, but there’s another way the heroes might
thieves use only as a last resort: a chime of opening. convince them to end combat: if a hero kills the giant
dragonfly, the i’iko dragon immediately offers to
F4. DRAGONFLY BRIDGE LOW 6 retreat and allow the heroes passage over the bridge
if the heroes give the dragon the dragonfly to eat. The
This plank bridge remains in serious disrepair, with the dragon is a surprisingly courteous creature—that is,
rope railing on the east side dangling in the water. A heavy once the heroes get on their good side, and for so
floral fragrance hangs in the air, and several dragonflies long as they remain appropriately flattering.
buzz about the bridge.
The bridge is as rickety as it looks. A creature that Page 84
Strides more than half its Speed in a single action Initiative Perception +12 or Stealth +15
must succeed at a DC 20 Reflex save, or a board pops
free beneath the creature’s feet and the creature is GIANT DRAGONFLY CREATURE 4
immobilized until it Escapes (DC 20). Pathfinder Bestiary 2 98
Froglegs uses an alchemical agent that interacts Initiative Perception +11
with the water to attract and agitate dragonflies. She
considers the mundane dragonflies good for snacks F5. FROGLEGS’S HUT SEVERE 6
and the giant dragonflies to be useful guardians. The
giant dragonflies attack anyone on the bridge, even This octagonal house stands about twenty feet high and is
Froglegs, so she keeps the alchemical substance in built from stone and fine wood. All windows are boarded
a metal ball attached to the dangling rope. The ball up and its only door has been reinforced with metal plates.
bobs just beneath the water’s surface, and a hero who
succeeds at a DC 15 Perception check notices it there. Froglegs’s hut is the most comfortable of the three
When someone pulls up the rope on either side of the huts in the swamp, featuring a cozy hammock, several
21661610 857375

bridge, the alchemical attractant fades quickly. The crates of food and stolen goods, and a full-length
rank smell of the swamp replaces the floral smell in mirror on one wall.
the next minute, and the dragonflies disperse (only to If the heroes made significant noise in any of the
return when the attractant drops back into the water). previous encounters, or if they launched an initial
Creatures: Only a single giant dragonfly remains to attack but had to retreat, Froglegs suspects they’re
guard the bridge. An i’iko dragon moved into this area coming. She directs her lieutenant, a grippli jinxer
a day ago without Froglegs’s knowledge. They delight named Grubush, to pretend to be her and distract the
in feasting on giant dragonflies here, and have already intruders while she hides behind a stack of crates to
captured and eaten two of three native to the area. ambush them. If they’re caught unaware, Froglegs and
The remaining giant dragonfly has thus far proved Grubush speak about their plans for future crimes as
too quick for the i’iko dragon to catch. The i’iko they are interrupted by the heroes.
dragon now lurks beneath the bridge, snapping up the Creatures: Froglegs doesn’t waste time trying to
smaller dragonflies when they get peckish. They know parley. She goes quickly on the offensive, and as soon
the alchemical substance attached to the rope railing as she attacks, Grubush joins in the fight. If the heroes
keeps the dragonflies here, so if the heroes lift it from retreat, Froglegs commands him to pursue them, but
the water, the dragon reaches up a claw to pull it back she doesn’t leave her hut for fear of falling into a trap.
into the water again. Grubush is loyal but flees if plainly outmatched, much
The giant dragonfly attacks anyone on the bridge to Froglegs’s frustration.
but stays clear of the i’iko dragon. Maddened by the Froglegs isn’t suicidal, and she’s canny enough to
alchemical aroma, it fights to the death. know when she’s been beaten. If she’s reduced to
The i’iko dragon considers the bridge part of fewer than 30 Hit Points and doesn’t seem likely
their territory and aggressively opposes anyone who to win the fight, she throws down her weapons and
attempts to cross it. The dragon uses Stealth for raises her hands to surrender, saying, “Okay, you’ve
initiative if the heroes haven’t noticed them hiding got me, you can arrest me. But you should know
under the bridge. They first scramble onto the bridge that the chief criminal in this city isn’t me—he’s at
to use their Draconic Grandeur, and then attack Magistrate‑Mayor Asanda’s house.” She won’t say


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more until the heroes call off the fight as well and their possessions back if the heroes take the time
have her in custody; she trusts that the heroes won’t to return them. A strongbox beneath the hammock
kill her if she goes peacefully. has 400 gp in various gems, a bismuth leopards
wondrous figurine (page 77; the poltergeist Gerrus
FROGLEGS CREATURE 8 longs to see it once again) and a warcaller’s chime of
Page 90 blasting (page 77).
Initiative Perception +16 XP Award: If the heroes show mercy to Froglegs and S p ok en
teach her to value trust again, award them 30 XP in
GRUBUSH CREATURE 6 addition to the XP for defeating her in combat.
on th e
Male grippli jinxer (page 83) Song
Initiative Perception +16 WRAPPING UP
If the heroes kill Froglegs, Janatimo is deeply upset.
Questioning Froglegs: Froglegs thinks she can He lectures them about their responsibilities and the Chapter 1:
get a lighter sentence—and perhaps more easily goals of the school, but it shakes his confidence that The Learned
escape jail altogether—if she turns against the other the heroes can be trusted to make the right decision. One Returns
significant force lurking in Nantambu. If asked about If the heroes arrest Froglegs, Janatimo is quite Chapter 2:
Magistrate‑Mayor Asanda, she tells the heroes the pleased. He’s enough of a realist to know that Service to
following information. Froglegs might have enough clout to bribe her way the City
out of custody, but she now knows she has enemies Chapter 3:
“So, my people have said the magistrate-mayor isn’t... who see her and have the power to stand up to her. The Flooded
exactly who he appears to be. Quite different, in fact. If the heroes took the extra step of showing Froglegs Mansion
It’s been like that for some time, ever since the flood, mercy and putting her on the long road to redemption, Mwangi
I think. It’s not just that he’s hiding out, shirking his he’s doubly impressed and calls this out as a specific Folktales
duties. He’s been making secret trips across the city onto example of the good that is expected of Magaambyans
the Magaambya campus. At least, he did, but he hasn’t in the world. Toolbox
recently. Some opportunity he was pursuing there just He’s troubled but not completely surprised at
dried up, it seems, and I suppose you lot had something Froglegs’s implications about Magistrate-Mayor
21661611 857376

to do with that. Asanda. Janatimo has known Asanda as far more

“People who visit Asanda’s manor just disappear. Trust responsible than he has shown himself to be lately, and
me to know what it looks like when you’re disposing of Froglegs’s outlandish-sounding implications might
people who threaten to expose you. I bet he’s a lot more have some merit. It isn’t a theory that the Magaambya
like me than you’d like to think.” can address directly now, but Janatimo promises to
look into this further.
Otherwise, Froglegs is dismissive of the heroes, or
rude if she’s treated badly. She knows better than to Carving Trouble
talk about crimes she’s been directly involved with, Difficulty taxing
such as freeing Oba Eze’s griffons, burgling houses Requested by Janatimo
with Kalembi, or assassinating Reth. She merely Location Goana’s home
responds with, “I prefer to take that up with the
‘actual’ authorities, thank you.” This task is particularly useful if the players aren’t
Mercy for the Crime Boss: Froglegs has spent so yet suspicious of Magistrate-Mayor Asanda, who has
much of her life being betrayed or lied to that she retreated into his flooded manor house. Following
finds trust difficult and anonymity comfortable. If the up on this task puts the heroes in a tough fight, but
heroes are honest and fair in dealing with Froglegs, one that leads directly to the events of Chapter 3.
and particularly if they call her by her real name, Ktaal, When heroes respond to Janatimo’s request, read or
her unkind demeanor cracks. The hero who shows paraphrase the following.
her the most mercy and honesty can attempt a DC 24
Diplomacy check. On a success, Froglegs realizes that “This task isn’t the most exciting that I’ve given you, but
this arrest is a turning point, an opportunity to make that makes it no less important. Besides, I think you are
amends for the things she’s done and to surround owed a few quiet duties!
herself with trustworthy people. “I need you to go to the home of Goana the carver to
Treasure: The stolen goods here are of little pick up special commemorative carvings of the Ten Magic
monetary value, though their owners are glad to get Warriors for an upcoming ceremony. Goana has worked


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Since the heroes breached the talisman room,

Salathiss has worked to eliminate several loose ends
that might expose him, including Goana. Salathiss
has hired an assassin to kill her, and this assassin
arrives just as the heroes do.


Goana has decorated her low home with ornate wood

carvings. Using a wooden ramp and a long lever, the
stout halfling hefts a large carving into the back of a
wagon with three others. “Greetings to you,” she waves,
wiping her forehead. “I hope your school enjoys my
latest work.”

Goana is happy to make small talk, and happier

still if the heroes offer to heft the remaining four
statues into the back of the wagon.
The heroes can attempt DC 20 Perception checks
to realize that the style of the wood carvings is
remarkably similar to that of the wood golem
they faced in the Magaambya storeroom, and that
Goana must have made that, too. She remembers
doing so, making pieces on commission for her
friend Magistrate-Mayor Asanda. If they don’t
WOODCARVER’S HOUSE realize it, Goana brings it up, pointing out that she’s
1 SQUARE = 5 FEET working on expanding her style a bit, ever since
21661612 857377

the magistrate-mayor commissioned pieces for a

wooden golem.
Creatures: Before conversation with Goana can get
with the Magaambya often in the past. Her craftsmanship very far, the assassin Nairu attacks, swooping down
is stunning, and we’re excited to put these carvings into the yard on his trained giant eagle, Kreekoss.
on display. Please retrieve them and offer Goana the Nairu is a smug Ekujae elf who’s engaged in
academy’s deepest thanks.” assassinations-for-hire across the Mwangi Expanse.
A few years ago, he met a giant eagle born and raised
Janatimo keeps to himself that the “upcoming near the fiend-haunted city of Holy Xatramba, and
ceremony” is the heroes’ graduation. He suspects that the two became allies. Nairu likes how Kreekoss is
won’t be too far away, and he wants to be ready for it. often mistaken for a noble and honorable creature
Complicating this simple task is the fact that Goana simply because he’s a giant eagle, while Kreekoss’s
(LG female halfling woodcarver 3) is a loose end fiend-twisted heart is as wicked as his own.
in Salathiss’s plans. While he was masquerading as Nairu is unhappy that there are so many witnesses,
Magistrate‑Mayor Asanda, the disguised serpentfolk but he was paid to get the assassination over with as
commissioned Goana to construct the pieces for the quickly as possible. Eliminating witnesses is something
wood golem in the talisman room (area A4). As a professionals must sometimes do, he tells himself, so he
precaution, he asked for the components in separate splits the assassination work: he commands Kreekoss
pieces and assembled the golem himself, hoping to focus on Goana while he dispatches everyone else
the woodcarver wouldn’t realize what she was at the scene.
making. Goana is no fool—not only did she realize Nairu leaps from Kreekoss’s back to land at the
that the magistrate-mayor had commissioned the edge of the woodcarver’s roof. He fires his shortbow
pieces to construct a golem, but she also suspected at whoever is near Goana in an attempt to get them to
that something was dreadfully off about her friend scatter. He then leaps off the roof, draws his poisoned
“Asanda.” Unfortunately, Goana has thus far kept rapier, and tries to kill the heroes. Nairu flees when
her suspicions to herself. reduced to a quarter of his Hit Points or less, choosing


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his life over the job. When fleeing, he curses “damn If Goana Is Killed: The heroes might not have the
Asanda’s ‘simple’ assignments!” ability to question Goana about her carving style
Kreekoss plans to grab Goana in his talons, fly her and her prior commission for the magistrate-mayor
80 feet in the air, and drop her. However, Nairu didn’t if she’s assassinated. In this case, heroes who take a
fully brief Kreekoss as to what she looks like, and the cursory look around her workshop find records of her
eagle is just as likely to grab a Small hero instead of the past work for Asanda, including a note about how
woodworker. Kreekoss doesn’t flee as long as Nairu is something seemed very unusual about his behavior the S p ok en
still in the fight, but he flies off when Nairu runs away last time they met.
or when the heroes dispatch him. XP Award: If the heroes uncover the connection to
on th e
If you need statistics for Goana, Magistrate-Mayor Asanda, award them 30 XP. Song
use those of a halfling smith
(Gamemastery Guide 204, 245).
Chapter 1:
One Returns
Male elf assassin (Gamemastery Guide 204, 211) Chapter 2:
Initiative Perception +16; low-light vision Service to
Languages Common, Elven the City
Speed 30 feet Chapter 3:
The Flooded
Male variant giant eagle (Pathfinder Bestiary 141) Folktales
Perception +15; low-light vision
Languages Auran, Common, Sylvan (can’t speak any Toolbox
Skills Acrobatics +15, Athletics +12
21661613 857378

Str +4, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha +1
AC 24; Fort +11, Ref +16, Will +14
HP 95; Weaknesses good 3; Resistances fire 6
Evasion When Kreekoss rolls a success on a Reflex save, he
gets a critical success instead.
Speed 10 feet, fly 60 feet
Melee [one-action] beak +17, Damage 2d10+8 piercing
Melee [one-action] talon +17 (agile), Damage 2d6+8 slashing plus
Eagle Dive [one-action] Kreekoss Flies up to double his fly Speed
in a straight line, descending at least 10 feet, and then
makes a talon Strike.
Snatch Kreekoss can Fly at half Speed while he has a
creature grabbed or restrained in his talons, carrying
that creature along with it.

Interrogating Nairu: If captured, Nairu tells the

heroes very little until they get him to open up by Nairu
succeeding at a DC 24 Intimidation check. He then
reveals that Magistrate-Mayor Asanda gave him
a supposedly very easy job with great pay. There
wasn’t supposed to be any resistance, especially not
the type the heroes provided. Nairu has no idea why
the magistrate-mayor wants the carver dead. Asanda
told him Goana was a “loose end,” and the assassin
didn’t pry.


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857379, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

So often, I see people meeting their circumstances on the level they were
confronted; violence meets violence, pettiness begets pettiness. It’s so rare to
find individuals who, when challenged, rise above and find the part of them
that is better than circumstance dictates. It’s not that they ignore the realities
of what happens around them, but rather that those realities become starting
points to investigate and explore—to go deeper. By going deeper, they address
what lies in front of them, but also what could await them and others. To
approach life in this way is to blaze a trail that others can and will follow.
Take these conversants, for example. They have been given tasks in the
world. They have completed these tasks admirably, but they have not confined
their thinking to only the performance of those duties. They have drawn the
connections between them, and they have discovered the patterns and underlying
conditions that caused those tasks that needed to be done. Repeatedly, they show
that they go further than is expected or is even known to be needed.
They’ve taken down (at least for a time) a crime boss who is the source
of growing corruption in our city. The conversants have learned that our
magistrate-mayor may have turned from negligent to corrupt, possibly
because of some snakes among us.
These heroes have blazed a path that leads them into the heart of this
corruption and beyond. I don’t know where their full ambitions lie, but from
where I stand, I can see that they will soon propel themselves past the realms
where the Magaambya can teach them. I’ve never seen a rise so sudden in the
school, but I suspect will have little time to contemplate my surprise before they
21661614 857379

display their heart and talent yet again.

My time is precious, at any rate; I have a graduation ceremony to prepare.


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857380, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Chapter 3:
The Flooded Mansion S p ok en
on th e
Chapter 1:
Magistrate-Mayor Asanda has retreated to his manor for too long, and the CHAPTER 3 SYNOPSIS The Learned
work to repair the structure moves at a suspiciously slow pace. The void In this chapter, the heroes follow up One Returns
in Nantambu’s leadership provides opportunities for crime, deteriorating on the clues pointing to something Chapter 2:
city infrastructure, and decline in public trust. Rumors the heroes have unusual going on at Magistrate‑Mayor Service to
collected indicate that it’s past time for someone to inquire into what’s Asanda’s manor. They investigate, the City
happening with the magistrate-mayor. only to find the manor filled with Chapter 3:
What no one yet knows is that the magistrate-mayor is imprisoned in monsters and serpentfolk, including The Flooded
his manor by the serpentfolk wizard Salathiss, who has taken his place. the scheming serpentfolk Salathiss Mansion
Salathiss came to Nantambu to investigate rumors about the Vesicant Egg, perfecting his disguise as the Mwangi
which he initially suspected was a serpent egg that he could use to restore magistrate-mayor. Upon proving their Folktales
the headless serpentfolk god, Ydersius. He flooded Magistrate‑Mayor value to the city by rescuing Asanda
Asanda’s manor as a comfortable yet isolated base of operations and and completing their coursework, the Toolbox
adopted the magistrate-mayor’s role as a useful disguise. heroes graduate to become teachers
When the heroes cleared out the storehouse in Chapter 1, they of the Magaambya.
21661615 857380

unknowingly frustrated Salathiss’s plans to study the Vesicant Egg. His

time with the egg was all but complete anyway, as he’d learned it’s not a CHAPTER 3 TREASURE
serpent egg but an insect egg. Further study might reveal the artifact’s actual The permanent and consumable
use, but he no longer has access or time to investigate it. Still, Salathiss’s items available as treasure in
ongoing impersonation of Magistrate-Mayor Asanda is proceeding well. Chapter 3 are as follows.
Too well, in fact; he’s starting to lose his identity and spends entire days • boots of bounding
believing he actually is the magistrate-mayor, frustrating his minions. • bracers of armor type I
• choker of elocution
Janatimo’s Final Task • greater hat of disguise
• leopard’s armor
“I told you I would follow up with you after I figured out what to do about the • nettleweed residue
magistrate-mayor, and that time has arrived. • ring of sustenance
“After speaking with the faculty, we are in another position where taking • scroll of water breathing (2)
direct action could be politically harmful. Nantambu has its own leadership, • staff of illusion
separate from the Magaambya, and we respect that independence. Conversants • warcaller’s chime of refuge
can more easily inquire and take any necessary action without the political
risks. I know that you can handle yourself in challenging situations, so I
feel confident sending you in our stead. We don’t know what awaits at the
magistrate-mayor’s mansion, but something villainous is going on there. Do
you feel prepared for this task?”

