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My Reflective Essay

1.0 Introduction
As a student of software engineering, I have faced many problems in the learning process and
tackled it carefully since I was a medical student in Higher Secondary School. I have compared
my learning style and personality in the past when I was a medical student with present where I
am an IT student and found a vast difference. I had a collection of experiences and interesting
things about how I developed my learning style.
In this essay, I have clarified my ELLI profiles, my MBTI profiles, Belbin role, motivation, aptitude,
action plan and so on, in order to expose myself in detail as a learner. I was actually a shy person
and didn't speak in front of my teachers even if I know the answer to their questions. But after
reading in PCPS, I have found myself different. I have developed my communication skills while
giving an oral presentation, performing songs in huge mass and giving speech.

2.0 My Learning Style

I find learning easy when I am provided with pictures, diagrams, cartoons, videos and I get
distracted easily without these things. Since, childhood I have been using charts, flash cards,
maps, videos and so on to learn something and memorize it permanently.
Regarding Honey and Mumford learning style, I am a reflector and more or less a theorist. I prefer
to observe and think about the things before doing it. I stand back and watch experiences from
many perspectives, collect data and take much time to draw an appropriate conclusion. My
philosophy is to be cautious. I like to take back seat in meetings and enjoy looking other's actions.
I like to listen to other people and their suggestions. Well, people can't have only one learning
style so, I am partially a theorist and I like perfection in works. My approach to solving any
problem is logical. I like theory behind actions and I have great power to analyze and synthesize

2.1 My ELLI Profile

Regarding my ELLI profiles, I am actually a man with critical curiosity, creativity, resilient along
with meaning making learning power. I prefer asking reasonable questions and want things in
detail. I always hated learning the surface only. I love getting at the truth as well as I challenge
others to explain their opinions. I found myself as an imaginer and pay full attention to pictures.
I don’t want logics in my imagination and I let my mind fly freely. Furthermore, I love discovering
new things, new patterns. In short, I love randomness in my learning power. While learning
python, I liked using semicolons, full stop, random numbers, changing structure of codes so that
I could explore something new. I believe learning totally from mistakes.
I don’t give up easily when the problem is too hard. I enjoy problems and avoid frustration, fear,
confusion, etc. When I get stuck in something, I don’t hope for help from anyone and solve
problems alone using new ideas. Talking about meaning making, I love to see that how things fit
together, I make links between what I am learning right now and what I already know. I try using
my own old experiences while learning something new.
I am still bad at strategic awareness, learning relationships, changing and learning. I ignore plan
making, ignore looking at old assignments. I feel difficult working in groups and sharing ideas and
can't determine the time and resources required to do something. I need to involve in group
activities and use time-out in the middle of work. I have started making plans, to-do lists and
creating mind maps.

2.2 My MBTI Type

On the basis of my MBTI Test (Jung Test), I am included in INFJ (Introvert-intuitive-Feeler-Judger)
personality type. It really reflects me and I am satisfied with this result. I am reserved type and
spend most of my time alone playing guitar and harmonium. I gave the oral presentation and it
was well but before giving the presentation I was too nervous about the fact that I had to speak
in front of all. I love being alone and in future if everything goes right as I hope, I will be an
independent musician rather than performing in a band.
I learn focusing my future and see the whole world through my intuition. One of the examples
which defines my intuitive nature is 2 years ago, I fell in love with a girl at very first sight and still
couldn’t tell her due to my shyness. Along with this, I am a feeler and listen to my heart rather
than my brain, feelings are always at my first priority. I find it difficult to say no and hurt anyone.
My definition of life is love and happiness instead of name and fame.
As a judger, I love having a decisive, planned and organized lifestyle and prefer working on
specific thing only rather than many things at a time. I found that I have a strong need and desire
to understand the complexity of human relationships. I enjoy talking in small groups. My friends
find me as self-confident and loveable but I must develop my habit to work in group and the
group projects here at college have helped me to achieve it. I hope to kill my shyness more in
future and open myself.
2.3 My Belbin Role
According to my personality test, my Belbin roles are shaper (leading) and complete-finisher
(doing). I got highest points in shaper than complete finisher but I think that I actually fit in
complete finisher as I am an introvert and I don’t think that I can lead the group. I like to be action
oriented rather than people oriented. I am confident that I can follow a leader in a better way
and finish tasks on time with great perfection. I like searching out the errors in works and make
it perfect.
The good side about this is I can be a great support to the team but I felt that I can easily be
inclined to worry, anxiety, and reluctant to delegate. It reminded me that I must avoid these kinds
of worries while doing my task and just be focused on what I am doing. After giving presentation,
speech, doing group projects here at college I hope to develop my leading character as well. Now,
I am confident that I can lead my team members and for this I have been participating in many
seminars in Kathmandu.

