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Final Exam

A. Learning Materials:
Watch the video below and learn how to structure and give a presentation.

B. Task: Present one of the following topics in the class!

1. Describe about your favorite gadget and you should say:
a. What it is
b. When you get it
c. How often you use it
d. Why it is important to you

2. Describe about your favorite AI and you should say:

a. What it is
b. How often you use it
c. Why it is important to you

C. Oral Presentation Scoring Rubric

Scoring 5=Lacking; 10=Mediocre; 15=OK; 20=Good; 25=Excellent
Presentation  Speaks fluently with only rare repetition, hesitation
and self-correction
 Maintains good eye contact with the audience and
appropriate gestures
 Visual aids are well-prepared
Organization  is able to express the ideas clearly (in a logical
and Content sequence)
 appropriate amount of material is well-prepared
 obvious conclusion summarizing the presentation is
clearly made
Grammar and  Uses grammar and vocabulary with full flexibility
Vocabulary and precision
Pronunciation  is easy to understand throughout
Total Score 100

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