Janatimo is happy to talk further about the heroes’ discoveries and their
questions. He’s plainly uneasy not knowing the danger’s extent.
Why is this so urgent? “The magistrate-mayor has long jeopardized
Nantambu with his inaction, but we see now he may be behind the deaths
of Nantambu’s citizens. We can’t ignore this any longer.”


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857381, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

What should we do? “Get as much information as FEATURES OF THE MANOR

you can, respond to any threats, and return safely.” Asanda’s manor is made of stone elegantly designed
What do you think is happening? “As usual, I’m more with gold-and-green geometric patterns. The building
interested in your theories about this, conversants.” has a few narrow windows and high skylights to admit
Treasure: Janatimo doesn’t want the heroes to leave air and light. Lanterns hang inside, but the manor’s
unprepared. He provides them each with a scroll of a current denizens don’t use them. Ceilings are 15 feet
common 4th-level or lower spell that they would like. high, giving the building a lofty, airy feel. The manor’s
The heroes can pick the spells they want, but Janatimo doors are made of sturdy wood and are unlocked,
recommends defensive choices, like clairvoyance, although some are barred or trapped where indicated.
freedom of movement, or restoration. The flooding has lent the entire manor an unpleasant
smell of moisture and rot. Paint on the interior walls is
Asanda’s Manor beginning to swell and peel away, and mold is starting
To flood the manor and take over, Salathiss and his to grow in moist corners and crevices.
minions posed as laborers fixing assorted items in the The map of the flooded mansion can be found on
magistrate-mayor’s home. While they did the work the inside back cover of this adventure.
expected of them, they secretly used alchemical agents
to weaken the northern and southern walls that led G1. MANOR ENTRANCE MODERATE 7
into the ballroom and the dining hall. When they
damaged part of a nearby canal, the weakened walls The mahogany double door to the mansion has complex
collapsed, causing deep flooding in those rooms and patterns carved into it. The walls of the mansion are dirty,
heavy spillage on the manor’s lower levels. and the hedges are overgrown and wild. Water is pooled
Salathiss and his followers then kidnapped Asanda. under the double door.
Salathiss keeps him confined in his room and regularly
interviews him about his habits and associates, A discreet door to the north of the main steps leads
working to perfect his impersonation. to a small exterior closet crammed with gardening
The road to Asanda’s manor passes through a dense equipment that hasn’t been used in weeks.
orchard and is therefore somewhat isolated. When the Creatures: Three serpentfolk guards stand at
21661616 857381

heroes approach, read or paraphrase the following. the entrance. They wear heavy cloaks with deep
hoods that obscure their features from anyone who
Asanda’s large manor seems quiet and lifeless. Both the north isn’t within a few feet of them. These serpentfolk
and south sides of the building have collapsed walls, with granitescales are instructed to accept any messages for
the remaining walls supported by makeshift scaffolding. the magistrate‑mayor, but to turn away prospective
An air of neglect hangs about the manor like a fog. The visitors and use with violence if they think it won’t
orchards around the manor are waterlogged, with fruit cause trouble with others in town. As they prefer
rotting on branches. Weeds grow wild and grass grows the latter anyway, these instructions sit well with the
tall, even on the main path leading to the wide front door. serpentfolk. They particularly like feeding trespassers
they’ve defeated to the gbahali in area G6.
The heroes can approach the manor from several To aid in this duplicity, Salathiss gave the trio
directions, though the guards stationed at area G1 a greater hat of disguise. The serpentfolk take
move to intercept them unless the heroes move quietly turns being the one to wear it and assume the form
through the overgrowth. As the rear of the manor abuts of a bald, burly human guard, giving them a less
the thick canal wall, it’s not possible to circle entirely suspicious countenance. The granitescales dislike the
around the building. responsibility of talking to people they’d prefer to
The flood waters range from ankle-deep at the edges skewer on their spears and argue often over who has
to 5 feet deep near the manor walls. The creatures in to be the one to wear the hat.
areas G4 or G6 likely come out to investigate anyone The serpentfolk don’t surrender and they pursue
in the water outside the manor, alerting the heroes that foes who flee, but they don’t leave the orchard, so
all is not quiet within. anyone who gets more than about 150 feet away from
If the heroes want to investigate the manor before the manor escapes their pursuit.
they’re ready to face its dangers, you can use exterior
guardians to discourage them until they’re higher level SERPENTFOLK GRANITESCALES (3) CREATURE 6
or count on the entrance guardians’ ruse to dissuade Page 86
them for the time being. Initiative Perception +13


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Treasure: The gardening closet contains a forgotten WEARY LOYALTY

dose of nettleweed residue beneath some old gloves. Salathiss’s minions have spent too long undercover.
Any hero searching the closet finds it. Although impersonating humanoids is something
serpentfolk do well, it’s normally in smaller groups
G2. GREETING ROOM LOW 7 for more focused missions. Serpentfolk in the
manor are starting to think that Salathiss doesn’t
Water collects in pools on the marble floor of this wide really have a plan and is too deeply involved in his S p ok en
foyer, particularly at the east end where curved steps impersonation to keep the mission in Nantambu on
descend to a door. track. Fear of Salathiss’s power keeps them in line for
on th e
now, but all the serpentfolk here—save for Salathiss— Song
The north end of this room contains two tall tables are increasingly eager to leave the city.
wedged into an alcove, while the alcove to the south Heroes who interrogate captured serpentfolk
has several high-backed wooden chairs. can learn much about Salathiss’s plans and other Chapter 1:
Trap: Salathiss put a trap on the door leading to serpentfolk on his team, and that Asanda is still alive The Learned
area G3 (as indicated by the dotted line on the map). somewhere in the manor (although no one other One Returns
It triggers from both sides, but serpentfolk can use the than Salathiss knows for certain where he is). The Chapter 2:
door without triggering it. heroes have a +2 circumstance bonus to Intimidation Service to
checks to Coerce captured serpentfolk if they agree the City
SERPENT WARD HAZARD 7 to let the serpentfolk go free—even if the condition is Chapter 3:
Page 9 that they leave Nantambu and never return. The Flooded
Stealth DC 25 (expert) Mansion

Creatures: A venom caller named Atathik has two Folktales
subservient aapoph serpentfolk who have served G3. MAIN HALL LOW 7 Adventure
her for years. Salathiss ordered Atathik to guard the Toolbox
manor, but she doesn’t like going outside and is happy A sodden, torn rug lies half-submerged in a two-foot deep
to leave protection of the grounds to the granitescales. pool of water that fills most of this hall. Double doors to
21661617 857382

She can usually be found lounging in the chairs to the the north and south are ajar, and those rooms also look
south, ordering her minions around. If Atathik knows flooded. To the east, semicircular stairs lead out of the
intruders are present—such as if the fight with the water to a double door.
granitescales outside the manor is particularly loud
or if the heroes trigger the trap on the door—Atathik The serpentfolk have trapped this main corridor to
casts invisibility on her minions and false life on deter intruders. The traps also keep the creatures in areas
herself. She then casts illusory disguise to appear as an G4 and G6 from wandering further into the manor.
old, human woman resting in one of the chairs. Traps: The door to the west bears a magical serpent
Atathik doesn’t have the patience for a lot of ward trap, as described in area G2. The center of the
deception, which is part of the reason Salathiss put her room contains a more complicated trap that sends pulses
on guard duty. She orders her serpentfolk minions to of electricity through and atop the water (indicated by
attack intruders right away and then uses her acid spells the dotted line on the map in the center of this area).
and venom pool against them. The aapoph serpentfolk
fight to the death, but Atathik flees or surrenders if ELECTRIFIED WATER WARD HAZARD 8
reduced to fewer than 20 Hit Points. She’s more than COMPLEX MAGICAL TRAP
willing to bargain information in exchange for her life. Stealth +18 (expert)
Description Passing over an invisible rune on the floor
ATATHIK CREATURE 7 between the north and south doors triggers a dancing
Female serpentfolk venom caller (page 87) burst of electricity.
Initiative Perception +15 Disable DC 26 Thievery (expert), DC 28 Arcana (expert),
Items scroll of water breathing (2), shortbow (20 arrows), or DC 28 Occultism (expert) to harmlessly bleed away
sickle, staff of illusion the electrical energy from the rune. Once the trap has
been activated, the electrical energy is stronger, so three
AAPOPH SERPENTFOLK (2) CREATURE 3 successful checks (of any combination of the relevant
Pathfinder Bestiary 2 237 skills) are necessary to deactivate it, but these checks
Initiative Perception +8 can be attempted from anywhere in the room.


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Electrocution [reaction] (arcane, electricity, evocation); Trigger G4. DINING HALL LOW 7
A creature passes over the invisible underwater rune
between the north and south doors; Effect The trap Rounded stairs lead down into this flooded room. Long
deals 4d10 electricity damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save) tables and chairs, the remains of a once glorious dining
to creatures touching the water, and then rolls initiative. hall, drift as flotsam in the water. The top of a mostly
Routine (1 action) The trap deals 4d10 electricity damage submerged doorway can be seen on the eastern wall and a
(DC 26 basic Reflex save) to all creatures in the room. massive hole gapes in the northern one.
A creature that fails the save is slowed 1 (slowed 2 on a
critical failure). A creature that isn’t touching the water Opulent meals were served in this dining room until
treats the result of its saving throw as one degree of as recently as a few months ago.
success better. Creatures: Two giant water cobras lurk amid the
Reset The pulses stop as soon as no creatures are in the floating debris in the room. The venom callers brought
hallway, and then reset after 1 hour. them here to serve as guards.
When a hero enters the water, the cobras sense
food and attack. They’re tenacious and pursue foes
who flee. A water cobra reduced to fewer than 10 Hit
Points flees through the gap in the northern wall.


Variant emperor cobra (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 245)
Initiative Perception +13


Cooking utensils and waterlogged food drift in the murky

water of this flooded kitchen. Jagged scrap metal
protrudes above the waterline in the northwest corner.
21661618 857383

Asanda’s kitchen once boasted two appliances

featuring extraordinary culinary magic. The
oven remained hot at all times, and the
sink remained perpetually filled with
fresh water. Food cooked in the oven
and drinks imbued with the water always
tasted fresh and flavorful, if a bit sweet. Asanda
had both devices crafted with tiny connections to
the First World of the fey: a scorching desert locale
and a deep river, respectively. The
guests drawn to Asanda’s private
dinners based on the odd deliciousness
of the food made Asanda’s investment in his
magical kitchen pay off multiple times over.
When this room flooded, the oven’s tiny portal
was overwhelmed. It shredded the metal of the oven
and tore the portal in the sink wider. Three grodairs
slipped through the sink’s portal—one enormous
specimen and two smaller ones—before that portal
Atathik collapsed as well. A hero who investigates the
ruined, mostly submerged kitchen can deduce
what happened with a successful DC 22
Arcana or Nature check.
Creatures: Three grodairs are now
trapped here. They’ve mostly remained in


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this room, feasting on the soggy cuisine and swapping

tales (the great grodair having the most, and best,
stories). They’ve ventured into the adjacent room
but consider the water cobras to be dangerous.
The grodairs constantly leak more water from their
mouths, which only adds to the flooding in the manor.
When the heroes arrive, the great grodair is in the S p ok en
middle of a fanciful tale about a fisher who made a
series of silly wishes. The story is, unfortunately,
on th e
several hours long. The great grodair dislikes Song
interruptions; a hero who wishes to politely
interrupt can do so with a successful DC 22
Diplomacy or Performance check. On a failure, Chapter 1:
the hero’s rudeness angers the great grodair, The Learned
and he demands the offending hero leave One Returns
the room until after his tale is done. Once Chapter 2:
the tale concludes, the grodairs are happy to Service to
speak with the heroes, as described below, the City
but there’s a one in four chance that any new Chapter 3:
subject the heroes bring up causes the great The Flooded
grodair to begin, “That reminds me of a tale in Mansion
which...” followed by another hours-long story. Mwangi
If the heroes attack the grodairs, they fight back. Folktales
A grodair flees or surrenders when reduced to fewer
than 30 Hit Points.
Great Grodair Toolbox



Male variant grodair (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 140) Organ of Endless Water [one-action] (conjuration, manipulate, primal,
Perception +16; darkvision water) The great grodair causes water to pour from a
Languages Aquan, Common, Sylvan magical sac on his spine, either a stream of water at a
Skills Athletics +17, Intimidation +15, Nature +15, rate of 1 gallon per round, or a fountain in a 5-foot-long
Performance +17, Survival +14 stream at a rate of 5 gallons per round. He can stop the
Str +5, Dex +1, Con +4, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +4 flow of water as a single action.
AC 23; Fort +18, Ref +12, Will +14
Death Flood (conjuration, primal, water) When the great Pathfinder Bestiary 2 140
grodair dies, his body explodes in a blast of pressurized Initiative Perception +13
water that deals 6d6 bludgeoning damage to creatures
within a 15-foot emanation (DC 25 basic Reflex save). A Grodair Tales: If the heroes make friends with the
creature that fails its save is pushed 5 feet (or 10 feet on grodairs, they’re eager conversationalists (although
a critical failure). the smaller grodairs speak only Aquan and Sylvan).
Speed 25 feet, swim 50 feet The grodairs aren’t certain what brought them here;
Melee [one-action] jaws +18, Damage 2d10+9 piercing they were simply swimming in a river when they felt a
Melee [one-action] tentacle +18 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d12+9 rush of water and appeared here. They know there are
bludgeoning plus Knockdown dangerous cobras in the next room, and people who
Ranged [one-action] water jet +16 (range increment 60 feet), Damage occasionally move about the building, but they don’t
4d6 bludgeoning plus Push 10 feet know more than that.
Primal Spontaneous Spells DC 25; 5th control water The great grodair takes a liking to any hero who
Muddy Field [one-action] (primal, transmutation, water) The great shows interest in his tales. He’s willing to spend time
grodair transforms all soil, sand, or similar sediment in outlining any number of strange, fanciful yarns built
a 10-foot emanation into mud for 1 round. This mud is around simple lessons, granting access to the folklorist
difficult terrain for creatures other than grodairs. archetype (page 78).


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Treasure: Trapped beneath the ruined stove is G7. MUSICIANS’ CHAMBER

the corpse of Asanda’s head chef. Anyone searching
the wreckage finds it. The man still wears a ring of This room’s only entrance is a wide double door leading
sustenance on one finger. west. Drums, wooden flutes, marimbas, and other musical
XP Award: If the heroes befriend the grodairs, instruments float in the murky water.
award them 120 XP.
Magistrate-Mayor Asanda invited musicians and
G6. BALLROOM MODERATE 7 performers throughout the Mwangi Expanse to
entertain his guests here. The performers could change
Round stairs descend into a flooded room. Once-fancy and warm up with the double door closed, then
mildewed tapestries hang on the walls, filling the room with perform when they’re opened. Several waterlogged
a rank scent. Several drums and koras float on the water’s costumes, weighted with metal buckles and the like,
surface against the room’s western wall. The top portion of sunk to the floor. The water in this room is 7 feet deep.
a submerged doorway is just visible on the eastern wall, and A secret door in the northeast corner (indicated
a ragged hole ten feet wide is visible in the southern wall. with an “S” on the map) accesses a narrow stairwell
that ascends to the hall outside Asanda’s chamber
Once a small ballroom, this chamber was the site of (area G10). Musicians could surreptitiously come
many elegant private affairs during Asanda’s political and go from this chamber without intruding upon
rise. The water here is 7 feet deep. A hero who succeeds the ballroom. Finding the concealed stairwell from
at a DC 22 Nature or Survival check notes that the either direction requires a successful DC 20 Perception
instruments should have floated through the hole over check. The serpentfolk don’t know it’s there.
time, but something is keeping them from floating away. Treasure: Most items in this room are worthless,
Creature: A crocodilian beast called a gbahali came but any hero searching this room discovers a pair of
to Nantambu’s canals to feed but had the bad luck to boots of bounding stuck beneath an overturned music
be caught in the flood when the canal’s wall broke. stand. A hero must dry them before they function.
The serpentfolk charmed the creature and encouraged

it to nest in this room. The gbahali considers the G8. MEETING ROOM LOW 7 857385

floating instruments its toys and becomes enraged

when anyone touches them, so the serpentfolk let the A round teak table with chairs is in the center of this room.
beast play with them as much as it likes. Abstract wood carvings of people line the walls. A painting
When creatures who aren’t serpentfolk enter this of a hyena, once meant to be the room’s focal point, has a
room, the gbahali tries to make a meal of them. large rip across the canvas. The painting hangs crookedly
Though aggressive, the gbahali is easily distracted by above a large bronze door on the eastern wall.
its toys. Any unattended floating musical instrument
catches its attention, and it takes two Interact actions Magistrate-Mayor Asanda holds his most important
to nudge the instrument into its collection at the west meetings in this room. Heroes who take a close look at
end of the room. If a hero opens the door to area the carvings recognize Goana’s craftsmanship. Goana
G7, the gbahali focuses all its efforts on collecting the is the real magistrate-mayor’s favorite artisan, and
trove of floating instruments there, and it thereafter Asanda has many of her pieces. The hyena painting
ignores the heroes if they don’t attack it and don’t was a gift from an artisan whom Asanda funded while
touch the instruments. The heroes might even lure the city treasurer. Asanda’s detractors considered the
gbahali away if they can move its instruments out of funding unprofessional, and he likes to show it off to
the room without letting the creature know they’re see how people react to it.
doing so. The bronze door is barred from the other side, in
The gbahali retreats out the opening in the south area G11. The doors are too well-made, and the bar
wall when reduced to fewer than 40 Hit Points. It too thick, to open the doors from this side.
attempts to make its way through the orchard, doing Creatures: A serpentfolk named Syrith sits at the
its best to hide its bulk between the trees, and then table along with a dweomercat named Longshimmer
slinks back into a canal. he’s raised from a cub. They are both wearing
disguises; Longshimmer resembles an ordinary
GBAHALI CREATURE 9 panther. Salathiss has Syrith adopt the appearances of
Page 81 dignitaries in Nantambu so he can practice interacting
Initiative Perception +17 with them. Syrith is currently disguised as a councilor