2.4 My MAP (Motivation, Aptitudes, Personality)

My motivation for studying in this college is totally extrinsic. Talking seriously, I don’t want to
read this course because my aim is to be a musician in future but due to the family pressure,
unstable economic condition, the fear of society and in order to earn money, I chose this course.
For the smile of my parents, I have been learning python, java and so on which have nothing to
do with my music. Though, it's not good but I am happy for the reason that my family is happy
and also I am learning a new thing. I am converting this extrinsic motivation to intrinsic by giving
optimum interest in learning this course. I am trying to take both study and music with the same
I believe in mastery goals and want perfection in programming and presenting rather than hoping
highest grades and competing with others. My thinking style is positive towards anything. I don’t
judge anyone by his/her one behavior only. Effort is the key to success in my life. I learn
something by creating at first. I create the design in my mind and then critically examine and
judge the thing. Then, I analyze i.e. compare and contrast and apply facts and ideas. After that, I
try to paraphrase and interpret to get the exact meaning. Finally, I remember it by recalling the
triggering factors. This is my way of learning. When solving any problem I like to relate some
previous experiences of my life which makes me easy to solve the problem.
Coming to my personality, I am a man with true spirit and never hurt others. I love honest people
and my first priority is personal hygiene. I think sanitation and cleanliness are important factors
in personality. It provides me with self-confidence. Along with this, I am a serious person with no
show off in life. Humbleness is the first priority in my life.
3.0 My Action Plan

Item Goal Action Target Date

1 Develop my programming skills in Do online courses for python April 2020
2 Improve my report writing skills Write report on different March 2020
subjects daily

3 Improve my presentation skills Attend conference of March 2020

"Saunak Bhatta"
4 Develop my guitar skills and learn Take guitar and tabla classes January 2021
tabla regularly from ICC (Indian
Cultural Centre)

As I was from medical field so, I didn’t know anything about programming. Now I am being used
to with it. My first goal is to develop my python programming skills. For this, I will take online
courses and complete daily task there, I will consult with my tutors and read books on python.
After completion of the semester, I will do free internship in small companies where I can develop
my coding skills. My second plan is to improve report writing skills. My tutor has suggested me
to write report on different subjects daily. In addition, I will also read newspapers and articles
every morning.
My third plan is to improve presentation skills. It's already improved here at college but I want
perfection so, I will attend the conference of Saunak Bhatta, great motivational speaker and
leader of youths in Nepal. Furthermore, I will also try to participate in each events of my college
to build up my self-confidence. I will learn to make best power point slides from internet and try
to have eye contact with my audience. My last but a major plan is to develop my guitar skills and
to learn tabla. I love playing guitar and I want to be a professional player. Also, I want to learn
tabla which will develop my knowledge of classical music. For this, I will take guitar classes near
my house and I will learn tabla in ICC (Indian Cultural Centre). I will give 1 hour for guitar and

4.0 My Oral Presentation

Before giving the oral presentation I was too nervous but I built courage later. I prepared slides
for De-Bono's Six Thinking Hats and gave presentation with great confidence. It was due to my
day to day practice. I got positive feedback from my friends and tutors. I had a strong start at first
and I had eye contact with my audience. I included some jokes and didn’t go out of my topic. It
was too fun. I hope to develop presentation skills furthermore.
5.0 Conclusion
Hence, I have been developing my learning style daily. I was a serious medical student but
cracking jokes in presentation and working in group projects have helped me to remove shyness.
I found that a person can't be the same throughout the life. He/she can change the perspective
of looking at people and the world. Similar is the case with me. Before joining PCPS, I was a bit
shy and serious person who prefer to be alone. But look at me now, I am learning things
differently and enjoying to share my feelings with others. I never thought that this would happen
to me. I have learnt that we all have different learning styles but still it's not permanent. Some
pragmatist may be theorist in some situation and sometimes reflector as well. It depends on a
person and the situation as well. I am reflector and theorist and I hope to develop other learning
styles as well.

Though, my dream is to be a humble musician since childhood, I am sure that with the true spirit
and dedication I will succeed in both music and study.

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