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and glassworker named Thuba. A hero who succeeds G9. GUEST ROOM MODERATE 7
at a DC 15 Society check identifies the man as
Magistrate‑Mayor Thuba, Asanda’s peer; on a critical Aromas of sandalwood and mildew mingle in this long
success, the hero remembers that Thuba is desperately room. A wide bed fills the eastern end of the room beneath
allergic to cats and couldn’t stand being near a panther. a high window overlooking the canal. Scattered papers and
Syrith has grown to hate Salathiss. He feels Salathiss notes cover a desk that stands against the west wall. A
wastes his talents by forcing him to appear as the same large journal with metal bindings and a metal lock sits atop S p ok en
human over and over; Syrith enjoys disguising himself the papers.
as different people in quick succession. When the heroes
on th e
arrive, he pretends to be Magistrate-Mayor Thuba for Two serpentfolk venom callers await Salathiss’s Song
a short period of time, blustering about what they’re orders in this room. They’re bored and dissatisfied
doing invading the home of a fellow member of the with pretending to be valets or laborers repairing
Governing Council. Syrith soon tires of the deception Chapter 1:
and gratefully drops his disguise in favor of his natural The Learned
form. When he does, read or paraphrase the following. One Returns

Chapter 2:
The bearded man sighs as he strokes the purring black Service to
panther, “Ah, perhaps it’s time to get out of this awful the City
costume he has me in.” His appearance changes into that Chapter 3:
of a serpentfolk as the panther grows blue spirals in its fur The Flooded
and a second pair of eyes. Mansion

Syrith is chatty in combat, taunting his foes and Folktales
lamenting his current role. He spits out comments
about how much he hates “warmbloods,” a word he Toolbox
makes sound like a curse.
Longshimmer teleports around the battlefield
21661621 857386

to disorient her foes and dispel significant spells.

Syrith casts mirror image and then makes sneak
attacks against whomever Longshimmer is near.
When reduced to fewer than 20 Hit Points,
Syrith boldly declares his intent to fight and die
as a proper zyss, unlike his master Salathiss
who “has gone so deep into his role he’s
forgotten how disgusting you all are. He
thinks he’s actually Asanda!” If killed, his final
words are, “I hope you slay that obsessed traitor.”
Longshimmer doesn’t flee as long as Syrith is alive,
but if Syrith is slain and Longshimmer is reduced to
fewer than 20 Hit Points, she flees to a position where
she can see outside the manor, and then uses dimension
door to leave the area entirely.

Elite Coil spy (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 6, 238)
Initiative Perception +12

Female dweomercat (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 103) Syrith
Initiative Perception +15

Treasure: Syrith wears several bejeweled rings

worth a total of 300 gp.


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the manor, so they mostly sit on the bed and gossip. • The interminable practice at being warmbloods
Salathiss has already chastised them for being is wearing on them; if they could leave safely,
insufficiently precise with their enunciation, so they they would.
speak out loud rather than telepathically to practice. • Their superior has been devoting a lot of effort
Their distraction gives them a –2 penalty to Perception to studying “the egg,” which is someplace hard
checks and their Perception DCs. to access. These serpentfolk don’t know what
The bed isn’t within sight of the room’s only door, so the egg does and make several fanciful guesses
a hero who succeeds at a DC 23 Stealth check (or who (that it’s the egg of Ydersius, that it contains a
otherwise listens at the door and succeeds at a DC 15 dangerous monster, that it’s made of solidified
Perception check) can overhear their conversation. magic, and so on).
The main points they discuss are as follows. • Salathiss can’t get at the egg any longer, and the
serpentfolk guarding it have been eliminated,
putting the whole reason they’ve come to
Nantambu in jeopardy. They think all the
serpentfolk should leave.
• Salathiss has instead focused on stealing the
magistrate-mayor’s identity. He’s getting too
deep into the role; one venom caller tells a
story about how he tried to get orders from
Salathiss and the serpentfolk didn’t even seem to
recognize his own name. He would only talk to
his subordinate as Asanda! The serpentfolk now
derisively refer to him as “Salathiss the Warm.”
Creatures: Once the venom callers become aware of
the heroes, they immediately attack. One uses Venom
Pool while the other casts slow to prevent their foes
from easily leaving the puddle of poison. Any venom
21661622 857387

caller reduced to fewer than 25 Hit Points casts

invisibility and flees the manor, but then waits just
outside to ambush the heroes as they leave. During the
ambush, the vengeful venom callers fight to the death.


Page 81
Initiative Perception +15

Investigating the Desk: The scattered papers

on the desk are Magistrate-Mayor Asanda’s
notes about the other members of Nantambu’s
Governing Council and general governance in
Nantambu; these are resources the venom callers
are supposed be studying, but they don’t care to do so.
Salathiss has been using the metal journal for notes
about his plans. It’s locked with a good lock and
requires four successful DC 25 Thievery checks to Pick
a Lock to open. The metal bindings make the book
impossible to rip or force open without destroying it.
Asanda Salathiss has the only key to the journal.
The journal details Salathiss’s plan regarding the
Vesicant Egg. It doesn’t detail how he heard about
it but describes that the egg is being held in an
out-of-the-way laboratory on the Magaambya campus
by a professor named Koride Ulawa.


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The journal contains several diagrams and notes door to his room, while two granitescales remain in
about the Vesicant Egg from hands-on study. Salathiss his room, watching him. In truth, their task is so dull
first assumed it to be some unusual type of snake that one granitescale is usually napping while the
egg, hoping that it might somehow hold the key to other is awake and alert. The granitescales emerge in
resurrecting the serpentfolk’s dead god Ydersius, but 1d3 rounds when there’s a commotion or fight outside
Salathiss soon realized that it’s an insect egg. As the the room. These serpentfolk relish the opportunity for
egg is entirely immune to damage, Salathiss assumes violence, and all four fight to the death. They know S p ok en
it’s an artifact of some kind, and thus might be of use better than to leave their prisoner unguarded, so they
once he learns more about it. don’t pursue foes who flee.
on th e
The journal describes Salathiss’s technique of Song
infiltrating the school through the unused storage SERPENTFOLK GRANITESCALES (2) CREATURE 6
area, in which he’d placed a few guardians, and using Page 86
passwall to enter the laboratory where the egg is stored Initiative Perception +13 Chapter 1:
late at night. Salathiss proudly notes that no one on The Learned
campus, not even Koride, has figured out why he AAPOPH SERPENTFOLK (2) CREATURE 3 One Returns
was there; he notes “The fool doesn’t even realize the Pathfinder Bestiary 2 237 Chapter 2:
power she has access to, and she keeps it as a bauble.” Initiative Perception +8 Service to
Nevertheless, some “meddling students” recently the City
blundered into the storage rooms and dispatched his The Rescue: After the heroes have dealt with the Chapter 3:
guardians, putting the Vesicant Egg out of Salathiss’s serpentfolk guards, they might be surprised to find The Flooded
reach for now. Asanda suspicious rather than grateful. He shakes his Mansion
In the second half of the journal, Salathiss writes on head and says, “Is this another one of your sick games? Mwangi
what he understands about Nantambu’s governance I won’t fall for it.” Convincing Asanda that the heroes Folktales
from talking to Magistrate-Mayor Asanda and reading are who they claim to be requires interacting with him
his papers. Salathiss’s ambitions are plainly growing. for 10 minutes and success at a DC 23 Diplomacy Toolbox
He seems to be studying these to emerge as the ruler of check. Alternatively, if the heroes performed for
Nantambu instead of hiding in the mansion. Salathiss Asanda during Kindled Magic, they might recall that
21661623 857388

calls this his “greatest role” and speaks of the power event for him. Asanda’s face lights up with the memory,
he will wield. and he believes the heroes without any check required.
Heroes who have looked at Asanda’s notes can After the heroes gain Asanda’s trust, he tells them
attempt a DC 20 Society check to realize that, near all he knows.
the end of the journal, Salathiss’s handwriting closely
resembles Asanda’s, hinting at how successfully he’s “We must do something. That crafty serpent Salathiss has
adopting the magistrate-mayor’s persona. been studying my every move, asking me questions every
XP Award: If heroes review Salathiss’s journal, day. Even when I refuse to answer, I see me—I mean, him—
award them 80 XP. examining my mannerisms.
“I thought I was going to lose my mind, answering
G10. ASANDA’S PRIVATE CHAMBER MODERATE 7 questions from myself about myself all day long! I can
hear him outside my chambers, saying obscene things in
A painting of Nantambu at sunset hangs on the south my voice. I’ve heard him give the orders to assassinate
wall of this room, opposite a large bed with a blackwood citizens of Nantambu!
frame. A pile of clothes sits at the foot of the bed, and other “He told me once he came here looking for something,
clothes are heaped on a desk that’s otherwise bare. but now that he sees the riches of our fine city, he intends
to stay and corrupt the city from within its leadership. If
Magistrate-Mayor Asanda (N male human we don’t stop Salathiss now, he’ll place all of Nantambu in
administrator 6) has been held prisoner in his own the coiled grip of his malevolent organization!”
chamber since the canal burst and his mansion flooded.
Salathiss keeps him fed and alive, though guarded and Some questions that the heroes might ask Asanda
bound, to interview him on detailed points and to include the following.
practice his mannerisms, all to perfect his eventual role Where is Salathiss? “He spends more and more
as magistrate-mayor of Nantambu. time with his lackeys practicing how to interact with
Creatures: Several brutish serpentfolk guard humans in my private entertainment room in the back
Asanda. Two aapoph serpentfolk stand outside the of the mansion. He’s preparing to mimic me in any


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social situation, even the busy and complex ones that Lifting the bar on the door to area G8 is easy from
my position demands. The serpentfolk who guard me this side.
complain about the practice sessions quite often.” The heroes can engage in a brief conversation with
Why is Salathiss impersonating you? “I can’t step Salathiss, but he keeps confusing his own personality
inside his mind, nor would I want to, but I think and desires with Asanda’s. Salathiss is imperious and
that he wanted an identity that would allow him demanding, while Asanda is erudite and attentive.
unquestioned access to whatever he came to find. He You can contrast these two personalities not only
might have had his ambitions set on ruling Nantambu with mannerisms and language, but in the answers
from the start, though.” Salathiss gives. For example, he might explain that his
Do you have any information that could help us? “I plan is to help people with his authority, then shake
don’t have that much information right now, but I can his head, stand up taller, and insist that his authority
definitely tell you that he is getting confused about is only good for exerting domination over others. He’s
where he ends and I begin. The other serpentfolk cast momentarily forgotten his secret excursions to the
their false identities like a snake shedding skin, but Magaambya campus to investigate the Vesicant Egg,
Salathiss is different. He lingers in his fake identity for and questions about his actions there visibly confuse
hours and hours. That is something I think you can use him—he might respond with a statement like, “That
against him when you encounter him. Confuse him, wasn’t me, that must have been Salathiss.”
and you might defeat him more easily.” Creatures: Eventually, Salathiss realizes that the
The magistrate-mayor thanks the heroes for rescuing heroes have come to oppose or expose him. Even if
him. What he does next is up to the heroes—if they the heroes go along with his guise, the granitescale
want him to hide somewhere safe in the manor, he bodyguard eventually intervenes. The granitescale is
does so; if they want him to leave the manor entirely, loyal and fights until slain.
he leaves its reclamation in their capable hands. Once combat breaks out, Salathiss becomes more
XP Award: Award the heroes 80 XP for rescuing focused on the danger the heroes represent. He casts
Magistrate-Mayor Asanda. cloak of colors and then creates his morphic weapon to
fight. He relies on his spells to disorient foes that pose

G11. ENTERTAINMENT SUITE SEVERE 7 him the most trouble. If things start to turn against 857389

him, he casts invisibility and passwall to escape.

This room is home to a sedate party of around a dozen The heroes can gain an edge in this fight by using
people. They stand dressed in fine clothing or sit on the the following activity to confuse Salathiss’s identity
benches lining the walls. Their low conversations make a with his Asanda persona. Multiple successes (or a
soft susurrus throughout the room. In the middle of the floor single critical success) cause Salathiss to become
is a cheetah hide rug, matted with a thick green liquid. In unresponsive, allowing the heroes to capture him.
the middle of the western wall is a bronze double door with
a wooden bar on this side preventing entry from the west. CONFUSE SALATHISS [two-actions]
The crowd here is an illusory scene Salathiss created You stoke the disconnect in Salathiss’s mind by offering
to practice his deception. He stands amid the crowd, statements that confuse Asanda and Salathiss with each
disguised as Magistrate-Mayor Asanda and practicing other. Attempt a DC 25 Deception or Diplomacy check.
his ability to entertain party guests. Obviously out Critical Success Salathiss is stunned for 1 minute as he
of place in the party is a granitescale who serves as struggles to reclaim his identity, allowing the heroes to
Salathiss’s bodyguard. She lacks the wits and desire to take him into custody.
be a good conversationalist, and hangs out in a corner, Success Salathiss is stunned 1 as he tries to sort out the
pretending to be attentive to what Salathiss says. conflict in his mind. Each successive success increases
Salathiss plans to introduce himself to Nantambu this stunned value by 1 (for example, to stunned 2 the
as mayor-magistrate Asanda at the end of the week second time it’s successful). When a success would make
at a meeting of Nantambu’s governing council and him stunned 4, the hero gets a critical success instead.
chief business owners, so all his focus is on perfecting Critical Failure Salathiss learns to ignore the hero’s efforts;
his public persona. He even ignores commotion from that hero can’t attempt this activity again.
nearby rooms. When the heroes arrive, Salathiss
responds in the guise of Asanda with, “I don’t know SALATHISS CREATURE 9
who you are, but if you don’t have an invitation, I’ll Page 92
have to ask you to leave my manor right this moment.” Initiative Perception +19


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SERPENTFOLK GRANITESCALE CREATURE 6 He has these items delivered to the Spire Dormitory
Page 86 within a few days after the heroes rescue him, along
Initiative Perception +13 with several fine chocolates on an elegant silver tray
worth 150 gp.
Once the heroes clear Salathiss and his minions Ordeal of the Egg
from the mansion, Asanda takes stock of the manor When the heroes return to the Magaambya and relay S p ok en
and prepares to return to his normal duties. He’s what happened to Janatimo, he’s beyond impressed
particularly grateful to the heroes; read or paraphrase with what they did (“I set the bar high, and you soared
on th e
the following. over it!”). He also muses about what kind of a story Song
this would be if they could tell it. He understands the
“It’s not every day that one has to get help to kick magistrate-mayor’s caution and supports his request
themselves out of their house! It has been a harrowing to keep Salathiss’s plot a secret. Chapter 1:
time. Thanks to you, those times are over. Or, they may be The Learned
just beginning, since I doubt my captor was very effective One Returns
at actually connecting with and helping the people of Chapter 2:
Nantambu while impersonating me.” Service to
Asanda sighs. “But that was yesterday. Today, my first the City
order of business is to restore people’s faith in me. My Chapter 3:
second is to have actual laborers repair this place.” The Flooded
Asanda asks the heroes to keep the details of the Mwangi
serpentfolk infiltration a secret; there’s no telling what Folktales
sort of paranoia and suspicion the news might unleash.
He’s willing to shoulder the burden of people thinking Toolbox
he was unresponsive and lax in his duties but doesn’t
want to risk citywide panic by letting them know how
21661625 857390

close serpentfolk came to infiltrating Nantambu’s

government. Asanda encourages the heroes to
share the truth with anyone they choose at the
Magaambya—the faculty there, in particular,
understand discretion. Whether the heroes agree
to this request is up to them.
In the weeks that follow, Magistrate-Mayor Asanda
works tirelessly to restore Nantambu. He directs the
Chime-Ringers to focus on dismantling Froglegs’s
criminal network rather than simply dealing with the
low-level perpetrators and victims. If Froglegs is still
at large in Nantambu, she’s forced to flee the city. He
commissions city laborers to shore up infrastructure,
including the failed canals and noxious Thieves’
Swamp. Finally, he works with the Magaambya on
the best magical deterrents to prevent this type of
infiltration from happening again. As part of these
conversations, he strongly encourages the school
to reward the heroes with graduation—in Asanda’s
mind, they’ve more than demonstrated their tenacity
and competence, and he’s not shy about letting the Koride Ulawa
Magaambya faculty know this.
Treasure: Asanda leverages his connections to
reward the heroes with two items affiliated with the
Magaambya and Nantambu: a suit of leopard’s armor
(page 76) and a warcaller’s chime of refuge (page 77).


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If Salathiss escaped, Janatimo warns that beings or “I’m not one to shy away from sensible analysis,
like him rarely give up their villainy. Fortunately, the and you’re making sense.” You should convey the
heroes are clearly up to the task of stopping him if he sense that Koride might not like the heroes, but she’s
dares to threaten the Magaambya or Nantambu again. too dedicated an academic to ignore facts and reason.
Janatimo closely reviews Salathiss’s journals and After they’ve presented their facts, Koride
discusses theories about the Vesicant Egg with the acknowledges that there isn’t anything to do but
heroes at length. Several points become clear. dispose of the Vesicant Egg. It can’t be destroyed
• The egg is an artifact of unknown ability unless dedicated research into its destruction method is
and power. Like most artifacts, it has proven performed. Koride intends to work with her colleagues
impervious to damage. to do so—even if the Vesicant Egg doesn’t need to
• The egg plainly drew the insects, gremlins, and be destroyed, understanding an artifact’s method of
other pests plaguing the Magaambya in recent destruction often gives insights into how its abilities
years. It was likely also responsible for drawing might be neutralized. But this research takes time, and
the anadis to the school, which Janatimo is in the meantime, the Vesicant Egg should be taken
quick to note as an unexpected benefit. someplace where it can’t do any harm. Certainly, it
• Koride Ulawa kept a private laboratory in the can’t stay on campus, in Nantambu, or in any other
Hababe Building, just on the other side of the settlement. There are distant places in the Mwangi
solid wall of the storeroom. Janatimo believes Expanse that might suffice, or even areas in other
Teacher Ulawa didn’t understand the danger planes. Koride will research these with her colleagues
the artifact posed, and she certainly wasn’t and find a solution. She promises Janatimo that she’ll
working with the serpentfolk—otherwise, do so by the end of the month and report back to him.
Salathiss wouldn’t have had to work to keep The heroes should have every reason to think Koride
his studies of the egg a secret. is going to be responsible in this, and that Janatimo
Janatimo invites the heroes with him when he will ensure her promises are kept. Indeed, at the time
speaks with Koride about dealing with the egg. If the she discusses it with them, Koride has every intention
heroes agree, read or paraphrase the following when of finding a safe place for the Vesicant Egg until its
they arrive at Koride’s office in the Heron Archives. powers can be controlled or neutralized. For now, the
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Vesicant Egg doesn’t cause any more trouble.

Janatimo knocks once on Teacher Ulawa’s office door and, Yet Koride is nothing if not erratic, and it’s not long
after a moment, opens it. before she changes her mind. The repercussions unfold
“She gets absorbed in her work,” he says with a shrug. later in the Strength of Thousands Adventure Path.
Teacher Ulawa’s office is brimming with curios and
oddities. She sits at her desk with the Vesicant Egg in front Graduation
of her, staring in wonder at the trails of acid that drip down After handling the disposition of the Vesicant Egg,
its sides and scar a metal plate beneath it. Janatimo asks the heroes to return to his office for
Janatimo clears his throat and smiles. Teacher Ulawa a serious discussion. If they haven’t yet reached 7th
looks up, sees her visitors, and smiles back. level in their branch, as described in the “Life in
“Greetings! What can I do for you, Learned One, and the Academy” article in Kindled Magic, you might
your... hmm... tagalongs?” allow them to attend the necessary classes to do
so before Janatimo calls for them; they should
Janatimo hasn’t yet told Koride anything about the be accomplished students before he presents the
Vesicant Egg. In his usual way of seeking conversation, following advancement to them.
he first asks her thoughts about it. She quickly explains
its physical basics—that it seeps acid like that created Janatimo gestures to comfortable seats in his curio-filled
by insects, it’s invulnerable to damage, and insects act office. “You have done excellent work as conversants. You
strangely in its presence—but it doesn’t seem to “do” used your abilities and knowledge to create incredible bonds
anything and thus, she thinks, it’s something of a dud with the people around you. You came to the defense of those
as far as artifacts go. who needed it, and you lent your power where it would do
Janatimo encourages the heroes to give a full the most good. You’ve shown cleverness, resourcefulness,
accounting of what they’ve learned. Much of this is a and resilience in troubled times. You have been impeccable
surprise to Koride, but she nods along and expresses conversants. But here is where we have a problem.”
that it puts a lot of her conjecture into place. She says Janatimo smiles. “As students, it appears we don’t have
things like, “That’s... surprisingly insightful, actually,” much left to teach you. Your time as conversants and as


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students of the Magaambya is over. You’re to graduate and Magaambya. It is easy for us to think of an institution as
become lore-speakers.” an entity in and of itself, something whose reputation is
created by its existence. Even though we know that this
Janatimo tells the heroes that he’d like to put a is false, even though we know that an institution is only
stipulation on their advancement: that they stay at as good as the people who make it up, we often forget.
the Magaambya for a time as teachers. As teachers, Storytellers remind us of important truths, and I remind
the heroes can impart their special skills and talents you of this. S p ok en
to others, but this also lets Janatimo and other senior “These students have served as constant and vigilant
faculty members help them develop a bit more. The reminders to me that individual deeds and actions are the
on th e
heroes have advanced so quickly through their talent foundations we use to build the principles and reputation Song
and hard work that it’s difficult for some staff to of the Magaambya.
believe that they could be ready at this point, and a “Those deeds and actions are not just made from what
probationary period will allow the heroes to prove we have done; they are built from what we wish to do, who Chapter 1:
that graduation is both deserved and appropriate. we seek to be.” Janatimo turns away from the stage. The Learned
Janatimo reinforces his pride in the heroes’ efforts “Conversants, who is it that you seek to be? What do One Returns
(“I told you I would be telling your stories, and I am you seek to learn?” Chapter 2:
certainly in the process of doing that!”) and asks them Service to
to prepare for the lore-speaker ceremony in two weeks. Janatimo introduces each hero to the crowd and the City
Unlike the conversant ceremony, there is no need lets them speak. After the heroes give their speeches, Chapter 3:
to invite specific friends; the whole Magaambya will Janatimo resumes the ceremony. The Flooded
be there to witness the heroes graduate. Janatimo Mansion
asks that they think about what they most need to “Thank you for your words, which I know will one day be Mwangi
learn about magic’s connection to the world. Now exceeded by your deeds. I want everyone to know you Folktales
that they have learned all that the school can teach have agreed to stay for a time and teach our students what
its students, what is it that they seek to learn? He asks you have learned.” Janatimo motions to the monument and Toolbox
each hero to prepare a small speech on this subject at holds out an ancient chisel.
the ceremony. “I have told you before, and I will tell the world: I look
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News of the heroes’ impending graduation spreads forward to telling your story as you go forth into the world.
rapidly across campus. Friends are likely to throw All that’s left for you to do now is to carve your name on
parties for them, and teachers to whom the characters this monument along with all the lore-speakers who have
have grown close offer encouragement and advice. come before.”
People from Nantambu who they helped, such as
Tokku and Amaechi, hear of their graduation and send The crowd’s applause rises as music begins again.
congratulations or small gifts. Once all heroes carve their names, they are officially
The graduation ceremony takes place before the lore-speakers, graduates from the Magaambya.
massive obelisk carved with the names of the thousands XP Award: Award the heroes 120 XP for
of lore-speakers throughout the Magaambya’s history. participating in the graduation ceremony.
The sun shines brightly on the large crowd of students,
staff, and Nantambu citizens who have come to Concluding the Adventure
witness the ceremony. Musicians with drums and Janatimo leaves shortly after graduation for another
woodwinds play quick, joyful tunes to get the crowd mission for the school. He admits that staying around
singing and clapping. The music picks up in pace, with as long as he did is uncharacteristic for him, but the
people singing and stomping. Janatimo steps in front party’s exploits were just too fascinating for him to
of the monument and raises his hands for silence, and leave. The heroes have about 2 months of downtime as
the music stops abruptly. they prepare for their new roles as teachers. They must
He holds a pause for a long moment. The only settle into their offices (most new teachers take offices
sounds come from a pair of thrushes perched on the in the Heron Archives, but each hero can claim an
monument high above. Their birdsong punctuates the office in whichever of the ten oldest campus buildings
silence. Finally, Janatimo speaks. they choose) and meet with senior faculty members
to discuss curriculum and classes. By the time the
“Students, faculty, and friends of the Magaambya, next adventure begins, the heroes are presented with
it pleases me today to honor a group of students who their students, and their next phase of learning and
exemplify the heart and soul of what we teach at the responsibility begins!


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Folktales S p ok en
on th e
Chapter 1:
Storytelling is perhaps one of Golarion’s oldest forms they would always each track down the creature at the The Learned
of entertainment. Before the times of grand theaters, exact same time, and the contest would be a draw. So One Returns
blossoming fireworks, and monthly periodicals, families long did this go on that the hunters felt disheartened Chapter 2:
would sit in a circle and spin tales, filling the hours by the contest. After all, if it ended the same way each Service to
with legends of clever heroes and the cruel villains they time, how would they ever grow? the City
outsmarted. But the purpose of such stories is not only This year, the hunters gathered and made camp as Chapter 3:
to entertain—they also explain natural phenomena, they often did, and while they were deciding what The Flooded
instill morals, or comfort those who fear death. Tales they’d hunt—Zebra, Antelope, or perhaps even Mansion
have the power to change or open the minds of others Crocodile—a star fell in the distance. One hunter (it Mwangi
and to mold cultures. does not matter which) turned to the others and said, Folktales
In the Mwangi Expanse, renowned storytellers are “My fellows, I have seen the perfect quarry: that star
not just entertainers, but archivists as well. A book falling in the distance! The one to capture it first shall Toolbox
is easily lost, taken, or destroyed, but a storyteller be the champion of our contest.” The other hunters
requires no tome to remember the lineage of a mythical agreed, and the four raced for the horizon.
21661629 857394

kingdom or the formula for a healing poultice. Their The hunters soon came to a raging river, as wide
stories, long committed to memory, hold the answers. across as four villages and treacherous in its churning.
As it’s important for stories to connect with the listener, All four would be able to cross, though it would tax
storytellers vary their tales by region. The story of a their strength to the very limit. Halfway through the
clever farmer, told in the highlands, might become crossing, West was swept back to the river’s bank, for
a clever fisherwoman when told by the coast. These she was overly competitive. She had pushed herself to
alterations can be more than cosmetic—folktales are beat the other hunters, charging ahead through the
meant to teach lessons, and lessons are set by culture. river, and she had run out of strength halfway. Only
In one tale, a merchant may use his wits to deceive three hunters continued on.
bandits on the road, but in another, he may learn how They soon came to a cliff, one that stretched so
to defend himself. high that its top melded into the clouds. North took
The following folktales are just a sample of the one look at the cliff and gave up, for he was overly
countless tales passed on for generations across the cautious. Tired from the long swim, he feared tackling
Mwangi Expanse. such a challenging climb and the unknown dangers
ahead with anything less than his full strength. He
The Four Hunters sat down by the foot of the cliff in defeat. Only two
Once, four great hunters roamed the highlands. Each hunters continued.
was equally skilled in mind, body, and every hunting East and South reached the top of the cliff to
art, and the four were so alike that they came to be see a thick jungle in front of them, deafening in its
known just by the region they roamed: West, North, screaming and howling, and beyond it, a shine of gold
East, and South. They differed in only small ways, against the clouds. East charged ahead into the jungle,
which we shall get to in a moment. for East was overly optimistic. She knew her strength
Each year, the four hunters would come together was waning from the swim and the climb, and yet she
in a contest, to see who could first track down and thought she could keep going just a little bit longer,
capture a creature, and each year, the contest would pushing through this one last challenge. She was
end the same way: as all four were equally skilled, wrong. The beasts of the jungle tore at her flesh, and


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the trees screamed vicious words to wound her heart. not break his spirit. South fought on, until he crossed
Without the strength to defend herself, East fled the to the other side.
jungle, injured in both mind and body. Passing a ring of stone statues, South found himself
While East rushed ahead, South rested, for he in a beautiful city, the streets paved with gold and
was wise and knew his limits. Rather than press on its people welcoming. He walked through its golden
or give up altogether, South gathered his strength, streets until he found a crowd gathering around the
knowing that only when he restored himself could he fallen star. “We have no need for this strange stone,”
take on another challenge. As East stumbled from the they said. “You are welcome to take it with you, but
jungle, South charged in, his feet steady, his endurance you must tell no one of what you have seen here.” The
restored. The beasts’ claws and fangs could not break townspeople pressed the star into South’s hand and
his shield, and the trees’ insults and invectives could a sweet drink to his lips that would make him forget
the way to their city, and South took his leave, the
champion of the hunters’ contest.
South left the golden city, and as he crossed its
borders, its location faded from his mind, but South
had pressed his memories of the city into the star,
just as the townspeople had pressed the drink of
forgetfulness to his lips. He collected East, North, and
West as he made his way back to their camp, breaking
off a piece of the star for each to wear as a medal.
Even if South’s memories of the city remained within
the star’s fragments, the lesson that had helped him
get there—that as important as it is to fight, it’s also
important to know one’s limits and take on challenges
only when one can—remained in the hunters’ hearts
for all their days after.
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The Whispering Parrot

In the past—but not so far back that the sky was
yet to fall upon Vidrian—high on a mountain near a
waterfall, there lived a Weaver. Weaver’s fingers were
nimble as raindrops, her imagination as quick as
lightning, and her smile as brilliant as the setting sun;
she could weave the most beautiful patterns that put
the skies to shame. Each afternoon, she would work
her loom, and each morning, she would take her cloths
down the mountain to the market. Between the beauty
of her smile and her fabrics, every man who saw her in
the market sought her hand.
But Weaver had no interest in marrying any man—
or anyone else, for that matter—all she wanted was
to be left alone, free to pursue her weaving for all her
days. After much time, she grew tired of the suitors,
and so she made it known. “None may marry me
unless they can guess my greatest regret, my greatest
weakness, and my greatest fear.” Soon, Weaver was
South, the Hunter no longer bothered by suitors, until one day, in the
market, when she caught the eye of a traveling Witch.
He had come from a distant land, as was clear from
his fair skin and crimson hair, and though his voice was
kind, his green eyes were empty as pits. The Witch called
Weaver to him and asked for her hand in marriage,
though he didn’t love her and only sought to make her


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his. Weaver told Witch, as she did everyone else, “I can’t called out to her. “Weaver, I’ve thought long and hard.
marry you, kind Witch. You are new here, it seems, and I can tell from your kindness you once took care of a
so you may not know what is known: I can’t marry sister, and I can’t help but notice that she’s not here.
someone until they have guessed my greatest regret, my I think she left to cross the blue sea, and I think your
greatest weakness, and my greatest fear.” greatest regret is that you never said goodbye to her.”
“I apologize for troubling you, good Weaver,” said Weaver was shocked, but she kept her word. “Keen
Witch, but he had a plan. He retrieved a beautiful Witch, you guessed correctly. But there are still two S p ok en
red‑and‑black parrot from his wagon. “Please, take more things you must guess before I may marry you.”
this parrot with you as a token of my remorse. I’ve Witch agreed and bade Weaver farewell, but as Weaver
on th e
trained her to help in my work, and she will prove left, she noticed a stray feather behind Witch’s wagon. Song
most useful. Perhaps one day, I can guess the answers, That afternoon, she returned to the mountain to
but until that day, I shall wait.” work on her latest cloth. Once again,
Weaver had never seen such a beautiful parrot, and the parrot passed her threads and Chapter 1:
in that moment, she hesitated in refusing Witch’s fanned her brow, and when she The Learned
gift. “Very well, friendly Witch, I shall take this gift. finished, a deep purple cloth sat at One Returns
But know that it doesn’t mean I can marry you, not her loom. Weaver went to sleep, and Chapter 2:
until you have guessed correctly.” Witch bowed to the parrot hopped to her side. Service to
Weaver, his plan already in motion. All night long, the parrot whispered. the City
That afternoon, Weaver returned to “Your greatest weakness, your Chapter 3:
her mountain to work on her latest greatest weakness. You can’t The Flooded
cloth, and just as Witch had said, help but think about your Mansion
the parrot was very helpful. She greatest weakness!” And Mwangi
passed threads to Weaver when Weaver dreamt another Folktales
they were out of her reach, and fitful dream. The next
beat her wings to fan Weaver’s morning, she sighed out Toolbox
brow when the air grew still. loud, “Another awful dream!
Eventually, Weaver had completed I spent the whole night thinking
21661631 857396

a brilliant blue cloth, and she went of how close to death I become after
to sleep. But once she had fallen just the tiniest bite of purple yam.”
asleep, the parrot remembered In truth, Weaver became ill after
Witch’s training, and hopped a bite of yellow yam, but in her
to Weaver’s side. exhaustion after two nights
All night long, the parrot without sleep, she misspoke as
whispered. “Your greatest the purple cloth caught her eye.
regret, your greatest regret. You The parrot cocked her head, waited
can’t help but think about your for Weaver to leave, and flew down
greatest regret!” And Weaver the mountain.
dreamed a fitful dream. The next When Weaver arrived, Witch called
morning, as she was folding the her over. “I had another thought! I can tell
blue cloth from her loom to take to by the way you linger at the farmer’s stand
market, she said to herself, “What a that you enjoy sweets, but I can’t help
terrible dream! I spent the whole night notice there’s one thing you never
thinking of how I never said goodbye to buy. Clearly, your greatest weakness
my younger sister before she left to cross is that you have the sickness, as
the blue sea.” The parrot cocked her head some do, that brings you close to
in sympathy, or perhaps in cunning. death upon eating purple yams.”
When Weaver went to market Weaver was shocked at how close
that day to sell her cloth, the Weaver Witch had guessed, and began to
parrot flew swiftly down the open her mouth to tell him that he
mountain ahead of her, to was close, but incorrect. But Witch
tell Witch what she saw the look cross her face and
had learned. When cut her off before she could
Weaver passed by, he reject him. “Apologies, skilled


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Weaver, the beautiful purple cloth you carry drew my holes in the earth, placing a plantain seed into each.
eye, and I misspoke. Clearly, you enjoy purple yam! With their other spear, the warrior carved a channel
You must fall ill after a bite of yellow yam instead.” from a nearby river, allowing water to nourish the
Weaver’s mind began to turn as she saw yet more seeds. Long the warrior toiled until their field was
feathers from behind Witch’s wagon and reflected complete. This warrior’s name was Ibex.
on how he had guessed something she said out loud Ibex worked hard in the field, and when a season
that very morning. “You’re indeed right again, good had passed, the field flourished with ripe plantains,
Witch. There’s only one thing left you have to guess— each as gold as Ibex’s mask. The warrior cut down
my greatest fear. If you present it to me tomorrow, each bunch with their twin spears and parceled them
then not only will I marry you, but I shall give up my out for each village under their protection. When they
weaving and follow you anywhere.” completed the task, two plantains were left, and Ibex
Witch enjoyed the idea of cruelly denying the went to the gate in front of their field. “I have food left
woman her passion but hid his desire behind a smile. over! If there are any bellies that need filling, come,
“If that is what you wish.” and I shall divide what’s left.” Two creatures stepped
Weaver returned to the mountain, and this night, forth: great Hippo lumbered from the river, and tiny
she wove no cloth, but went to bed early. She lay Ant skittered from the forest.
there with her eyes closed, waiting to see what would “Kind Ibex, the rivers have been empty. I would ask
happen, and soon enough, the parrot hopped over and for a plantain to survive,” Hippo asked politely.
whispered. “Your greatest fear, your greatest fear. You “Strong Ibex, little has been left on the ground for
can’t help but think about your greatest fear!” and at me to scavenge. It would be just of you to give me a
last Weaver understood Witch’s plot. When the sun plantain to survive,” Ant demanded confidently.
rose, she feigned a yawn, spoke her fears aloud to the Ibex thought long and hard. There were two
parrot, and left for market. creatures before them, and two plantains. There was
Witch was waiting for her at the gate, the parrot only one fair solution. “You may each have one,
on his shoulder. “Weaver, I’ve guessed your greatest then. Go and be well.” And Hippo returned to the
fear! And as you agreed, I’ll use my magic to make it river, cradling her single plantain in her large hands,
real!” He summoned a terrible cloud of red magic that while Ant returned to the forest, dragging his plantain
21661632 857397

filled the sky. “When you arrive home, you’ll find your behind him on a leaf with all his might.
crops bountiful and the water from your falls pure.” Ibex returned to tend their field once more. This
With each proclamation, sparks shot from the cloud time, they placed rocks around the outside of the field
in the direction of Weaver’s mountain. “You’ll find to shore it up, and they worked manure and charcoal
your loom never breaks, and the air always flows cool through the soil to enrich it. Another season passed,
through your home.” A storm of sparks filled the air. and the harvest was more bountiful than before—
Weaver smiled. “Clever Witch, you’ve guessed there was more than enough food to go around for
almost all of my fears. But there’s one bit you have not all the villages, and a dozen plantains were left over.
yet told me.” The parrot whispered in Witch’s ear, and Ibex returned to the gate, and once more called out, “I
he grinned. “I know that the fear you spoke aloud this have food left over! If there are any bellies that need
morning was for your home to be comfortable, for you filling, come, and I shall divide what’s left.” As before,
to want for nothing... and to do so alone, free to weave Hippo and Ant came forth, but this time, Hippo was
undisturbed for the rest of your days!” No sooner had smaller, and Ant came not as one individual, but as a
he said the words than the last bit of magic in the sky swarm of eleven.
shot down at him, and in a puff of smoke, Witch and “Kind Ibex, I thank you for your generosity. Though
his whispering parrot disappeared forevermore. my stomach growled through the last season, I feel I
Weaver slept well that night, having outsmarted need only a single plantain, as before.”
Witch. For the rest of her days, she was free to weave as “Strong Ibex, I have grown more numerous. As I
she liked, and she was sure to warn others to be wary now have eleven bellies, it would be only fair for me to
of gifts from strangers, and to protect your secrets, for receive eleven plantains.”
you never know who a parrot may be whispering to. Ibex had a slight doubt, but they thought hard.
There were twelve creatures before them, and twelve
Ibex’s Harvest plantains. There was only one fair solution. “Hippo,
In the time of regrowth after the skies turned dark, as there’s one of you, you will have one plantain. Ant,
a warrior turned from fighting to tend the land. The as there are eleven of you, you will have eleven. Go,
warrior took one of their spears and used it to dig and be well.” And Hippo returned to the river after


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857398, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

thanking Ibex, swooning a bit from hunger as she In time, Hippo returned to her normal size and then
carried her plantain, while Ant formed a line, carrying lived healthily, starting a family of her own. Ibex kept
each plantain back to the forest in a chain as drool an eye out for Ant, who continued to skitter around
dripped from his lips. seeking more than he needed, his numbers swelling
Ibex returned to their field. Surely, they thought, if from time to time. But above all else, Ibex remembered
they could simply grow more, there would be enough to consider not just what seemed fair, but what was.
to give everyone an equal share. Ibex toiled harder S p ok en
than they ever had. They sang to the wind, and
they sculpted a sphere of light above the field
on th e
to shine on days the sun could not. Ibex toiled Song
and toiled, and when the season had passed,
their field shone gold as far as the eye could
see. Ibex sighed in relief after they had passed Chapter 1:
out the harvest to their villages, as they saw The Learned
that countless plantains remained. Surely, this One Returns
time, it would be enough. They returned to the Chapter 2:
gate and called out, and they dismayed to see that Service to
Hippo came from the river, no bigger than a dog, and the City
Ant came in a swarm of thousands, buzzing and biting Chapter 3:
with great hunger. The Flooded
“Kind Ibex, I’ve grown leaner over these few Mansion
seasons. I think a single plantain is all I might need.” Mwangi
“Strong Ibex, there are many thousands of me now, Folktales
and my hunger is vast. As before, you should give one
plantain to Hippo, and one for each of me.” Toolbox
Ibex looked at Hippo with her grumbling stomach
and Ant with his many mouths, thinking something
21661633 857398

must be amiss. They turned to their field for advice.

“What should I do? I’ve given all I can, and I’ve
given it as fairly as I can.” The field spoke to Ibex.
“Ibex, you’ve tended to me well, but in trying to be
fair, you’ve given Hippo less than she needs, and Ant
has grown entitled and ravenous. With each season,
these differences have only become more pronounced.
You must think not about what seems fair, but what
actually is.” Ibex thanked the field for its wisdom and
returned to the gate.
“Hippo, I apologize. I’ve given you less than you
need for many seasons now. Ant, for many seasons
now, you have had more than you need. Please allow
Hippo to take what she requires of the harvest, and
you’re welcome to the rest.”
Ant’s greed turned to indignant rage. He gathered
himself into a column towering over Ibex, Hippo, and
the field. “If you will not give me what I need from
your harvest, I shall eat you instead!” he roared, but
in that moment, Ibex showed why they were first and
foremost a warrior. They struck at the river with their
spears, carving a second channel in the earth that
washed Ant away until he was a single insect
once more. Ant scuttled back into the forest,
and Ibex threw a plantain after him, before
allowing Hippo take as much as she needed.


21661633, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661633
857399, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

21661634 857399


21661634, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661634
857400, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Toolbox S p ok en
on th e
Chapter 1:
The following new rules supplement the heroes’ Failure The ritual has no effect. The Learned
adventures in “Spoken on the Song Wind.” Critical Failure The public work refuses to repair itself, One Returns
and the memories of the community members are Chapter 2:
Ritual soured in response to the botched ritual. For the next Service to
The following ritual is the most permanent way to week, while a caster is within 60 feet of the site of the the City
repair Amaechi’s pottery shop in Chapter 2. ritual, they cannot receive any benefit from beneficial Chapter 3:
emotion effects, and they take a –10-foot status The Flooded
COMMUNITY REPAIR RITUAL 4 penalty to their Speeds as their movement slows to a Mansion
Cast 1 day; Cost rare powdered pigments in at least three Folktales
different colors, worth a total of 50 gp; Secondary Magic Items Adventure
Casters 4 or more The heroes can find some of the following new magic Toolbox
Primary Check Performance (expert); Secondary Checks items in the adventure. The others don’t specifically
Crafting, Performance, Society appear as treasure but are thematically linked to
21661635 857400

Range 10 feet; Target 1 damaged or broken public work the Magaambya or Mwangi history and make good
no larger than 3,000 cubic feet (the size of a Huge options for you to give the heroes as replacement or
creature) supplemental magic items.
You lead your community in repairing a public work, such
as a bridge, well, or mural, through the power of memory BAG OF CATS ITEM 8
and art. The primary caster serves as an emcee or UNCOMMON CONJURATION MAGICAL TRANSMUTATION
leader, while each secondary caster provides a heartfelt Price 500 gp
anecdote that somehow involves the public work; for Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1
instance, recounting a story of playing at a fountain This beautiful leather bag is lined in soft fur and purrs
each summer. The anecdotes don’t need to be firsthand quietly when pet.
accounts—a community member might sing of how their Activate [two-actions] Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect
grandparents fell in love crossing a bridge every day—but You shake the bag to produce a single cat. You cast a
they must be directly connected in some way. The GM 3rd-level summon animal to produce a leopard (Bestiary 52).
can offer a +1 circumstance bonus to the secondary caster Activate [two-actions] envision, Interact; Frequency once per day;
whose anecdote seems most moving. Effect You pull the bag over your head and it covers you
If the public work was destroyed intentionally by one completely. You then exit the bag in the form of a large cat.
of the casters, the ritual automatically critically fails. You gain the effects of 3rd-level animal form but must use
Critical Success The public work is restored to its the cat battle form.
prior construction, and it takes on further qualities,
encouraged by the thoughts of the community. For the CROWN OF THE COMPANION ITEM 6
next week, while a caster is within 60 feet of the site of UNCOMMON HEALING INVESTED MAGICAL NECROMANCY POSITIVE
the ritual, they receive a +1 status bonus to Will saves Price 250 gp
against emotion effects and a +10-foot status bonus to Usage worn crown; Bulk L
their Speeds. Stories tell of a forgotten king who once loved his
Success The public work is restored to its prior subjects so much he was willing to give his own life
construction and function. energy for them. Whether true or not, this majestic


21661635, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661635
857401, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

wooden crown bears elaborate carvings depicting that be based on the same armor once worn by Azure Leopard,
tale. It’s ringed with images of the same kingly figure one of Old-Mage Jatembe’s magic warriors.
giving more and more of himself to a throng of needy Activate [two-actions] command, envision; Frequency once
subjects. While wearing it, you gain a +1 item bonus to per day; Effect You call upon the ferocity and grace of
Diplomacy checks. the leopard. The armor’s rings flatten out to become a
Activate [two-actions] envision, Interact; Frequency once per solid piece of flexible armor. You gain a +2 item bonus
day; Effect You bow to an ally within 30 feet, creating to Stealth checks and Intimidation checks to Demoralize,
a magical bond between the two of you. You cast shield but take a –2 penalty to Diplomacy and Society checks.
other targeting the ally. The link remains even if you This lasts for 1 hour, but you can Activate the armor again
move more than 30 feet away from them. At the end of to revert it back to its original form.
the spell’s duration, your ally recovers 4d8 Hit Points and
you recover half of what they recover. RHINO HIDE BROOCH ITEM 5
UNCOMMON EVOCATION FIRE MAGICAL Usage affixed to armor; Bulk —
Price 360 gp Activate [reaction] envision; Trigger You would take physical
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1 damage.
This +1 striking returning spear is warm to the touch. The This thick brooch is carved from a single piece of rhino
head of the spear is crafted from gold with ivory inlay hide. It’s lacquered and covered in a thin layer of silver
and has a ruby set into the shaft. You can make the spear dust. When activated, the talisman grants you resistance
glow like a torch or suppress its light by using an action, 5 to physical damage until the end of the current
which has the concentrate trait. creature’s turn. This resistance applies to the triggering
Activate [two-actions] envision, Interact; Frequency once per attack.
day; Effect You touch the ruby and hurl the spear at a
square within 40 feet. When the spear lands, it detonates, SINGING MUSE ITEM 6
dealing 6d6 fire damage (DC 23 basic Reflex save) to UNCOMMON ABJURATION CONSUMABLE MAGICAL TALISMAN
all creatures in a 10-foot emanation. It then flies back Price 250 gp
21661636 857401

to your hand. Usage affixed to armor; Bulk —

Activate [reaction] envision; Trigger You attempt a
HABU’S CUDGEL ITEM 8 Performance check.
UNIQUE MAGICAL NECROMANCY This small figurine is carved from a single
Price 415 gp piece of silvery, spiky stone and resembles
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1 a beautiful dryad pouring water into a small
Long associated with a notorious crime boss in pool. When you activate the muse, you are
Nantambu, this stout +1 striking fearsomeAPG momentarily enlightened with inspiration that
club is studded with vicious-looking knobs of bolsters your performance. If you roll a success on
obsidian and wrapped in cloth for a better grip. your triggering check, you get a critical success instead.
It emits a ghastly groan when swung.
Activate [two-actions] Interact; Frequency SPELLENDER ITEM 9
once per day; Effect You gesture UNCOMMON ABJURATION MAGICAL
at a square within 40 feet with Singing Muse Price 600 gp
Habu’s Cudgel. The club causes a Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
frightful wail to unleash from that square and casts fear This knife is a +1 striking returning dagger with a wide
(DC 24 Will save) targeting the creature in that square blade and thick wooden handle. A prayer for protection
and all adjacent creatures. from evil magic is carved into the handle in tiny script,
running around the handle in a spiral. The grooves of the
LEOPARD’S ARMOR ITEM 9 carved prayer provide a good grip on the knife and make
UNCOMMON MAGICAL TRANSMUTATION it easy to catch when it returns to your hand.
Price 700 gp Activate [reaction] envision; Frequency once per day; Trigger
Usage worn armor; Bulk 2 You critically hit with the weapon; Effect The dagger
Made of cobalt-colored steel rings that flow down the casts a 4th-level dispel magic targeting the most powerful
entire length of the garment, this +1 resilient chain mail spell effect affecting the creature you critically hit. The
includes an armored face covering. The armor is said to counteract check is +15.


21661636, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661636
857402, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

WARCALLER’S CHIME ITEM 4+ in the aura gain resistance 5 against the damage type
UNCOMMON EVOCATION MAGICAL you chose. This aura remains active for 10 minutes. This
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L chime can be used once per week.
The Nantambu Chime-Ringers created these magical Type warcaller’s chime of restoration; Level 12; Price
chimes to aid in their defense of their city. Each chime is 2,000 gp
made from elaborately carved wood depicting the nature This chime’s carvings depict blooming flowers. When
of a given chime’s power. activated, it creates a small aura of healing in a 5-foot S p ok en
Activate [two-actions] envision, Interact; Effect You ring the emanation. Creatures in the aura gain fast healing 15. This
chime, unleashing its magic. The specifics of each chime, aura remains active for 3 rounds. This chime can be used
on th e
as well as the activation’s frequency (if any), appear in its once per week. Song
entry below.
Type warcaller’s chime of blasting; Level 6; Price 250 gp WONDROUS FIGURINES ITEM 8+ Wind
This chime features carvings of destructive runes. UNCOMMON CONJURATION MAGICAL Chapter 1:
When activated, it creates the Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L The Learned
effects of a 3rd-level sound The magical statuettes known as wondrous figurines are One Returns
burst centered on you (DC 20 described on page 576 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook. Chapter 2:
Fortitude save). Instead of the The following additional figurines are Service to
spell’s normal range, it has a uncommon versions sometimes found the City
5-foot emanation. In addition, among the magical creations of the Chapter 3:
creatures that critically fail Magaambya or for sale in the streets The Flooded
their save are knocked prone by of Nantambu. Mansion
the chime’s effect. You can use this chime Type bismuth leopards; Level 8; Mwangi
once per day. Price 495 gp Folktales
Type warcaller’s chime of destruction; This exquisitely crafted statuette
Level 4; Price 100 gp is carved into the form of twin Toolbox
A series of shattered mountains are carved Ruby Hippopotamus panthers climbing a tree. When
into this chime. When activated, you touch activated, it transforms into a pair
21661637 857402

the chime against an unattended object, casting shatter of beautiful leopards (Pathfinder Bestiary 52) that are
upon the object, ignoring the object’s Hardness if it’s 6 or carved out of bismuth and flash hypnotically as they
lower. You can use this chime once per day. move. Creatures that come within 5 feet of a bismuth
Type warcaller’s chime of dread; Level 10; Price 1,000 gp leopard or that end their turn within 5 feet of a bismuth
This chime’s carvings depict skulls and other grim icons. leopard become dazzled for 1 round unless they succeed
When activated, it creates an aura of fear in a 5-foot at a DC 24 Will save. A creature that comes within 5 feet
emanation for 1 round. Creatures in the aura must attempt of both leopards or ends its turn within 5 feet of both
a DC 27 Will save. On a failure, they become frightened leopards need only attempt one saving throw each time.
1 (frightened 2 on a critical failure). Affected creatures The leopards can be called on only once per day, and they
can’t reduce their frightened condition below frightened 1 remain in their leopard form for up to 10 minutes. If either
while the chime is ringing. You can Sustain the Activation of the leopards is slain, that leopard can’t be summoned
to sustain the aura, up to a total of 5 rounds. This chime again until 1 week has passed, but this doesn’t prevent
can be used only once per day, whether or not you Sustain you from summoning the other leopard.
the aura. Type ruby hippopotamus; Level 9; Price 700 gp
Type warcaller’s chime of refuge; Level 8; Price 500 gp This roughly hewn ruby figurine shimmers with a deep
This chime’s carvings depict a series of warding runes red hue and is carved into the likeness of an ornery
that evoke feelings of serene protection. When activated, hippopotamus. When activated, it transforms into an
you touch the chime to yourself or a willing creature. The enraged hippopotamus (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 144) that
target gains the effects of sanctuary (DC 20 Will save). sees everything within 30 feet of its activation area as
You can use this chime up to five times per day, but each its territory. It will relentlessly and ferociously attack
use must target a different creature. anyone within this area except you, but it ignores
Type warcaller’s chime of resistance; Level 5; Price 160 gp your commands in favor of defending its area. The
This chime features several elemental runes in its hippopotamus is active for 1 minute before reverting
carvings. When activated, it creates a defensive aura in to its statue shape, satisfied that it has punished all
a 5-foot emanation. As you activate the chime, choose possible interlopers into its territory. The figurine can
acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. You and creatures be used only once per day.


21661637, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661637
857403, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Folklorist Archetype can’t increase your proficiency rank in Folktales Lore by

Folklorists are welcome across the Mwangi Expanse any other means.
for the entertaining stories they tell and the counsel
they impart. However, those who take the art of NARRATIVE CONDUIT FEAT 6
storytelling to the next level can produce magical ARCHETYPE AUDITORY LINGUISTIC MAGICAL
effects based on their understanding of stories Prerequisites Folklorist Dedication
and their firm belief that life conforms to the You act as a conduit for your companions just as your
contours of these tales. While many such folklorists stories are a conduit between teller and listener. When
are benevolent, terms like hero and villain are you Spin a Tale and the hero of your tale Casts a Spell
notoriously relative, changing to fit the perspective against the villain, you warp the world, allowing the hero
of the storyteller. to calculate range and cover to the villain from your space
instead of their own if they prefer. The hero must choose
FOLKLORIST DEDICATION FEAT 2 to calculate both range and cover from the same space;
UNCOMMON ARCHETYPE DEDICATION they can’t use one space for range and the other for cover.
Prerequisites trained in Performance
You are a master archivist and entertainer, capable of RULE OF THREE [reaction] FEAT 8
pulling wisdom from the tales you tell and weaving your ARCHETYPE AUDITORY LINGUISTIC MAGICAL
allies and enemies into a powerful narrative. You gain the Prerequisites Folklorist Dedication
Spin Tale action. Requirements You have Spun a Tale.
Spin Tale [one-action] (auditory, linguistic) Frequency once Trigger The villain of the tale you’ve spun makes an attack
every 10 minutes; Effect You tell a story, designating roll with a given weapon or unarmed attack, uses a
one of your allies (but not yourself) as the hero of particular special ability (such as a Breath Weapon), or
the story, and one enemy as the villain; both must be Casts a Spell against the hero, and they used that same
within 60 feet. The hero gains a +1 status bonus to attack, special ability, or spell against the hero on the
attack rolls and saving throws against the villain until previous turn.
the start of your next turn. If you Spin a Tale on your Heroes learn from their previous failures, often succeeding
next turn, the story continues for another round, for on the third attempt. You narrate a tale of the hero’s
21661638 857403

a maximum of 10 rounds. While the tale success, granting them a +2 circumstance bonus to
continues, minor, crude illusions spring into their AC or saving throw against the triggering
being in your space; these are arcane effect. If the villain has used
illusion effects that have no the same effect against
mechanical impact other than the hero on both of their
illustrating your tale. last two turns, and you
Special You can’t select used Rule of Three on that
another dedication feat until effect last turn as well, the
you’ve gained two other feats bonus increases to +4.
from the folklorist archetype.
ARCHETYPE Prerequisites Folklorist Dedication
Prerequisites Folklorist Dedication Stories are an experience meant to be
You can pull bits of wisdom from shared as a group. When you Spin a Tale, you
any tale. You become trained can designate up to six non-minion allies
in Folktales Lore, a special Lore as the heroes of your story. Each hero,
skill that can be used only to once during the tale, can continue the
Recall Knowledge, but on any story in your stead by spending an
topic. If you fail a check to Recall action to Spin the Tale; if they do, the
Knowledge with Folktales Lore, story continues for another round, as if
you get the effects of the Dubious you had Spun the Tale at the start of your
Knowledge skill feat. turn. This could allow the story to continue
If you are legendary in the Folklorist for up to 6 additional rounds, if all possible
Performance skill, you gain expert allies Spin the Tale, though you can continue
proficiency in Folktales Lore, but you to Spin the Tale on your own as normal.


21661638, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661638
857404, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Nantambu Chime-Ringer Archetype or unarmed attack more property runes than its normal
The Chime-Ringers serve as Nantambu’s elite town maximum, an existing property rune (as the creature
guard, keeping the peace while carrying on ancient chooses) is suppressed until the spell ends.
traditions of crafting chimes in metal, bamboo, or glass.
UNCOMMON ARCHETYPE DEDICATION Prerequisites Nantambu Chime-Ringer Dedication S p ok en
Prerequisites trained in Performance and Society Frequency once per day
You’ve studied the basics of harmony and resonance in You instill great swiftness into your allies. You and all allies
on th e
magic, exemplified by the ringing of chimes. You gain a within 30 feet become quickened for 1 minute and can use Song
single arcane or occult cantrip of your choice, heightened the additional action to Strike, Stride, or Step.
to a spell level equal to half your level, rounded up. If you
weren’t already, you become trained in that tradition’s Chapter 1:
spell DCs and spell attack rolls, with Intelligence as your The Learned
spellcasting ability if you choose arcane or Charisma as One Returns
your spellcasting ability if you choose occult. Regardless Chapter 2:
of your choice, you also either become trained in Arcana Service to
or Occultism, or an expert in one of these skills if you are the City
already trained in both. Chapter 3:
Special You can’t select another dedication feat until The Flooded
you have gained two other feats from the Nantambu Mansion
Chime-Ringer archetype. Mwangi
FLEET TEMPO [two-actions] FEAT 4 Adventure
Prerequisites Nantambu Chime-Ringer Dedication
Frequency once per hour
21661639 857404

To rush after a criminal or reach someone in need, you ring

a sprightly tone. You and all allies within 30 feet gain a
+10-foot status bonus to all Speeds for 1 minute.


Prerequisites Nantambu Chime-Ringer Dedication
To keep the peace, you disrupt those who seek to break it.
You can cast deafness and 4th-level silence once per day
each as innate spells. The tradition of these spells is the one
you chose for the Nantambu Chime-Ringer Dedication feat.

SING TO THE STEEL [two-actions] FEAT 12

Prerequisites Nantambu Chime-Ringer Dedication
Frequency once per hour
You strike magical tones that can turn the tide of combat.
You and your allies within 30 feet gain the effects of one
of the following runes until the end of your next turn:
corrosive, disrupting, flaming, frost, ghost touch, shock,
or thundering. The effects apply to a single weapon the
creature is holding or one of the creature’s unarmed attacks.
You choose the rune and the effect applies to all creatures. Nantambu Chime-Ringer
You can use an action, which has the concentrate trait, to
extend the duration of the rune for 1 additional round up
to a maximum of 1 minute. If this would give a weapon


21661639, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661639
857405, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Damibwas are domesticated hounds capable of detecting prey or predators
WILD DAMIBWAS via echolocation thanks to their exceptionally large ears and keen hearing.
Although feral damibwas are Adept swimmers, damibwas have sleek bodies, short limbs, webbed feet,
rare, they aren’t unheard of. Feral and long muscular tails that enable them to maneuver underwater with
damibwas live in packs of up to a grace and speed.
dozen. They fish in close proximity, Trained as specialized hunting hounds, damibwas primarily catch
so the attack of one damibwa drives fish, although they’re also adept at diving for lobsters, crabs, and clams.
fleeing fish toward their waiting While hunting, damibwas wait near the water’s edge, typically on a boat
packmates. Never truly wild in or along the shore, listening for choice prey. When they detect prey in
temperament, feral damibwas have a range, they dive down below the water, catch the animal in their jaws,
friendly disposition and bond easily and drag it back up to the surface. When large or dangerous aquatic
with humanoids and other canines. predators approach, damibwas retreat to land and howl a warning,
making them desirable guard dogs in coastal or riverside communities.
Damibwas rarely attack terrestrial creatures unless they’re threatened
and unable to make an escape.
Damibwas are popular pets along rivers, lakes, and swamps throughout
Golarion, particularly in the River Kingdoms, Wanshou, and the canals of
Nantambu in the Mwangi Expanse. Some Erutaki in Avistan’s far north
hunt seals alongside a particular hardy breed covered in thick fur and a
layer of blubber. They are only universally called damibwas in the Mwangi
Expanse, and are often called “diving dogs” in other regions.

Perception +12; echolocation 60 feet, low-light vision
21661640 857405

Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +12, Stealth +10,

Survival +10
Str +4, Dex +4, Con +3, Int –4, Wis +2, Cha +0
Deep Breath A damibwa can hold its breath for 5
Echolocation A damibwa’s hearing is a precise
sense at the listed range.
AC 21; Fort +11, Ref +14, Will +8
HP 62
Speed 30 feet, swim 30 feet
Melee [one-action] jaws +14, Damage 2d8+4 piercing plus Grab
Fetch [one-action] (attack, move) Requirements The damibwa has a
Small or smaller creature grabbed in water; Effect The damibwa
attempts an Athletics check against the creature’s Fortitude DC.
Critical Success The damibwa moves up to its swim Speed, dragging the
grabbed creature along with it.
Success The damibwa moves up to half its swim Speed, dragging
the grabbed creature along with it.
Failure The damibwa doesn’t move and the creature isn’t dragged.
Critical Failure The damibwa no longer has the creature grabbed.
Predatory Dive [two-actions] (move) Requirements The damibwa is in
or adjacent to water; Effect The damibwa moves up to
double its swim Speed, descending at least 10 feet,
and then makes a jaws Strike. If it was undetected
at the start of predatory dive, it remains
undetected until after the attack.


21661640, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661640
857406, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Resembling an enormous, long-legged alligator, the gbahali is larger,
stronger, faster, and more cunning than all but the largest of its crocodilian GBAHALI NESTS
kin. Gbahalis will range far from the banks of the rivers they inhabit to Long-lived, solitary, and rare,
seek prey. With a powerful, squat snout, a gbahali viciously bites their gbahalis have survived numerous
quarry, while their powerful hind legs allow them to leap upon fleeing attempts to hunt them into S p ok en
creatures or stride away to safety when threatened. extinction by simply remaining far
Gbahalis are solitary creatures, splitting their time between the rivers from each other’s hunting grounds. A
on th e
that offer easy meals of fish and aquatic snakes and stalking the edges of gbahali can survive for two centuries Song
the hunting territories of larger, meatier prey. Given the option, gbahalis or more and can spend weeks away
much prefer warm-blooded food, but a hungry or injured gbahali from its preferred rivers; naturalists
remains near a river where it can more easily consume large fish, snakes, assume the creatures come together Chapter 1:
or even crocodiles until it’s ready to hunt its preferred quarry once again. to mate and perhaps raise young, The Learned
An adult gbahali can quickly take down and consume livestock, leaving but no gbahali mating grounds or One Returns
no sign of its meals but enormous scuffed tracks in the ground, as its nests have yet been found. Given Chapter 2:
jaws are large enough to swallow many creatures whole. the speed with which gbahali can Service to
Gbahalis have a basic understanding of humanoid behavior. A bring down and consume prey, few the City
gbahali learns quickly to evade trackers and traps, and can skillfully ecologists relish the prospect of Chapter 3:
hunt along the fringes of a settlement for months before its presence finding a nest of the creatures. The Flooded
becomes known. They usually avoid humanoid prey, even when hungry; Mansion
they know that humanoid communities may hunt them in dogged Mwangi
retaliation for feasting upon a humanoid. Gbahalis therefore prefer to Folktales
hunt far-ranging livestock like ranch or grazing animals. If another
predator threatens a gbahali’s territory, it might attack a humanoid, Toolbox
leave messy remains strewn about, and then retreat from the area for
several weeks. In this time, it hopes the angry humanoids will hunt and
21661641 857406

kill its rival, leaving the gbahali an uncontested hunting ground when
it returns.

Perception +17; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Skills Athletics +20, Stealth +17 (+21 in water),
Survival +17
Deep Breath A gbahali can hold its breath for
2 hours.
Str +7, Dex +4, Con +5, Int –3, Wis +4, Cha –2
AC 28; Fort +20, Ref +17, Will +17
HP 170
Attack of Opportunity [reaction]
Speed 40 feet, swim 30 feet; powerful
Melee [one-action] jaws +21 (deadly d12, reach 10 feet),
Damage 2d10+13 piercing plus Grab
Melee [one-action] claw +21 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6+13
Melee [one-action] tail +21 (backswing, reach 15 feet), Damage
2d10+13 bludgeoning Gbahali
Aquatic Ambush [one-action] 40 feet
Powerful Jumper A gbahali jumps 10 feet up on a
successful High Jump or 20 feet up on a critical success.
Swallow Whole [one-action] (attack) Medium, 2d8+7 bludgeoning, Rupture 20


21661641, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661641
857407, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Gripplis are small, frog-like humanoids native to tropical rainforests.
RANCOROUS ENCLAVES Most gripplis live in tight-knit treetop villages and survive primarily
Exiled baneback sometimes band as hunters and gatherers. While most communities are peaceful and
together to form their own villages, harmonious, a lingering superstition has led to a unique group of these
usually under the leadership of a jinxer. people being cut off from their communal bonds and forced to make their
Given that some banebacks are violent own way in the world.
malcontents, these villages don’t last Among the many gripplis who possess poison glands, a rare subset
long unless the leader keeps order, secrete mind-altering chemicals. These gripplis aren’t immune to this
usually by violence or fear. These toxin, and over many years it may render them erratic at best and selfishly
villages often keep monstrous vermin, misanthropic at worst. Other gripplis view these “banebacks” as cursed
such as giant cockroaches, giant tsetse and react to their presence with fear and mistrust, which usually leads to
flies (Pathfinder #169 Kindled Magic 81), their censure and exile. They soon find that their natural skills as hunters,
or giant ticks as guards or mascots. combined with an unlimited supply of their potent toxin, make them
ideally suited to taking on work as mercenaries, bandits, or assassins.

Skirmishers are jittery baneback hunters or ambushers. Although they
often fight in groups, they aren’t loyal to each other and sometimes leave
one member of the group behind to face punishment while the others flee.


Perception +12; darkvision
Languages Common, Grippli
Skills Acrobatics +12, Athletics +10, Stealth +12, Survival +11, Thievery +10
21661642 857407

Str +2, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha –1
Items composite shortbow (30 arrows), kukri, leather armor, thieves’ tools
Springing Step When the skirmisher uses the Step action they ignore difficult
terrain and may move up to 10 feet instead of 5 feet.
AC 22; Fort +11, Ref +14, Will +9
HP 60
Hopping Dodge [reaction] Trigger A creature misses the skirmisher with
a melee Strike; Effect The skirmisher quickly takes advantage of
the attacker’s error and Steps.
Speed 25 feet, climb 20 feet; jungle stride
Melee [one-action] kukri +14 (agile, finesse, trip), Damage 1d6+4 slashing plus
baneback poison
Ranged [one-action] composite shortbow +14 (deadly d10,
propulsive, range increment 60 feet, reload 0),
Damage 1d6+3 piercing plus baneback poison
Baneback Poison (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude
DC 21; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d4
poison damage and stupefied 1 (1 round); Stage 2 2d4
Grippli Skirmisher poison damage and stupefied 2 (1 round); Stage 3
2d4 poison damage, stupefied 3, and flat-footed
(1 round)
Jungle Stride Gripplis ignore difficult terrain in
forests and jungles.
Wily Attack The skirmisher deals an extra 1d6
precision damage to flat-footed creatures
and creatures afflicted by a poison.


21661642, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661642
857408, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Baneback gripplis with innate magical ability may find themselves drawn
to vile magic dealing with poison, vermin, and ill luck. Those who revel
in the dreadful legends surrounding their kind often worship evil gods or BANEBACK ORIGINS
demons associated with poison, tattooing themselves with mystic symbols Legends tell of a grippli warlord
to gain powerful control over toxins. who bargained with the demon
lord Jubilex to gain a foul power S p ok en
GRIPPLI JINXER CREATURE 6 over poison and become the first
NE SMALL GRIPPLI HUMANOID baneback. He and his children—all
on th e
Perception +16; darkvision of whom bore a malignant toxin— Song
Languages Common, Grippli terrorized surrounding communities
Skills Acrobatics +14, Athletics +12, Intimidation +12, Nature +14, Occultism +10, before being defeated and drawn
Stealth +14 into the Abyss. This legend explains Chapter 1:
Str +2, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +0 gripplis’ disdain for banebacks, The Learned
Items dart (8), staff though it’s unclear if the trait is the One Returns
AC 23; Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +16 lingering effect of a demonic bargain Chapter 2:
HP 95 or simply a rare mutation. Service to
Hypnotic Tattoos [reaction] Trigger A hostile creature the City
targets the jinxer with a melee Strike; Effect Chapter 3:
Tattoos on the jinxer’s body swirl and shift The Flooded
in mesmerizing patterns. The creature Mansion
must attempt a DC 22 Will save. Mwangi
Critical Success The creature is Folktales
unaffected and is temporarily
immune for 1 hour. Toolbox
Success The creature is unaffected and
is temporarily immune for 1 minute.
21661643 857408

Failure The creature treats the jinxer as

concealed until the end of its turn.
Critical Failure The creature treats the jinxer
as hidden until the end of its turn.
Speed 25 feet, climb 20 feet; jungle stride
Melee [one-action] staff +14 (two-hand d8), Damage 1d4+6
bludgeoning plus baneback poison
Ranged [one-action] dart +16 (agile, thrown 20 feet), Damage
1d4+6 piercing plus baneback poison
Occult Spontaneous Spells DC 24, attack +16; 3rd
(3 slots) blindness, fear, paralyze; 2nd (3 slots) dispel magic, summon
animal (giant cockroach, giant fly, or giant tick only), vomit swarm
(Advanced Player’s Guide 227); 1st (3 slots) bane, ray of
enfeeblement, spider sting; Cantrips (3rd) chill touch, forbidding
ward, know direction, shield, telekinetic projectile
Baneback Poison (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 24;
Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 2d4 poison damage
and stupefied 1 (1 round); Stage 2 3d4 poison damage and
stupefied 2 (1 round); Stage 3 4d4 poison damage, stupefied 3,
and flat-footed (1 round)
Curse of Baneful Venom [three-actions] (necromancy, occult) The jinxer
magically intensifies toxins in their foes. Creatures within 30 feet of the jinxer
Grippli Jinxer
that are currently afflicted by a poison immediately attempt their next saving
throw against the poison with a –2 status penalty, then are temporarily
immune to Curse of Baleful Venom for 1 hour.
Jungle Stride Gripplis ignore difficult terrain in forests and jungles.


21661643, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661643
857409, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

I’iko Dragon
I’iko dragons are greedy bullies with long muscular bodies, stubby legs,
I’IKO DRAGON HOARDS small wings, and shimmering glass-like scales. From their treetop nests
I’iko dragons hoard small, easily overhanging well-traveled rivers, i’iko dragons land on passing watercrafts
transportable baubles in their nests, and extort the passengers, threatening to capsize boats if not paid with
particularly magical trinkets and any bright treasure. When faced with a well-armed group guarding their
objects incorporating glass, crystals, desired trinkets, they instead resort to stealth, stealing them under cover
and gemstones—though these objects of darkness, using their claws to pick locks and disable traps as needed.
rarely remain whole long, as the I’iko dragons reside in the jungles of the Mwangi Expanse, particularly
dragons devour the most colorful in Nantambu where they live under the tall arching bridges that cross the
components, leaving gemless rings and city’s many canals, building roosts in the bridge supports. I’iko dragons
glassless mirrors. eat fish and birds, and have a taste for glass, crystals, and gemstones,
which they consume to harden and color their scales. Incredibly vain, i’iko
dragons collect the most colorful glass they can find to transform their
scales into a resplendent rainbow.


Perception +12; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Languages Common, Draconic
Skills Acrobatics +13, Athletics +14, Intimidation +14, Stealth +15, Thievery +13
Str +4, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +4
AC 23; Fort +14, Ref +17, Will +10
HP 110; Immunities paralyzed, sleep
Speed 30 feet, climb 30 feet, fly 60 feet, swim 30 feet
Melee [one-action] jaws +16, Damage 2d10+6 piercing
21661644 857409

Melee [one-action] claw +17 (agile, finesse), Damage 2d6+6 slashing

Breath Weapon [one-action] (arcane, evocation) The i’iko dragon breathes a spray of
jagged glass shards that deals 7d6 piercing damage in a 15-foot cone (DC
23 basic Reflex save). They can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.
Cunning Capsize [one-action] (attack) The i’iko dragon attempts to capsize an aquatic
vessel of Medium size or smaller that they’re on or adjacent to. They must
succeed at an Athletics check with a DC of 25 or the
pilot’s Sailing Lore DC, whichever is higher.
Draconic Grandeur [one-action] (emotion, fear, mental)
The i’iko dragon spreads their wings,
bares their teeth, and threatens their
opponent in a terrifying display of
draconic majesty. All creatures
within 30 feet must attempt a DC
24 Will save. Regardless of the
result of the saving throw, the
creatures are temporarily immune
to Draconic Grandeur for 1 minute.
Critical Success The creature is
I’iko Dragon Success The creature is frightened 1.
Failure The creature is frightened 2.
Critical Failure The creature is frightened 4.
Tackle [two-actions] (move) The i’iko dragon Flies up to their fly Speed, descending at
least 10 feet, and then makes a jaws Strike. If the jaws Strike hits and the
target is Medium or smaller, the target is knocked prone.


21661644, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661644
857410, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

In the heights of the world, where the hills and mountains reach up to
touch the clouds, mpeshis fall to the earth in flashes of lightning and LIGHTNING LEGENDS
thunder. Most return to the heavens on the gossamer strands of web on The mpeshi is based on the
which they descend, but those few that remain cry out, lamenting their akampeshimpeshi, described by
inability to return to their homes in the sky. the real-world Lamba people of S p ok en
A mpeshi appears to be a monstrous goat with the foreclaws, hindquarters, Zambia as a beast accompanying
and tail of a crocodile. Electricity arcs around its sharp horns, which it can the lightning before becoming
on th e
use to both batter and gore with equal facility. Although mpeshis are always trapped on the land. The webs that Song
seeking methods to return to their homes in the clouds, they aggressively the akampeshimpeshis ride down
defend their earthbound lairs from outsiders. to earth are broken by their impact.
Mpeshis are generally solitary, though some congregate as pairs or small Akampeshimpeshis are dangerous Chapter 1:
groups that watch cloud movements together. They can sometimes be seen creatures; when sighted, they are The Learned
trying to join reach the storm clouds, leaping from high places such as hunted and burned by warriors with One Returns
hills, mountains, or cliffs. Though these attempts are rarely successful, the protective magics laid on them for Chapter 2:
mpeshis always resolve to try again—and some do manage succeed at this purpose. Service to
returning to their mysterious homes amongst the clouds. the City
Mpeshis are utterly unafraid of rocs, dragons, or other monstrous flying Chapter 3:
creatures, usually seeing them as competition. Mpeshis are crafty, though, The Flooded
and sometimes try to negotiate transportation back to the clouds from Mansion
flying creatures larger than they are. Mwangi
Perception +14; darkvision
Skills Athletics +16, Nature +14, Stealth +12
21661645 857410

Str +6, Dex +2, Con +4, Int –2, Wis +4, Cha +0
AC 24; Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +14
HP 110; Immunities electricity; Resistances sonic 10
Lightning Aura (aura, electricity) 5 feet. A buzzing static electricity surrounds the
mpeshi. When a creature within the aura takes electricity damage, the damage
arcs to a random adjacent creature, dealing 1d6 electricity damage. A creature
can only receive arcing damage once from each attack or effect.
Thunderous Fall [reaction] Trigger The mpeshi falls at least 10 feet; Effect The
mpeshi reorients itself to slam headfirst into the ground
with a thundering crash. Creatures within 10 feet of the
mpeshi take sonic damage equal to the bludgeoning
damage the mpeshi took from the fall (DC 23
basic Fortitude save). Creatures that fail
this save are stunned 1 (stunned 2 on
a critical failure).
Speed 30 feet; cloud walk
Melee [one-action] horn +17 (electricity, reach
10 feet, versatile P), Damage
2d6+8 bludgeoning plus 1d6
Melee [one-action] tail +17 (agile, reach 15 feet),
Damage 2d6+8 bludgeoning
Charging Leap [two-actions] The mpeshi leaps up to 40 feet in any direction,
including straight up. The mpeshi makes a horn Strike at any point during
this leap.
Cloud Walk The mpeshi can tread on clouds or fog as though on solid ground.


21661645, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661645
857411, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Ancient and cunning, the once mighty serpentfolk have suffered numerous
EVOLVING TIMES setbacks and indignities since the decapitation of their god, Ydersius,
Granitescales are only one type of millennia ago. Scattered in isolated pockets, the reptilian humanoids
aapoph variant to arise in surface constantly scheme their return to glory. Though many serpentfolk labor to
colonies, but all display intelligence restore Ydersius and reclaim power through him, others pursue different
somewhat greater than ordinary avenues to greatness, such as by mastering uncanny magic or practicing
aapophs. Zyss serpentfolk are secretly spycraft to take down enemy organizations from the inside.
concerned that their grip on their
dull-witted aapoph brethren might slip. SERPENTFOLK GRANITESCALE
A cultural shift has begun to emerge Many burly aapoph serpentfolk bear minor mutations. Granitescales
in some colonies where the ruling zyss have bulky frames covered in hard, speckled gray plates. These scales
now assure aapophs they’re valuable offer additional protection but shed when struck with too much force.
workers with a purpose to fill, rather As granitescales regrow lost scales quickly, they make effective long-term
than subservient chattel. sentinels and vanguards for guerilla tactics. Granitescales like to carve their
shed scales into small chips and attach them as rattles to the ends of
their spears. Many an unsuspecting victim has heard the shaking hiss
of a granitescale’s rattle too late.


Perception +13; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Languages Aklo, Common, Undercommon; telepathy 100 feet
Skills Acrobatics +13, Athletics +15, Intimidation +13
Str +5, Dex +4, Con +4, Int –2, Wis +1, Cha +1
Items javelin (5), longspear
21661646 857411

AC 24 (22 with shed scales); Fort +17, Ref +14, Will +12 (+2 status vs. mental)
HP 120; Resistances poison 8
Attack of Opportunity [reaction]
Chipping Scales [reaction] Frequency once per day; Trigger The granitescale
takes piercing or slashing damage; Effect The granitescale twists to
take the blow on their hardest scales, which they shed to reduce
the incoming force. The granitescale reduces the
damage by 10, but their AC is reduced by 2 for
1 day, when the shed scales regrow.
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] longspear +17 (reach), Damage
2d8+6 piercing
Melee [one-action] fangs +17, Damage 2d8+6 piercing
plus serpentfolk venom
Ranged [one-action] javelin +16 (range increment 30 feet), Damage
2d6+4 piercing
Rattling Spear [one-action] (auditory, emotion, mental) Requirement The
granitescale’s last action was a successful spear Strike; Effect
The granitescale rattles the base of their spear, attempting an
Intimidation check to Demoralize all enemies within 30 feet
(compare the granitescale’s Intimidation check result to the targets’
Will DCs individually).
Serpentfolk Venom (poison) Saving Throw DC 22 Fortitude;
Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d4 poison damage and
Serpentfolk Granitescale
enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 2 2d4 poison damage and enfeebled
1 (1 round)


21661646, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661646
857412, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Venom callers are zyss serpentfolk spellcasters that specialize in the use
of acid and poison magic, viewing them as natural extensions of their
inherent venom. They have a reputation for bold action, something that MAGAAMBYAN VICTIMS
puts them at odds with other zyss who prefer stealth and subterfuge. When Zyss serpentfolk of the Mwangi
a venom caller can’t eliminate their rivals to seize control of their colony, Expanse have recently taken a
they often leave in a dramatic demonstration of arrogance, insisting that keen interest in the activities of S p ok en
slithering in shadows does the serpentfolk cause no favors. the Magaambya and its members
Though venom callers aren’t considered subtle by their kin, their throughout the region. Some
on th e
schemes—which often revolve around acquiring rare magical lore—can Magaambyans far from the school Song
nevertheless take humanoid communities by surprise. Venom callers have gone missing, often after
often lure away unsuspecting victims, murder them, and disfigure their uncharacteristically absconding with
venom-wracked bodies with acid; the venom caller then assumes the magical lore. While they may have Chapter 1:
victim’s form. Authorities, believing all members of the community are been impersonated by serpentfolk, The Learned
accounted for, assume the unrecognizable corpse must have been a traveler. even more worrying is the possibility One Returns
Most venom callers have broken with other serpentfolk communities and that the serpentfolk have discovered Chapter 2:
have no qualms about murdering their kin or infiltrating other serpentfolk an arcane means of regaining their Service to
cells if it serves their purposes. former dominance. the City

Chapter 3:
Perception +15; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet Mwangi
Languages Aklo, Common, Draconic, Undercommon; telepathy 100 feet Folktales
Skills Arcana +17, Deception +15, Nature +15, Occultism +17, Society +15,
Survival +15 Toolbox
Str +0, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +6, Wis +4, Cha +2
Items shortbow (20 arrows), sickle
21661647 857412

AC 24; Fort +13, Ref +15, Will +17 (+4 status vs. mental);
+1 status to all saves vs. magic
HP 105; Resistances poison 10
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] fangs +16 (finesse), Damage 2d8+4
piercing plus serpentfolk venom
Melee [one-action] sickle +16 (agile, finesse, trip), Damage
1d4+4 piercing plus serpentfolk venom
Ranged [one-action] shortbow +16 (deadly d10, range increment
60 feet, reload 0), Damage 1d6+4 piercing plus serpentfolk venom
Arcane Spontaneous Spells DC 25, attack +17; 4th (2 slots) acid arrow, noxious
vapors (Advanced Player’s Guide 222); 3rd (3 slots) mind reading, slow, stinking
cloud; 2nd (3 slots) acid arrow, false life, invisibility; 1st (3 slots) feather fall,
item facade, magic missile; Cantrips (4th) acid splash, detect magic, mage
hand, read aura, shield
Occult Innate Spells DC 25; 4th suggestion; 3rd illusory disguise (at will); 2nd
mirror image (at will); 1st ventriloquism (at will)
Serpentfolk Venom (poison) As granitescale, but DC 23.
Venom Pool [two-actions] (arcane, conjuration, poison) Frequency once per day; Effect
The venom caller conjures a 10-foot burst of liquid poison within 60 feet. Each
creature that begins its turn in the area takes 4d6 poison damage (DC 25 basic
Fortitude save). On a critical failure, creatures also take 1d6 persistent poison Serpentfolk Venom Caller
damage. Once per turn, starting the turn after the venom caller uses Venom
Pool, the venom caller can use a single action, which has the concentrate trait,
to increase the radius of the burst by 5 feet. The pool of venom lasts for 1
minute, at which time it evaporates without a trace.


21661647, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661647
857413, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Fire-Pot Ubanu
Fire Lover with a Grudge

Ubanu never felt like he belonged. From an early get accepted into the Magaambya—each time, his
age, he felt more comfortable playing with fire than temper flared, and his hopes were dashed. If he hadn’t
with other children. When they went out to play found work as an apprentice to an alchemist, Ubanu
games, Ubanu stayed home watch the fire dance in would have had to return to his parents a broken and
the hearth. He remained painfully shy during his penniless young man. Instead, Ubanu found ways to
youth, aware that the other children found him express his fascination with fire through chemistry.
strange. Even he wondered why he was so different. Eventually, the alchemist discharged him for being
Ubanu’s parents tried to encourage him to be social, too argumentative, and Ubanu once again had to
but when the boy tried to befriend the other children, look for new options.
they mocked his fascination with flames, calling him Ubanu drifted into an apprenticeship with an
“Fire‑Face Ubanu.” elderly weaponsmith named Nua Obi. He used his
When the taunting became too much, Ubanu would sorcerous powers to help maintain the forge’s heat
strike back, lashing out against his tormentors. Once while learning all Nua Obi could teach him. Ubanu
when he was overwhelmed with rage, a fiery lash and the old woman fought furiously over the smallest
manifested around his hand and struck another child. details, but they had tremendous respect and affection
He didn’t burn the child too badly, but the other kids for each other. For the first time in his life, Ubanu had
all became afraid of him—and Ubanu became afraid found a place where he belonged.
21661648 857413

of himself. Since that time Ubanu has been surrounded It was Nua who gave Ubanu the nickname Fire‑Pot,
by a strong sulfurous smell, which grows more intense both for his tendency to play with firebombs and
when he’s angry. erupt into fiery rages. For many years Ubanu worked
As soon as his parents smelled their son, they crankily and happily at Nua’s side.
realized what had happened and revealed that some When Nua passed she left Ubanu her forge and
of their ancestors had been fire sorcerers. Neither of enough money to expand it however he wished.
his parents possessed the powers of this bloodline, Ubanu found that he couldn’t run the shop like she
and they’d not told Ubanu in the hopes that there could, however. He fought with the customers and had
would be no need. He’d discovered the reason for his an awful habit of blowing things up for fun instead of
fascination with fire, but it made him no less awkward working. He also kept a pet hellcat that he couldn’t
around people. Even when he could keep his temper keep from causing fires in the city.
in check, the faint sulfurous smell made others keep Ubanu decided he needed a change of scenery, so
their distance. He assumed that if he went somewhere he sold the shop and moved to the edge of town.
around more people with magical gifts—someplace There, he made a deal with a mercenary group of
like the Magaambya—he would finally find acceptance minotaurs looking for a place to settle down far
and perhaps friendship. from the troubles they’d left behind in other lands.
Ubanu said goodbye to his parents and moved to If they would protect Ubanu’s privacy and take care
Nantambu. His plan was as simple as it was naive: he of his sales, he’d give them a cut of the merchandise
would get into the Magaambya, learn to control his they sold. Ubanu got to experiment on alchemy
powers, find friends, and graduate to become a rich and weaponsmithing however he chose, and soon
and powerful sorcerer. increased his talent in both. He’s become known
His initial request for admission was denied. across Nantambu as one of its most skilled yet most
Perhaps it was because he grew impatient and yelled irritable alchemists.
at his proctor for making him wait, or perhaps He feels betrayed by the Magaambya. When
they saw his stubborn petulance and inability to serpentfolk came to Ubanu in the guise of
work with others. For five years, Ubanu tried to Magaambyan students named Oyo and Mtembe, he


21661648, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661648
857414, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

almost turned them away. Yet their subtle persuasion burning hands, fire shield; 3rd (3 slots) blindness, fireball,
and promises of significant reimbursement from the haste; 2nd (3 slots) flaming sphere, obscuring mist,
school convinced him to take their order for some resist energy; 1st (3 slots) gust of wind, jump, mending;
unusual acid. Ubanu crafted the acid and turned Cantrips (4th) acid splash, detect magic, guidance,
it over to the “students,” but his promised payment prestidigitation, produce flame
never materialized. He tried to follow up at the school Distracting Spells Creatures who fail a saving throw against
and was rebuffed. His anger overwhelmed one of Ubanu’s spells are flat-footed to his attacks until S p ok en
him, and he hatched a plan to send a strong the end of his turn or until the end of his next turn on
message to the school about paying their debts. a critical failure.
on th e
If the Magaambya responds with the money he’s Quick Bomber [one-action] Ubanu Interacts to draw a bomb, Song
due, he’ll let the matter drop—but he suspects they then Strikes with it.
won’t, and he looks forward to taking out his anger on
whomever the school sends his way. Chapter 1:
The Learned
Fire-Pot Ubanu isn’t actively malicious, but he has an Chapter 2:
explosive temper and no real ability or Service to
desire to keep it in check. One moment, the City
Ubanu might be pleasant and friendly, Chapter 3:
and the next moment, he’s hurling a The Flooded
firebomb at your house for some perceived Mansion
insult. The heroes might quell his grudge, making Mwangi
him a good contact for training in incendiary alchemy, Folktales
weaponsmithing, and fire spells. The heroes might even
advocate for him to attend the Magaambya, once they Toolbox
learn about his past. If Ubanu joins the Magaambya,
he becomes a rowdy and colorful character who can
21661649 857414

solve nearly as many problems as he causes.


Male human pyrochemist
Perception +16
Languages Common, Draconic, Ignan, Jotun
Skills Arcana +16, Crafting +20, Intimidation +16,
Nature +15, Weapons Lore +16
Str +1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +4, Wis +1, Cha +4
Items smock (as padded armor), fulminating spear (page 76)
Infused Items Ubanu carries these infused items: 8
moderate alchemist’s fires, 2 lesser elixirs of life, and
2 moderate tanglefoot bags. These items last for 24
hours, or until the next time Ubanu makes his daily
AC 26; Fort +17, Ref +19, Will +13
HP 140; Resistances fire 10
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] spear +17 (magical), Damage 2d6+3 piercing
Ranged [one-action] alchemist’s fire +19 (range increment 20 feet,
splash), Damage 2d8+2 fire plus 4 persistent fire plus
Fire-Pot Ubanu
6 fire splash
Ranged [one-action] spear +19 (magical, range increment 20 feet),
Damage 2d6+3 piercing
Primal Spontaneous Spells DC 26, attack +18; 4th (2 slots)


21661649, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661649
857415, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Brutal Grippli Crime Boss

The grippli known and feared today as Froglegs spent Habu heard those whispers and he didn’t like them.
her early years wandering the streets of Nantambu He had brought Ktaal to bolster his own successes,
as Ktaal, daughter of Tokywe. Tokywe was a lovable just as he had done with her mother, not to groom a
rogue who taught her daughter the skills to become successor. Habu’s jealousy at the thought of this young
a master thief. Tokywe and Ktaal were rootless— grippli winning over his crew filled him with a quiet,
they happily spent their nights roaming Nantambu’s seething rage.
rooftops under the stars or squatting in abandoned Habu learned of a large jewelry shipment traveling
buildings, sharing dreams of what their next adventures through Nantambu. He let Ktaal plan the heist and
would be. Mother and daughter spent many years run the crew during the theft, but he directed the
getting into and out of trouble, and Ktaal always thieves most loyal to him to eliminate Ktaal and her
took comfort in her mother’s cheerful demeanor and supporters immediately after. This would leave bigger
positive outlook no matter how desperate or bleak the share for the survivors, he assured them.
situation appeared. The heist went off without a hitch, but when Habu’s
Nantambu’s thieves loved Tokywe for her personality, handpicked thieves moved to betray Ktaal, they found
but what they respected most were her skills with a her to be a smarter combatant and a more inspiring
lockpick. She could pick any lock imaginable with leader than Habu predicted. Ktaal struck down her
her unusual tools—specially crafted for her grippli would-be assassins and rallied those loyal to her to
21661650 857415

hands—and her keen sense of touch. Tokywe taught eliminate their killers as well. When she realized the
Ktaal her lockpicking skills from a young age, even extent of Habu’s treachery, she finally guessed what
showing her how to craft the special lockpicks that fit actually happened to her beloved mother.
her hands so well. Mother and daughter were both in Anguished at the realization she’d been deceived
high demand once it became obvious that Ktaal was all these years, Ktaal’s happy-go-lucky demeanor
almost as good with locks as her mother. instantly transformed into hate. She gathered
After some time, Tokywe began to tire of wandering. together the thieves loyal to her—predominantly
She wanted somewhere stable for her and her daughter disaffected grippli who had joined Habu’s crew to
to live and begin a new chapter. To transition into this work alongside Ktaal—and struck back against
life, Ktaal’s mother planned to go by herself on one Habu and his remaining followers. It took the better
last heist with Habu the Cudgel’s crew, a notorious part of a week, but she killed or drove out everyone
group of thieves and ruffians. The heist went smoothly, loyal to Habu and learned where the gang boss was
but Habu’s greed overtook him and he killed Tokywe hiding out. Ktaal cornered Habu in his hideout, made
for her share. Habu told Ktaal that the Nantambu him confess his betrayal, and then slowly bled him to
authorities killed her mother, and that Tokywe’s dying death with her daggers. She still carries Habu’s club
wish was for Ktaal to join Habu’s crew so he could as a trophy of vengeance, though she still prefers to
take care of her. use knives in combat.
Grief-stricken and in need of family, Ktaal believed After taking over Habu’s crew, Ktaal thought
Habu’s lies and joined his crew. Keeping her mother’s about his betrayal—how trust and connection
tradition of light-hearted professionalism, Ktaal soon killed Tokywe and almost killed Ktaal as well. She
became a trusted and valued member of the gang. She remembered something her mother had told her as a
was an excellent planner and improvised well when child when Ktaal asked about people eating frog legs
those plans went awry. She rose though the ranks, and at a fine restaurant.
Habu’s cutthroats began to whisper that she might be “Child, we aren’t those frogs, but any time a grippli
running the crew one day, especially if one of Habu’s gets too comfortable, too trusting, too reckless... we
many enemies decided to eliminate him. can end up on someone else’s plate.”


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Ktaal gave up her name. She began to call herself thrown 10 feet, versatile S), Damage 1d4+5 piercing plus
Froglegs as a reminder to stay alert and avoid knife fighter
becoming anyone’s food. As she and her crew began Knife Fighter Froglegs deals an additional 2d6 precision
to expand into extortion, robbery, and protection damage with weapons from the knife group, and
rackets all across Nantambu, she developed knives gain the deadly d10 weapon property while she
a new goal: she aims to rule the underworld wields them.
of Nantambu from the shadows. Froglegs Roll and Snatch [free-action] Trigger Froglegs successfully Tumbles S p ok en
is through with others making her suffer Through an enemy’s space; Effect Froglegs attempts
and will never again allow anyone to take to Disarm or Trip the enemy. She can use her
on th e
advantage of her. tongue for this attempt and does not need to Song
have a free hand.
CAMPAIGN ROLE Twin Slash [one-action] (flourish) Froglegs
The heroes face off against Froglegs when they makes two dagger Strikes. Chapter 1:
realize her gang is behind many of the troubles in The Learned
Nantambu. If they capture Froglegs rather than kill One Returns
her, she doesn’t remain in custody for long. She has an Chapter 2:
extensive network of bribed or terrorized authorities, Service to
so she soon arranges for her release and goes to the City
ground to recover, rebuild, and plan new Chapter 3:
criminal enterprises where the meddling The Flooded
heroes hopefully won’t bother her again. Mansion
Froglegs has one chance to leave her Mwangi
life of crime and vengeance behind her: if Folktales
the heroes are forthright and honest with
her (even though they’re arresting her for Toolbox
what she’s done), she realizes that not everyone in the
world is out to make her suffer. She’s not likely to be
21661651 857416

the heroes’ ally, but she might be set upon a road to

redemption knowing there are honest, good people
in Nantambu.

Female grippli crime boss (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 139)
Perception +16; darkvision
Languages Common, Elven, Grippli, Iruxi
Skills Acrobatics +16, Athletics +15, Deception +16,
Intimidation +16, Stealth +16, Thievery +18 (+20 to Pick
a Lock), Underworld Lore +15
Str +3, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +4
Items +1 daggers (4), Habu’s Cudgel (page 76), leather
armor, infiltrator thieves’ tools
AC 27; Fort +14, Ref +18, Will +16
HP 135
Deny Advantage Froglegs isn’t flat-footed to creatures of
8th level or lower that are hidden, undetected, flanking,
or using surprise attack.
Speed 30 feet, climb 20 feet
Melee [one-action] dagger +20 (agile, deadly d10, finesse, magical,
versatile S), Damage 1d4+5 piercing plus knife fighter
Melee [one-action] Habu’s Cudgel +19 (magical), Damage 2d6+5
Ranged [one-action] dagger +20 (agile, deadly d10, magical,


21661651, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661651
857417, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Serpentfolk Infiltrator Obsessed with His Role

The subjugated lower caste of serpentfolk society, serpentfolk society. Though he was too young for such
aapoph serpentfolk, are prone to strange mutations. an important task, Thissal saw a dangerous mission as
Serpentfolk culture considers these mutations a sign a good way to dispose of Salathiss without personal
of the aapophs’ lesser status and think nothing of it— disgrace and gave his consent.
in fact, for the higher-ranking zyss serpentfolk these Salathiss spoiled Thissal’s hopes by exceeding all
physical variations reinforce their twisted self-image expectations placed on him. He infiltrated a human
of purity and superiority. While zyss serpentfolk can village and became well respected in the community.
disguise themselves as other humanoids to achieve their When he stole an ancestral relic from the village shrine,
goals, it’s often seen as a duty and not a pleasure—zyss no one thought to suspect him. When he vouched for
prefer the purity of the zyss form to all else. other serpentfolk infiltrators, the people welcomed
It is rare, but a zyss can also be born with mutations. them completely. Over a year of long-term infiltration,
This is a closely guarded secret, only mentioned in Salathiss corrupted the human village from within
shameful whispers. Any zyss born with a mutation is and left it a place of confusion and paranoia. Even
immediately killed, as their very existence flies in the Thissal had to agree that his protégé had performed
face of zyss’s so-called superiority. exceptionally and after silencing a few doubters with
Salathiss would have been destroyed, except his well-timed assassinations, Thissal declared Salathiss
strange mutation took many years to materialize. As ready for more espionage work.
21661652 857417

he matured, he sometimes lost control of his form: the Salathiss developed a knack for studying
skin and bone on a part of his body would slacken “warmbloods,” understanding their nature, and
and soften into a thick ooze for a few moments before displaying empathy for those he would eventually
snapping back suddenly and painfully into its original betray. Though other zyss consider Salathiss’s interest
shape. The first few times this occurred caused a in warmbloods to be unseemly, his string of successes
panic in Salathiss’s colony; he was only spared death elevated his status and gave him the autonomy to
because his mentor, Thissal, was a serpentfolk of great determine his own assignments. He learned of the
power and influence. To punish Salathiss would invite Vesicant Egg—an artifact he incorrectly believed to
Thissal’s wrath, and no one wished to anger him. None be a magical snake egg—and resolved to unlock its
even dared to tell him of his pupil’s mutation, though secrets to benefit all serpentfolk, and his own stature
the powerful zyss eventually learned of it on his own. in particular. Salathiss wished to supplant Thissal, and
Salathiss knew his mutation set him apart from a successful assignment of his own design could do
other zyss. He prayed day and night for Ydersius to just that.
take it away, to cut it from his body just as the Headless
King had his own body severed. Salathiss’s prayers CAMPAIGN ROLE
were never answered, but the daily ritual of constant The heroes inadvertently deal Salathiss’s mission
prayer gave him what he needed most: focus. Salathiss a serious blow early in this adventure when they
learned that by focusing his mind when his body lost expose his secret operations in the Hababe Building
control, he could shape that body part into something on campus. Salathiss is nothing if not flexible, though,
else. He could mold his shape, such as turning his arm and he realizes he might have more to gain from
into a tool or a weapon. impersonating one of Nantambu’s nine influential
Prayer turned into practice. Salathiss realized that magistrate-mayors. At first, Salathiss only sought
his mutation was an advantage if he kept it hidden this duplicity to regain access to the Vesicant Egg;
and under control. He absorbed lessons in spycraft eventually, he realized the true scope of authority
while he studied magic, convinced that he could that his impersonation could give him. Yet he’s gotten
succeed at one of the infiltration missions important to far too deep into his role, and the serpentfolk under


21661652, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661652
857418, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

his command whisper that he’s practically become a any Deception check to Impersonate that person twice
warmblood himself. and take the higher result. This benefit lasts for 24 hours
Salathiss is the heroes’ final foe in this or until he uses this ability on a different creature.
adventure. Defeating him is the only way to keep Serpentfolk Venom (poison) Saving Throw DC 26 Fortitude;
Magistrate‑Mayor Asanda safe and the Vesicant Egg Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 2d4 poison
secure. If Salathiss survives but can’t continue his damage and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 2 3d4 poison
plans to recover the artifact or impersonate Asanda, he damage and enfeebled 2 (1 round) S p ok en
impersonates someone close to the heroes and plans a
murderous betrayal. He keeps this long goal in mind,
on th e
and it might be months before he strikes. Song
Male serpentfolk illusionist (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 236) The Learned
Perception +19; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet One Returns
Languages Aklo, Common, Draconic, Undercommon; Chapter 2:
telepathy 100 feet Service to
Skills Arcana +18, Deception +21, Diplomacy +19, the City
Intimidation +19, Occultism +18, Society +18, Stealth +18 Chapter 3:
Str +4, Dex +3, Con +2, Int +5, Wis +4, Cha +6 The Flooded
Items bracers of armor type I, choker of Mansion
elocution (imparts Xanmba, a regional Mwangi
language spoken by many in Nantambu) Folktales
AC 27; Fort +14, Ref +17, Will +20 (+4 status
vs. mental); +1 status to all saves vs. magic Toolbox
HP 150; Resistances poison 10
Speed 25 feet
21661653 857418

Melee [one-action] fangs +19, Damage 2d8+8 piercing plus

serpentfolk venom
Melee [one-action] morphic weapon +20 (magical,
reach 10 feet, sweep, versatile P), Damage
3d10+8 slashing
Arcane Prepared Spells DC 28, attack
+20; 5th cloak of colors, passwall; 4th
glibness, phantasmal killer, veil; 3rd
hypnotic pattern, magic missile, mind
reading; 2nd darkness, hideous laughter,
invisibility; 1st fleet step, item facade, true
strike; Cantrips (5th) dancing lights, daze,
detect magic, ghost sound, telekinetic projectile
Occult Innate Spells DC 28; 5th command, illusory scene;
4th suggestion; 3rd illusory disguise (at will); 2nd mirror
image (at will); 1st ventriloquism (at will)
Morphic Weapon [one-action] (morph, occult, transmutation)
Salathiss transforms one of his hands into a tentacle
with a blade at the end, allowing him to make morphic
weapon Strikes. If he’s disguised, whether by magical
or mundane means, his disguise immediately ends. He
can return his hand to normal with another use of this
ability, but doing so doesn’t restore his disguise. Salathiss
Peerless Duplicate (divination, exploration, fortune, occult)
If Salathiss interacts with a creature for 10 minutes, he
can choose to expertly duplicate that person. He can roll


21661653, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661653
857419, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Next Month
by Michelle Jones by Andrew Mullen
The heroes have become lore-speakers­ —teachers Learn the history and secrets of the storm-ridden town
at the Magaambya school of magic. Sent with their of Jula, home of the evil Knights of Abendego!
students to the edge of the Mwangi Expanse, these
new teachers must unearth ancient ruins while keeping ADVENTURE TOOLBOX AND MORE!
themselves and their students out of danger. When a The Strength of Thousands Adventure Path continues!
student vanishes, the heroes uncover a nefarious plot This volume presents entirely new archetype options,
to subjugate the rain-lashed Sodden Lands. They spells, magic items, monsters, and more. Don’t
must liberate a town, stop an evil cult, and show their miss out on a single Adventure Path volume—visit
students how heroes stand as wardens of the world. and subscribe today!


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21661654, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661654
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Ancestry Guide

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Pathfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.;
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21661655, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661655
857421, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

Second Edition


21661656 857421

The Mwangi Expanse is a land of illustrious history and

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LOST OMENS sourcebook reveals a vast and ancient landscape alive
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The Mwangi Expanse © 2021, Paizo Inc. Paizo, the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, and the Pathfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.;
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21661656, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661656
857422, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022

1500 FEET




G5 G7

21661657 857422



G4 G6




21661657, Adam Shimp <>, Aug 18, 2022 21661657
Adventure 170 Second Edition

Trouble in the Academy

he students have proved their mettle to their instructors at the Magaambya, who now
trust them to handle academy business in the surrounding metropolis of Nantambu, the
Song-Wind City. Nantambu now faces more than its usual dangers, including a vengeful
alchemist, stealthy infiltrators, and a crime boss bent on expanding her influence. Can the
students discover the secrets of a mysterious artifact, protect their fellow classmates, and still
graduate? The Strength of Thousands Adventure Path continues with “Spoken on the Song


Wind,” a complete adventure for 4th- to 7th-level characters.

Spoken on
the Song
Part 2 of 6

Printed in China.
By Quinn Murphy

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